959 resultados para Profitable businesses


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A lo largo de la historia los mercados poco a poco se fueron abasteciendo de productos que buscaban brindar beneficios extras a sus compradores, tales que pudieran verse reflejados ya sea en facilitar las tareas habituales de los seres humanos, o simplemente brindar satisfacción por su consumo o percepción; A partir del nuevo milenio y dadas las cualidades dinámicas del mercado, las tendencias de compra del mercado de los bienes para el consumo humano han venido teniendo una desviación un poco más naturista; esta consiste en la búsqueda de alimentos producidos bajo altos estándares de calidad, pero diferentes a los productos convencionales. Actualmente se han venido desarrollando nuevas prácticas agrícolas, para evitar contaminar la tierra y lograr obtener alimentos más sanos, todos estos se llaman productos orgánicos, y su principal cualidad es que son más saludables y de valor agregado, ya que no se cultivan con ningún tipo de producto de síntesis química, lo que permite una mayor fertilidad de los suelos e incremento de la biodiversidad. Por estas razones y agregando la globalización de los mercados mundiales, es que queremos desarrollar un plan de exportación de Café Orgánico mediante la comercializadora POINT LTDA, aprovechando además brindarle a la empresa las herramientas necesarias para una futura internacionalización, teniendo en cuenta las grandes oportunidades que hay en estos momentos de expandir y tener negocios rentables en todo el mundo.


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Actualmente las redes sociales son muy utilizadas en todo el mundo, existen diferentes tipos de redes sociales con las que podemos conectar con amigos, ampliar nuestra red de contactos profesionales, aprender cosas nuevas, etc. Su elevado uso las ha convertido en uno de los negocios más rentables en internet generando fortunas para sus creadores, principalmente, a través de la publicidad. Muchas redes sociales son creadas por empresas que cuentan con un equipo experto, pero otras muchas han sido creadas por personas comunes, con bajos conocimientos informáticos, muchos motivados en sus aficiones o carreras profesionales, que al no encontrar nada en la red que les resulte útil, han decidido desarrollar ellos mismos sus propias redes sociales con la ayuda de herramientas informáticas. Una de esas herramientas son los sistemas de gestión de contenidos (CMS), con los cuales ahorraremos mucho tiempo de desarrollo y no necesitaremos invertir grandes cantidades de dinero. Este proyecto trata, principalmente, de cómo crear redes sociales haciendo uso de estas herramientas y tiene el objetivo de ser lo suficientemente claro para que cualquier persona, sin importar su nivel de conocimientos técnicos, sea capaz de desarrollar sus ideas. En la primera parte del proyecto se habla sobre las redes sociales en general y el impacto de éstas en la sociedad actual, donde se ve que, actualmente, debido a la cantidad de redes sociales y a la accesibilidad móvil, el uso de las redes sociales es una cotidianidad. También se explican algunos métodos para obtener beneficios económicos de una red social y las ventajas que presentan las redes sociales específicas frente a las generalistas, concluyendo que las redes sociales específicas van ganando mayor protagonismo con el paso del tiempo. Además, se habla sobre la crítica de las redes sociales desde el punto de vista del usuario de la red, donde se resalta el tema de la administración de la publicidad y la privatización que han supuesto las redes sociales. Posteriormente se presenta una base teórica sobre las herramientas antes mencionadas, los CMS. Se explica su funcionamiento, clasificación y las ventajas que obtenemos con el uso de este software en nuestros proyectos, de los cuales destacan el corto tiempo de desarrollo y el bajo coste. Al final se eligen los CMS de estudio en este proyecto principalmente en base a tres criterios: licencia, cuota de uso y características de red social. En la segunda parte del proyecto se habla acerca de los CMS elegidos: WordPress con su plugin BuddyPress, Elgg, y Joomla con su plugin JomSocial. Se explican las características de cada uno de ellos y se muestran ejemplos de redes sociales reales hechas con estos CMS. En esta parte del proyecto se hace un uso práctico de estos CMS y se detalla paso a paso todo el proceso de creación de una red social (instalación, configuración y personalización de la red social) para cada CMS. El resultado son tres redes sociales hechas con distintos CMS, de los cuales se hace una valoración en base a la experiencia obtenida con el uso de los mismos, concluyéndose que JomSocial es una buena opción para redes sociales de uso generalista, pero para redes específicas son mejores tanto Elgg como BuddyPress, presentando este último una ligera ventaja por tener una gran comunidad en español. ABSTRACT. Nowadays social networks are widely used throughout the world, there are different types of social networks where you can connect with friends, expand your network of professional contacts, learn new things, etc. Its high usage has turned them into one of the most profitable businesses on Internet generating fortunes to its developers, mainly through advertising. Many social networks are developed by companies that count on an expert team, but many others have been created by ordinary people, with low computer skills, many of them motivated in their hobbies or careers, that did not find anything useful on Internet and decide to develop their own social networks with the help of software tools. One of those tools is a content management system (CMS), which will help us to save a lot of development time and we will not need to invest large amounts of money. This project is, mainly, about how to create social networks using these tools and aims to be clear enough to help anyone, regardless of their computer skills, to develop their ideas. The first part of the project is about social networks in general and the impact on today's society, where we can see that, due to the number of social networks and mobile accessibility, the use of social networks is daily. Also it explains some ways to obtain economic benefits from a social network and the advantages of specific social networks against generalist social networks, concluding that specific social networks are gaining more prominence with the passage of time. In addition, it refers on social networks critique from the point of view of social network users, where it highlights the issue of the advertising administration and privatization which have brought social networks. Subsequently, it presents a theoretical base of the above mentioned tools, CMS. Explains their operation, classification and the advantages we get with the use of this software in our projects, where the short development time and lower cost are highlighted. At the end the CMS studied in this project are chosen mainly based on three criteria: license, community size and social network features. The second part of the project is about the chosen CMS: WordPress with its plugin BuddyPress, Elgg, and Joomla with its plugin JomSocial. It explains features of all of them and shows examples of real social networks developed with these CMS. This part of the project is a practical use of these CMS and detailed step by step throughout the process of creating a social network (installation, configuration and customization of the social network) for each CMS. The result are three social networks made with different CMS, from which is made an assessment on the basis of the experience gained with the use of these software, concluding that JomSocial is a good choice to develop generalist social networks, but for specific social networks are better Elgg and BuddyPress, presenting the latter a slight advantage by having a large community in Spanish.


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Nos últimos anos, tem sido evidente o crescimento exponencial das novas tecnologias e da utilização frequente de plataformas digitais. A tendência de mercado é a continuação deste aumento, contribuindo para que cada vez mais, surjam prestações de serviços e vendas de produtos no âmbito digital. As agências ocupam um lugar de destaque neste tipo de oferta, no entanto, as mais pequenas tem por vezes dificuldade em subsistir, devido à maioria do seu target serem pequenas e médias empresas. Tendo em conta esta realidade, foi criado o projeto Andamos, que consiste na criação de uma agência de marketing digital, adequada à realidade portuguesa, sendo o seu target micro, pequenas e médias empresas, mas que consiga criar uma estrutura de custos muito reduzidos, potenciando um negócio viável e lucrativo. Nesse sentido, foi desenvolvido uma descrição de projeto, que pretende detalhar o mercado através de benchmark, desenvolver o planeamento estratégico, o plano de marketing e comunicação e o modelo de negócio. Com o intuito de sustentar a validade do projeto, foi efetuado numa primeira fase um estudo, utilizando um questionário segundo o método Delphi, que demonstrou com base nas respostas apuradas, que existe necessidade no mercado, justificando a existência da Andamos. Numa segunda fase foi estudada a viabilidade do projeto, através de um planeamento financeiro, utilizando o modelo FINICIA, do IAPMEI. Por conseguinte, foi possível analisar os indicadores mais importantes, como a TIR, VAL, cash flow e payback period, entre outros, que suportaram a exequibilidade do negócio e a sua capacidade de gerar lucro.


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Using panel data from the four waves of the Indonesia Family Life Survey in 1993, 1997, 2000 and 2007 we investigate the prerequisite for and contribution of micro-family-businesses to economic development. We find that family-owned firms are on average fairly profitable compared with the industrial sector profit standard. Failure rates between 1997 and 2000 are very low (about 10%), while the industrial sector experimented a massive shakeout of about 33% in the wake of the 1997 crisis (Ter Wengel & Rodriguez, 2006), with an increase in the number of family-businesses between the two years of observation. This paper contributes to the economics of entrepreneurship studies by continuing the discussion of entrepreneurship in hostile business environments (Baumol, 1990; Sobel, 2008).


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Tanto las industrias legales como ilegales tienen líderez y gerentes. Estas personas al mando deben hacer decisiones estrategicas con el fin de asegurar la rentabilidad de sus negocios. La manera en que ellos toman estas decisiones y las consecuencias de estas mismas son las preguntas que este documento pretende resolver. Haciendo una aplicación general del modelo de Michael Porter, este documento analiza y describe brevemente la configuración de ambos mercados (legal e illegal): es decir las maneras de hacer negocios, las tácticas utilizadas para negociar con los proveedores y compradores, las estrategias para resaltar los beneficios de sus productos frente a los sustitutos, y en general las acciones realizadas para competir, obtener un posicionamiento y porción en el mercado total. El objetivo de este documento no es exaltar las estrategias de los líderes en las industrias ilegales, sino resaltar aquello que los directivos en las industrias legales podrían hacer mejor para mejorar el nombre de los productos colombianos en el exterior.


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The main objective of this Thesis is to analyze Customer Intimacy Strategy in B2B technology businesses in Colombia and the variables that have a direct relationship with it like perception, trust and networking. And how a Customer Intimacy Strategy can affect a company to achieve positive or negative results in an operation, in terms of business opportunities, relations and profitable and sustainable sales if properly managed or mismanaged. With a population of almost 50 million people, GDP average growth of 4.22%(considering 2013 up to 2017), a strategic geographic location in Latin America close to the middle of the region with direct access to the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, on the verge to reach a peace agreement ending its long time social and security conflict with the local guerrillas, Colombia is a country with a stable economic present and promising future. But despite the appealing business landscape and opportunities both in number and size, it is a developing economy where firms who are willing to run a startup or who currently have B2B technology operations in this country will find out that uncertainty and mistrust are two of the most critical variables that need to be overcome in order to achieve success. Their relevance will vary from one region to another, but will still be considered of most importance throughout the country. This matter is highly important to B2B technology businesses in Colombia because few firms are aware of the importance of customer intimacy strategy, believing that it is just a matter of social relationships and not considering the diverse number of variables such us perception, trust and networking that compose it. Customer intimacy strategy at the end becomes the main and most relevant source of sales in a B2B technology environment in Colombia.


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Beef businesses in northern Australia are facing increased pressure to be productive and profitable with challenges such as climate variability and poor financial performance over the past decade. Declining terms of trade, limited recent gains in on-farm productivity, low profit margins under current management systems and current climatic conditions will leave little capacity for businesses to absorb climate change-induced losses. In order to generate a whole-of-business focus towards management change, the Climate Clever Beef project in the Maranoa-Balonne region of Queensland trialled the use of business analysis with beef producers to improve financial literacy, provide a greater understanding of current business performance and initiate changes to current management practices. Demonstration properties were engaged and a systematic approach was used to assess current business performance, evaluate impacts of management changes on the business and to trial practices and promote successful outcomes to the wider industry. Focus was concentrated on improving financial literacy skills, understanding the business’ key performance indicators and modifying practices to improve both business productivity and profitability. To best achieve the desired outcomes, several extension models were employed: the ‘group facilitation/empowerment model’, the ‘individual consultant/mentor model’ and the ‘technology development model’. Providing producers with a whole-of-business approach and using business analysis in conjunction with on-farm trials and various extension methods proved to be a successful way to encourage producers in the region to adopt new practices into their business, in the areas of greatest impact. The areas targeted for development within businesses generally led to improvements in animal performance and grazing land management further improving the prospects for climate resilience.


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There is a need to take a fresh look at the traditional application of the marketing concept to political marketing. As many businesses have learned, Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) practices and principles will help them to build customer relationships and profitable brands. Political marketing must also change with the times and implement IMC practices toward building and nourishing brand relationships with voters and other important stakeholders. The nature of the contribution of this paper is the identification of a gap in the political marketing literature - the stagnation of political marketing at the 4P's marketing concept, and to play a role in the future development of political marketing. In recent developments, it is seen that there is a gradual movement away from this traditional marketing theory. There are a growing number of academics who have approached very closely to the IMC concept or aspects of it, but have not however embraced or have been reluctant to, the prospect of applying it to political marketing. IMC is a practical, logical and ultimately inevitable future for political marketing.


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Reports on an ESRC-funded, in-depth qualitative research project into 50 micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in the cultural industries. Our evidence sheds light on the extent to which the teaching and learning strategies adopted by higher education, further education and other VET providers are effective in providing entrepreneurship education and training for this innovative, high skill sector. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurs in this sector learn best by being able to experiment with ideas, by “doing” and networking with others and by working with more experienced mentors in their sector. The article concludes by suggesting a more “naturalistic” approach to teaching and learning entrepreneurship for micro and small businesses in the cultural industries sector.


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Engaged students are committed and more likely to continue their university studies. Subsequently, they are less resource intensive from a university’s perspective. This article details an experiential second-year marketing course that requires students to develop real products and services to sell on two organized market days. In the course, students participate as both consumers and marketers in a simulated world. The current article explores the effectiveness of this experiential assessment in terms of its ability to engage students. Comparing student engagement to a traditional lecture course and National Survey of Student Engagement benchmarks, the results suggest that the use of a simulated marketplace is capable of engaging students. Specifically, the assessment reported encourages more active learning and collaboration, is more academically challenging, and permits more student–faculty interaction than a traditional lecture-based course. The course structure outlined in this article permits the dynamics of a live marketing environment to be introduced into the classroom. The authors provide practical advice for educators seeking to design and implement engaging pedagogy.


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This report examines the conditions surrounding the emergence and growth of innovative new firms in the building and construction product system. The focus on innovative new firms was prompted by diverse literatures which highlight the pivotal roles of innovation and new business activity in driving economic growth. 9 The literature concludes that the founders of new firms are likely to be innovative and that new firms are likely to promote industry innovation and efficiency. New businesses have also been found to have positive employment impacts and to grow faster than established firms.