933 resultados para Profissional de relações publicas


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This paper aims to present the importance of public relations professional in the sustainability context at the organizations. For this, we discussed the sustainability issue, and the concepts that comprise the function of the professional of public relations and the importance of communication to make the sustainable practices a management tool of the company's image and improve the relationship with stakeholders. Were presented and discussed four cases of companies to discuss the pathway of sustainability practices in Brazil


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The enterprises are in the midst of a competitive and open market, in which, rapidly, new enterprises are created, international competitors are installed on the local market and products and services are invented or improved to ensure quality, sophistication and low cost. In this scenario, the familial enterprises seek survival through new information and strategies to solve existing conflicts and overcome the challenges of the globalized market. However, resistance to change is a factor common to more traditional familial enterprise culture, therefore, modify solid structures, built over many years, reflects insecurity, fragility and threats facing the different. This project aims to analyze the brazilian familial enterprise, in particular the enterprise Móveis Zacarias, as its historical trajectory, representativeness, economic importance, concept, structure, culture and problems that are peculiar, for example, problems with succession, management, professionalism and communication. In addition to demonstrating the importance of Public Relations professional in mediating conflicts in family businesses. In addition to demonstrating the importance of PR, that when using any of the communication tools, can mediate and facilitate the relationship between members of the family business, and maintain both systems, leading to cooperation between business and family through preventive actions


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The current rise of the Internet has allowed distances being shortened more and more-creating virtual communities with the most different people, discussing and debating opinions about their environments, what they consume or what they do. Social media has put the people and, consequently, organizations gradually changing their positions about the environment in which they are inserted. Organizations are forced to adapt to new media-always attentive to what people are saying about them. The objective of this project is to give the Public Relations the activity to analyze what is going on in these social networks, always ahead of the organization, posing as a mediator of public opinion between social networks and the organization


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This research has the finality to search for the Public Relations professional valorization considering new ways of business acting. So it addresses how would be the performance of this professional in a management with Corporate Governance. This way different kinds of references were researched specially business aspects, definitions and history of the public relations, corporate governance, communication and complexity in the organizations. By the end we analyzed the communication in complex organizations and how the public relations professional could be useful in the process


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Gestão Estratégica das Relações Públicas.


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This work has as objective understand the role of chief public relations professional in the design of strategies for an organization considering the theories of semiotics, particularly the concepts of Firstness, secondness and Thirdness defended and presented by Charles Sanders Peirce, and business administration. We will give attention to the process that the public relations of an organization sets the detection of a problem / opportunity until the moment that takes science for all individuals and is resolved / utilized in an organization. Then to better illustrate the concepts presented, it has been a case study of the performance of a public relations professional in an organization, and its importance in her career


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Technological development in the IT and telecommunications sectors have transformed the way organizations communicate with their audiences. Social Media allow the exchange of information instantaneously, in a communication from many to many. With few studies in the area, many companies venture into the social media without a strategy and a generally end up denigrating their image itself. Thus, this study was conceived from the idea of contributing, analytically, based on the main concepts of Public Relations so the organizations effectively take advantage of their online presence to generate relationships, more specifically, on Twitter.Twitter is a social media with a mature public, requiring dynamics of information and quick answers, based on dialogue, referring to the idea of text messages (SMS). To better expose the results of this research, three organizations with expertise in twitter were chosen: Bradesco , Positivo Informática and Ponto Frio. The choice of case studies was based on the different segments that each one operates and that they are large companies with reputable commercial operations in the Brazilian scenario. To analyze their profiles, several authors were studied, like Fábio França, Maria Aparecida Ferrari, Margarida Kunsch e Marlene Machiori.The intent of the analysis of the Twitter profiles of these organizations is to understand whether they are using strategies for creating and maintaining relationships with your followers and how this occurs from specific categories, as other companies have committed serious errors and impairing their business because of mismanagement in social media. Therefore, the profiles were analyzed from the netnográfica methodology. As a result, it was observed that organizations have not yet developed the character of relationships in social media , treating this channel as another advertising channel It was observed that Positivo Informática has no specific strategy for Twitter...


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The objective of this study is to demonstrate how Public Relations can deal with the issue of culture clash between companies undergoing mergers and acquisitions. Within this environment of organizational change, there is the question of human and social as well as the importance of the relationship with all the publics. The Public Relations professional should be part of the organization systems to inform and promote a culture present, and participated in the climates changes and its consequences within these environments


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Based on the theoretical concepts about events, public relations and leadership, this work was developed with the aim of presenting in practical way the role of Public Relations professional in organizing events, checking his role as articulator of public interest in the cultivation of relationships. With definitions and characterization this study proposes legitimize the powers of the Public Relations event management. Beside this, the study aims to emphasize the exercise of leadership in management teams as one of the main points in the development of an event. So, the case of study develops a field research on the work of the infrastructure committee of the Southeast Intercom 2013


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The profession of public relations presents itself in Brazil currently as a profession in expansion. However, by it’s time of performance, it should already be instated and legitimatized by society like other areas that even though appeared later, are already known and understood. Therefore, this project intends to seek for answers about the current situation, analyzing since it’s appearance in Brazil until now a days. With this analysis of the whole historic trajectory it is possible to understand the many movements that occur today in the area of public relations that are constantly searching for a legitimating and valued profession. However in this context surfaces a paradox: How to value something that is not known? So this project starts up again a campaign of divulgation of public relations promoted by the ABRP (Brazilian Association of Public Relations), now on the internet using the social networks, seeking to have a wider audience, interaction and reach. By this campaign it is possible to show to different publics the existence and relevance of the profession in the Brazilian context in objective and practice way making it more comprehensible in Brazil


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It is intended, by using the theoretical frameworks of Cultural Anthropology and Social Sciences, determine how to process social relations as a result of identity processes in the university environment. The study shows relevance in the field of Anthropology and Public Relations as it undertakes to identify issues that may guide the actions and perceptions of society and the professionals themselves regarding the activity, in addition to showing a socio-historical overview of the profession. Thus, it can contribute both in the scientific realm , revealing the identity of Public Relations through anthropological knowledge, as in the social sphere, providing the public relations have a broader horizon in relation to their activity and their recognition in the social context , allowing develop identity strategies and contributing to the profession will become even more important for individuals and organizations that make up society


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De quanto vale um pequeno gesto, um sorriso, um olhar? São estes detalhes que nascem da linguagem corporal é que estarão presentes neste trabalho. Este projeto foi construído a partir do desejo de se provar que a mensagem presente sob as palavras tem um grande e belo papel para o diálogo e as relações humanas. É com esse propósito que, inicialmente, buscaremos o homem na raiz de sua linguagem, numa trajetória cultural e evolutiva das expressões e da utilização do corpo humano nos rituais de interação. Aos poucos, este mesmo homem se descobre um ser simbólico, com sua capacidade de interpretar símbolos e sinais por meio de um mundo de representações, que fez com que o ser humano procurasse sair da solidão em busca da formação de comunidades. Neste momento, o corpo marca importante papel comunicativo, já que exerce sua função unificadora nas variadas dimensões interpessoais. A partir dessa particularidade, buscaremos o homem imerso na coletividade das organizações, comunicando seus estados emocionais e fazendo uso do não-verbal para reeducar o seu comportamento como trabalhador, mas principalmente, como homem. Este trabalho propõe, assim, analisar a importância de dimensões esquecidas da comunicação que permeiam a percepção dos sentidos, dos afetos, das emoções e da cordialidade entre os sujeitos. Neste sentido, o profissional de Relações Públicas quer fomentar em si – e no outro – o desejo de resgatar valores adquiridos ao longo da história humana, para se fazer presente como sujeito e compreender o outro, de corpo, alma e em todas as suas dimensões


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The present work refers to graduation media with specialization in Public Relations and intends to observe the potential for social transformation present in the work of the Community public relations and critical development of the profession in a community, from the perspective of economics concepts creative. Specifically highlights this practice in the community and region of Bauru from observation and evaluation of the work done by the author for two and a half years in project Taquara extension, along with Project Bamboo, which has bamboo as a focus of study and its extension actions. Encompasses the perceptions of the author on existing work in the third sector challenges and observes the realization of a participatory planning process and creating a communication plan as a contribution to the growth of the project


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The society of the information brings with it a lot of changes day by day of the organizations, mainly for characterizing as a flexible society, in net and ruled in technological progress. The contemporary organizations are inserted in that reality and they need be maintained in markets more and more competitive. The Private Institutions of Higher education enter in this logic for they be organizations with lucrative ends that suffer strong influence of the external and internal atmosphere. To stand out, such Institutions need to count with a strategic administration, ruled in an own strategic planning for the branch in that acts. The professional of public relationships is shown capable to develop their main functions in such complex market. For so much it needs to participate in the global planning of the Private Institutions of Higher education, at the same time in that it develops it planning of the communication, intrinsic to the global strategic planning. This way, the present study treats of the professional's of Public Relationships possible contributions, ruled in theoretical data, inside of Private Institutions of Higher education in the Brazilian current scenery


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This work has as main objective to discuss the participation of professional public relations in the environment of communications agencies, based on experience of creating an experimental agency to participate in the challenge Overtime, sponsored by RPjr (junior company relations public), UNESP Bauru. In this sense there is the search for understanding of how globalization is changing the characteristics of the capitalist market today, also changing the manner of organizations and what is expected of their employees. There is an analysis and contextualization of the emergence of communication agencies in Brazil and what are their types, their structures and mode of action. The figure of the public relations professional in this context appears to help the agencies, through their knowledge and tools to plan better and return to their edges that looks just forgotten several times, allowing them to promote strategic actions each time better and more objective, thereby improving their results