988 resultados para Professor Fluminense


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A presente tese busca analisar as políticas educacionais desenvolvidas durante o período de 1937 à 1945 e 1951 a 1954, período em o antigo estado do Rio de Janeiro esteve governado pelo Comandante Ernani do Amaral Peixoto, que foi interventor federal durante todo o período do Estado Novo e depois retornou ao governo do estado como governador eleito. Este longo período a frente do estado do Rio de Janeiro proporcionou o desenvolvimento de uma política educacional continuada.Para compreender a dimensão das suas ações em relação à política educacional torna-se imprescindível analisar a figura do Comandante Amaral Peixoto, a sua participação na política fluminense, a biografia e as redes de sociabilidade construídas por ele. Este estudo importa em refletir sobre suas escolhas e investimentos na área da educação, além de buscar entender que influências sofreu para implantar as medidas que politicamente fez valer no estado, principalmente no âmbito da educação. Investigo a política educacional desenvolvida no período citado frisando especialmente a política desenvolvida para a escola do trabalho, as escolas superiores, a educação especial, a educação de adultos, a educação rural (escolas típicas rurais e praianas) e a educação física, abordando ainda o desenvolvimento da cultura nas ações relacionadas às missões culturais fluminenses, ao cinema educativo e museus que estavam ligados a educação nesta época, evidencio também a questão pedagógica através da analise da verificação de rendimentos e dos programas escolares desenvolvidos pelo departamento de educação. O papel do professor fluminense no desenvolvimento das políticas educacionais foi discutido a partir da formação de professores e do papel do estado do Rio como referência modernizadora na educação, traçando o perfil do professor fluminense nas décadas de 1930, 1940 e 1950, examinando a formação inicial destes professores, a formação continuada que era oferecida a eles e as correntes pedagógicas que influenciaram este professor na sua formação


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No Brasil, a Lei nº.8630 de 1993, conhecida como Lei de Modernização dos Portos, se constituiu como um importante marco institucional no setor o qual resultou, nos anos que se seguiram, dentre outros, na ampliação do número de terminais portuários destinados a atender as demandas do comércio internacional de mercadorias. Novos arranjos institucionais criaram condições para a adequação dos portos brasileiros ao seu novo papel como nó central de uma rede logística que articula as escalas internacional, nacional, regional e local. Contudo, como destaca Dieter Goebel (2002), o foco principal da atividade portuária no Brasil ainda permanece na recepção e no despacho de cargas. Nos principais portos do mundo, os portos, particularmente os de terceira geração, passaram a se constituir como nós da complexa rede de distribuição/produção internacional, centros de serviços de valor agregado e de logística de abrangência internacional, podendo ser transformados em vetores para a redinamização de economias locais. A região norte do estado Rio de Janeiro, conhecida como norte fluminense, a reboque das transformações portuárias no país, recebeu, nos últimos anos, enormes investimentos destinados a instalação de terminais portuários. Destacam-se o Complexo Logístico e Industrial do Açu e o Complexo Logístico e Naval Farol-Barra do Furado. Chama a atenção o fato desta região ser marcada historicamente pelo desenvolvimento de atividades tradicionais de baixa produtividade, como o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar e a pecuária, tendo recebido nos últimos anos recursos provenientes da exploração do petróleo na Bacia de Campos. Neste artigo apresentamos uma análise das transformações ocorridas na estrutura portuária na região, avaliando os motivos para a atração exercida sobre investimentos deste tipo, dadas as características históricas da região.  


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Bob Baxt, the third Chairman of the Trade Practices Commission, served for a single three year term from 1988 to 1991. He followed Bob McComas, who had deliberately adopted a non-litigious approach to preserving the competitive process, believing that he understood business as an insider and that much of what it did was not anti-competitive, when correctly viewed. Baxt was far more pro-active in his approach, and more closely aligned with that of the first Chairman, Ron Bannerman. Baxt sought to push the frontiers of investigation and precedent, and perhaps, more significantly, sought to influence his Ministers, the government, public servants and public opinion about the need to expand the coverage of the Trade Practices Act, increase penalties and properly resource the Commission so that it could perform its assigned roles. This article examines Baxt’s early and on-going role in teaching Australian students and professionals through his interdisciplinary Trade Practices Workshops, the political context of Baxt’s tenure, including his relations with the Attorney-General ,Michael Duffy, and his skilful handling of the Queensland Wire case.


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Perhaps more than any other sub-discipline in optometry and vision science, the academic field of cornea and contact lenses is populated by an assortment of extroverted and flamboyant characters who constantly travel the world, entertaining clinicians with dazzling audiovisual presentations, informing them about the latest advances in the field and generally promoting their own scientific agendas. The antithesis of this is Leo Carney (Figure 1), a highly accomplished researcher, teacher, mentor and administrator, who has quietly and with great dignity carved out an impressive career in academic optometry. Indeed, Leo Carney is optometry's quintessential ‘quiet achiever’


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David Held is the Graham Wallace Chair in Political Science, and co-director of LSE Global Governance, at the London School of Economics. He is the author of many works, such as Cosmopolitanism: Ideals and Realities (2010); The Cosmopolitanism Reader (2010), with Garrett Brown; Globalisation/AntiGlobalisation (2007), Models of Democracy (2006), Global Covenant (2004) and Global Transformations: Politics, Economics and Culture (1999). Professor Held is also the co-founder, alongside Lord Professor Anthony Giddens, of Polity Press. Professor Held is widely known for his work concerning cosmopolitan theory, democracy, and social, political and economic global improvement. His Global Policy Journal endeavours to marry academic developments with practitioner realities, and contributes to the understanding and improvement of our governing systems.


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Before returning from Australia for the BCLA's Pioneers Day, Professor Nathan Efron spoke to OT. Professor Efron, you’re back in the UK for a short while – What tempted you away from Australia’s summer and back to Britain in November...


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So what do you want to know? I was in Paris between ‘75 and ‘78. But about half way through, Sylvère published the Anti-Oedipus issue of Semiotext(e) and, actually, that was for me one of the deciding events that made me decide to come to the United States, to come study at Columbia University. There appeared to be this little group working at Columbia working around these issues. In 1970, in Paris even, Deleuze was a cult – there was an incredibly small number of people following Deleuze... A transcript of my Interview with Kwinter about the Architectural Reception of Deleuze in America, which took place at Jerry’s,' Soho, New York, 15 January 2003. The transcript appeared as an Appendix at the back of my Masters Thesis undertaken at Yale School of Architecture, printed May 2003.


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An Interview with Sylvère Lotringer, Jean Baudrillard Chair at the European Graduate School and Professor Emeritus of French Literature and Philosophy at Columbia University, on the Architectural Contribution to Semiotext(e), Schizoculture, and the Early Deleuze and Guattari Scene at Columbia University, which took place at the Department of French, Columbia University, New York City, July 2003. This interview exists as an audio cassette tape recording.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is interested in the psychology of entrepreneurship — how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.


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The author, Dean Shepherd, is of entrepreneurship—how entrepreneurs think, decide to act, and feel. He recently realized that while his publications in academic journals have implications for entrepreneurs, those implications have remained relatively hidden in the text of the articles and hidden in articles published in journals largely inaccessible to those involved in the entrepreneurial process. This series is designed to bring the practical implications of his research to the forefront.