11 resultados para Profanation


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This series of works by the Melbourne collaborative group, Bozo Ink, in undermines the art gallery’s system of exchange and representation. They make the observation that as a site that supposedly reflects and critiques contemporary cultures, histories and practices, the gallery is merely a space of exhibition. Like many contemporary artists, and the critics and academics who assess their work, they are aware of the inherent paradox of exhibiting a work critical of commodity culture since we enter into a process of consumption that actually magnifies commodity culture when we place work in a gallery context. Bozo Ink’s project, The Op-Shop Series, offers a critique of consumptive practices in the art gallery and looks to entwine art, everyday practices and resistance strategies. They do this to test the potential of the gallery as a site for resistance, and to reconsider its function in the age of “consumption and spectacular exhibition” (Agamben 2007, 82). In linking the counter-practices of profanation (Agamben 2007) with the Situationist strategy of détournement (Debord 1994; Wark 2013) they hope to recast the art object as one without currency in the gallery. They propose that it is possible for the art object to unsettle both the image and the system of exchange within which it operates.


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The work relates to Australian history in that it reconfigures the found objects - furniture, paintings and narratives - to move implicate the viewer in unexpected ways.


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The New Wilderness is a practice-led, multidisciplinary arts project first piloted by artists, writers, teachers and academics from Geelong, Deakin University and Courthouse ARTS Centre in 2013. In a series of workshops run by artists, and working to specific themes, the project provided a platform for participants to explore and respond creatively to change in the community; it culminated in a large-scale installation at Courthouse ARTS Centre’s main gallery. Our paper positions the project as a able to cut across convention, empowering young artists to respond to ‘big questions’ of relevance to the changing material, spatial and social relations within their communities. In questioning and seeking to transform communities into sustainable media, economic, environmental and social ecologies, this emergent model begins with a localised focus, which is designed to travel across time and place, and pedagogical frameworks. The paper positions Geelong as a community under radical transformation in its economic foundations and demographics. As artists and academics living and working in the region we see it as an experimental ground for investigations into a series of provocations that mirror the shape of the paper we intend to give. The provocations, as outlined in the workshops, might also be envisaged as new relations to:Object – From consumable to unusable to play. In revisiting the first iteration of The New wilderness in 2013 we discuss the ‘superfictional’ (Hill, 2000) enquiry that participants were asked to engage with. Its premise described Geelong as an abandoned, post-apocalyptic site. Participants were asked to imagine themselves as a group of future explorers and excavate objects from the city’s old tip. In unearthing their choices and re-presenting the objects in the gallery the participant was prompted to analyse site, situation, object and process as phenomena for ‘being’ or ‘telling stories’, providing insights into wider realms of cultural experience (Ellis, Adams and Bochner, 2010). Parallel to this ‘autoethnographic’ reflection our paper uses the philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s analysis of consumer and material culture. He traces the subject’s relation to objects from use-value, to exchange-value and in the era of extreme capitalism, to pure exhibition-value. He searches for ways that the objects produced in our material culture can be ‘profaned’ (Agamben, 2007). Space – From the material to the spatial to the situation. We are interested in how objects and the practices they elicit can be ‘profaned’ by their situation (Agamben, 2007; Wark, 2103). To profane, according to Agamben, is to open up the possibility that the object loses its exhibition-value to ‘a special form of negligence’ (Agamben). He uses the example of the child’s ability to insinuate any object into a new logic of play (Agamben). Like the objects excavated for The New Wilderness they could be from a variety of spheres – business, household, industry, health etc… The child, like the artist, reconstitutes, reorders and assembles new relations between things. In reflecting on the first New Wilderness project the paper correlates the creative response of the participant (student, child, artist) with the occupier. The Occupy Movement, which took up residence in many of the world’s cities’ financial districts in 2011, used a number of strategies commensurate with both Agamben’s notion of profanation and McKenzie Wark’s reading of the Situationist International’s use of détournement - as a strategy that releases objects and subjects back into the field of play (Wark, 2013). The field was taken by the occupy movement to be the space in which they occupied – capitalism, its logic and its practices, were, for a short time, redundant in the occupied field. The New Wilderness conceptualises the city as a localised field, from which its discarded objects can be ‘profaned’ or, repurposed, to reflect on shared histories, responsibilities, pedagogies and future action. Subject: self/other– As much as we propose New Wilderness to be a pedagogical initiative we see it as personal, critical and political. In the themed workshops, designed to elicit personal responses to the object and the site, which culminated in a multi-disciplinary installation, performance and/or text based work, participants were encouraged to think critically, and importantly, collectively. Through the four workshops run in the first iteration of the project participants were asked to re-consider their material value-systems, much as the occupy movement was trying to do, and like the occupiers, participants were empowered to be agents of change. Our paper reflects on the practical outcomes and the conceptual, political and pedagogical strategies embedded in The New Wilderness project. The paper affords us the additional opportunity to imagine a life for it in other geographical, socio-economic and educational situations. Merinda Kelly and Cameron Bishop, 2013Bio: Merinda Kelly is a sculptor and installation artist, educator and PhD student at Deakin University. Her research interests include Visual Culture, Practice Led Research, the Ontology of Art, and Autoethnography. Her most recent work includes the Pop Archaeology' and the Globo-Touro Projects.Bio: Dr Cameron Bishop is an artist and academic working in Visual Arts at Deakin University. He exhibits regularly and has written a number of journal articles and book chapters. His research has focused on the philosophical and postcolonial dimensions of space and subjectivity and more recently has evolved into an active interest in strategic interventions into space and practice.


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Dentro de los ataques cómicos que el Morcillero emite a Paflagonio en Caballeros de Aristófanes, uno en particular describe las formas que le permitieron a este figurado Cleón construir su poder sobre Atenas. Luego de que el propio Paflagonio se comparara con el gran Temístocles, el Morcillero expone los modos perniciosos de hacer política: en vv. 818-819, dice que Paflagonio convirtió a Atenas en una ciudad pequeña "levantando muros a través de ella y oraculizando". La primera estrategia remite al dicho del "divide y triunfarás". La segunda, en cambio, hace referencia a una institución político-religiosa como la adivinación. El oráculo, que era un aparato ideológico de la polis ateniense, aparece en el drama como un mensaje legitimador de quien detenta o detentará el poder y Aristófanes echa un manto de sospecha sobre dicha institución sagrada que es manipulada con fines propagandísticos. Con base en estas reflexiones, esta ponencia se propone analizar en Caballeros la denuncia del Morcillero sobre el ocultamiento de los oráculos inscriptos, su vínculo con el contexto socio- histórico de su inscripción y los motivos cómicos que subyacen en la operatoria de profanación de los mensajes divinos


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Dentro de los ataques cómicos que el Morcillero emite a Paflagonio en Caballeros de Aristófanes, uno en particular describe las formas que le permitieron a este figurado Cleón construir su poder sobre Atenas. Luego de que el propio Paflagonio se comparara con el gran Temístocles, el Morcillero expone los modos perniciosos de hacer política: en vv. 818-819, dice que Paflagonio convirtió a Atenas en una ciudad pequeña "levantando muros a través de ella y oraculizando". La primera estrategia remite al dicho del "divide y triunfarás". La segunda, en cambio, hace referencia a una institución político-religiosa como la adivinación. El oráculo, que era un aparato ideológico de la polis ateniense, aparece en el drama como un mensaje legitimador de quien detenta o detentará el poder y Aristófanes echa un manto de sospecha sobre dicha institución sagrada que es manipulada con fines propagandísticos. Con base en estas reflexiones, esta ponencia se propone analizar en Caballeros la denuncia del Morcillero sobre el ocultamiento de los oráculos inscriptos, su vínculo con el contexto socio- histórico de su inscripción y los motivos cómicos que subyacen en la operatoria de profanación de los mensajes divinos


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Dentro de los ataques cómicos que el Morcillero emite a Paflagonio en Caballeros de Aristófanes, uno en particular describe las formas que le permitieron a este figurado Cleón construir su poder sobre Atenas. Luego de que el propio Paflagonio se comparara con el gran Temístocles, el Morcillero expone los modos perniciosos de hacer política: en vv. 818-819, dice que Paflagonio convirtió a Atenas en una ciudad pequeña "levantando muros a través de ella y oraculizando". La primera estrategia remite al dicho del "divide y triunfarás". La segunda, en cambio, hace referencia a una institución político-religiosa como la adivinación. El oráculo, que era un aparato ideológico de la polis ateniense, aparece en el drama como un mensaje legitimador de quien detenta o detentará el poder y Aristófanes echa un manto de sospecha sobre dicha institución sagrada que es manipulada con fines propagandísticos. Con base en estas reflexiones, esta ponencia se propone analizar en Caballeros la denuncia del Morcillero sobre el ocultamiento de los oráculos inscriptos, su vínculo con el contexto socio- histórico de su inscripción y los motivos cómicos que subyacen en la operatoria de profanación de los mensajes divinos


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Science has remained in hegemonic position among the various forms of knowledge that enable us perceive our surroundings. After a growing movement of introversion of the scientific field, which enabled the empowerment of the academy, it is growing today the discussion about the need to spread knowledge of this area to society. Our study aims to observe the discourse of institutional science communication, taking into account the historical conditions that made possible the emergence of science as legitimate observation of nature and of man and also the credibility granted to the media. Therefore, we have as our study object the editorials of the Darcy magazine, for scientific and cultural journalism of the University of Brasilia. We focused on observing the discourse of knowledge sharing by the media, using the concepts of field, from Bourdieu’s work, and Agamben’s "profanation" together with notions from the organizational communication area. Also, the concepts of dispositive, discourse and knowledge-power used are based on the studies from the French school which associate them to the need of thinking power as a relation between what is and what is not said, having Michel Foucault as an important exponent of this area. The research, which uses as a method the Discourse Analysis, shows us a process of mutual validation of the scientific and journalistic discourses, which contribute to the strengthening of the institution itself as well as the scientific field, in texts which have as a backdrop the institutional image and reputation.


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Normalmente el desarrollo de un país se ha explicado desde una perspectiva tradicional en términos de su crecimiento económico, teniendo en cuenta indicadores macroeconómicos como el PIB, la inflación y el desempleo. Poca atención se le ha puesto a la importancia que para el desarrollo de un país representan el capital humano y el proceso de liderazgo. Debido a lo anterior, mediante este estudio de caso, se pretende entender el éxito de la estrategia de crecimiento por exportaciones de Japón entre los años 1960-1980 teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos. Así, se busca sustentar que la incorporación de un tipo de liderazgo transformacional- transaccional y los elementos propios de su cultura como el confucianismo y el budismo, le imprimieron una perspectiva no economicista al éxito del modelo de desarrollo como parte de la triada empresa-estado-universidad. Lo anterior se realizará partiendo de un análisis cualitativo y con un enfoque en la economía política internacional y en el liderazgo. Este último estudiado desde las disciplinas de la administración, la sociología y la psicología