961 resultados para Production-on-demand


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In this paper we present a combination of technologies to provide an Energy-on-Demand (EoD) service to enable low cost innovation suitable for microgrid networks. The system is designed around the low cost and simple Rural Energy Device (RED) Box which in combination with Short Message Service (SMS) communication methodology serves as an elementary proxy for Smart meters which are typically used in urban settings. Further, customer behavior and familiarity in using such devices based on mobile experience has been incorporated into the design philosophy. Customers are incentivized to interact with the system thus providing valuable behavioral and usage data to the Utility Service Provider (USP). Data that is collected over time can be used by the USP for analytics envisioned by using remote computing services known as cloud computing service. Cloud computing allows for a sharing of computational resources at the virtual level across several networks. The customer-system interaction is facilitated by a third party Telecom Service provider (TSP). The approximate cost of the RED Box is envisaged to be under USD 10 on production scale.


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Media content distribution on-demand becomes more complex when performed on a mass scale involving various channels with distinct and dynamic network characteristics, and, deploying a variety of terminal devices offering a wide range of capabilities. It is practically impossible to create and prepackage various static versions of the same content to match all the varying demand parameters of clients for various contexts. In this paper we present a profiling management approach for dynamically personalised media content delivery on-demand integrated with the AXMEDIS Framework. The client profiles comprise the representation of User, Device, Network and Context of content delivery based on MPEG-21:DIA. Although the most challenging proving ground for this personalised content delivery has been the mobile testbed i.e. the distribution to mobile handsets, the framework described here can be deployed for disribution, by the AXMEDIS PnP module, through other channels e.g. satellite, Internet to a range of client terminals e.g. desktops, kiosks, IPtv and other terrminals whose baseline terminal capabilities can be made availabe by the manufacturers as is normal.


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This study adopts the perspective of demand spillovers to provide new insights regarding Chinese domestic-regions' production position in global value chains and their associated CO2 emissions. To this end, we constructed a new type of World Input-Output Database in which China's domestic interregional input-output table for 2007 is endogenously embedded. Then, the pattern of China's regional demand spillovers across both domestic regions and countries are revealed by employing this new database. These results were further connected to endowments theory, which help to make sense of the empirical results. It is found that China's regions locate relatively upstream in GVCs, and had CO2 emissions in net exports, which were entirely predicted by the environmental extended HOV model. Our study points to micro policy instruments to combat climate change, for example, the tax reform for energy inputs that helps to change the production pattern thus has impact on trade pattern and so forth.


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The 1977 UN arms embargo was one of the main factors which led South Africa to establish a largely self sufficient import-substituting arms industry capable of meeting the apartheid state's demand for sophisticated weaponry. While macroeconomic studies suggest that high military spending had a damaging effect on economic growth, no studies have investigated the disaggregated impact of military expenditure on industrial development. This paper applies panel data methods to the Industrial Development Corporation's Sectoral Database in order to analyse the level effects of military spending.


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This work concerns the developnent of a proton irduced X-ray emission (PIXE) analysis system and a multi-sample scattering chamber facility. The characteristics of the beam pulsing system and its counting rate capabilities were evaluated by observing the ion-induced X-ray emission from pure thick copper targets, with and without beam pulsing operation. The characteristic X-rays were detected with a high resolution Si(Li) detector coupled to a rrulti-channel analyser. The removal of the pile-up continuum by the use of the on-demand beam pulsing is clearly demonstrated in this work. This new on-demand pu1sirg system with its counting rate capability of 25, 18 and 10 kPPS corresponding to 2, 4 am 8 usec main amplifier time constant respectively enables thick targets to be analysed more readily. Reproducibility tests of the on-demard beam pulsing system operation were checked by repeated measurements of the system throughput curves, with and without beam pulsing. The reproducibility of the analysis performed using this system was also checked by repeated measurements of the intensity ratios from a number of standard binary alloys during the experimental work. A computer programme has been developed to evaluate the calculations of the X-ray yields from thick targets bornbarded by protons, taking into account the secondary X-ray yield production due to characteristic X-ray fluorescence from an element energetically higher than the absorption edge energy of the other element present in the target. This effect was studied on metallic binary alloys such as Fe/Ni and Cr/Fe. The quantitative analysis of Fe/Ni and Cr/Fe alloy samples to determine their elemental composition taking into account the enhancement has been demonstrated in this work. Furthermore, the usefulness of the Rutherford backscattering (R.B.S.) technique to obtain the depth profiles of the elements in the upper micron of the sample is discussed.


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In this work, for the first time, a cobalt carbonate hydroxide (Co(CO3 )0.5 (OH)⋅0.11 H2 O) nanowire array on Ti mesh (CHNA/Ti) was applied to drive the dehydrogenation of alkaline NaBH4 solution for on-demand hydrogen production. Compared with other nanostructured Co-based catalyst systems, CHNA/Ti can be activated more quickly and separated easily from fuel solutions. This self-supported cobalt salt nanowire array catalyst works as an efficient and robust 3D catalyst for the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 with a hydrogen generation rate of 4000 mL min(-1)  gCo (-1) and a low apparent activation energy of 39.78 kJ mol(-1) and offers an attractive system for on-demand hydrogen generation.


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This project investigates the impact of vegetable production systems on sensitive waterways focusing on the risk of off-site nutrient movement at farm block scale under current management practices. The project establishes a series of case studies in two environmentally important Queensland catchments and conducts a broader survey of partial nutrient budgets across tropical vegetable production. It will deliver tools to growers that can improve fertiliser use efficiency delivering profitability and environmental improvements.


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Implications •As kangaroo meat is sourced from native wildlife, conservation of the species is important in developing sustainable meat harvesting. Landholders, conservationists, and commercial meat producers need to work together to achieve this goal. •The production of high quality meat products from field-harvested carcasses can be augmented through a better understanding of the impact that field conditions and carcass handling have on final meat eating quality. •Food safety is also paramount, with measures taken to minimize the impacts of parasitism and microbial contamination. Any breaches of inspection protocols can only serve to undermine consumer confidence and viability of the industry.


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The study addressed a phenomenon that has become common marketing practice, customer loyalty programs. Although a common type of consumer relationship, there is limited knowledge of its nature. The purpose of the study was to create structured understanding of the nature of customer relationships from both the provider’s and the consumer’s viewpoints by studying relationship drivers and proposing the concept of relational motivation as a provider of a common framework for the analysis of these views. The theoretical exploration focused on reasons for engaging in customer relationships for both the consumer and the provider. The themes of buying behaviour, industrial and network marketing and relationship marketing, as well as the concepts of a customer relationship, customer loyalty, relationship conditions, relational benefits, bonds and commitment were explored and combined in a new way. Concepts from the study of business-to-business relationships were brought over and their power in explaining the nature of consumer relationships examined. The study provided a comprehensive picture of loyalty programs, which is an important contribution to the academic as well as the managerial discussions. The consumer study provided deep insights into the nature of customer relationships. The study provides a new frame of reference to support the existing concepts of loyalty and commitment with the introduction of the relationship driver and relational motivation concepts. The result is a novel view of the nature of customer relationships that creates new understanding of the forces leading to loyal behaviour and commitment. The study concludes with managerial implications.


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Customer loyalty has been a central topic of both marketing theory and practice for several decades. Customer disloyalty, or relationship ending, has received much less attention. Despite the close relation between customer loyalty and disloyalty, they have rarely been addressed in the same study. The thesis bridges this gap by focusing on both loyal and disloyal customers and the factors characterising them. Based on a qualitative study of loyal and disloyal bank customers in the Finnish retail banking market, both factors that are common to the groups and factors that differentiate between them are identified. A conceptual framework of factors that affect customer loyalty or disloyalty is developed and used to analyse the empirical data. According to the framework, customers’ loyalty status (behavioural and attitudinal loyalty) is influenced by positive, loyalty-supporting, and negative, loyalty-repressing factors. Loyalty-supporting factors either promote customer dedication, making the customer want to remain loyal, or act as constraints, hindering the customer from switching. Among the loyalty-repressing factors it is especially important to identify those that act as triggers of disloyal behaviour, making customers switch service providers. The framework further suggests that by identifying the sources of loyalty-supporting and -repressing factors (the environment, the provider, the customer, the provider-customer interaction, or the core service) one can determine which factors are within the control of the service provider. Attitudinal loyalty is approached through a customer’s “feeling of loyalty”, as described by customers both orally and graphically. By combining the graphs with behavioural loyalty, seven customer groups are identified: Stable Loyals, Rescued Loyals, Loyals at Risk, Positive Disloyals, Healing Disloyals, Fading Disloyals, and Abrupt Disloyals. The framework and models of the thesis can be used to analyse factors that affect customer loyalty and disloyalty in different service contexts. Since the empirical study was carried out in a retail bank setting, the thesis has managerial relevance especially for banks. Christina Nordman is associated with CERS, Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration. The doctoral thesis is part of the Göran Collert Research Project in Customer Relationships and Retail Banking and has been funded by The Göran Collert Foundation.


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With the advent of Internet, video over IP is gaining popularity. In such an environment, scalability and fault tolerance will be the key issues. Existing video on demand (VoD) service systems are usually neither scalable nor tolerant to server faults and hence fail to comply to multi-user, failure-prone networks such as the Internet. Current research areas concerning VoD often focus on increasing the throughput and reliability of single server, but rarely addresses the smooth provision of service during server as well as network failures. Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool), being capable of providing high availability by using multiple redundant servers as single source point, can be a solution to overcome the above failures. During a possible server failure, the continuity of service is retained by another server. In order to achieve transparent failover, efficient state sharing is an important requirement. In this paper, we present an elegant, simple, efficient and scalable approach which has been developed to facilitate the transfer of state by the client itself, using extended cookie mechanism, which ensures that there is no noticeable change in disruption or the video quality.


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In this paper, we have proposed a novel certificate-less on-demand public key management (CLPKM) protocol for self-organized MANETs. The protocol works on flat network architecture, and distinguishes between authentication layer and routing layer of the network. We put an upper limit on the length of verification route and use the end-to-end trust value of a route to evaluate its strength. The end-to-end trust value is used by the protocol to select the most trusted verification route for accomplishing public key verification. Also, the protocol uses MAC function instead of RSA certificates to perform public key verification. By doing this, the protocol saves considerable computation power, bandwidth and storage space. The saved storage space is utilized by the protocol to keep a number of pre-established routes in the network nodes, which helps in reducing the average verification delay of the protocol. Analysis and simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed protocol.


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The creation and evolution of millimeter-sized droplets of a Newtonian liquid generated on demand by the action of pressure pulses were studied experimentally and simulated numerically. The velocity response within a model, large-scale printhead was recorded by laser Doppler anemometry, and the waveform was used in Lagrangian finite-element simulations as an input. Droplet shapes and positions were observed by shadowgraphy and compared with their numerically obtained analogues. © 2011 American Physical Society.