999 resultados para Production potentials


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An experiment of 120 days of culture was conducted in brackishwater earthen ponds having an area of 0.2ha each. The hatchery produced shrimp (Penaeus monodon) post larvae were stocked in the 40m² fine meshed nylon net nursery enclosures were fed with commercial pellet feed. After two weeks of nursing, juveniles were allowed to spread in cultural pond by opening the fence. Fingerlings of three different strain of tilapia were stocked as shrimp and Strain-1 all male (monosex) (T1), shrimp and Strain-2 all male (T2), shrimp and Strain-3 mixed sex population (T3) @ 20.000/ha and 10.000/ha, respectively and shrimp only (monoculture) (T4) @ 20.000/ha. The shrimp and fish were fed with farm made feed consisting of a mixture of fishmeal 29%, MOC 15%, rice bran 30%, soybean meal 16%, wheat flour 9% and vitamin premix 0.1%. The average final weight of shrimp was 24.9±1.13g, 23.41±3.26g and 26.67±1.89g that stocked with tilapia in treatments T1, T2, and T3 respectively. The final average weight of shrimp in monoculture (T4) was 27.41±0.76g, apparently higher but insignificant in treatments. The survival of shrimp was 42.17%, 32.38%, 39.45% and 61.98% in treatments T1 T2, T3 and T4 respectively. The production of shrimp in concurrent culture was 193.67, 154.26 and 210.41kg/ha in T1, T2 and T3, respectively, while in monoculture (T4) was 339.77 kg/ha. The growth and survival of tilapia among the treatments was insignificant. The growth of monosex tilapia ranged 225.29 and 291.31g and survival 62.77 and 72.20% in T1 and T2, respectively, in mixed sex was 193.0g and 83.20% (T3). The production of tilapia monosex strains was 1676.69kg/ha (Strain-2 all male) and 1668.98 kg/ha (Strain-1 all male) while that of Strain-3 mixed sex population was 1622.92 kg/ha.


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A discussion is presented on the potential for fishery development in the Niger Delta region, considering engineering activities and food production potentials of the freshwater zone and immediate hinterland, the brackishwater mangrove swamps and the estuaries. An examination of current trends in the environment indicates that a possible solution to improved exploitation of the region lies in hydraulic engineering, the manipulation of environmental conditions through varying freshwater and seawater inputs so as to increase aquatic and wetland productivity


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PLEASE ALSO CHECK THE FULL TEXT ABSTRACT. Semi-intensive grow-out trials on monoculture of gulsha (Mysrus cavasius) were conducted to assess the production potentials for the period of six months from March through August 2002. Three stocking densities such as 40,000 (T-1), 50,000 (T-2) and 60,000/ha (T-3) were tested in three replications. The production of gulsha was 1,~·74±52, 1,535±71 and 1,370±60 in treatment-I, 2 and 3, respectively and they were significantly different (p


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To assess the production potentials of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in semi-intensive monoculture system, an experiment was carried out with Amblypharyngadan mala, Chela cachius and Puntius sophore. Three treatments each with three replications were tested with mola, chela and punti individually and the stocking density of each species was 100,000/ha. Organic fertilizer was applied to the ponds at the rate of 1,000 kg/ha at fortnightly and rice bran was supplemented daily at 3% of the total fish biomass. Partial harvesting was made after three months of stocking. Gross production of 805±52.94, 1,120±41.62 and 509±48.81 kg/ha, respectively for mola, chela and punti over a period of six months were obtained. The yield of punti was found to vary significantly (P < 0.05) from that of mola and chela.


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The hydrogen production from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by anaerobic mixed culture fermentation was investigated using batch experiments at 37 degrees C. Seven varieties of typical individual components of OFMSW including rice, potato, lettuce, lean meat, oil, fat and banyan leaves were selected to estimate the hydrogen production potential. Experimental results showed that the boiling treated anaerobic sludge was effective mixed inoculum for fermentative hydrogen production from OFMSW. Mechanism of fermentative hydrogen production indicates that, among the OFMSW, carbohydrates is the most optimal substrate for fermentative hydrogen production compared with proteins, lipids and lignocelluloses. This conclusion was also substantiated by experimental results of this study. The hydrogen production potentials of rice, potato and lettuce were 134 mL/g-VS, 106 mL/g-VS, and 50 mL/g-VS respectively. The hydrogen percentages of the total gas produced from rice, potato and lettuce were 57-70%, 41-55% and 37-67%. 2008 International Association for Hydrogen Energy.


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An on-farm trial was undertaken in nine earthen ponds (400 to 640m2) to evaluate the growth and production potentials of climbing perch, Thai koi (Anabas testudineus) for the period of four months from March through June 2006. Three stocking densities such as 75,000 (T1), 100,500 (T2) and 125,000/ha (T3) were tested with three replications. Fish were fed with commercial (SABINCO) pelleted feed (35% crude protein). Fish productions obtained in three treatments such as T1, T2 and T3 were 6,480±217, 6,384±154, 6,617±187 kg· 1ha, respectively. The results demonstrated higher mean growth in T1 than in T2 and T3. However, the net benefit was achieved Tk. 7,26,975 from T1, where the stocking density was 75,000/ha.


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Prawn culture by traditional method forms an important occupation for the people in these areas, especially in the Vypeen island. Though short term studies have been made on various aspects of prawn culture field and its ecology, a study of detailed nature covering perennial, seasonal, fields and canals between coconut plantation is lacking from these areas. This study will also enable to assess the relative productivity of different systems during different seasons and the influence of the environment on the production potentials. Therefore the present study is taken upto throw more light on the ecological characteristics of these fields with special emphasis on its primary, secondary and tertiary production. The present area of investigation includes the prawn culture fields adjacent to Cochin backwater. The Cochin backwater (O9° 58'N 76° 28'E) is a shallow semi-enclosed body of water of tropical estuary. A narrow gut, about 450 M wide forms its main connection with the Arabian sea and this region is subjected to regular tidal influenceertiary production.


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Avaliaram-se os efeitos da idade do animal e da proporção de volumoso nas dietas sobre a biodigestão anaeróbia dos dejetos de cabritos Saanen. Foram utilizadas as fezes produzidas por cabritos Saanen aos 90, 120 e 150 dias de idade e alimentados com dietas de três relações volumoso:concentrado (80:20, 60:40 e 40:60), representando as dietas 1, 2 e 3, respectivamente. Utilizaram-se biodigestores tipo batelada de bancada com capacidade para 12 litros de substrato em fermentação e 8% de sólidos totais iniciais para determinação das produções e dos potenciais de produção de biogás e metano, da redução de sólidos voláteis e quantificação dos teores de minerais no afluente e efluente. As maiores reduções de sólidos voláteis foram observadas nos substratos preparados com as fezes de cabritos aos 150 dias alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60. Os melhores rendimentos de substrato ou fezes foram obtidos com os dejetos dos cabritos de 120 e 150 dias de idade alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado 40:60. As maiores concentrações de minerais nos biodigestores foram observadas para as fezes de cabritos de 150 dias de idade alimentados com a dieta com relação volumoso:concentrado 40:60. A biodigestão anaeróbia é eficiente na remoção de coliformes nos dejetos de caprinos, proporcionando efluentes com no máximo 4,3 × 10² coliformes totais termotolerantes por grama de material.


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O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial poluidor remanescente dos efluentes de biodigestores abastecidos com dejetos de suínos com separação da fração sólida (CSFS) e sem separação da fração sólida (SSFS), e conduzidos sob diferentes tempos de retenção hidráulica (TRH). Os efluentes utilizados eram de biodigestores semicontínuos manejados com TRH de 15; 22; 29 e 36 dias, com e sem separação da fração sólida. Foram utilizados biodigestores batelada, que permaneceram em operação por todo o tempo em que houve produção de biogás (60 dias). Foram avaliadas a produção e a qualidade do biogás, bem como os potenciais de produção por kg de sólidos totais e sólidos voláteis, e as demandas química e bioquímica de oxigênio. Utilizou-se do delineamento inteiramente casualisado, em esquema fatorial 2x4, com três repetições por tratamento. Foram encontrados potenciais de produção de 385 e 117 litros de CH4kg-1 de SV adicionados no material SSFS e CSFS, respectivamente, no menor TRH (15 dias), e potenciais de produção de 74 e 18 litros de CH4kg-1 de SV adicionados no material SSFS e CSFS, respectivamente, no maior TRH (36 dias).


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Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o processo de biodigestão anaeróbia no tratamento de efluentes de abatedouro avícola, considerando-se os TRH de 7, 14 e 21 dias, além da adição de enzima lipolítica aos substratos, nas concentrações de 0; 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5 g L-1 de carga adicionada aos biodigestores. A influência dos TRH e da adição de enzima lipolítica aos substratos foi avaliada por meio das produções de biogás e CH4, dos potenciais de produção por DQO, adicionada e removida, bem como pelas reduções dos teores de DQO, concentrações de N, P e K e dos valores de pH. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que houve influência dos TRH (em que o TRH 7 expressou os melhores resultados, para produção semanal média de biogás, com 40,7 L, e CH4, com 32,2 L) e das concentrações de enzimas, com maiores valores de produção para os tratamentos 1,0 (24,6 L) e 1,5 g L-1 (26,2 L), que não diferiram entre si. As concentrações de enzimas de 1,0 e 1,5 g L-1 apresentaram maiores potenciais de produção de biogás (1,1 e 1,1 L g-1 de DQO adicionada, respectivamente) e metano (0,9 e 0,8 L g¹ de DQO adicionada, respectivamente), quando comparadas com as da 0,5 g L-1 (0,8 e 0,7 L g-1 biogás e CH4, respectivamente) e 0 (0,7 e 0,5 L g-1 biogás e CH4, respectivamente). As maiores remoções de DQO foram alcançadas nas concentrações de 0,5 g L-1 (83,3%) e TRH de 21 dias (74,4%). Contudo, para que haja maior eficiência na reciclagem energética, recomenda-se a utilização de concentrações de 1,0 g L-1 de efluente e tempo de retenção hidráulica de 7 dias.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Studies in fish feed technology revealed that there is a potential for big time investment into fish feed production and marketing in view of the growing awareness of fish farming in Nigeria. Intensification of aquaculture is one of the primary methods of food (finfish) production which requires technical knowledge and expertise in the formulation and manufacture of adequate feeds for the cultured species. Studies also revealed that all sort of food items were used by fish farmers ranging from animal dung, groundnut cake etc, to culture fish to table size because of non-availability of rightly prepared feeds. Inadequate knowledge of detailed requirements of tropical cultured species was found to pose a hindrance to formulation despite the fact that a lot has been accumulated in terms of biochemical and nutritive values of food sources in Nigeria. The investigation further revealed the challenges posed to researchers in aquaculture, fish nutritionists and fisheries biologists among others to elucidate the complete requirements of local fish species in terms of their protein, lipid and carbohydrate requirements such that their patents could be made available to companies like PFIZER, IBRU etc, and individuals alike to make commercialization of fish feeds a reality


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The development of fish hatcheries and fish fingerling production in Nigeria has all along concentrated largely on the freshwater fish species without paying enough attention to the more numerous fish species that abound in our coastal/marine environment. This paper, therefore, tries to highlight some basic technologies (in term of design and management) of marine fish hatchery based on the author's experiences in Southeast Asia. Appropriate adaptable technologies for the production of our indigenous species such as the Snappers, Groupers etc. are also discussed. General recommendations are made for marine fish hatchery development in Nigeria


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In this reservoir, the parameters being assessed are very important in the aspect of fish culture. These parameters are: physical parameters which includes temperature (O), Transparency (M).Chemical parameters include: Dissolve oxygen (mg/l) pH concentration and the Biological Parameters which include phytoplankton and zooplankton. The phytoplankton and zooplankton identification and estimation were carried out in the NIFFR Limnology Laboratory, (Green House), New Bussa. Each identified zooplankton and phytoplankton species was placed according to its major group e.g. zooplankton was grouped into three families, Roifera, Cladocera and Copepods. During this study period it was observed that copepods have the highest total number of zooplankton both beside the poultry and monk (station 'A'&'B'). Water temperature of station 'A' (beside the poultry house) ranges from 27 C-29, 5 c also same station 'B' (near the monk). Dissolve oxygen station 'A' range from 6.30mg/l-7.40mg/l while that of station 'B' ranges from 6.20mg/7.50mg/l, turbidity reading of station A'ranges from 0.19m-0.3m while station 'B' ranges from 0.22m-0.37m. The last parameter, which is pH concentration, in both stations 8.2 was observed this is an indication that the pH was constant. According to some literature review all the water parameter figures obtained were good for fish culture