13 resultados para Procyonidae


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The brown-nosed coati (Nasua nasua) is a carnivorous species found in all the Brazilian biomes, some of which are endangered areas. The aim of this work was to determine the habitat use and selection, home range and core area of N. nasua in the Cerrado biome, central region of Tocantins, Brazil. The study was carried out in an area of approximately 20 000ha from May 2000 to July 2002. A total of seven box traps were placed in the area for 13 months, three of 11 captured animals were followed and monitored by radio-tracking during 13 months. The monitoring was conducted once a day, three times a week using a car and walking through the study area (radio-tracking and visual contact). The results demonstrate that these three males used more frequently the gallery forest formation, followed by cerrado and wetlands. The use of gallery forest by these animals indicated an habitat selection (Proportion test, z=12.98, p< 0.01). Besides, adult males used the gallery forest more frequently (Fisher's exact test, p<0.01) and wetlands less frequently (Fisher's exact test, p<0.01) than juvenile males, without significant differences between animal ages for cerrado percentage of habitat use. Besides, results also showed a gallery forest selection by adult (Proportion test z= 13.62, p<0.01) and juvenile (Proportion test z=2.68, p<0.01) males, and a wetland selection by the juvenile male (Proportion test z=3.90, p<0.01). The home ranges varied from 2.20 to 7.55km2 for the Minimum Convex Polygon 100% (MCP 100%) and from 4.38 to 13.32km2 for the Harmonic Mean 95% (HM 95%). The smallest home range overlap occurred between the adult males (Nm1 and Nm3), and the greatest between the juvenile Njm2 and the adult Nm1. The average of the core area (HM 75%) for the three monitored animals represented 21.29% of the home range calculated with HM 95%. No overlap between core areas was observed for adult males, but, it was an overlap between the core area of the juvenile male and its band with that of the two adult males. The present study provides new data on core area size and frequency habitat use by adult and juvenile males of N. nasua in the Brazilian Cerrado, that may support conservation efforts. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (3): 1069-1077. Epub 2010 September 01.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cozumel Island, Mexico, harbours two endemic species of dwarf procyonids: the Pygmy Raccoon Procyon pygmaeus and the Dwarf Coati Nasua nelsoni. Both species are Critically Endangered, and are among the world’s most threatened Carnivora. Here we summarise the research we have been conducting on their ecology, evolution, genetics, and conservation. We also summarise the conservation initiatives we have been undertaking and promoting in order to advance the conservation of these unique species and their habitats. This effort illustrates the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in conservation science and action in maximising effectiveness. Nevertheless, the precarious status of the species make it imperative to continue and expand the work we have carried out in Cozumel to prevent two imminent global extinctions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The course of an experimental Trypanosoma evansi infection in coatis (Nasua nasua, carnivora, Procyonidae) was followed for 262 days. Hematological analysis of the infected coatis revealed a marked decline in hemoglobin, packed-cell volume, and total erythrocyte count. An intense anemia followed the first wave of parasitemia and persisted until the end of the experimental period. Biochemical analysis showed increased serum levels of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and decreased albumin. The main histopathological features consisted of myocarditis with the presence of degenerate cardiac fibers and meningoencephalitis. This study has shown that coatis infected with T. evansi develop a chronic disease. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O quati (Nasua nasua) é um animal que pertence à Família Procyonidae. Foram utilizados três animais ortotanasiados, de ambos os sexos, provenientes do Criatório Científico de Animais Silvestres, Centro Universitário Fundação de Ensino Octávio Bastos (Cecrimpas, Unifeob) autorizado pelo IBAMA (Proc.02027.003731/04-76). Para a análise macroscópica, as línguas foram retiradas, analisadas e foto-documentadas. Para análise microscópica, as línguas foram processadas rotineiramente pela técnica de microscopia eletrônica de varredura e inclusão em Paraplast; pela técnica de microscopia de luz os fragmentos foram cortados em micrótomo, com espessura média de 5mm e corados em HE e Picrosírius com fundo de hematoxilina. Os resultados macroscópicos e microscópicos mostram que a língua do quati apresenta papilas filiformes, fungiformes, valadas e cônicas sendo estas distribuídas nas regiões rostralis, medialis e caudalis. Histologicamente, a língua do quati é revestida por um epitélio pavimentoso estratificado queratinizado apresentando camada basal, espinhosa, granulosa e córnea com fibras de músculos estriados esqueléticos longitudinais e transversais e diversas glândulas. De acordo com os resultados pode-se concluir que a língua do quati possui características macroscópicas e microscópicas semelhantes aos canídeos, tendo como diferença o número de papilas valadas e o grau de queratinização.


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The objective of this research is to study the origin of the lumbosacral plexus and its nerves in coatis (Nasua nasua). Six adult specimens, three males and three females, were used in this research. The animals were donated by IBAMA / GO or were collected when found dead by the edges of highways in Southeast Goiás. The specimens were fixed in aqueous 10% formaldehyde solution and preserved in the same solution. The observations reveal that the lumbosacral plexus of the coati has a structure with few intercommunications between its components. There are no typical handle formations, but the roots or its branches converge to form the nerves that are driven to the pelvic limb. The components of the Lumbosacral Plexus are ventral branches of L4 to S3. The Lumbosacral plexus generates several short nerves destined to pelvic structures and, at the same time, three long nerves: femoral, obturator and sciatic, all destined to the hind limb.


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Los mamíferos pertenecientes a la familia Procyonidae son carnívoros que presentan una limitada distribucion a nivel mundial, dentro de este grupo se encuentra el “pezote” (Nasua narica), especie que presenta un papel importante para el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. En el Salvador aún existe poblaciones de pezotes en estado silvestre, uno de los lugares donde se observan es el Parque Nacional El Imposible (PNEI) el cual es el área natural que posee la mayor extensión de territorio (aproximadamente 4,000 hectáreas) y es un refugio importante para una gran diversidad de especies. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue determinar el uso y preferencia de hábitat del pezote en tres hábitats presentes en el sector San Benito del PNEI durante la época lluviosa. Se realizaron seis muestreos entre los meses de junio-noviembre del 2013, utilizando métodos directos e indirectos. Por medio del censo por transecto lineal y las estaciones de búsqueda intensiva se registraron los individuos observados, rastros y especies vegetales utilizadas por el pezote de acuerdo a cada categoría de uso (alimentación, búsqueda de alimento, desplazamiento, descanso y protección e hidratación) en cada tipo de hábitat. Se invirtieron 62 días y 498 horas esfuerzo. Se obtuvieron 196 registros de “pezotes”, 358 rastros y 22 especies vegetales, se encontró una proporción similar de hembras y machos (♀= 40 y ♂= 41) y una alta proporción de crías (20%). Huellas, narizazos y pasaderos o caminos presentaron los mayores valores del índice de abundancia relativa (H= 0.048, Na= 0.052 y Pc =0.049), se determinó una diferencia significativa en el uso de hábitat por los “pezotes” para realizar actividades (x²= 113.59, g.l.= 14, P< 0.05), sin embargo no se encontró diferencias significativas en las preferencia de hábitat (F= 1.04, g.l.= 2, P=0.364). La familia Moraceae es la más utilizada por los “pezotes” y se encontró una relación significativa entre la fenofase fructificación y la abundancia de individuos pertenecientes a Nasua narica (r= 0.64, p= 0.03). Los “pezotes” realizan actividades como alimentarse, buscar alimento y desplazarse en todos los hábitat presentes en el sector San Benito, por lo cual no mostraron preferencia por ningún hábitat, debido a lo anterior, la capacidad de la especie por adaptarse a diferentes condiciones ambientales y la alta cantidad de especies vegetales que son consumidas, este mamífero en el sitio se comporta como una especie de hábitos generalistas.