28 resultados para Procrustes


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L'algorisme de McLachlan per a l'alineament de dos conjunts de coordenades atòmiques és interpretat sota l'òptica de l'Anàlisi Multivariant, que posa de manifest que el plantejament d'aquest problema és equivalent al de l'anàlisi de Procrustes i que la solució proposada per Kabsch és anàloga a la de Sibson, desenvolupada independentment


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El establecimiento de relaciones entre taxones es un paso esencial en el proceso de catalogación y evaluación del material conservado en un Banco de Germoplasma. Existen distintos métodos de evaluación en función del tipo de caracteres estudiados. Cuando el registro de caracteres se repite en el tiempo y en distintos ambientes, se debe separar la variabilidad intrínsecamente genética entre los taxones de aquella que se debe al ambiente, y más aún, de la posible variabilidad debida a la interacción genotipo*ambiente para el posterior establecimiento de relaciones puramente filogenéticas. En el presente trabajo se estudia comparativamente la factibilidad de aplicación de dos estrategias de análisis estadístico para dar solución a este problema. La primera corresponde al análisis tradicional donde se realiza un Análisis de Componentes Principales sobre los caracteres promedios a lo largo de los diferentes ambientes; y la segunda son métodos más complejos en los cuales cada dato es originado por tres modos: individuos, variables y condiciones ambientales, tales como el Análisis Factorial Múltiple y el Análisis de Procrustes Generalizado. Si bien las configuraciones resultantes fueron todas equivalentes, los métodos de tres vías permiten la interpretación de la interacción genotipo*ambiente.


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Summary Generalized Procrustes analysis and thin plate splines were employed to create an average 3D shape template of the proximal femur that was warped to the size and shape of a single 2D radiographic image of a subject. Mean absolute depth errors are comparable with previous approaches utilising multiple 2D input projections. Introduction Several approaches have been adopted to derive volumetric density (g cm-3) from a conventional 2D representation of areal bone mineral density (BMD, g cm-2). Such approaches have generally aimed at deriving an average depth across the areal projection rather than creating a formal 3D shape of the bone. Methods Generalized Procrustes analysis and thin plate splines were employed to create an average 3D shape template of the proximal femur that was subsequently warped to suit the size and shape of a single 2D radiographic image of a subject. CT scans of excised human femora, 18 and 24 scanned at pixel resolutions of 1.08 mm and 0.674 mm, respectively, were equally split into training (created 3D shape template) and test cohorts. Results The mean absolute depth errors of 3.4 mm and 1.73 mm, respectively, for the two CT pixel sizes are comparable with previous approaches based upon multiple 2D input projections. Conclusions This technique has the potential to derive volumetric density from BMD and to facilitate 3D finite element analysis for prediction of the mechanical integrity of the proximal femur. It may further be applied to other anatomical bone sites such as the distal radius and lumbar spine.


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Four morphologically cryptic species of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly complex (B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. carambolae and B. philippinensis) are serious agricultural pests. As they are difficult to diagnose using traditional taxonomic techniques, we examined the potential for geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape to discriminate between them. Fifteen wing landmarks generated size and shape data for 245 specimens for subsequent comparisons among three geographically distinct samples of each species. Intraspecific wing size was significantly different within samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis s.s. but not within samples of B. papayae or B. philippinensis. Although B. papayae had the smallest wings (average centroid size=6.002 mm±0.061 SE) and B. dorsalis s.s. the largest (6.349 mm±0.066 SE), interspecific wing size comparisons were generally non-informative and incapable of discriminating species. Contrary to the wing size data, canonical variate analysis based on wing shape data discriminated all species with a relatively high degree of accuracy; individuals were correctly reassigned to their respective species on average 93.27% of the time. A single sample group of B. carambolae from locality 'TN Malaysia' was the only sample to be considerably different from its conspecific groups with regards to both wing size and wing shape. This sample was subsequently deemed to have been originally misidentified and likely represents an undescribed species. We demonstrate that geometric morphometric techniques analysing wing shape represent a promising approach for discriminating between morphologically cryptic taxa of the B. dorsalis species complex.


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Identifying product families has been considered as an effective way to accommodate the increasing product varieties across the diverse market niches. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to identifying product families by using a similarity measure for a common product design data BOM (Bill of Materials) based on data mining techniques such as frequent mining and clus-tering. For calculating the similarity between BOMs, a novel Extended Augmented Adjacency Matrix (EAAM) representation is introduced that consists of information not only of the content and topology but also of the fre-quent structural dependency among the various parts of a product design. These EAAM representations of BOMs are compared to calculate the similarity between products and used as a clustering input to group the product fami-lies. When applied on a real-life manufacturing data, the proposed framework outperforms a current baseline that uses orthogonal Procrustes for grouping product families.


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La dystocie représente une des causes principales de la mortalité maternelle et fœtale lors de l’accouchement. Une relation trop étroite entre les dimensions maternelles et fœtales résultent souvent en une césarienne d’urgence. Les manuels obstétricaux actuels proposent qu’une forme gynoïde de la cavité obstétricale est normale car elle favorise une descente fœtale sans difficulté lors de la parturition parce qu’elle est arrondie. Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte sur l’étude de la variation inter-populationnelle de la forme du canal obstétrique chez trois populations génétiquement différentes pour tester si ces populations ont toutes une forme gynoïde ou si elles sont variables morphologiquement. Les cavités pelviennes analysées sont constituées de 59 bassins d’Américaines d’origine européenne, 74 bassins d’Américaines d’origine africaine et 19 bassins de Sadlermiuts. Vingt points anatomiques sur la cavité pelvienne ont été digitalisés à partir du bassin articulé pour permettre une visualisation tridimensionnelle de la forme du canal obstétrique. Une analyse Procrustes suivie d’une analyse en composantes principales ont été faites pour faire ressortir les composantes qui permettent de faire des distinctions entre les trois populations. L’existence d’une relation d’une part entre la taille et/ou la masse et d’autre part la morphologie du canal obstétrique a aussi été explorée. Résultats : La morphologie qui décrit les Sadlermiuts est la forme platypelloïde, soit un diamètre médio-latéral plus grand que le diamètre antéro-postérieur, et ce à tous les détroits. Les Américaines africaines présentent une morphologie qui tend vers une forme gynoïde aux détroits supérieur et moyen, et les Américaines européennes démontrent une morphologie intermédiaire entre les formes gynoïde et androïde au détroit supérieur. Seule la taille du bassin (taille centroïde) est corrélée à des changements de la forme du canal obstétrique pour les détroits supérieur et moyen. Discussion: La forme gynoïde n’est pas représentative de la cavité obstétricale chez les trois populations. Il est possible que la forme platypelloïde des Sadlermiuts soit une conséquence de comportements induisant des changements morphologiques lors du développement squelettique. D’autres études sont requises pour évaluer cette hypothèse.


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Stingless bee honey samples were evaluated by sensory descriptive analysis using free choice profile methodology. Appearance, flavor, and aroma were described and the data were treated with Generalized Procrustes Analysis. Individual descriptive terms ranged from 8 to 20. Plotting the samples in a bidimensional plan indicated that appearance attributes (color and viscosity) and sweet, sour and acid flavor were strongly correlated with x axis (Dimension 1) while coconut, wood, acid, sour, and sweet flavor aroma attributes were correlated with y axis (Dimension 2). The affective test was also performed and with the exception of the Melipona scutellaris honey, all the other samples showed good acceptance. Honeys that were described as sweeter and less acid were preferred by nontrained assessors, indicating that the regular consumer recognizes honey produced by Apis mellifera bee as a standard.


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Tendo como motivação o desenvolvimento de uma representação gráfica de redes com grande número de vértices, útil para aplicações de filtro colaborativo, este trabalho propõe a utilização de superfícies de coesão sobre uma base temática multidimensionalmente escalonada. Para isso, utiliza uma combinação de escalonamento multidimensional clássico e análise de procrustes, em algoritmo iterativo que encaminha soluções parciais, depois combinadas numa solução global. Aplicado a um exemplo de transações de empréstimo de livros pela Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker, o algoritmo proposto produz saídas interpretáveis e coerentes tematicamente, e apresenta um stress menor que a solução por escalonamento clássico.


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Tendo como motivação o desenvolvimento de uma representação gráfica de redes com grande número de vértices, útil para aplicações de filtro colaborativo, este trabalho propõe a utilização de superfícies de coesão sobre uma base temática multidimensionalmente escalonada. Para isso, utiliza uma combinação de escalonamento multidimensional clássico e análise de procrustes, em algoritmo iterativo que encaminha soluções parciais, depois combinadas numa solução global. Aplicado a um exemplo de transações de empréstimo de livros pela Biblioteca Karl A. Boedecker, o algoritmo proposto produz saídas interpretáveis e coerentes tematicamente, e apresenta um stress menor que a solução por escalonamento clássico. O estudo da estabilidade da representação de redes frente à variação amostral dos dados, realizado com base em simulações envolvendo 500 réplicas em 6 níveis de probabilidade de inclusão das arestas nas réplicas, fornece evidência em favor da validade dos resultados obtidos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)