994 resultados para Processamento de moldagem - Transferência de resina
Com o objetivo de ganhar competitividade no mercado internacional e contribuir para o desenvolvimento tecnológico no país, o presente trabalho apresenta a técnica de processamento de moldagem por transferência de resina (RTM), utilizada na fabricação de materiais compósitos estruturais e ainda pouco estudada no Brasil. Os compósitos processados por essa técnica apresentam maior fração volumétrica de fibras, melhor acabamento superficial e pouca ou nenhuma necessidade de acabamento do componente produzido. Este trabalho compreende a caracterização de compósitos produzidos com resina epóxi monocomponente RTM6 e o tecido não dobrável de fibra de carbono. Os compósitos produzidos pela Hexcel Composites foram analisados pela técnica de ultrassom C-Scan e os resultados mostraram que os laminados processados estão homogêneos quanto à impregnação. Ensaios mecânicos mostram que os laminados com tecido apresentam características comparáveis à dos compósitos produzidos em autoclave com maiores porcentagens de reforço. Em fadiga, os laminados apresentaram um alto e curto intervalo, com tensões próximas à de tração. Quanto ao comportamento térmico observou-se melhora nas propriedades com a adição do reforço de fibras de carbono, que promoveram o aumento da temperatura de transição vítrea (Tg). Quanto ao comportamento viscoelástico, foi observado a influencia da temperatura e freqüência no material. Considerando as propriedades mecânicas e térmicas, ambos os compósitos foram classificados como adequados à aplicação proposta.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Technology is growing interest in the use of composites, due to the requirement of lighter materials and more resistant, factors essential to meet the project specifications and reduce the operational cost. In the production of high performance structural composites, considering the aerospace criteria, the domestic industry has shown interest in the process of resin transfer molding (RTM) for reproducibility and low cost. This process is suitable for producing components of polymeric composites with relatively simple geometries, consistent thicknesses, high quality finish with no size limitations. The objective of this work was machined carbon steel to make a matched-die tooling for RTM and produce two composite plates of epoxy resin and carbon fiber fabric with and without induced discontinuities, which were compared towards their impregnation with ultrasound, their properties via tensile tests and thermal analysis. In ultrasonic inspection, it was found good impregnation of the preform of both composites. In the thermal analysis it was possible to check the degradation temperature of the composites, the glass transition temperature and it was found that the composites showed no effective cure cycles, but presented good performance in the tensile test when compared with aluminum alloy 7050 T7451 . The results showed that the injection strategy was appropriate since the laminate exhibited a good quality for the proposed application
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
After confirming the high specific mechanical properties of composite materials by scientific studies conducted over the last decades, one of the challenges of this new class of materials is the ability to achieve mass production at a more affordable cost, which has become indispensable. The Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) is an excellent method for manufacturing composite materials. Despite being a process widely used by international companies in the production of high performance structural composites, only a short time the national aviation industry has shown interest in implementing this type of processing to more complex structures and greater structural responsibility. In aeronautical projects, the reproducibility and the relative low cost of this process, several studies have been performed in Brazil for learning and perfecting this technique. This process is suitable for producing polymer components both simple as complex geometry, and allows to achieve consistent thickness, with high quality finish and without limiting range. Polymeric composite components for the high mechanical stress applications such as aircraft structures, satellites, etc., require a strict control of volume fractions of the composite constituents, beyond the knowledge of their mechanical and thermal properties. Therefore, in this experimental work degree study on the mechanical, thermal and of porosity composites processed by RTM processed characterization was performed. This characterization was performed targeting a possible aerospace application of this composite material. For the production of composites, process equipment (RTM RTM injector Radius 2100cc) was used. The processed carbono/epoxy composites were characterized via flexure tests mechanically and thermally analysis via DMA, DSC and TGA. To determine the volume fraction of fibers, the composite samples were analyzed via matrix digestion (ASTM D3171) ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This work presents an application of optical fiber sensors based on Bragg gratings integrated to a transtibial prosthesis tube manufactured with a polymeric composite systrem of epoxy resin reinforced with glass fiber. The main objective of this study is to characterize the sensors applied to the gait cycle and changes in the gravity center of a transtibial amputee, trough the analysis of deformation and strengh of the transtibial prosthesis tube. For this investigation it is produced a tube of the composite material described above using the molding method of resin transfer (RTM) with four optical sensors. The prosthesis in which the original tube is replaced is classified as endoskeletal, has vacuum fitting, aluminium conector tube and carbon fiber foot cushioning. The volunteer for the tests was a man of 41 years old, 1.65 meters tall, 72 kilograms and left-handed. His amputation occurred due to trauma (surgical section is in the medial level, and was made below the left lower limb knee). He has been a transtibial prosthesis user for two years and eight months. The characterization of the optical sensors and analysis of mechanical deformation and tube resistance occurred through the gait cycle and the variation of the center of gravity of the body by the following tests: stand up, support leg without the prosthesis, support in the leg with the prosthesis, walk forward and walk backward. Besides the characterization of optical sensors during the gait cycle and the variation of the gravity center in a transtibial amputated, the results also showed a high degree of integration of the sensors in the composite and a high mechanical strength of the material.
This graduation work done study of polyamide 6.6/composite carbon fibres, since its processing, characterization of the main properties. Besides the influence of temperature, UV radiation, salt spray and moisture on the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior. To achieve this goal, the first composite was processed from the heat compression molding using known variables of the process and using the empirical method to find the best value for other parameters. The method processing molding was chosen because it common in composites processing in order to evaluate the influence of crystallinity of the properties that influence the mechanical and viscoelastic behavior laminates. From the obtained laminate specimens were evaluated in weathering, such as: in hygrothermal chamber, UV, salt spray and thermal shock. In another step, the effect produced by these constraints were evaluated by optical microscopy, ultrasound, dynamic mechanical analysis and vibration tests. This project was conducted at the Department of Technology and Materials of UNESP in Guaratingueta, where all the equipment and techniques for the implementation of this project met available. After the tests proved the applicability of the composite polyamide 6.6/carbon fibers in aeronautical applications with resistance the main climatic influences
Este trabalho de pesquisa consistiu na obtenção de compósitos nanoestruturados utilizando matrizes poliméricas termorrígidas e nanotubos de carbono (CNT) e posterior caracterização de suas propriedades mecânicas, térmicas, elétricas, reológicas e demais características físico-químicas para aplicações aeroespaciais. As atividades experimentais para a realização deste trabalho foram, em sua maioria, conduzidas na Alemanha. Durante o desenvolvimento deste trabalho de pesquisa, foi possível entender melhor como deve ser realizada a purificação, funcionalização e dispersão de CNT em compósitos poliméricos. Desta forma, CNT foram caracterizados e utilizados como reforços para a obtenção de compósitos nanoestruturados em matrizes termorrígidas (resina fenólica). Estes compósitos foram processados, por meio de cura em autoclave e avaliados com relação aos seus desempenhos mecânicos, físico-químicos e morfológicos. Duas metodologias foram utilizadas para permitir a dispersão dos CNT: dispersão em solução aquosa e por calandragem (TRC). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a metodologia mais adequada para dispersar os CNT em resina fenólica é a partir do processo por calandragem e que teores superiores a 0,5% em massa de CNT não resultam em melhorias significativas quanto aos desempenhos viscoelástico, térmico, elétrico e mecânico destes compósitos. Ainda, a partir dos ensaios reológicos e elétricos, foi observado que teores abaixo de 0,2% em massa de CNT já são suficientes para promover a percolação dos CNT na resina fenólica, gerando mudanças significativas no comportamento físico-químico do compósito nanoestruturado. A partir deste trabalho de pesquisa...
In order to study resin distribution and homogeneity of composite laminates manufactured by RTM, it was used CYCOM 890 monolithic toughened epoxy as a matrix with two different configurations of intermediated modulus (IM) carbon fibers: Satin Weave (5HS) and non crimp fabric (NCF). The injection parameters were defined based on Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and rheological analysis. After processing the material, the resin/fiber impregnation was studied using ultrasonic test, Thermo Gravimetric Analysis, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and flexural tests. Therefore, it was able to observe an internal residual stress during the cooling process in both laminates, higher in the composite using NCF fabric due to the lack of symmetry, although a good proportion of fiber/matrix has been verified by the lower values of flexural modulus deviation. The DMA enabled the visualization of glass transition and its association with the inter and intra molecular interaction and movement, in which the NCF composite presented better permeability due to the lowest temperature of glass transition, when compared to the Satin Weave composite
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.
O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar, por meio de mensuração das fendas na interface dentina - restauração de resina composta com utilização de algumas variáveis: fotoativação com lâmpada halógena e com LED; utilização de resina microhíbrida com partículas nanométricas Filtek Z350 ou sem estas partículas Filtek Z250; variação do sistema adesivo (Adper Single Bond 2 ou Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose); variação da temperatura da resina composta; uso de dessensibilizante dentinário ou não; remoção do colágeno da dentina ou não e variação da intensidade de luz na fotoativação. Foram utilizados 70 molares humanos recém-extraídos, com cavidades circulares na dentina superficial de cada face proximal, foram divididos em 10 amostras para cada variável citada acima. Os dentes foram devidamente restaurados, seguindo as instruções dos fabricantes, para todos os grupos e mantidos em estufa bacteriológica por um período de 7 dias, após este período, foram polidos e as réplicas de resina epoxídica foram confeccionadas a partir de uma moldagem com silicone por adição, as mesmas foram levadas ao MEV, para a análise. As fendas foram mensuradas com o auxílio do software UTHSCSA Image tool e os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística pelo teste t de Student para a obtenção dos resultados. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se concluir que: os menores valores de fendas marginais foram obtidos quando da utilização de luz halógena (t=3,246 e p= 0,02) e com variação da intensidade desta luz (t= - 8,808 e p= 0,00). Os menores valores relativos de fendas, mas sem diferença estatística significante, foram encontrados, também, quando a resina Filtek Z350 foi comparada com a resina Filtek Z250 (t=-0,426 e p= 0,672) e quando o adesivo Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose foi comparado com o Sistema Adper Single Bond 2 (t= 0,883 e p= 0,382). Os maiores valores de fendas marginais foram obtidos com a resina Filtek Z350 préaquecida a 60oC (t= -3,961 e p=0,000); com o uso de dessensibilizante dentinário (t=-3,062 e p=0,004) e com a remoção do colágeno pelo hipoclorito de sódio (t= -8,808 e p= 0,000).