999 resultados para Process mineralogy
La mineralogía de procesos se ha convertido en los últimos años en una herramienta indispensable dentro del ámbito minero-metalúrgico debido fundamentalmente a la emergencia de la Geometalurgia. Esta disciplina en auge, a través de la integración de datos geológicos, mineros y metalúrgicos, proporciona la información necesaria para que el circuito de concentración mineral pueda responder de manera rápida y eficaz a la variabilidad mineralógica inherente a la geología del yacimiento. Para la generación del modelo geometalúrgico, la mineralogía de procesos debe aportar datos cuantitativos sobre los rasgos mineralógicos influyentes en el comportamiento de los minerales y para ello se apoya en el uso de sistemas de análisis mineralógico automatizado. Estos sistemas son capaces de proporcionar gran cantidad de datos mineralógicos de manera rápida y precisa. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de la caracterización de la textura, el mineralogista debe recurrir a descripciones cualitativas basadas en la observación, ya que los sistemas actuales no ofrecen información textural automatizada. Esta tesis doctoral surge precisamente para proporcionar de manera sistemática información textural relevante para los procesos de concentración mineral. La tesis tiene como objetivo principal la identificación y caracterización del tipo de intercrecimiento que un determinado mineral presenta en las partículas minerales, e inicialmente se han tenido en cuenta los siete tipos de intercrecimiento considerados como los más relevantes bajo el punto de vista del comportamiento de las partículas minerales durante flotación, lixiviación y molienda. Para alcanzar este objetivo se ha desarrollado una metodología basada en el diseño y cálculo de una serie de índices numéricos, a los que se ha llamado índices mineralúrgicos, que cumplen una doble función: por un lado, cada índice aporta información relevante para caracterizar los principales rasgos mineralógicos que gobiernan el comportamiento de las partículas minerales a lo largo de los procesos de concentración y por otro lado, estos índices sirven como variables discriminantes para identificar el tipo de intercrecimiento mineral mediante la aplicación de Análisis Discriminante. Dentro del conjunto de índices propuestos en este trabajo, se han considerado algunos índices propuestos por otros autores para su aplicación tanto en el ámbito de la mineralogía como en otros ámbitos de la ciencia de materiales. Se trata del Índice de Contigüidad (Gurland, 1958), Índice de Intercrecimiento (Amstutz y Giger, 1972) e Índice de Coordinación (Jeulin, 1981), adaptados en este caso para el análisis de partículas minerales. El diseño de los índices se ha basado en los principios básicos de la Estereología y el análisis digital de imagen, y su cálculo se ha llevado a cabo aplicando el método de interceptos lineales mediante la programación en MATLAB de varias rutinas. Este método estereológico permite recoger una serie de medidas a partir de las que es posible calcular varios parámetros, tanto estereológicos como geométricos, que han servido de base para calcular los índices mineralúrgicos. Para evaluar la capacidad discriminatoria de los índices mineralúrgicos se han seleccionado 200 casos en los que se puede reconocer de manera clara alguno de los siete tipos de intercrecimiento considerados inicialmente en este trabajo. Para cada uno de estos casos se han calculado los índices mineralúrgicos y se ha aplicado Análisis Discriminante, obteniendo un porcentaje de acierto en la clasificación del 95%. Esta cifra indica que los índices propuestos son discriminadores fiables del tipo de intercrecimiento. Una vez probada la capacidad discriminatoria de los índices, la metodología desarrollada ha sido aplicada para caracterizar una muestra de un concentrado de cobre procedente de la mina Kansanshi (Zambia). Esta caracterización se ha llevado a cabo para obtener la distribución de calcopirita según su tipo de intercrecimiento. La utilidad de esta distribución ha sido analizada bajo diferentes puntos de vista y en todos ellos los índices mineralúrgicos aportan información valiosa para caracterizar el comportamiento mineralúrgico de las partículas minerales. Los resultados derivados tanto del Análisis Discriminante como de la caracterización del concentrado de Kansanshi muestran la fiabilidad, utilidad y versatilidad de la metodología desarrollada, por lo que su integración como herramienta rutinaria en los sistemas actuales de análisis mineralógico pondría a disposición del mineralurgista gran cantidad de información textural complementaria a la información ofrecida por las técnicas actuales de caracterización mineralógica. ABSTRACT Process mineralogy has become in the last decades an essential tool in the mining and metallurgical sphere, especially driven by the emergence of Geometallurgy. This emergent discipline provides required information to efficiently tailor the circuit performance to the mineralogical variability inherent to ore deposits. To contribute to the Geometallurgical model, process mineralogy must provide quantitative data about the main mineralogical features implied in the minerallurgical behaviour of minerals. To address this characterisation, process mineralogy relies on automated systems. These systems are capable of providing a large amount of data quickly and accurately. However, when it comes to the characterisation of texture, mineralogists need to turn to qualitative descriptions based on observation, due to the fact that current systems can not offer quantitative textural information in a routine way. Aiming at the automated characterisation of textural information, this doctoral thesis arises to provide textural information relevant for concentration processes in a systematic way. The main objective of the thesis is the automated identification and characterisation of intergrowth types in mineral particles. Initially, the seven intergrowth types most relevant for flotation, leaching and grinding are considered. To achieve this goal, a methodology has been developed based on the computation of a set of numerical indices, which have been called minerallurgical indices. These indices have been designed with two main purposes: on the one hand, each index provides information to characterise the main mineralogical features which determine particle behaviour during concentration processes and, on the other hand, these indices are used as discriminant variables for identifying the intergrowth type by Discriminant Analysis. Along with the indices developed in this work, three indices proposed by other authors belonging to different fields of materials science have been also considered after being adapted to the analysis of mineral particles. These indices are Contiguity Index (Gurland, 1958), Intergrowth Index (Amstutz and Giger, 1972) and Coordination Index (Jeulin, 1981). The design of minerallurgical indices is based on the fundamental principles of Stereology and Digital Image Analysis. Their computation has been carried out using the linear intercepts method, implemented by means of MATLAB programming. This stereological method provides a set of measurements to obtain several parameters, both stereological and geometric. Based on these parameters, minerallurgical indices have been computed. For the assessment of the discriminant capacity of the developed indices, 200 cases have been selected according to their internal structure, so that one of the seven intergrowth types initially considered in this work can be easily recognised in any of their constituents. Minerallurgical indices have been computed for each case and used as discriminant variables. After applying discriminant analysis, 95% of the cases were correctly classified. This result shows that the proposed indices are reliable identifiers of intergrowth type. Once the discriminant power of the indices has been assessed, the developed methodology has been applied to characterise a copper concentrate sample from the Kansanshi copper mine (Zambia). This characterisation has been carried out to quantify the distribution of chalcopyrite with respect to intergrowth types. Different examples of the application of this distribution have been given to test the usefulness of the method. In all of them, the proposed indices provide valuable information to characterise the minerallurgical behaviour of mineral particles. Results derived from both Discriminant Analysis and the characterisation of the Kansanshi concentrate show the reliability, usefulness and versatility of the developed methodology. Therefore, its integration as a routine tool in current systems of automated mineralogical analysis should make available for minerallurgists a great deal of complementary information to treat the ore more efficiently.
Process mineralogy provides the mineralogical information required by geometallurgists to address the inherent variation of geological data. The successful benefitiation of ores mostly depends on the ability of mineral processing to be efficiently adapted to the ore characteristics, being liberation one of the most relevant mineralogical parameters. The liberation characteristics of ores are intimately related to mineral texture. Therefore, the characterization of liberation necessarily requieres the identification and quantification of those textural features with a major bearing on mineral liberation. From this point of view grain size, bonding between mineral grains and intergrowth types are considered as the most influential textural attributes. While the quantification of grain size is a usual output of automated current technologies, information about grain boundaries and intergrowth types is usually descriptive and difficult to quantify to be included in the geometallurgical model. Aiming at the systematic and quantitative analysis of the intergrowth type within mineral particles, a new methodology based on digital image analysis has been developed. In this work, the ability of this methodology to achieve a more complete characterization of liberation is explored by the analysis of chalcopyrite in the rougher concentrate of the Kansanshi copper-gold mine (Zambia). Results obtained show that the method provides valuable textural information to achieve a better understanding of mineral behaviour during concentration processes. The potential of this method is enhanced by the fact that it provides data unavailable by current technologies. This opens up new perspectives on the quantitative analysis of mineral processing performance based on textural attributes.
O ouro, assim como outros bens minerais, é uma commodity, ou seja, um produto não diferenciado, com preço determinado pelo mercado internacional, sem a interferência de seus produtores. Diante desse cenário, associado à exaustão dos depósitos minerais de maiores teores, as mineradoras vêm buscando melhores formas de aproveitamento de matérias-primas minerais mais complexas quanto à extração e ao beneficiamento. Os retornos financeiros são obtidos no estrito controle da produção com redução de custos e mitigação de perdas nas operações unitárias. A caracterização tecnológica está inserida como uma abordagem multidisciplinar e fundamental para o melhor aproveitamento dos bens minerais. Possibilita um maior conhecimento do minério e das associações minerais presentes, que auxiliará no desenvolvimento das alternativas de explotação e na otimização do processo em funcionamento. Dentre os procedimentos de caracterização das associações minerais mais acurados citam-se os sistemas automatizados de análise de imagens adquiridas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Permitem a avaliação qualitativa ou quantitativa de grande número de partículas quanto à composição química e mineral, partição de elementos nos minerais presentes, formas de associações e liberação entre os minerais. Este estudo se concentra na caracterização de quatro amostras mineralizadas a ouro, de diferentes regiões do Brasil, pela análise automatizada de imagens e por métodos laboratoriais de separações minerais e extração hidrometalúrgica do ouro. A combinação de procedimentos laboratoriais com a análise de imagens permitiu confrontar os resultados das recuperações potenciais, fornecendo subsídios para abordagens de processo, para obtenção da máxima recuperação do ouro e para diagnosticar as características interferentes nesses processos.
Este estudo apresenta ao Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e Petróleo (PMI) da Escola Politécnica da USP, e também a toda a sociedade, a importância que os oceanos têm com relação às suas riquezas minerais. Pretende ainda mostrar a grande responsabilidade que um empreendimento mineiro no fundo do mar precisa ter, com relação aos impactos ambientais, sendo possível minerar em regiões profundas no oceano promovendo a sustentabilidade. A ideia da mineração oceânica/submarina está ainda sendo amadurecida, este é o momento adequado para se propor metodologias de trabalho submarino sustentáveis; mitigar seus impactos. Este trabalho abrange o tema de maneira ampla, abordando o aspecto histórico, legal, ambiental, bem como questões técnicas de engenharia de minas, como sondagem submarina, caracterização tecnológica, lavra submarina, beneficiamento de minério oceânico e descarte de rejeitos. O trabalho apresenta os passos e resultados de um caso real de exploração oceânica. Trata-se de um estudo para viabilizar economicamente a extração e o beneficiamento de areia marinha, para fins industriais, proveniente da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). O trabalho apresenta desde o planejamento da amostragem no fundo do mar, execução destes trabalhos, caracterização tecnológica, simulação de processo e estudos específicos do uso industrial da areia após beneficiamento. Apresenta ainda uma proposta de rota de processo para a areia marinha e questões ligadas à lavra e ao descarte de rejeitos.
A holistic study of the composition of the basalt groundwaters of the Atherton Tablelands region in Queensland, Australia was undertaken to elucidate possible mechanisms for the evolution of these very low salinity, silica- and bicarbonate-rich groundwaters. It is proposed that aluminosilicate mineral weathering is the major contributing process to the overall composition of the basalt groundwaters. The groundwaters approach equilibrium with respect to the primary minerals with increasing pH and are mostly in equilibrium with the major secondary minerals (kaolinite and smectite), and other secondary phases such as goethite, hematite, and gibbsite, which are common accessory minerals in the Atherton basalts. The mineralogy of the basalt rocks, which has been examined using X-ray diffraction and whole rock geochemistry methods, supports the proposed model for the hydrogeochemical evolution of these groundwaters: precipitation + CO 2 (atmospheric + soil) + pyroxene + feldspars + olivine yields H 4SiO 4, HCO 3 -, Mg 2+, Na +, Ca 2+ + kaolinite and smectite clays + amorphous or crystalline silica + accessory minerals (hematite, goethite, gibbsite, carbonates, zeolites, and pyrite). The variations in the mineralogical content of these basalts also provide insights into the controls on groundwater storage and movement in this aquifer system. The fresh and weathered vesicular basalts are considered to be important in terms of zones of groundwater occurrence, while the fractures in the massive basalt are important pathways for groundwater movement.
Orebodies at Ok Tedi contain a number of different fluorine bearing minerals. Some of these minerals report to concentrate and are responsible for the presence of the penalty element, fluorine, within the concentrate. Previous analytical work has tended to examine geological samples for content, rather than determine the metallurgical behaviour of the different mineralogical species. This investigation utilised X-Ray Diffraction combined with Scanning Electron Microscope/Electron Microprobe to identify the fluorine bearing minerals in flotation test products. Seven fluorine bearing minerals were identified, viz., talc, phlogopite, amphibole (tremolite and actinolite), sphene, apatite, biotite and clay. Talc was found exclusively in the skarn ore type. Phlogopite and amphiboles (tremolite and actinolite) were found to occur in both skarn and porphyry ores, while sphene, apatite, biotite and clay were found only in the porphyry ores. Of the fluorine bearing minerals observed, only talc exhibited natural hydrophobicity to any significant degree. Phlogopite and the amphibole minerals were found to be hydrophillic, whilst the remaining minerals occurred in insufficient quantities to determine the flotation behaviour. Ok Tedi copper concentrate fluorine content prior to skarn ore treatment in the mill (typically 350ppm) was previously identified as deriving from phlogopite, while talc was believed to be the source of intermittent high concentrate fluorine contents when skarn ores were treated. This paper provides supporting evidence for this belief, and reports the nature of fluorine bearing mineral flotation behaviour.
A process for the preparation of an amorphous alumino-silicate derivative which involves reacting a solid corresponding starting material with MOH where M is alkali metal or ammonium cation. The solid corresponding starting material may be selected from montmorillonite, kaolin, natural zeolite (e.g., clinoliptolite/heulandite) as well as illite, palygorskite and saponite and additional reactant MX wherein X is halide may be utilized in conjunction with MOH. The invention also includes alumino-silicate derivatives of the general formula M.sub.p Al.sub.q Si.sub.2 O.sub.r (OH).sub.s X.sub.t.uH.sub.2 O as well as alumino-silicate derivatives of the general formula M.sub.p Al.sub.q Si.sub.2 O.sub.r (OH).sub.s.uH.sub.2 O.
The controversy on how to interpret the ages of lunar highland breccias has recently been discussed by James [1]. Are the measured ages testimony of true events in lunar history; do they represent the age of the ancient crustal rocks, mixed ages of unequilibrated matrix-phenocryst relationships, or merely thermal events subsequent to the formational event ? It is certain from analyses of terrestrial impact melt breccias that the melt matrix of whole impact melt sheets is isotopically equilibrated due to the extensive mixing process of the early cratering stage [2,3]. It has been shown that isotopic equilibration takes place between impact melt matrix and target rock clasts therein, with the intensity of isotopic exchange depending on the degree of shock metamorphism, thermal metamorphism and the size of the clasts [4]. Therefore, impact melt breccias - if they are relatively clast-poor and mineralogically well studied - can be considered to be the most reliable source for information on the impact history of the lunar highland.
Successive alkalinity producing systems (SAPSs) are widely used for treating acid mine drainage (AMD) and alleviating clogging commonly occurring in limestone systems due to an amorphous ferric precipitate. In this study, iron dust, bone char, micrite and their admixtures were used to treat arseniccontaining AMD. A particular interest was devoted to arsenic removal performance, mineralogical constraints on arsenic retention ability and permeability variation during column experiment for 140 days. The results showed that the sequence of the arsenic removal capacity was as follows: bone char > micrite > iron dust. The combination of 20% v/v iron dust and 80% v/v bone char/micrite columns can achieve better hydraulic conductivity and phosphorus-retention capacity than single micrite and bone char columns. The addition of iron dust created reductive environment and resulted in the transformation of coating material from colloidal phase to secondary mineral phase, such as green rust and phosphoerrite, which obviously ameliorates hydraulic conductivity of systems. The sequential extraction experiments indicated that the stable fractions of arsenic in columns were enhanced with help of iron dust compared to single bone char and micrite columns. A combination of iron dust and micrite/bone char represented a potential SAPS for treating As-containing AMD.
Salt weathering is a crucial process that brings about a change in stone, from the scale of landscapes to stone outcrops and natural building stone facades. It is acknowledged that salt weathering is controlled by fluctuations in temperature and moisture, where repeated oscillations in these parameters can cause re-crystallisation, hydration/de-hydration of salts, bringing about stone surface loss in the form of, for example, granular disaggregation, scaling, and multiple flaking. However, this ‘traditional’ view of how salt weathering proceeds may need to be re-evaluated in the light of current and future climatic trends. Indeed, there is considerable scope for the investigation of consequences of climate change on geomorphological processes in general. Building on contemporary research on the ‘deep wetting’ of natural building stones, it is proposed that (as stone may be wetter for longer), ion diffusion may become a more prominent mechanism for the mixing of molecular constituents, and a shift in focus from physical damage to chemical change is suggested. Data from ion diffusion cell experiments are presented for three different sandstone types, demonstrating that salts may diffuse through porous stone relatively rapidly (in comparison to, for example, dense concrete). Pore water from stones undergoing diffusion experiments was extracted and analysed. Factors controlling ion diffusion
relating to ‘time of wetness’ within stones are discussed, (continued saturation, connectivity of pores, mineralogy, behaviour of salts, sedimentary structure), and potential changes in system dynamics as a result of climate change are addressed. System inputs may change in terms of increased moisture input, translating into a greater depth of wetting front. Salts are likely to be ‘stored’ differently in stones, with salt being in solution for longer periods (during prolonged winter wetness). This has myriad implications in terms of the movement of ions by diffusion and the potential for chemical change in the stone (especially in more mobile constituents), leading to a weakening of the stone matrix/grain boundary cementing. The ‘output’ may be mobilisation and precipitation of elements leading to, for example, uneven cementing in the stone. This reduced strength of the stone, or compromised ability of the stone to absorb stress, is likely to make crystallisation a more efficacious mechanism of decay when it does occur. Thus, a delay in the onset of crystallisation while stonework is wet does not preclude exaggerated or accelerated material loss when it finally happens.
This study reports on the geochemical and mineralogical characterization of a lateritic profile cropping out in the Balkouin area, Central Burkina Faso, aimed at obtaining a better understanding of the processes responsible for the formation of the laterite itself and the constraints to its development. The lateritic profile rests on a Paleoproterozoic basement mostly composed of granodioritic rocks related to the Eburnean magmatic cycle passing upwards to saprolite and consists of four main composite horizons (bottom to top): kaolinite and clay-rich horizons, mottled laterite and iron-rich duricrust. In order to achieve such a goal, a multi-disciplinary analytical approach was adopted, which includes inductively coupled plasma (ICP) atomic emission and mass spectrometries (ICP-AES and ICP-MS respectively), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and micro-Raman spectroscopy.
The geochemical data, and particularly the immobile elements distribution and REE patterns, show that the Balkouin laterite is the product of an in situ lateritization process that involved a strong depletion of the more soluble elements (K, Mg, Ca, Na, Rb, Sr and Ba) and an enrichment in Fe; Si was also removed, particularly in the uppermost horizons. All along the profile the change in composition is coupled with important changes in mineralogy. In particular, the saprolite is characterized by occurrence of abundant albitic plagioclase, quartz and nontronite; kaolinite is apparently absent. The transition to the overlying lateritic profile marks the breakdown of plagioclase and nontronite, thus allowing kaolinite to become one of the major components upwards, together with goethite and quartz. The upper part of the profile is strongly enriched in hematite (+ kaolinite). Ti oxides (at least in part as anatase) and apatite are typical accessory phases, while free aluminum hydroxides are notably absent. Mass change calculations emphasize the extent of the mass loss, which exceeds 50 wt% (and often 70 wt%) for almost all horizons; only Fe was significantly concentrated in the residual system.
The geochemical and mineralogical features suggest that the lateritic profile is the product of a continuous process that gradually developed from the bedrock upwards, in agreement with the Schellmann classic genetic model. The laterite formation must have occurred at low pH (? 4.5) and high Eh (? 0.4) values, i.e., under acidic and oxidizing environments, which allowed strongly selective leaching conditions. The lack of gibbsite and bohemite is in agreement with the compositional data: the occurrence of quartz (± amorphous silica) all along the profile was an inhibiting factor for the formation of free aluminum hydroxides.
Nesse trabalho, foram caracterizados, pela primeira vez, azulejos históricos portugueses do Centro Histórico de São Luís (CHSL) do Maranhão. A caracterização foi realizada através dos ensaios de microscopia ótica, difração de raios X (DRX) e análise química, visando ao uso dessa informação para a determinação das possíveis matérias-primas utilizadas na sua fabricação, bem como a provável temperatura de queima desses materiais. Os resultados mostraram que a microestrutura desses materiais é constituída por poros de tamanhos variados, apresentando incrustações de calcita e grãos de quartzo de tamanhos inferiores a 500 µm, distribuídos numa matriz de cor rosa-amarelo, onde foram identificadas, por DRX, as fases minerais calcita, gelhenita, wollastonita, quartzo e amorfo. A partir da informação obtida, é possível inferir que as matérias-primas originais estiveram constituídas, provavelmente, por mistura de argilas caoliníticas (Al2O3•2SiO,2•2H2O), ricas em carbonatos de cálcio e quartzo ou misturas de argilas caoliniticas, quartzo e calcita. Essas matérias-primas originais não atingiram a temperatura de cocção de 950ºC.
The scarcity of comprehensive characterizations of soils associated to gentle summit depressions of the Northeastern Brazilian Coastal Plains justifies this work, which had as objective to provide basic information for the more diverse agricultural and non-agricultural uses. For that, representative soils (Spodosols or similar soils) from these environments were selected in Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia states. This approach included characterization of morphological, mineralogical and micromorphological properties of the soil profiles, employing standard procedures. The morphological characterization corroborated the effect of the podzolization process during the formation of these soils. The mineralogy of the clay fraction of these soils was basically composed of kaolinite and quartz, which, associated to the very sandy texture, helped in the understanding of the obtained data. The soil micromorphological study, besides confirming the field morphology, mainly in regard to the strong cementation, aggregated value to the work in terms of the secure identification of the clay illuviation process (non-identified in the field), in association with the dominant podzolization process.
The scarcity of comprehensive characterizations of soils associated to gentle summit depressions of the Northeastern Brazilian Coastal Plains justifies this work, which had as objective to provide basic information for the more diverse agricultural and non-agricultural uses. For that, representative soils (Spodosols or similar soils) from these environments were selected in Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia states. This approach included characterization of morphological, mineralogical and micromorphological properties of the soil profiles, employing standard procedures. The morphological characterization corroborated the effect of the podzolization process during the formation of these soils. The mineralogy of the clay fraction of these soils was basically composed of kaolinite and quartz, which, associated to the very sandy texture, helped in the understanding of the obtained data. The soil micromorphological study, besides confirming the field morphology, mainly in regard to the strong cementation, aggregated value to the work in terms of the secure identification of the clay illuviation process (non-identified in the field), in association with the dominant podzolization process.