906 resultados para Process education – Cataloguer’s librarians


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Video presented as part of Smart Services CRC Participants meeting. A short demonstration video of our ideas for using Business Process Software in Virtual Worlds for Process Education.


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This study examines the organizational structures and decision-making processes used by school districts to recruit and hire school librarians. For students to acquire the information and technology literacy education they need, school libraries must be staffed with qualified individuals who can fulfill the librarian’s role as leader, teacher, instructional partner, information specialist, and program administrator. Principals are typically given decision rights for hiring staff, including school librarians. Research shows that principals have limited knowledge of the skills and abilities of the school librarian or the specific needs and functions of the library program. Research also indicates that those with specific knowledge of school library programs, namely school district library supervisors, are only consulted on recruiting and hiring about half the time. School districts entrust library supervisors with responsibilities such as professional development of school librarians only after they are hired. This study uses a theoretical lens from research on IT governance, which focuses on the use of knowledge-fit in applying decision rights in an organization. This framework is appropriate because of its incorporation of a specialist with a specific knowledge set in determining the placement of input and decision rights in the decision-making processes. The method used in this research was a multiple-case study design using five school districts as cases, varying by the involvement of the supervisors and other individuals in the hiring process. The data collected from each school district were interviews about the district’s recruiting and hiring practices with principals, an individual in HR, library supervisors, and recently hired school librarians. Data analysis was conducted through iterative coding from themes in the research questions, with continuous adjustments as new themes developed. Results from the study indicate that governance framework is applicable to evaluating the decision-making processes used in recruiting and hiring school librarians. However, a district’s use of governance did not consistently use knowledge-fit in the determination of input and decision rights. In the hiring process, governance was more likely to be based on placing decision rights at a certain level of the district hierarchy rather than the location of specific knowledge, most often resulting in site-based governance for decision rights at the school-building level. The governance of the recruiting process was most affected by the shortage or surplus of candidates available to the district to fill positions. Districts struggling with a shortage of candidates typically placed governance for the decision-making process on recruiting at the district level, giving the library supervisor more opportunity for input and collaboration with human resources. In districts that use site-based governance and that place all input and decision rights at the building level, some principals use their autonomy to eliminate the school library position in the allotment phase or hire librarians that, while certified through testing, do not have the same level of expertise as those who achieve certification through LIS programs. The principals in districts who use site-based governance for decision rights but call on the library supervisor for advisement stated how valuable they found the supervisor’s expertise in evaluating candidates for hire. In no district was a principal or school required to involve the library supervisor in the hiring of school librarians. With a better understanding of the tasks involved, the effect of district governance on decision-making, and the use of knowledge to assign input and decision rights, it is possible to look at how all of these factors affect the outcome in the quality of the hire. A next step is to look at the hiring process that school librarians went through and connect those with the measurable outcomes of hiring: school librarian success, retention, and attrition; the quality of school library program services, outreach, and involvement in a school; and the perceptions of the success of the school librarian and the library program as seen from students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other community stakeholders.


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Employing critical pedagogy and transformative theory as a theoretical framework, I examined a learning process associated with building capacity in community-based organizations (CBOs) through an investigation of the Institutional Capacity Building Program (ICBP) initiated by a Foundation. The study sought to: (a) examine the importance of institutional capacity building for individual and community development; (b) investigate elements of a process associated with a program and characteristics of a learning process for building capacity in CBOs; and (c) analyze the Foundation’s approach to synthesizing, systematizing, and sharing learning. The study used a narrative research design that included 3 one-on-one, hour-long interviews with 2 women having unique vantage points in ICBP: one is a program facilitator working at the Foundation and the other runs a CBO supported by the Foundation. The interviews’ semistructured questions allowed interviewees to share stories regarding their experience with the learning process of ICB and enabled themes to emerge from their day-to-day experience. Through the analysis of this learning process for institutional capacity building, a few lessons can be drawn from the experience of the Foundation.


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The purpose of this study was to test Lotka’s law of scientific publication productivity using the methodology outlined by Pao (1985), in the field of Library and Information Studies (LIS). Lotka’s law has been sporadically tested in the field over the past 30+ years, but the results of these studies are inconclusive due to the varying methods employed by the researchers. ^ A data set of 1,856 citations that were found using the ISI Web of Knowledge databases were studied. The values of n and c were calculated to be 2.1 and 0.6418 (64.18%) respectively. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) one sample goodness-of-fit test was conducted at the 0.10 level of significance. The Dmax value is 0.022758 and the calculated critical value is 0.026562. It was determined that the null hypothesis stating that there is no difference in the observed distribution of publications and the distribution obtained using Lotka’s and Pao’s procedure could not be rejected. ^ This study finds that literature in the field of Library and Information Studies does conform to Lotka’s law with reliable results. As result, Lotka’s law can be used in LIS as a standardized means of measuring author publication productivity which will lead to findings that are comparable on many levels (e.g., department, institution, national). Lotka’s law can be employed as an empirically proven analytical tool to establish publication productivity benchmarks for faculty and faculty librarians. Recommendations for further study include (a) exploring the characteristics of the high and low producers; (b) finding a way to successfully account for collaborative contributions in the formula; and, (c) a detailed study of institutional policies concerning publication productivity and its impact on the appointment, tenure and promotion process of academic librarians. ^


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The movement toward a sustainable future has begun in many parts of the world, as the seriousness of the environmental problems faced by the planet become more widely recognised. Waste reduction, improved efficiency of energy use, water saving devices and changes in modes of transport are the first steps in the transition to a sustainable future. The students of today will be the decision makers of tomorrow and, thus, can have a significant effect on future development and the environmental
impacts of that development. If students today are to become active participants in the environmental decision-making process, education for sustainability becomes a key component in ensuring sustainable futures. There is a need to establish data describing students’ attitudes toward environmental and resource sustainability issues so that challenges to implementing sustainable development policy can be better recognised. The aims of this study were to identify the perceptions of students in
the south west region of Victoria regarding environment and resource sustainability, and to identify their level of participation in sustainable behaviours. A survey of students has found that global environmental issues perceived by students as being in urgent need of attention were access to freshwater, loss of tropical rainforest and exhaustion of natural resources. At the local level the most urgent issues identified were water pollution, salinization and soil degradation, and clearing of native vegetation. Students perceive that Australians are overusing natural resources. They indicated particular concern for the sustainability of fossil fuels, water, coastal environments and fisheries resources. The results of this study indicate that students are responding to concerns for the environment and resource sustainability by embracing some forms of sustainable behaviour. However, as educators we need to ensure that
the link is made between environment and resource sustainability and the implementation of policies that will further encourage sustainable behaviour.


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After the jubilation of the first democratic election in 1994, South African educational settings were faced with the challenge to rethink curriculum, content and delivery as part of its nation building process. Education continues to be a major player in stimulating wider change in society and is one arena where change may be readily facilitated. Changing the style and practice of teacher education programs remains a key feature in the transformation process. Twelve years on, curriculum, has undergone reform in terms of Outcomes Based Education (OBE)? Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) of 2002, accordingly, universities continue to prepare teachers for multicultural classrooms. Universities are now challenged to manage increased student intake (quantity) for teacher education programs without having to sacrifice quality for teacher education. This article focuses only on The University of Pretoria, a city university previously known as a traditional Afrikaans university situated in the greater Johannesburg area in South Africa. Through interview data with two music educators at this university, I present some of the current trends and challenges that tertiary music educators face in preparing music teachers in South Africa. This article also outlines a paradigm shift in the curriculum and argues for a holistic music education, one that endorses most of the major cultures and musics in South Africa. The question I pose is how then do we effectively manage change at tertiary level without sacrificing quality when preparing future music teachers to meet the needs and challenges of the curriculum and society.


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This paper presents research into the attitudes and behaviours of students using wikis for individual writing tasks. The wiki-based assignment differs from the use of wikis normally researched because it was an individual task, not involving collaborative writing. This activity provides an excellent opportunity to learn more about how wikis are actually used by students in higher education. The research finds there is no compelling evidence that the wiki on its own improves performance over and above the general aptitude of students. It also finds that students generally did not utilise the wikis for high-intensity editing and revision. However, students did report that the wiki was valuable as a way of aiding them to review and develop their ideas. We conclude that using wikis for individual writing tasks can, where appropriate active instructions are given to support development of cognitive abilities, lead to improved outcomes for students.


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Com a fundação, em 1919, da revista L'Ordine Nuovo - que atravessou fases diversas -, Gramsci tratou de desenvolver uma teoria e uma prática política que tinham no problema de educação um elemento constitutivo essencial. Até a sua prisão, em 1926, Gramsci passou por três diferentes momentos de elaboração dessa questão. Um primeiro momento no qual ele dá prioridade à cisão, ao antagonismo e à auto-atividade dos trabalhadores diante do capital, no próprio cerne do processo produtivo capitalista. Educação, então, confunde-se com auto-educação. O momento que se segue é o da necessidade de se educar o Partido Comunista, recém-fundado, particularmente a sua direção. O terceiro momento é pensado como necessidade de se educar o educador das massas, reflexão que aparece no seu papel de dirigente principal do Partido Comunista Italiano (PCI).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é investigar as concepções de professores formadores de professores de Matemática com relação ao uso da história da Matemática no processo ensino aprendizagem, com a finalidade de compreender que idéias e metodologias esses professores formadores utilizam ao tratar de abordagens históricas ou ao ministrar as disciplinas de História da Matemática. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa com o uso de entrevistas semi-estruturada com um grupo de nove professores que ministram aulas em instituições de Ensino Superior, em particular em cursos de Licenciatura Plena em Matemática. Ao analisar as falas desses professores, nossos sujeitos de pesquisa, buscamos compreender suas concepções e práticas ao tratar a história da Matemática. Elegemos três categorias de análise tendo como parâmetro as análises das entrevistas que foram: Primeiros Contatos com História da Matemática; Estratégias de Ensino e Potencialidades Pedagógicas; e Obstáculos ao uso da História da Matemática. Na primeira categoria aconteceram diferenças significativas, como o fato de cinco entrevistados argumentarem não ter mantido nenhum contato com história da Matemática enquanto estudantes de graduação e os outros quatro tiveram contato apenas em uma disciplina acompanhada apenas de um determinado livro-texto. Na segunda categoria percebemos que a estratégia de ensino utilizada pela maioria dos professores ao abordar a história da Matemática é unicamente através de seminários. Na terceira categoria cinco entrevistados argumentaram haver alguns obstáculos para o uso da história da Matemática no processo ensino aprendizagem destacando alguns desses obstáculos. O estudo das concepções dos professores pesquisados possibilitou destacar o papel da história da Matemática na formação do professor, como também reflexões sobre a aplicabilidade ou dificuldade do uso da história da Matemática no ensino aprendizagem e a contribuição da história da Matemática no desenvolvimento matemático e crítico do aluno.


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Através do presente estudo, procura-se analisar o Programa Mais Educação a partir do referencial Marxiano e marxista. Procura-se analisar as categorias Educação Integral, Esporte e Lazer, analisar relações das categorias com a discussão sobre o neoliberalismo, a sua influência no Estado brasileiro, além de marcos legais e contextuais. O processo de pesquisa ocorreu através da revisão bibliográfica, desenvolvida com base em materiais já elaborados, constituídos principalmente de livros e artigos científicos. Realizou-se o trato do cruzamento das primeiras abstrações sobre o objeto e o cruzamento da pesquisa documental com a revisão bibliográfica e com a pesquisa de campo. O nosso objetivo geral nesta pesquisa foi analisar os limites e as possibilidades na implementação do Esporte e do Lazer no PME e a problemática central da pesquisa: quais os limites e as possibilidades na implementação do Esporte e do Lazer no Programa Mais Educação na política local, nacional e na escola Esmerina Bou Habib de Abaetetuba/Pará (2008 - 2012)? Analisamos que o Programa Mais Educação tem sido um programa limitado à lógica do capital e do seu processo reprodutivo para o mercado de trabalho e a socialização de valores necessários a esta ordem. Por outro lado seria necessária uma Educação Integral e em tempo integral, na qual a construção de espaços deve ser prioridade, como uma alternativa para favorecer a escola pública, ou seja, é necessário mais tempo em uma nova escola. Percebeu-se que o Programa Mais Educação ainda não teve êxito em avançar na superação da escola de um turno para a construção de uma escola de dois turnos, os investimentos não são suficientes, a lógica da produtividade está presente no programa, inclusive na prioridade dada ao Esporte de rendimento. Percebeu-se que o macrocampo Esporte e Lazer é muito solicitado pelos alunos e que há uma aproximação entre as atividades deste macrocampo e as aulas de educação física, sendo que esta aproximação não deve ocasionar a substituição das aulas de educação física, caso que foi percebido durante a pesquisa de campo. Analisamos que a Educação Integral e em tempo integral será importante para a melhoria da educação no Brasil em termos estruturais, assim como uma melhor organização do trabalho pedagógico, valorização do processo educativo e do professor, aumentar as possibilidades educativas, ou seja, para o processo educativo ser mais qualitativo, crítico e dialético para a formação da classe trabalhadora. Contudo, entende-se que o Esporte deve ser tratado, a partir do paradigma da cultura corporal, como um elemento cultural humano deve ser socializado na escola no contexto da formação do novo homem e da nova mulher. Entende-se que a socialização do conhecimento sistematizado é necessária para a organização da classe trabalhadora em sua luta revolucionária. Nesse sentido, a educação escolar tem papel fundamental na luta pelo socialismo. Contudo, acreditou-se na relevância desta pesquisa, do ponto de vista social, por se estar propondo uma análise ampla e crítica que deverá dar conta do trato científico do objeto e das categorias de análise, afinado com perspectivas substancialmente transformadoras. Pretende-se que esta pesquisa possa contribuir para o debate das categorias Educação Integral, Esporte e Lazer.


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This article proposes a theoretical reflection on the development of children with intellectual disabilities, regarding the importance and necessity of the process of learning the written language, from a historical-cultural point of view. For this approach, the course of development of a child disabled or not will occur according to cultural and social conditions experimented by him or her. Therefore, concerning the child with intellectual disabilities, his cultural condition, in dynamic relationship with the obstacles placed in its special condition, will be the source of his development. If the development of higher psychological functions is realized through the use of tools and if the people with intellectual disabilities present an inability to use these tools, there will be the need for aids so they can learn to use them in order to train and develop their psychic functions. In this process, education and written language acquisitions are fundamental ways of accessibility to the cultural world, a wider significance of communication in the world and to oneself. In short, the educators' comprehension about the importance of intentional teaching of written language and the historical process that envolves its development represents a fundamental contribution to the process of humanization of children with disabilities.