963 resultados para Prisoners of the Japanese


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Examines how the particular nature of captivity by the Japanese during World War II intensified and complicated the impact, legacy and memory of war for POWs and their families. It presents insights into the experience of the prisoners' wives and how battalion associations protect and promote the remembrance of war.


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The Japanese government initiated a series of regulatory reforms in the mid-1990s. The Japanese urban gas industry consists of various sized private and non-private firms. Numerous previous studies find that deregulation leads to productivity improvements. We extend the literature by analyzing deregulation, privatization, and other aspects of a regulated industry using unique firm level data. This study measures productivity to evaluate the effect of the deregulation reform. Using data from 205 firms from 1993 to 2004, we find that the deregulation effect differs depending on firm size. Competitive pressure contributes to advanced productivity. The deregulation of gas sales to commercial customers is the most important factor for advancing productivity. Copyright © 2013 by the IAEE. All rights reserved.


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This paper tested the effects of the 2005 vehicle emission-control law issued in Japan on the market linkages between the U.S. and Japanese palladium futures markets, To determine these effects, we applied a cointegration test both with and without break points in the time series and found that the market linkages between the two countries changed after the break in October 2005. Our results show that the 2005 long-term regulation of vehicle emissions enacted in Japan influenced the international palladium futures market.


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The environmental performance of a listed firm could affect its level of investment in pollution prevention and its access to financial markets. Previous studies using Tobin's q that explore market response to environmental performance do not distinguish between the impact of performance on investment and market response, which may mislead conclusions. To overcome this problem, we simultaneously estimate the functions of the intangible asset, the replacement cost, and the toxic chemical risk. We find that the Japanese financial market does not value risk associated with toxic chemical releases. Nevertheless, even without market valuation, firms increase investment to reduce pollution. © 2010 by the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.


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The paper analyses technical efficiency of the Japanese banks from 2000 to 2007. The estimation technique is based on the Russell directional distance function that takes into consideration not only desirable outputs but also an undesirable output that is represented by non-performing loans (NPLs). The results indicate that NPLs remain a significant burden as for banks' performance. We show that banks' inputs have to be utilised more efficiently, particularly labour and premises. We also argue that a further restructuring process is needed in the segment of Regional Banks. We conclude that the Japanese banking system is still far away from being fully consolidated and restructured.


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The Japanese electricity industry has experienced regulatory reforms since the mid-1990s. This article measures productivity in Japan's steam power-generation sector and examines the effect of reforms on the productivity of this industry over the period 1978-2003. We estimate the Luenberger productivity indicator, which is a generalization of the commonly used Malmquist productivity index, using a data envelopment analysis approach. Factors associated with productivity change are investigated through dynamic generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation of panel data. Our empirical analysis shows that the regulatory reforms have contributed to productivity growth in the steam power-generation sector in Japan.


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This study is an in-depth examination of the stylistic and generic characteristics of the Japanese zombie film and its relations to Japanese horror cinema and the conventions and tropes of Western zombie movies more generally. Through generic analysis of key Japanese zombie films released over the last 15 years, this study establishes the sub-genre's ties to transnational production practices and cult cinema. The first monograph length study of this kind, this study provides insight into the growing sub-genre of Japanese zombie films while concurrently broadening current scholarship and understanding of the zombie film genre.


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Although hundreds of thousands of organic products are traded on a daily basis, it is less known how imported organic products are evaluated by consumers in an importing country. The paper analyzes Japanese wine point of sale (POS) data to examine whether consumers differentiate between local and imported organic products. The results of our hedonic analyses show that the premium for imported organic red (white) wines is about 42.996 % (8.872 %) while that for domestic red (white) organic wines is about 6.440 % (1.214 %), implying that Japanese consumers pay higher premiums for imported organic agricultural products than for those produced in Japan.


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Flaviviruses generate their structural and nonstructural proteins by proteolytic processing of a single large polyprotein precursor. These proteolytic events are brought about both by host cell signalase and a virally encoded protease. The virally encoded proteolytic activity has been shown to reside within the nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) and requires the product of the nonstructural 2b (NS2b) gene. In order to obtain sufficient quantities of pure NS2b and NS3 proteins for kinetic analysis, we have expressed both these proteins in recombinant systems as fusions to glutathione S-transferase (GST). The fusion constructs were driven by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Transfection of these constructs into the African green monkey kidney cell line CV-1 previously infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the T7 RNA polymerase resulted in synthesis of the fusion proteins. Both the fusion proteins could be purified to homogeneity in a single step using a glutathione agarose affinity matrix.


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ENGLISH: This paper constitutes a study of the fishery by Japanese long-line vessels in the area to the eastward of longitude 130°W, which was initiated at the western margin of this region in late 1956 and early 1957, and which has expanded fairly quickly eastward through 1962. The major part of the data was collected by the Nankai Regional Fisheries Research Laboratory (NRFRL) from fishing vessels landing at Tokyo and Yaizu and by the Kanagawa Perfectural Fisheries Experimental Station from fishing vessels landing at Misaki. SPANISH: Este trabajo constituye un estudio de la pesquería efectuada por los barcos Japoneses de palangre en el área hacia el este de los 130°W de longitud, que fue iniciada en el margen occidental de esta región a fines de 1956 y principios de 1957, y que se ha expandido bastante rápidamente hacia el este a través de 1962. (PDF contains 158 pages.)


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ENGLISH: All available longline data on skipjack captured in the Pacific Ocean by Japanese research vessels (1949-1965) and from incidental skipjack catches by Japanese commercial vessels (1956-1964) were analyzed. As skipjack are not specifically sought by longline vessels, the data are limited. Considering this it was found that: longline gear captures skipjack of wider size-range and is more selective for larger skipjack than conventional fishing methods, i.e. pole-and-line and purse-seine; skipjack are widely and almost continuously distributed across the Pacific; throughout the year average hook-rates are greater in the southeastern Pacific than in the northwestern Pacific; areas of high hook-rate shift south during the second and third quarters and north during the first and fourth quarters; in the western Pacific the north-south range of the catch distribution was greatest in the first and fourth quarters; skipjack hook-rates are relatively high in the northwestern Pacific east of Japan only during the first and fourth quarters; the highest hook-rates were recorded in extensive areas along the equator (from lO°N to 20°8 between approximately 155°W-100°W); generally more skipjack were captured by research longline gear in water temperature ranges approaching both the upper and lower temperature limits of skipjack distribution (18-21C and 26-28C), than is the case in surface skipjack fisheries; tentative comparisons of longline skipjack catch distributions with Pacific current systems, suggests low skipjack abundance in both North Pacific Central and North Pacific Equatorial water; the sex ratio was 95 males : 63 females in a small sample of skipjack examined; longlines capture skipjack of three, and possibly more, age groups; in skipjack size-composition samples studied, the smaller modal group (65 cm) observed in January-March in the northwestern Pacific (1600E-180oE and 20oN-45°N) corresponds in size to the larger modal group appearing in the late-summer surface fishery off the Izu-Bonin Islands southeast of Japan, and also compares in modal size to the skipjack taken in the Hawaiian fishery in spring time; the analysis of skipjack catches by hook position on the longline and by death-rate studies, indicates that part of the catch is made while the gear is in motion near the surface, and a lesser part of the catch is made when the gear is stabilized at a depth of 70 to 140 m. A brief discussion is given, in the light of new information presented, on several hypotheses by other authors concerning the population structure and migration of skipjack in the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: Se analizaron todos los datos disponibles de la pesca con palangre de barriletes capturados en el Océano Pacífico por barcos japoneses de investigación (1949-1965) y por las capturas incidentales de los barcos comerciales japoneses (1956-1964). Como los barcos palangreros específicamente, no persiguen al barrilete, los datos son limitados. Considerando ésto, se encontró: que el arte palangrero obtiene barriletes con una distribución más amplia de tallas, y es más selectivo en cuanto a los barriletes de mayor talla, que los métodos convencionales de pesca, Le. cañas de pescar y redes de cerco; el barrilete se encuentra amplia y casi continuamente distribuido a través del Pacífico; en todo el año, las tasas promedio de captura por anzuelo son superiores en el Pacífico sudoriental que las del Pacífico noroeste; las áreas con una tasa alta de captura por anzuelo, se cambian hacia el sur durante los trimestres segundo y tercero, y durante los trimestres primero y cuarto hacia el norte; en el Pacífico occidental la amplitud de la distribución de captura norte-sur, fue superior en los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo de barrilete, son relativamente altas en el Pacífico noroeste al este del Japón, únicamente durante los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo más altas fueron registradas en extensas áreas a lo largo del ecuador (desde los 10°N hasta los 20°S, aproximadamente entre los 155°W-100°W) ; generalmente las artes palangreras de investigación capturaron más barrilete en aguas en las que la temperatura se aproximaba a los límites más altos o bajos de la temperatura en la distribución del barrilete (18-21 C y 26-28 C), que en el caso de la pesca superficial de barrilete; las comparaciones tentativas de la captura de barrilete con palangre, con el sistema de las corrientes del Pacífico, sugieren una abundancia inferior de barrilete tanto en las aguas del Pacífico central del norte como en las del Pacífico ecuatorial del norte; la proporcíon sexual examinada en una pequeña muestra de barriletes, fue de 95 machos y 63 hembras; los palangreros capturan barriletes de tres grupos de edad y posiblemente de más; en las muestras estudiadas de la composición de las tallas de barrilete, el grupo modal más pequeño (65 cm), observado en enero-marzo en el Pacífico noroeste (160 0E-180° y 20 oN-45°N), corresponde en talla al grupo modal más grande que aparece en la pesca de superficie a fines del verano frente a las Islas Izu-Bonín al sudeste del Japón, y se compara también con la talla modal del barrilete obtenido en la pesca hawaiana en la época de primavera; el análisis de las capturas de barrilete por medio del estudio de la posición de los anzuelos en el palangre y por la tasa de mortalidad, indica que parte de la captura se efectúa cuando el equipo está en movimiento cerca a la superficie y una parte inferior de la captura se realiza, cuando las artes se estabilizan a una profundidad de 70 a 140 m. Se ofrece una breve discusión sobre varias hipótesis de otros autores, en vista de la nueva información presentada referente a la estructura poblacional y a la migración del barrilete en el Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 100 pages.)


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ENGLISH: This report deals with the Japanese longline fishery for tunas and billfishes from 1967 through 1970, extending the studies made by Kume and Joseph (1969a, 1969b). The distribution of effort and catch is discussed and evaluated, and the changes in apparent abundance are examined. An analysis is made of the sexual maturity and size composition of the fish, and a brief comparison of the size composition of the catches from the longline and the surface fisheries is included. SPANISH: Este informe analiza la pesca palangrera japonesa de atunes y peces espada desde 1967 a 1970, ampliando los estudios hechos por Kume y Joseph (1969a, 1969b). Se discute y avalúa la distribución del esfuerzo y la captura, y los cambios en la abundancia aparente. Se hace un análisis de la madurez sexual y de la composición de talla de los peces y una breve comparación entre la composición de talla de los peces capturados en la pesca palangrera y la epípelágíca. (PDF contains 166 pages.)