874 resultados para Prism Adaptation
When asked to compare two lateralized shapes for horizontal size, neglect patients often indicate the left stimulus to be smaller. Gainotti and Tiacci (1971) hypothesized that this phenomenon might be related to a rightward bias in the patients' gaze. This study aimed to assess the relation between this size underestimation and oculomotor asymmetries. Eye movements were recorded while three neglect patients judged the horizontal extent of two rectangles. Two experimental manipulations were performed to increase the likelihood of symmetrical scanning of the stimulus display. The first manipulation entailed a sequential, rather than simultaneous presentation of the two rectangles. The second required adaptation to rightward displacing prisms, which is known to reduce many manifestations of neglect. All patients consistently underestimated the left rectangle, but the pattern of verbal responses and eye movements suggested different underlying causes. These include a distortion of space perception without ocular asymmetry, a failure to view the full leftward extent of the left stimulus, and a high-level response bias. Sequential presentation of the rectangles and prism adaptation reduced ocular asymmetries without affecting size underestimation. Overall, the results suggest that leftward size underestimation in neglect can arise for a number of different reasons. Incomplete leftward scanning may perhaps be sufficient to induce perceptual size distortion, but it is not a necessary prerequisite.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether stereoacuity can be used as an indicator of prism adaptation. In particular, we wanted to know whether the time required for stereoacuity to return to the initial level after viewing through a prism can be used to determine the degree of adaptation. Materials and Methods: Eighteen subjects participated in this study. Stereoacuity and dissociated phoria were determined using the TNO stereotest and the Maddox rod, respectively. Prism vergences were measured using a prism bar. For each participant, prism power equivalent to the blur point of base-in (BI) and base-out (BO) fusional vergence at 40 cm was divided and placed in front of both eyes. At 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 min after prism introduction, the stereoacuity was measured, and at 0 and 12 min, the heterophoria was measured. Results: The repeated measures ANOVA showed a significant difference between the mean stereoacuity for BI and BO prisms at the different measurement times (p < 0.05). For BO prism, the initial value was different between 0 and 3 min after the prism introduction, whereas for BI prism, a difference in stereoacuity was found between the pre-prism value and the value at 0, 3 and 6 min. The size of the heterophoria with BO and BI prisms was different from 0 to 12 min (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The time required for stereoacuity to return to baseline level was more than 3 min for BO, and more than 6 min for BI prism. In addition, the time required to return to baseline values was not similar for the stereoacuity and heterophoria. The recovery of stereoacuity is slower when adapting to divergence, as when looking from near to far. This implies that stereopsis responds faster to near targets than to distant one, and may precede complete phoria adaptation. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.
En el siguiente trabajo se presenta en primer lugar de forma detallada la enfermedad denominada negligencia espacial unilateral (síntomas, tipos, causas, evaluación y tratamientos) para proporcionar una mejor comprensión del principal objetivo del estudio, que es el análisis de las soluciones virtuales, existentes en la literatura, aplicadas al tratamiento de esta enfermedad, incluyéndose una amplia descripción de cada estudio encontrado sobre el tema. A continuación, se han realizado tres implementaciones en realidad virtual de tres técnicas clásicas de rehabilitación llevadas a cabo en un entorno virtual, que son la estimulación optocinética, eye patching, y adaptación prismática y se ha desarrollado una aplicación 3D para evaluar el grado y tipo de negligencia sufrida por los pacientes. Que de forma conjunta, constituyen un primer paso hacia un enfoque alternativo para el tratamiento de la enfermedad, más personalizado y eficaz. Por último, en las conclusiones, se analizan las principales ventajas y desventajas encontradas en el uso de estas tecnologías aplicadas a la enfermedad y los trabajos futuros que pueden derivar de este trabajo.---ABSTRACT---The following work starts by presenting in detail a disease called unilateral spatial neglect (symptoms, types, causes, assessment and treatment) to provide the background for this study's main objective, which is the analysis of the virtual solutions existing in the literature for the treatment of this disease. The document includes an extensive description of the previous work found in this topic. Afterwards, three implementations of three classical rehabilitation techniques were performed in virtual reality: optokinetic stimulation, eye patching and prism adaptation, as a proof-of-concept, and a 3D application was implemented to assess the degree and type of negligence suffered by patients. Altogether, they constitute a first step towards an alternative approach for the treatment of disease, more personalized and effective. Finally, the conclusions analyze the main advantages and disadvantages encountered in the use of these technologies when applied to this disease and suggest future work.
It is well established that a synkinetic relationship exists between the accommodation and vergence components of the oculomotor near response such that increased accommodation will initiate a vergence response (i.e. accommodative convergence) and conversely increased vergence will drive accommodation (i.e. convergent accommodation) . The synkinesis associated with sustained near-vision was examined in a student population consisting of emmetropes, late-onset myopes (LOMs) i.e. myopia onset at 15 years of age or later and early-onset myopes (EOMs) i.e. myopia onset prior to 15 years of age. Oculomotor synkinesis was investigated both under closed-loop conditions and with either accommodation or vergence open-loop. Objective measures of the accommodative response were made using an infra-red optometer. Differences in near-response characteristics were observed between LOMs and EOMs under both open- and closed-loop conditions. LOMs exhibit significantly higher levels of disparity-induced accommodation (accommodation driven by vergence under closed-loop conditions) and lower response accommodative convergence/accommodation (AC/A) ratios when compared with EOMs. However no difference in convergent accommodation/convergence (CA/C) ratios were found between the three refractive groups. Accommodative adaptation was examined by comparing the pre- to post-task shift in dark focus (DF) following near-vision tasks. Accommodative adaptation was observed following tasks as brief as 15s. Following a 45s near-vision task, subjects having pre-task DF greater than +0.750 exhibited a marked negative shift in post-task DF which was shown to be induced by beta-adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle. However no evidence was found to support the proposal of reduced adrenergic innervation to the ciliary muscle in LOMs. Disparity-vergence produced a reduction in accommodative adaptation suggesting that oculomotor adaptation was not driven by the output of the near-response crosslinks. In order to verify this proposition, the effect of vergence adaptation on CA/C was investigated and it was observed that prism adaptation produced no significant change in the CA/C ratio. This would indicate that in a model of accommodation-vergence interaction, the near response cross-links occur after the input to the adaptive components of the oculomotor response rather than before the adaptive elements as reported in previous literature. The findings of this thesis indicate differences in the relative composition of the aggregate accommodation and vergence responses in the three refractive groups examined. They may also have implications with regard to the aetiology of late-onset myopia.
The principal theme of this thesis is the effect of yoked prisms on body posture and egocentric perception. Yoked prisms have been clinically used in the management of a variety of visual and neuro-motor dysfunctions. Most studies have been conducted in pathological populations by studying the effects of prismatic adaptation, without distinguishing short and long term effects. In this study, postural and perceptual prismatic effects have been studied by preventing prism adaptation. A healthy population was selected in order to investigate the immediate prismatic effects, when there is no obvious benefit from their use for the individual. Posturography was used to assess changes in weight distribution and shifts in centre of pressure (barycentre). In addition, photographic analyses were used to assess effects on posture on the x and z axis. Experiments with space board and visual midline shift were used for the evaluation of spatial perception and egocentric localisation. One pair of 8 Δ yoked prisms base left (BL) and one pair of 8 Δ yoked prisms base up (BU) were applied randomly and compared to a pair of plano lenses. Results suggest that immediate prismatic effects take place on a perceptual level and are reflected on an altered body posture respectively without significant changes in weight distribution. Yoked prisms BL showed a rightward rotational effect on spatial perception by expanding space on the z axis when viewing through the base of the prism and constricting space through the apex of the prism. Body posture responded respectively to what was visually perceived by altering posture. A rightward shift and tilt of the head was recorded along with the hips shift and shoulders tilt in the dame direction. Additionally, right shoulder shifted backwards and an angular midline shift to the right was recorded. The egocentric localisation was affected by shifting the midline perception to the left. Yoked prisms BU resulted on a head shift forward and a reduction of the head-neck angle by bringing the chin closer to the chest. The egocentric localisation was altered on the vertical axis providing subjects the perception that their eye level was higher during the experiment. In conclusion, yoked prisms seemed to induce changes in body posture, mainly in the upper body and head, without any significant changes in weight distribution. These changes are partially reflected in spatial perception tests and egocentric localisation before any prismatic adaptation takes place.
La traduction portugaise de la version post-vulgate française de la Quête du Graal achevée vers la fin du XIIIe siècle et intitulée A Demanda do Santo Graal, offre un prisme intéressant pour saisir, en contexte et à travers les jeux de déplacements et de reconfiguration, l’imaginaire caractéristique du cycle Post-Vulgate, autrement difficilement accessible. La Demanda do Santo Graal permet de mieux comprendre l’imaginaire du roman français et d’accompagner son évolution en dehors de ses frontières linguistiques à une époque où le romancier n’est plus traducteur, mais devient lui-même une figure d’autorité. Ce travail consiste essentiellement à voir comment la Queste Post-Vulgate lue en parallèle avec la traduction/adaptation portugaise permet de comprendre l’évolution du roman vers la fin du Moyen Âge et la notion d’auteur en faisant la distinction entre le translateur, le créateur et le romancier dans le récit médiéval tout en faisant témoin de l’évolution de leur subjectivité littéraire du roman des origines à celui du Moyen Âge tardif.
Background: To investigate vergence adaptation during the incipient phase of presbyopia, when the amplitude of accommodation approaches the level where the first reading addition is required. The study aimed to assess the ability of the vergence system to counteract changes in the component contributions to the overall vergence response with the decline in the amplitude of accommodation in presbyopia, although previous reports on the nature of changes in accommodative, tonic and proximal vergence are equivocal. Methods: Using a 'flashed' Maddox rod technique, an assessment of vergence adaptation to 6 Δ base-out and 6Δ base-in prism was made for 28 subjects (aged 35-45 years at the commencement of the study). The measurements were taken four times over a 2-year period. Results: Using a repeated measures analysis of variance, the results show that with the decline in amplitude of accommodation, there is a statistically significant reduction in the magnitude of vergence adaptation to both base-out (p < 0.05) and base-in prism (p < 0.01). Conclusions: This study shows that with ageing, there is a decrease in the ability of the slow vergence mechanism to overcome a change in fusional vergence demand and would suggest that either the fast component of fusional vergence must cope with any change in fusional vergence demand or that the sum of the accommodative, tonic and proximal vergence responses are virtually stable with age. © 2003 The College of Optometrists.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
The objective of this study is to describe preliminary results from the cross-cultural adaptation of the Quality of Life Assessment Questionnaire, used to measure health related quality of life (HRQL) in Brazilian children aged between 5 and 11 with HIV/AIDS. The cross-cultural model evaluated the Concept, Item, Semantic and Measurement Equivalences (internal consistency and intra-observer reliability). Evaluation of the conceptual, item, semantic equivalences showed that the Portuguese version is pertinent for the Brazilian context. Four of seven domains showed internal consistency above 0.70 (α: 0.76-0.90) and five of seven revealed intra-observer reliability (ricc: 0.41-0.70). This first Portuguese version of the HRQL questionnaire can be understood as a valuable tool for assessing children's HRQL, but further studies with large samples and more robust analyses are recommended before use in the Brazilian context.
The aim of this study was to translate, validate and verify the reliability of the Body Area Scale (BAS). Participants were 386 teenagers, enrolled in a private school. Translation into Portuguese was conducted. The instrument was evaluated for internal consistency and construct validation analysis. Reproducibility was evaluated using the Wilcoxon test and the coefficient of interclass correlation. The BAS demonstrated good values for internal consistency (0.90 and 0.88) and was able to discriminate boys and girls according to nutritional state (p = 0.020 and p = 0.026, respectively). BAS scores correlated with adolescents' BMI (r = 0.14, p = 0.055; r = 0.23, p = 0.001) and WC (r =0.13, p = 0.083; r = 0.22, 0.002). Reliability was confirmed by the coefficient of inter-class correlation (0.35, p < 0.001; 0.60, p < 0.001) for boys and girls, respectively. The instrument performed well in terms of understanding and time of completion. BAS was successfully translated into Portuguese and presented good validity when applied to adolescents.
Understanding why we age is a long-lived open problem in evolutionary biology. Aging is prejudicial to the individual, and evolutionary forces should prevent it, but many species show signs of senescence as individuals age. Here, I will propose a model for aging based on assumptions that are compatible with evolutionary theory: i) competition is between individuals; ii) there is some degree of locality, so quite often competition will be between parents and their progeny; iii) optimal conditions are not stationary, and mutation helps each species to keep competitive. When conditions change, a senescent species can drive immortal competitors to extinction. This counter-intuitive result arises from the pruning caused by the death of elder individuals. When there is change and mutation, each generation is slightly better adapted to the new conditions, but some older individuals survive by chance. Senescence can eliminate those from the genetic pool. Even though individual selection forces can sometimes win over group selection ones, it is not exactly the individual that is selected but its lineage. While senescence damages the individuals and has an evolutionary cost, it has a benefit of its own. It allows each lineage to adapt faster to changing conditions. We age because the world changes.
Background: Citrus canker is a disease caused by the phytopathogens Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolli and Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis. The first of the three species, which causes citrus bacterial canker type A, is the most widely spread and severe, attacking all citrus species. In Brazil, this species is the most important, being found in practically all areas where citrus canker has been detected. Like most phytobacterioses, there is no efficient way to control citrus canker. Considering the importance of the disease worldwide, investigation is needed to accurately detect which genes are related to the pathogen-host adaptation process and which are associated with pathogenesis. Results: Through transposon insertion mutagenesis, 10,000 mutants of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri strain 306 (Xcc) were obtained, and 3,300 were inoculated in Rangpur lime (Citrus limonia) leaves. Their ability to cause citrus canker was analyzed every 3 days until 21 days after inoculation; a set of 44 mutants showed altered virulence, with 8 presenting a complete loss of causing citrus canker symptoms. Sequencing of the insertion site in all 44 mutants revealed that 35 different ORFs were hit, since some ORFs were hit in more than one mutant, with mutants for the same ORF presenting the same phenotype. An analysis of these ORFs showed that some encoded genes were previously known as related to pathogenicity in phytobacteria and, more interestingly, revealed new genes never implicated with Xanthomonas pathogenicity before, including hypothetical ORFs. Among the 8 mutants with no canker symptoms are the hrpB4 and hrpX genes, two genes that belong to type III secretion system (TTSS), two hypothetical ORFS and, surprisingly, the htrA gene, a gene reported as involved with the virulence process in animal-pathogenic bacteria but not described as involved in phytobacteria virulence. Nucleic acid hybridization using labeled cDNA probes showed that some of the mutated genes are differentially expressed when the bacterium is grown in citrus leaves. Finally, comparative genomic analysis revealed that 5 mutated ORFs are in new putative pathogenicity islands. Conclusion: The identification of these new genes related with Xcc infection and virulence is a great step towards the understanding of plant-pathogen interactions and could allow the development of strategies to control citrus canker.
SILVA, B. M., F. J. NEVES, M. V. NEGRÃO, C. R. ALVES, R. G. DIAS, G. B. ALVES, A. C. PEREIRA, M. Urbana A. RONDON, J. E. KRIEGER, C. E. NEGRÃO, and A. C. DA NOBREGA. Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Polymorphisms and Adaptation of Parasympathetic Modulation to Exercise Training. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 43, No. 9, pp. 1611-1618, 2011. Purpose: There is a large interindividual variation in the parasympathetic adaptation induced by aerobic exercise training, which may be partially attributed to genetic polymorphisms. Therefore, we investigated the association among three polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide gene (-786T>C, 4b4a, and 894G>T), analyzed individually and as haplotypes, and the parasympathetic adaptation induced by exercise training. Methods: Eighty healthy males, age 20-35 yr, were genotyped by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and haplotypes were inferred using the software PHASE 2.1. Autonomic modulation (i.e., HR variability and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity) and peak oxygen consumption ((V) over dotO(2peak)) were measured before and after training (running, moderate to severe intensity, three times per week, 60 min.day(-1), during 18 wk). Results: Training increased (V) over dotO(2peak) (P < 0.05) and decreased mean arterial pressure (P < 0.05) in the whole sample. Subjects with the -786C polymorphic allele had a significant reduction in baroreflex sensitivity after training (change: wild type (-786TT) = 2% +/- 89% vs polymorphic (-786TC/CC) = -28% +/- 60%, median +/- quartile range, P = 0.03), and parasympathetic modulation was marginally reduced in subjects with the 894T polymorphic allele (change: wild type (894GG) = 8% +/- 67% vs polymorphic (894GT/TT) = -18% +/- 59%, median +/- quartile range, P = 0.06). Furthermore, parasympathetic modulation percent change was different between the haplotypes containing wild-type alleles(-786T/4b/894G) and polymorphic alleles at positions -786 and 894 (-786C/4b/894T) (-6% +/- 56% vs -41% +/- 50%, median T quartile range, P = 0.04). Conclusions: The polymorphic allele at position -786 and the haplotype containing polymorphic alleles at positions -786 and 894 in the endothelial nitric oxide gene were associated with decreased parasympathetic modulation after exercise training.
Background: The Burns Specific Health Scale-Revised (BSHS-R) is of easy application, can be self-administered, and it is considered a good scale to evaluate various important life aspects of burn victims. Objectives: To translate and culturally adapt the BSHS-R into the Brazilian-Portuguese language and to evaluate the internal consistency and convergent validity of the translated BSHS-R. Methods: The cultural adaptation of the BSHS-R included translation and back-translation, discussions with professionals and patients to ensure conceptual equivalence, semantic evaluation, and pre-test of the instrument. The Final Brazilian-Portuguese Version (FBPV) of the BSHS-R was tested on a group of 115 burn patients for internal consistency and validity of construct (using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)). Results: All values of Cronbach`s alpha were greater than. 8, demonstrating that the internal consistency of the FBPV was very high. Self-esteem was highly correlated with affect and body image (r = .59, p < .001), and with interpersonal relationships (T = .51, p < .001). Correlations between the domains of the FBPV and the BDI were all negative but larger in magnitude than the correlations with RSES. Depression was highly correlated with affect and body image (r = -77, p < .001), and with interpersonal relationships (r = -67, p < .001). Conclusions: The results showed that the adapted version of the BSHS-R into Brazilian-Portuguese fulfills the validity and reliability criteria required from an instrument of health status assessment for burn patients. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
This work deals with neural network (NN)-based gait pattern adaptation algorithms for an active lower-limb orthosis. Stable trajectories with different walking speeds are generated during an optimization process considering the zero-moment point (ZMP) criterion and the inverse dynamic of the orthosis-patient model. Additionally, a set of NNs is used to decrease the time-consuming analytical computation of the model and ZMP. The first NN approximates the inverse dynamics including the ZMP computation, while the second NN works in the optimization procedure, giving an adapted desired trajectory according to orthosis-patient interaction. This trajectory adaptation is added directly to the trajectory generator, also reproduced by a set of NNs. With this strategy, it is possible to adapt the trajectory during the walking cycle in an on-line procedure, instead of changing the trajectory parameter after each step. The dynamic model of the actual exoskeleton, with interaction forces included, is used to generate simulation results. Also, an experimental test is performed with an active ankle-foot orthosis, where the dynamic variables of this joint are replaced in the simulator by actual values provided by the device. It is shown that the final adapted trajectory follows the patient intention of increasing the walking speed, so changing the gait pattern. (C) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2011