1000 resultados para Prior austenite grain size


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An attempt has been made to systematically investigate the effects of microstructural parameters, such as the prior austenite grain size (PAGS), in influencing the resistance to fatigue crack growth (FCG) in the near-threshold region under three different temper levels in a quenched and tempered high-strength steel. By austenitizing at various temperatures, the PAGS was varied from about 0.7 to 96 μm. The microstructures with these grain sizes were tempered at 200 °C, 400 °C, and 530 °C and tested for fatigue thresholds and crack closure. It has been found that, in general, three different trends in the dependence of both the total threshold stress intensity range, ΔK th , and the intrinsic threshold stress intensity range, ΔK eff, th , on the PAGS are observable. By considering in detail the factors such as cyclic stress-strain behavior, environmental effects on FCG, and embrittlement during tempering, the present observations could be rationalized. The strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS in microstructures tempered at 530 °C has been primarily attributed to cyclic softening and thereby the strong interaction of the crack tip deformation field with the grain boundary. On the other hand, a less strong dependence of ΔK th and ΔK eff, th on PAGS is suggested to be caused by the cyclic hardening behavior of lightly tempered microstructures occurring in 200 °C temper. In both microstructures, crack closure influenced near-threshold FCG (NTFCG) to a significant extent, and its magnitude was large at large grain sizes. Microstructures tempered at the intermediate temperatures failed to show a systematic variation of ΔKth and ΔKeff, th with PAGS. The mechanisms of intergranular fracture vary between grain sizes in this temper. A transition from “microstructure-sensitive” to “microstructure-insensitive” crack growth has been found to occur when the zone of cyclic deformation at the crack tip becomes more or less equal to PAGS. Detailed observations on fracture morphology and crack paths corroborate the grain size effects on fatigue thresholds and crack closure.


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In this study, the austenite grain size (AGS) for hot bar rolling of AISI4135 steel was predicted based on two different AGS evolution models available in the literature. In order to predict the AGS more accurately, both models were integrated with a three-dimensional non-isothermal finite element program by implementing a modified additivity rule. The predicted results based on two models for the square-diamond (S-D) and round-oval (R-O) pass bar rolling processes were compared with the experimental data available in the literature. Then, numerical predictions depending on various process parameters such as interpass time, temperature, and roll speed were made to compare both models and investigate the effect of these parameters on the AGS distributions. Such numerical results were found to be beneficial to understand the effect of the microstructure evolution model on the rolling processes better and control the processes more accurately.


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Rod rolling is a process where the deformation state of the workpiece between the work rolls is quite different from the strip rolling process. However, in most microstructure evolution models, the simple area strains (natural logarithm of the area reduction ratio) multiplied by a constant have been used to compute pass-by-pass evolution of austenite grain size (AGS) in rod (or bar) rolling, without any verification. The strains at a given pass play a crucial role in determining the recrystallization behavior (static or dynamic). In this study, an analytical model that calculates the pass-by-pass strain and strain rate in rod rolling has been developed and verified by conducting four-pass (oval–round) bar and plate rolling experiments. Numerical simulations have then been carried out for the four-pass rolling sequence using the area strain model and the new analytical model, focusing on the effect of the method for calculating the strain on the recrystallization behavior and evolution of AGS. The AGS predicted was compared with those obtained from hot torsion tests. It is shown that the analytical model developed in this study is more appropriate in the analysis of bar (or rod) rolling. It was found that the recrystallization behavior and evolution of AGS during this process were influenced significantly by the calculation method for the deformation parameters (strain and strain rate). The pass-by-pass strain obtained from the simple area strain model is inadequate to be used as an input to the equations for recrystallization and AGS evolution under these rolling conditions.


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In this paper, the local distribution of austenite grain size (AGS) was experimentally determined by conducting single round-oval and square-diamond pass hot bar rolling experiments of AISI4135 steel. The rolling experiments were carried out using the laboratory mill. The local distribution of AGS was also determined numerically. In order to predict AGS distribution, the AGS evolution model was combined with three dimensional non-isothermal finite element analyses by adopting a modified additivity rule. AGS evolution model was experimentally determined from hot torsion test according to Hodgson's model. The predicted results were in a reasonably good agreement with experimental results.


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The effect of austenite grain size on the kinetics of the isothermal bainitic transformation in a high-carbon super-bainitic steel was investigated. Experimental results showed that the transformation of super bainite was accelerated by a coarse austenite grain size. This is because while coarse austenite grains provide less nucleation sites, it is beneficial for bainite sheaf growth. Meanwhile, there is a critical austenite grain size below which there is a distinct grain size effect and above which it is not evident. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.


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Recent studies (I-7) clearly indicate a strong dependence of fatigue threshold parameter, A K on grain size in several alloy systems. Attempts to explain these observations on the basis of crat~tortuosity (1,8), fracture surface roughness (5,9) and crack closure (6) appear to present a fairly clear picture of the mechanisms that cause a reduction in crack growth rates at threshold. In general, it has been shown that coarse grained microstructures exhibit higher fatigue threshold in low carbon steels (1,5) aluminium alloys (7) and titanium alloys (6). In spite of these observations, there exists (10-1#) considerable uncertainity about the manner in which the AK~L depends on prior austenitic grain size in quenched and tempered steels. Studies in quenched and tempered steels demonstrating both an increase (3,12,14) as well as a decrease (11,12) in AKth with an increase in prior austenitic grain size can be sought to illustrate this point. Occasionally , the absence of any sensitivity of AKth to the variations in prior austenitJc grain size has also been reported (11,13). While a few investigators (5-7) comfortably rationalised the grain size effects on AK~L on the basis of crack closure by a comparison in terms of the closure-free component of the thresho~Ifc~, AK -f such an approach has yet to be extended to high strength steels, An attempt has been made in t~et ,pthrg sent study to explai. n the effect of pri, or austeniti.c grain size on &Kth on the basis of crack closure measurements in a high strength steel.


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The occurrence of a maximum in the percentage of intergranular fracture on the fracture surface during the transition from intermediate to low fatigue crack growth rates has been observed for a high strength steel. It is suggested that transgranular planar slip leading to slip localization is essential in promoting intergranular fracture when the cyclic plastic zone size becomes equal to the prior austenite grain size.


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Hot torsion testing of a C–Mn–V steel was used to study the evolution of  ultrafine ferrite (UFF) formation by dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in conjunction with air-cooling for two prior austenite grain sizes. This study evaluated not only the evolution of DSIT ferrite during straining, but also the grain growth behaviour of DSIT ferrite grains during post-deformation cooling. For both austenite grain sizes, the DSIT ferrite initially nucleated on/or near prior austenite grain boundaries at an early stage of transformation followed by the grain interiors. The prior austenite grain size affected the distribution of DSIT ferrite nucleation sites at an early stage of transformation and the subsequent coarsening behaviour of the grain boundary (GB) and the intragranular ferrite (IG) grains during post-deformation cooling. For the fine prior austenite grain size, the distribution of DSIT ferrite grains was more homogenous compared with the coarse austenite and the coarsening occurred not only in the GB ferrite grains but also in the IG ferrite grains. However, the ferrite coarsening mostly occurred for the IG ferrite rather than the GB ferrite grains in the coarse austenite. The result suggests that normal grain growth occurred during the overall transformation in the GB ferrite grains for the coarse initial austenite grain size.


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A C–Mn–V steel was used to study ultrafine ferrite formation (1–3 μm) through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) using hot torsion experiments. A systematic study determined the critical strain for the start of DSIT (C,DSIT), although this may not lead to a fully ultrafine microstructure. Therefore, the strain to produce an ultrafine ferrite (UFF) as final microstructure (C,UFF) during deformation was also determined. In addition, the effect of thermomechanical parameters such as deformation temperature, prior austenite grain size, strain rate and cooling rate on C,DSIT and C,UFF has been evaluated. DSIT ferrite nucleated on prior austenite grain boundaries at an early stage of straining followed by intragranular nucleation at higher strains. The prior austenite grain size affected the distribution of DSIT ferrite nucleation sites at an early stage of transformation and the subsequent coarsening behaviour of the grain boundary and intragranular ferrite grains during post-deformation cooling. Also, C,DSIT and C,UFF increased with an increase in the prior austenite grain size and deformation temperature. The post-deformation cooling had a strong effect not only on C,UFF but also the UFF microstructure (i.e. final ferrite grain size and second phase characteristics).


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A C-Mn-Nb-Ti steel was deformed by hot torsion to study ultrafine ferrite formation through dynamic strain-induced transformation (DSIT) in conjunction with air cooling. A systematic study was carried out first to evaluate the effect of deformation temperature and prior austenite grain size on the critical strain for ultrafine ferrite formation (ε C,UFF) through single-pass deformation. Then, multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region were used to study the effect of thermomechanical parameters (i.e., strain, deformation temperature, etc.) on ε C,UFF. The multiple deformations in the nonrecrystallization region significantly reduced ε C,UFF, although the total equivalent strain for a given thermomechanical condition was higher than that required in single-pass deformation. The current study on a Ni-30Fe austenitic model alloy revealed that laminar microband structures were the key intragranular defects in the austenite for nucleation of ferrite during the hot torsion test. The microbands were refined and overall misorientation angle distribution increased with a decrease in the deformation temperature for a given thermomechanical processing condition. For nonisothermal multipass deformation, there was some contribution to the formation of high-angle microband boundaries from strains at higher temperature, although the strains were not completely additive.


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This investigation is concerned with the study of effect of Double Austenitization (DA) and Single Austenitization (SA) heat treatment processes on microstructure and mechanical property of AISI D2type cold worked tool steel. To maximize hardness, tool steels are used in a quenched and tempered condition. This involves heating the material to the austenitizing temperature (~850-1100. °C), quenching at an appropriate rate to form martensite, and tempering to reduce the retained austenite content and induce toughness. The merits of DA treatment isto promote dissolution of carbides at the same time proscribe grain coarsening significantly was attempted in D2 tool steel. The study has found that DA treatment has induced high hardness with insignificant growth in grains. The increase in hardness is attributed to increase in carbon content in matrix due to dissolution of carbides; whereas finer grains due to role of inclusions.


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Although it is well known that sandstone porosity and permeability are controlled by a range of parameters such as grain size and sorting, amount, type, and location of diagenetic cements, extent and type of compaction, and the generation of intergranular and intragranular secondary porosity, it is less constrained how these controlling parameters link up in rock volumes (within and between beds) and how they spatially interact to determine porosity and permeability. To address these unknowns, this study examined Triassic fluvial sandstone outcrops from the UK using field logging, probe permeametry of 200 points, and sampling at 100 points on a gridded rock surface. These field observations were supplemented by laser particle-size analysis, thin-section point-count analysis of primary and diagenetic mineralogy, quantitiative XRD mineral analysis, and SEM/EDAX analysis of all 100 samples. These data were analyzed using global regression, variography, kriging, conditional simulation, and geographically weighted regression to examine the spatial relationships between porosity and permeability and their potential controls. The results of bivariate analysis (global regression) of the entire outcrop dataset indicate only a weak correlation between both permeability porosity and their diagenetic and depositional controls and provide very limited information on the role of primary textural structures such as grain size and sorting. Subdividing the dataset further by bedding unit revealed details of more local controls on porosity and permeability. An alternative geostatistical approach combined with a local modelling technique (geographically weighted regression; GWR) subsequently was used to examine the spatial variability of porosity and permeability and their controls. The use of GWR does not require prior knowledge of divisions between bedding units, but the results from GWR broadly concur with results of regression analysis by bedding unit and provide much greater clarity of how porosity and permeability and their controls vary laterally and vertically. The close relationship between depositional lithofacies in each bed, diagenesis, and permeability, porosity demonstrates that each influences the other, and in turn how understanding of reservoir properties is enhanced by integration of paleoenvironmental reconstruction, stratigraphy, mineralogy, and geostatistics.


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The effect of manganese on gain refinement of a commercial AZ31 alloy has been investigated using an Al-60%Mn master alloy splatter as an alloying additive at 730 degrees C in aluminium titanite crucibles. It is shown that grain refinement by manganese is readily achievable in AZ31. Electron microprobe analyses reveal that prior to the addition of extra manganese the majority of the intermetallic particles found in AZ31 are of the AL(8)Mn(5) type. However, after the addition of extra manganese in the range from 0.1% to 0.8%, the predominant group of intermetallic particles changes to the metastable AlMn type. This leads to a hypothesis that the metastable AlMn intermetallic particles are more effective than Al8Mn5 as nucleation sites for magnesium grains. The hypothesis is supported by the observation that a long period of holding at 730 degrees C leads to an increase in grain size, due probably to the transformation of the metastable AlMn to the stable Al8Mn5. The hypothesis has also been used to understand the mechanism of grain refinement by superheating.


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A 100 cm long sediment sequence was recovered from Beaver Lake in Amery Oasis, East Antarctica, using gravity and piston corers. Sedimentological and mineralogical analyses and the absence of micro and macrofossils indicate that the sediments at the base of the sequence formed under glacial conditions, probably prior to c. 12 500 cal. yr BP. The sediments between c. 81 and 31 cm depth probably formed under subaerial conditions, indicating that isostatic uplift since deglaciation has been substantially less than eustatic sea-level rise and that large areas of the present-day floor of Beaver Lake must have been subaerially exposed following deglaciation. The upper 31 cm of the sediment sequence were deposited under glaciomarine conditions similar to those of today, supporting geomorphic observations that the Holocene was a period of relative sea-level highstand in Amery Oasis.


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An Fe-0.26C-1.96Si-2Mn with 0.31Mo (wt%) steel was subjected to a novel thermomechanical processing route to produce fine ferrite with different volume fractions, bainite, and retained austenite. Two types of fine ferrites were found to be: (i) formed along prior austenite grain boundaries, and (ii) formed intragranularly in the interior of austenite grains. An increase in the volume fraction of fine ferrite led to the preferential formation of blocky retained austenite with low stability, and to a decrease in the volume fraction of bainite with stable layers of retained austenite. The difference in the morphology of the bainitic ferrite and the retained austenite after different isothermal ferrite times was found to be responsible for the deterioration of the mechanical properties. The segregation of Mn, Mo, and C at distances of 2-2.5 nm from the ferrite and retained austenite/martensite interface on the retained austenite/martensite site was observed after 2700 s of isothermal hold. It was suggested that the segregation occurred during the austenite-to-ferrite transformation, and that this would decrease the interface mobility, which affects the austenite-to-ferrite transformation and ferrite grain size.