996 resultados para Prickly Pear Creek


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By 1925, the introduced prickly pear (Opuntia and Nopalea spp.) covered up to 60 million acres of Queensland and New South Wales in what was perceived as prime agricultural land. After 40 years of experimentation, all Queensland Government strategies had failed. Faced with this failure and a diminishing expectation that the land would ever be conquered, buffer zones were proposed by the newly formed Queensland Prickly Pear Land Commission. A close reading of government documents, newspaper reports and local histories about these buffer zones shows how settler anxieties over who could or should occupy the land shaped the kinds of strategies recommended and adopted in relation to this alien species. Physical and cultural techniques were used to manage the uneasy coexistence between prickly pear, on the one hand, and farmers and graziers on the other. Furthermore, this environmental history challenges the notion of racially homogenous closer settlement under the White Australia Policy, showing the many different kinds of livelihood and labour in prickly pear land in the 1920s.


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The story of prickly pear in Australia is usually told as a tale of triumphant scientific intervention into an environmental disaster. Instead, this unarticle considers it as a transnational network in order to better understand the myriad of elements that made this event so important. Through this methodology emerges the complex nature of prickly pear land that included people, places, ideas, rhetoric and objects that traveled from all over the world into settler Australia.


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In July 1926, the science behind biological control transitioned from an experimental method to a trusted policy tool in invasive species management. In local storytelling, historical writing and scientific analysis, the ‘lucky’ discovery of the South American Cactoblastis cactorum moth was a watershed moment for scientists concerned with prickly pear, Opuntia and Nopalea spp. Within 10 years, Queensland declared itself pest free. Overnight success is the climax in this tale's narrative arc. Articulating this introduction as a ‘lucky break’ worked to stabilize the narrative of human control in the agricultural environments of post-colonial Queensland, and, in doing so, consolidated biological control as critical management technique. I argue that ‘luck’ elides the assemblage of elements and actors necessary to enable this change, allowing settlers to distance themselves from the responsibility for disruptions associated with nineteenth-century plant transfers. To challenge the rhetorical function of luck, three episodes of contingency are discussed: (1) transnational mobility of things and knowledge, (2) the unpredictable adaptation of insect diet, and; (3) human vectors in industrialized insect–plant complexes. There are important distinguishing differences between luck and contingency, which I frame as a critical analytical tool for understanding the political role of non-humans, in the storied worlds of science in prickly pear land.


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The movement of sensitive stamens in flowers of the Plains Prickly Pear (Opuntia polyacantha) is described in detail along with the external and internal filament anatomy. The goals of this investigation were: (1) to provide a synthesis of floral phenology and determine whether this rather unique stamen movement is nastic or a tropism and (2) to conduct macro- and micro-morphological analyses of filaments to determine if there are anatomical traits associated with this movement. To better understand the internal and external structure in sensitive filaments of O. polyacantha, we performed comparative anatomical analyses in two additional species from the Opuntioideae with stamens lacking such sensitivity. The consistent unidirectional movement of stamens, independent of the area stimulated, indicates a thigmonastic response. This movement serves multiple purposes, from enhancing pollen presentation to facilitating cross-pollination, protecting pollen and preventing insects from robbing pollen. Anatomically, the sensitive and non-sensitive filaments exhibit different tissue organization. Cuticle thickness, presence of capsular structures, two layers of curved cells, and more and larger intercellular spaces are characteristic of sensitive filaments. A thin unicellular epidermal layer is characteristic in sensitive filaments versus 2-3 epidermal layers in non-sensitive filaments. Another striking feature in sensitive filaments is the presence of papillae and capsular structures. We believe that these elements are related to water mobility with subsequent contraction during the thigmonastic response. Capsular structures might have a role in fluid mobility according to the stimulus of the filaments. We hypothesize that the thigmonastic response is controlled by cells with elastic properties, as evidenced by the plasmolyzed curved and contracted cells in the filaments and the fact that the movement is activated by changes in cell turgor followed by contraction as a result of plasmolysis. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"May 28, 1908."


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Sometime prior to 1870, a group of prospectors made what was believed to be a "rich strike' on one of the tributaries of Prickly Pear Creek in Jefferson County, Montana. Instead of striking it rich, they had uncovered a native copper deposit, worthless to them because of its limited extent and remote location, but now of much interest to the geologist, and to the mining engineer because of its possible commercial value.


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Australia has a very proud record of achievement in biological control of weeds and the underpinning science. From the earliest campaigns against prickly pear and lantana, weed biocontrol developed with major contributions from CSIRO and state governments to produce outstanding successes against weeds such as salvinia, rubber vine, Noogoora burr, bridal creeper and prickly pear. Maximum research activity occurred in the 1980s when some 30 scientists were working world wide on Australia’s weed problems. Activity declined gradually until the last few years when government divestment in agricultural research greatly diminished capacity. There are now approximately eight full-time scientist equivalents supporting Australia’s weed biocontrol effort. Australia may now need to adopt a team approach to tackle future major weed biological control projects.


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The Brazilian caatinga is characterized by low annual rainfall and arid soils. Several cactaceae, either native or adapted species, grow in this semi-arid region, including the prickly pear (Opuntia fícus indica) and facheiro ((Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter) which produce underexploited edible fruits. In addition to these species, the algaroba is a leguminous with little studied technological applications and bioactive potential so far. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the physicochemical, bioactive and functional attributes of the prickly pear and facheiro fruit pulps and the algaroba flour. Specifically, this study approaches the physicochemical characterization, total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the betalain identification and quantification by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. It is also investigated the DPPH antioxidant capacity and the antienzymatic activities against alpha-amylase and alphaglucosidase of water and ethanolic extracts of these food material. In order to address their potential to be used as food ingredients, juice blends prepared with mixtures of cajá and prickly pear, biofilms with facheiro and cereal bars with algaroba flour were elaborated and analyzed. The prickly pear fruits presented low acidity and high sugar content when compared to facheiro. The Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter fruits had higher protein and ash content, but the algaroba flour was the species with higher protein and sugar content among all. The algaroba flour also presented outstanding food fiber content, which reveals its potentiality to be used as a natural intestinal regulator. The TPC of water and ethanol extracts ranged from 3.87 to 16.21 mg GAE/100g for algaroba flour, 79.24 to 110.20 GAE/ 100g for prickly pear and 412.23 to 539.14 mg GAE/100g for facheiro. The 70% (w/v) ethanol extract reached the highest DPPH antioxidant activity, which was linearly correlated to its high TPC content. In regard to the enzymatic inhibitory activities, the best performance was observed for the prickly pear extracts which presented a moderate inhibition for both investigated enzymes, but interestingly, no alpha-glucosidase inhibition was observed for facheiro extracts. This work shows, for the first time in the literature, the functional attributes of facheiro fruits, as well as the presence of betacianins and isobetanin in the pulp of this exotic fruit. When it comes to the food products developed here, the sensory attributes that better described the juice blend cajá-prickly pear were sweetness, acidity, color yellow-orange, body, turbidity and cajá flavor. The discriminative test applied for cereal bars produced with and without algaroba revealed that the texture was the only sensory attribute that differed (p<0.05) between these two samples. It was also observed that the addition of facheiro extracts did not influence the visual characteristics of the biofilms. Overall, this work unveils the physicochemical and bioactive attributes of these commercial and technologically underexploited species widely found in the Brazilian caatinga and presents alternatives for their rational use


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Food technologies today mean reducing agricultural food waste, improvement of food security, enhancement of food sensory properties, enlargement of food market and food economies. Food technologists must be high-skilled technicians with good scientific knowledge of food hygiene, food chemistry, industrial technologies and food engineering, sensory evaluation experience and analytical chemistry. Their role is to apply the modern vision of science in the field of human nutrition, rising up knowledge in food science. The present PhD project starts with the aim of studying and improving frozen fruits quality. Freezing process in very powerful in preserve initial raw material characteristics, but pre-treatment before the freezing process are necessary to improve quality, in particular to improve texture and enzymatic activity of frozen foods. Osmotic Dehydration (OD) and Vacuum Impregnation (VI), are useful techniques to modify fruits and vegetables composition and prepare them to freezing process. These techniques permit to introduce cryo-protective agent into the food matrices, without significant changes of the original structure, but cause a slight leaching of important intrinsic compounds. Phenolic and polyphenolic compounds for example in apples and nectarines treated with hypertonic solutions are slightly decreased, but the effect of concentration due to water removal driven out from the osmotic gradient, cause a final content of phenolic compounds similar to that of the raw material. In many experiment, a very important change in fruit composition regard the aroma profile. This occur in strawberries osmo-dehydrated under vacuum condition or under atmospheric pressure condition. The increment of some volatiles, probably due to fermentative metabolism induced by the osmotic stress of hypertonic treatment, induce a sensory profile modification of frozen fruits, that in some way result in a better acceptability of consumer, that prefer treated frozen fruits to untreated frozen fruits. Among different processes used, a very interesting result was obtained with the application of a osmotic pre-treatment driven out at refrigerated temperature for long time. The final quality of frozen strawberries was very high and a peculiar increment of phenolic profile was detected. This interesting phenomenon was probably due to induction of phenolic biological synthesis (for example as reaction to osmotic stress), or to hydrolysis of polymeric phenolic compounds. Aside this investigation in the cryo-stabilization and dehydrofreezing of fruits, deeper investigation in VI techniques were carried out, as studies of changes in vacuum impregnated prickly pear texture, and in use of VI and ultrasound (US) in aroma enrichment of fruit pieces. Moreover, to develop sensory evaluation tools and analytical chemistry determination (of volatiles and phenolic compounds), some researches were bring off and published in these fields. Specifically dealing with off-flavour development during storage of boiled potato, and capillary zonal electrophoresis (CZE) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) determination of phenolic compounds.


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This thesis is concerned with the beneficiation of an oxidized lead ore. Emphasis was placed upon concentration by flotation rather than by gravity methods, although some investigation was made with the Wilfley shaking table. The concentration of lead minerals received most consideration in the problem, but wherever possible attempts were made to increase the silver and gold concentration along with the lead.


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El presente trabajo trata sobre el potencial del cultivo de chumbera (Opuntia ficus-indica (L) Miller) para la obtención de dos biocombustibles: bioetanol y biogás. Para lograr este objetivo se ha estudiado, por una parte, el empleo de procedimientos orientados a la producción de bioetanol no celulósico a partir de cladodios de chumbera, lo que ha dado como resultado rendimientos de entre 156 y 221 litros de etanol por cada tonelada de materia seca de biomasa, y, por otra, la obtención de biogás mediante la digestión anaeróbica de los mismos en régimen mesófilo, donde se han hallado rendimientos en torno a 198 m3 de metano por tonelada de materia seca. Una vez determinado el potencial de la materia prima se han diseñado procesos para una escala industrial que permitan la transformación de los cladodios de chumbera en ambos biocombustibles y se han determinado sus balances energéticos, los cuales han dado como resultado la autosuficiencia de ambos procesos, obteniéndose, además, un excedente térmico de 1.235 kcal L-1 de etanol producido, y en torno a 140 kep de energía total (térmica + eléctrica) por tonelada de materia seca empleada en la digestión anaeróbica. Por último se ha estimado el potencial de producción de ambos combustibles en un área apta para el cultivo de la chumbera. En concreto, este estudio se ha llevado a cabo para la provincia de Almería, elegida por tratarse de una zona con cierta tradición en el manejo de esta planta y presentar un clima semiárido mediterráneo. La superficie apta para el cultivo de la chumbera en esta provincia se ha estimado en 100.616 ha y el rendimiento medio del cultivo en 5 t MS ha-1 año-1. En el caso del bioetanol esto implicaría un potencial de producción en torno a 82.158 m3 año-1 que podrían dar lugar a la creación de dos macrodestilerías (con una producción de 100.000 L diarios) o de 49 microdestilerías (con 5.000 L diarios de producción). Si se optara por la transformación de la biomasa de chumbera en metano, podrían obtenerse 99,4 M de metros cúbicos, lo cual permitiría el establecimiento de 79 plantas de cogeneración de 500 kW cada una. ABSTRACT The present work deals with the potential of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L) Mill.) biomass as a feedstock for bioethanol and biogas. In order to reach this objective different procedures aiming at the production of non-cellulosic bioethanol from cladodes were carried out; yields from156 to 221 litres of bioethanol per ton of dry matter were found. Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of cladodes was also studied and yields around 198 m3 of methane per ton of dry matter were reached. From these results, processes on an industrial scale were designed for both pathways of energy conversion of prickly-pear biomass and the respective energy balances were calculated. They resulted to be self-sufficient from an energetic point of view; the bioethanol pathway generated a thermal energy surplus of 1,235 kcal per litre of ethanol, while around 140 kep of total energy (heat + electricity) were obtained from the anaerobic digestion of one ton of dry cladodes. Finally, the potential production of both biofuels from prickly pear biomass was estimated for a specific area. The province of Almeria was chosen because of its climate conditions and the previous existence of prickly pear plantations. The area suitable for prickly pear cultivation in the province was estimated at a maximum of 100.616 ha, with an average yield of about 5 t DM ha-1 year-1. If prickly pear biomass were cropped for bioethanol in Almeria, the potential production of bioethanol could reach 82,158 m3 year-1, in either two macrodistilleries (100,000 L day-1) or 49 microdestilleries (5,000 L day-1). If the biogas pathway were preferred, 99. 4 Mm3 of methane could be reached and this would represent 79 CHP plants (500 kW each one).