974 resultados para Prey Interactions
Karlodinium veneficum (syn. Karlodinium micrum, Bergholtz et al. 2006; J Phycol 42:170–193) is a small athecate dinoflagellate commonly present in low levels in temperate, coastal waters. Occasionally, K. veneficum forms ichthyotoxic blooms due to the presence of cytotoxic, hemolytic compounds, putatively named karlotoxins. To evaluate the anti-grazing properties of these karlotoxins, we conducted food removal experiments using the cosmopolitan copepod grazer Acartia tonsa. Wild-caught, adult female A. tonsa were exposed to 6 monoalgal or mixed algal diets made using bloom concentrations of toxic (CCMP 2064) and non-toxic (CSIC1) strains of K. veneficum. Ingestion and clearance rates were calculated using the equations of Frost (1972). Exposure to the toxic strain of K. veneficum did not contribute to an increased mortality of the copepods and no significant differences in copepod mortality were found among the experimental diets. However, A. tonsa had significantly greater clearance and ingestion rates when exposed to a monoalgal diet of the non-toxic strain CSIC1 than when exposed to the monoalgal diet of toxic strain CCMP 2064 and mixed diets dominated by this toxic strain. These results support the hypothesis that karlotoxins in certain strains of K. veneficum deter grazing by potential predators and contribute to the formation and continuation of blooms.
An attempt to improve the food base for brown trout Salmo trutta in Northern Ireland was made in 1958.59 by deliberately introducing English Gammarus pulex into several Irish rivers. In addition. another amphipod Crangonyx pseudogracilis, was later accidently introduced into II ish waters. Our study represents the first attempt to examine the trophic interactions between a native fish predator (S. trutta) and an array of these native (Gammarus duebeni celticus) and introduced (G. pulex and C. pseudogracilis) amphipods. Feeding experiments, involving young brown trout predators and ampiphod prey, revealed that the fish actively selected C. pseudogracilis relative to two alternative Gammarus prey species. Although the trout encountered the Gammarus species more than C. pseudogracilis, they were eaten less than Crangonyx. Difficulties in handling and ingestion of Gammarus by trout may be a. key component of the preference fbr the smaller, more easily handled Crangonyx. The microdistribution of the species was altered by the fish, due to predation being greater in particular microhabitats, Our study showed that the introduction of the herbivorous C. pseudogracilis into Irish freshwaters may represent a useful addition to fish diets. particularly for small and/or juvenile fish. The reprecussions of the deliberate introduction of G. pulex are less clear. It may improve feeding for fish. but only if it can coexist with indigenous macroinvertebrates and thus ultimately improve the range and quantity of possible food items in predator diets. Alternatively, being highly predatory towards other macroinvertebrates including G. d. celticus and C. pseudogracilis. G. pulex may be deleterious to the diversity of the resident benthic community and hence reduce the diversity of prey available to fish predators.
Advances in the understanding of ecological factors determining predatorprey interactions have provided a strong theoretical background on diet preferences of predators. We examined patterns of jaguar predation on caiman in southern Pantanal, Brazil. We investigated factors affecting predation rates and vulnerability of caiman to predation by jaguars. We recorded 114 caiman mortality incidents. Predation accounted for 62.3% (n = 71) of all caiman found dead, while other causes of mortality (nonpredation) accounted for 37.7% (n = 43). We found that jaguars prey on a broad size range of caiman body and caiman predation was influenced by distance to forests. During dry seasons, 70% (n = 49) of deaths were due to predation, while 30% (n = 21) were due to nonpredation causes. However, we found no significant relationship between annual and monthly killings of caiman and rainfall totals by year and month (r = 0.130, r = -0.316). The annual flooding regime may be a more important factor influencing prey selection by jaguars. Although neotropical crocodilians are relatively well studied, their interactions with jaguars have been mostly ignored and should be prioritized in future studies.
Small pumpkinseed sunfish ( Lepomis gibbosus), were found to be capable of removing the spine of Bythotrephes longimanus, an invasive cladoceran. Because fish consumption may be important in the dispersal or control of Bythotrephes, aquarium feeding experiments were conducted to 1) establish if the spine removal behavior of the pumpkinseeds was locally unique; 2) quantify how frequently pumpkinseeds exhibit the behavior; 3) determine if pumpkinseed handle Bythotrephes more quickly than other species of fish; and 4) verify if Bythotrephes' resting eggs pass through the digestive systems of pumpkinseeds in viable condition. The experiments revealed that pumpkinseeds (45-70 mm TL) from two geographic regions were more successful (100%) at removing Bythotrephes' spine, and handled Bythotrephes more quickly than yellow perch (Perca flavescens) (49-57 mm TL) and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) (50-57mm TL) used in the study. Of 244 live Bythotrephes' resting eggs fed to the pumpkinseeds, 104 (42.6%) passed through their digestive systems. From those eggs, only 10 successfully hatched. Preliminary enclosure experiments were carried out and indicated that pumpkinseeds will consume Bythotrephes in natural settings. These findings provide new evidence that certain fish, with specialized morphology for prey manipulation, have the ability to influence the distribution and establishment of Bythotrephes.
Little is known about the impact of ocean acidification on predator-prey dynamics. Herein, we examined the effect of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) on both prey and predator by letting one predatory reef fish interact for 24 h with eight small or large juvenile damselfishes from four congeneric species. Both prey and predator were exposed to control or elevated levels of CO(2). Mortality rate and predator selectivity were compared across CO(2) treatments, prey size and species. Small juveniles of all species sustained greater mortality at high CO(2) levels, while large recruits were not affected. For large prey, the pattern of prey selectivity by predators was reversed under elevated CO(2). Our results demonstrate both quantitative and qualitative consumptive effects of CO(2) on small and larger damselfish recruits respectively, resulting from CO(2)-induced behavioural changes likely mediated by impaired neurological function. This study highlights the complexity of predicting the effects of climate change on coral reef ecosystems.
Recent research has shown that exposure to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) affects how fishes perceive their environment, affecting behavioral and cognitive processes leading to increased prey mortality. However, it is unclear if increased mortality results from changes in the dynamics of predator-prey interactions or due to prey increasing activity levels. Here we demonstrate that ocean pCO2 projected to occur by 2100 significantly effects the interactions of a predator-prey pair of common reef fish: the planktivorous damselfish Pomacentrus amboinensis and the piscivorous dottyback Pseudochromis fuscus. Prey exposed to elevated CO2 (880 µatm) or a present-day control (440 µatm) interacted with similarly exposed predators in a cross-factored design. Predators had the lowest capture success when exposed to elevated CO2 and interacting with prey exposed to present-day CO2. Prey exposed to elevated CO2 had reduced escape distances and longer reaction distances compared to prey exposed to present-day CO2 conditions, but this was dependent on whether the prey was paired with a CO2 exposed predator or not. This suggests that the dynamics of predator-prey interactions under future CO2 environments will depend on the extent to which the interacting species are affected and can adapt to the adverse effects of elevated CO2.
Western rock lobsters, Panulirus cygnus are an abundant benthic consumer distributed along the temperate west coast of Australia and constitute the largest single species fishery in Australia. As a dominant consumer, it is important to understand their predator-prey interactions as they can potentially exert strong trophic effects, and may influence ecosystem function as seen in other spiny lobster species. While previous field studies have focused on the diet composition of P. cygnus, this study investigated their preference for various benthic invertebrate prey to better understand the likely predator-prey interactions of P. cygnus. Prey preferences of small sub-legal juvenile lobsters, as well as medium and large legal-sized mature lobsters were investigated using laboratory feeding trials to identify size-associated differences in lobster prey preference. Handling time and diet quality were investigated to estimate energetic cost and gain from consuming different prey which may explain prey choice by lobsters. It was found that large lobsters preferred crabs and mussels while medium and small lobsters preferred crabs over mussels, gastropods, and sea urchins. This suggests that strong predator-prey interactions between P. cygnus and crabs may occur in the wild.
Warming could strongly stabilize or destabilize populations and food webs by changing the interaction strengths between predators and their prey. Predicting the consequences of warming requires understanding how temperature affects ingestion (energy gain) and metabolism (energy loss). Here, we studied the temperature dependence of metabolism and ingestion in laboratory experiments with terrestrial arthropods (beetles and spiders). From this data, we calculated ingestion efficiencies (ingestion/metabolism) and per capita interaction strengths in the short and long term. Additionally, we investigated if and how body mass changes these temperature dependencies. For both predator groups, warming increased metabolic rates substantially, whereas temperature effects on ingestion rates were weak. Accordingly, the ingestion efficiency (the ratio of ingestion to metabolism) decreased in all treatments. This result has two possible consequences: on the one hand, it suggests that warming of natural ecosystems could increase intrinsic population stability, meaning less fluctuations in population density; on the other hand, decreasing ingestion efficiencies may also lead to higher extinction risks because of starvation. Additionally, predicted long-term per capita interaction strengths decreased with warming, which suggests an increase in perturbation stability of populations, i.e., a higher probability of returning to the same equilibrium density after a small perturbation. Together, these results suggest that warming has complex and potentially profound effects on predator-prey interactions and food-web stability.
The pattern of predator-prey interactions is thought to be a key determinant of ecosystem processes and stability. Complex ecological networks are characterized by distributions of interaction strengths that are highly skewed, with many weak and few strong interactors present. Theory suggests that this pattern promotes stability as weak interactors dampen the destabilizing potential of strong interactors. Here, we present an experimental test of this hypothesis and provide empirical evidence that the loss of weak interactors can destabilize communities in nature. We ranked 10 marine consumer species by the strength of their trophic interactions. We removed the strongest and weakest of these interactors from experimental food webs containing >100 species. Extinction of strong interactors produced a dramatic trophic cascade and reduced the temporal stability of key ecosystem process rates, community diversity and resistance to changes in community composition. Loss of weak interactors also proved damaging for our experimental ecosystems, leading to reductions in the temporal and spatial stability of ecosystem process rates, community diversity, and resistance. These results highlight the importance of conserving species to maintain the stabilizing pattern of trophic interactions in nature, even if they are perceived to have weak effects in the system.
Le caribou forestier est une espèce menacée au Canada, la principale hypothèse au déclin des populations étant l’intensification de la prédation provoquée par les perturbations anthropiques du paysage. Afin de faire face à cette situation, il est nécessaire d’étudier et comprendre l’impact de l’environnement sur les interactions prédateur-proies entre le caribou et le loup, ainsi qu’avec l’orignal, qui est sa principale proie alternative. Pour cela, cette thèse présente la conception d’un modèle centré sur l’individu des déplacements de ces trois espèces en fonction de leur environnement, dont résulteront les interactions prédateur-proies. Afin de permettre l’application de ce modèle sur de longues périodes, et donc pour un environnement changeant, une méthodologie a été développée, qui s’articule atour de deux aspects principaux. Tout d’abord, la notion de niveaux d’émergence est introduite, permettant d’ordonner les comportements observables du système selon leurs interdépendances, afin de choisir comme trait du modèle un com- portement correspondant au domaine d’applicabilité visé. Ordonner les comportements selon leurs niveaux d’émergence permet également d’identifier la redondance entre les patrons, qui peut être à l’origine d’un phénomène de sur-apprentissage lorsqu’ils sont utilisés lors de la calibration. Dans un second temps, un nouveau protocole pour la calibration et la validation du ou des traits choisis à l’aide des niveaux d’émergence, nommé réplication de système basé sur l’individu (Individual Based System Replication - IBSRtion) est également présenté. Ce protocole met l’emphase sur la modélisation directe, contrairement au principal protocole existant, la modélisation orientée patrons (Pattern Oriented Modelling - POM), et permet une approche empirique en générant artificiellement des données non disponibles ou ne pouvant être récoltées par des études de terrains. IBSRtion a également l’avantage de pouvoir être intégrée dans POM, afin de contribuer à la création d’une méthodologie universelle pour la conception de modèles centrés sur l’individu. Le processus de conception de ce modèle aura entre autre permis de faire une synthèse des connaissances et d’identifier certaines lacunes. Une étude visant à palier le manque de connaissances satisfaisantes sur les réponses comportementales à court-terme des proies face au risque de prédation a notamment permis d’observer que celles-ci sont une combinaison de comportements chroniques et éphémères, et que les mécanismes qui en sont à l’origine sont complexes et non-linéaires. Le résultat de ce travail est un modèle complexe utilisant de nombreux sous-modèles, et calibré de façon empirique, applicable à une grande variété d’environnements. Ce modèle a permis de tester l’impact de l’enfeuillement sur les relations prédateur-proies. Des simulations ont été effectuées pour différentes quantités d’enfeuillement, suivant deux configurations spatiales différentes. Les résultats de simulation suggèrent que des plans d’aménagement considérant également l’habitat de l’orignal pourraient être bénéfiques pour le caribou forestier, car ils permettraient d’améliorer la ségrégation spatiale entre les deux espèces, et donc entre le caribou et le loup. En le couplant avec un module de naissances et de morts naturelles ainsi qu’un modèle d’évolution du paysage, ce modèle permettra par la suite d’évaluer l’impact de plans d’aménagement forestier sur la viabilité des populations de caribou forestier.
It is believed that habitat heterogeneity can change the extent of predator-prey interactions. Therefore, in this study we examined the effect of habitat heterogeneity (characterized here as an addition of refuge) on D. ater predation on M. domestica. Predation of D. ater on M. domestica larvae was carried out in experimental habitats with and without refuge, and examined at different prey densities. The number of prey eaten by beetles over 24 h of predator-prey interaction was recorded, and we investigated the strength of interaction between prey and predator in both experimental habitats by determining predator functional response. The mean number of prey eaten by beetles in the presence of refuge was significantly higher than in the absence of refuge. Females had greater weight gains than males. Logistic regression analyses revealed the type II functional response for both experimental habitats, even though data did not fit well into the random predator model. Results suggest that the addition of refuge in fact enhanced predation, as prey consumption increased in the presence of refuge. Predators kept in the presence of refuge also consumed more prey at high prey densities. Thus, we concluded that the addition of refuge was an important component mediating D. ater-M. domestica population interactions. Refuge actually acted as a refuge for predators from prey, since prey behaviors detrimental to predators were reduced in this case.
The vertebrate predators of post-metamorphic anurans were quantified and the predator-prey relationship was investigated by analysing the relative size of invertebrate predators and anurans. More than 100 vertebrate predators were identified (in more than 200 reports) and classified as opportunistic, convenience, temporary specialized and specialized predators. Invertebrate predators were classified as solitary non-venomous, venomous and social foragers according to 333 reviewed reports. Each of these categories of invertebrate predators was compared with the relative size of the anurans, showing an increase in the relative size of the prey when predators used special predatory tactics. The number of species and the number of families of anurans that were preyed upon did not vary with the size of the predator, suggesting that prey selection was not arbitrary and that energetic constraints must be involved in this choice. The relatively low predation pressure upon brachycephalids was related to the presence of some defensive strategies of its species. This compounding review can be used as the foundation for future advances in vertebrate predator-prey interactions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Microzooplankton (the 20 to 200 µm size class of zooplankton) is recognised as an important part of marine pelagic ecosystems. In terms of biomass and abundance pelagic ciliates are one of the important groups of organism in microzooplankton. However, their rates - grazing and growth - , feeding behaviour and prey preferences are poorly known and understood. A set of data was assembled in order to derive a better understanding of pelagic ciliates rates, in response to parameters such as prey concentration, prey type (size and species), temperature and their own size. With these objectives, literature was searched for laboratory experiments with information on one or more of these parameters effect studied. The criteria for selection and inclusion in the database included: (i) controlled laboratory experiment with a known ciliates feeding on a known prey; (ii) presence of ancillary information about experimental conditions, used organisms - cell volume, cell dimensions, and carbon content. Rates and ancillary information were measured in units that meet the experimenter need, creating a need to harmonize the data units after collection. In addition different units can link to different mechanisms (carbon to nutritive quality of the prey, volume to size limits). As a result, grazing rates are thus available as pg C/(ciliate*h), µm**3/(ciliate*h) and prey cell/(ciliate*h); clearance rate was calculated if not given and growth rate is expressed as the growth rate per day.