1000 resultados para Prevosti, Antoni, 1919-2011


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Prof. Dr. Antonio Prevosti was born on the 15th of February, 1919, at Barcelona where he grew up and lived with his wife Maria Monclús and his family until his death. Between the years 1939 and 1942 he registered at the University of Barcelona and finished his studies there with the"University Degree in Natural Science" obtaining the extraordinary award of his promotion. Immediately afterwards he started his research about the growth rate of Barcelona school children from two very different social groups at the Anthropology Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. The obtained results were published in his Doctoral Thesis (1948). Further investigations on quantitative traits in human populations improved his knowledge of statistical analyses and provided the basis for a scholarship from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work at the Institute of Statistical and Demographical Sciences in Rome directed by Prof. C. Gini.


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L'1 de setembre va morir a Barcelona el primer catedràtic de genètica de l'estat, el professor Antoni Prevosti i Pelegrín.


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On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.


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This work, from a perspective that thinks the space as a historical category, and especially as a relationship which stresses the role of objects, proposes an analysis of the construction of a Republican memory in the city of Natal in the early twentieth century. This research will focus mainly on two objects: the obelisk opened in 1917, and the Andre de Albuquerque Square on the occasion of the celebration of Frei Miguelinho´s death centenary and the paint Julgamento de Frei Miguelinho ordered by the State Government to the painter Antonio Parreiras, picture that was in the Salão Nobre do Palácio do Poder Executivo of that time. In a geral way this work intend to analyse the construction of this memory as well as the role of these objects in this process. To achieve that, we propose to trace ways and networks to follow the possible associations(between people, events, images, discourses, objects, institutios etc.) in the constitution of mutual belongings. Thus, our procedure was to follow these objects through the pathways in which they became possible, so that in the end we could defend the idea that they are active participants of the process that establish them.


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გამოჩენილი ქართველი ხელოვნებათმცოდნის, აკადემიკოს შალვა ამირანაშვილის ბიობიბლიოგრაფიაში თავმოყრილია 1919-2011 წლების მასალა: სამეცნიერო შრომები, სამეცნიერო-პოპულარული სტატიები, რეცენზიები, მისი რედაქტორობით გამოცემული შრომები და ლიტერატურა მის შესახებ.


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Applicazione Web che permette di creare eventi in un calendario relativo all'assunzione di farmaci da parte di utenti con deficit di memorizzazione.


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Las tesis de posgrado son el producto de trabajos originales y generalmente relevantes, de investigación y aprendizaje, que aportan nuevos conocimientos a las distintas áreas del saber humano, marcan nuevas líneas de investigación y sugieren propuestas de acción directa sobre los objetos y la realidad analizada. Pero cabe preguntarse ¿Qué pasa con las tesis en las universidades del NEA? Una vez hecha la defensa, ¿dónde se deposita la tesis, cómo se difunde su contenido? Para dar respuesta a estos interrogantes es necesario indagar sobre distintos aspectos de la realidad, es decir, tener la imagen actual del estado de los repositorios de tesis en la región. Al finalizar el proyecto se espera contar con un acabado diagnóstico que refleje la situación actual de las universidades del NEA en cuanto a sus ofertas de posgrados, las áreas de conocimiento que estas cubren, como así también las potencialidades que ellas exhiben para el tratamiento, almacenamiento, difusión y accesibilidad de las tesis de posgrados defendidas y aprobadas en dichas instituciones, en el transcurso de los años 2000-2010. La investigación aportará insumos teóricos, conceptuales, metodológicos, críticos e instrumentales, que podrán ser utilizados como facilitadores para la instrumentación de los repositorios institucionales de tesis de las universidades del NEA, generados desde el campo de aplicación de las propias instituciones.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Safety Bureau, Washington, D.C.