757 resultados para Prevention and intervention
This publication is a support and resource document for the "National Action Plan for Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention for Mental Health 2000". It includes indicators, measurement tools and databases relevant to assessing the implementation of the outcomes and strategies identified in the action plan.
IPH developed this report for the Centre for Effective Services (CES). The report explores learning from evaluations of 10 programmes operated as part of the Prevention and Early Intervention Initative funded by Atlantic Philanthropies and others. The report provides insights into the outcomes of prevention and early intervention initiatives relevant to early child development, school-based programmes and the integration of child services. A briefing paper is also available.
This study aimed to assess the efficacy of a rural community-based integrated intervention for early prevention and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in China. This 18-year cluster-randomized controlled trial encompassing 15 villages included 1008 patients (454 men and 40 women in the intervention group [mean age, 54 ± 10 years]; 482 men and 32 women in the control group [mean age, 53 ± 10 years]) with confirmed COPD or at risk for COPD. Villages were randomly assigned to the intervention or the control group, and study participants residing within the villages received treatment accordingly. Intervention group patients took part in a program that included systematic health education, smoking cessation counseling, and education on management of COPD. Control group patients received usual care. The groups were compared after 18 years regarding the incidence of COPD, decline in lung function, and mortality of COPD. COPD incidence was lower in the intervention group than in the control group (10% vs 16%, <0.05). A decline in lung function was also significantly delayed in the intervention group compared to the control group of COPD and high-risk patients. The intervention group showed significant improvement in smoking cessation compared with the control group, and smokers in the intervention group had lower smoking indices than in the control group (350 vs 450, <0.05). The intervention group also had a significantly lower cumulative COPD-related death rate than the control group (37% vs 47%, <0.05). A rural community-based integrated intervention is effective in reducing the incidence of COPD among those at risk, delaying a decline in lung function in COPD patients and those at risk, and reducing mortality of COPD.
Religious communities have been a challenge to HIV prevention globally. Focusing on the acceptability component of the right to health, this intervention study examined how local Catholic, Evangelical and Afro-Brazilian religious communities can collaborate to foster young people`s sexual health and ensure their access to comprehensive HIV prevention in their communities in Brazil. This article describes the process of a three-stage sexual health promotion and HIV prevention initiative that used a multicultural human rights approach to intervention. Methods included 27 in-depth interviews with religious authorities on sexuality, AIDS prevention and human rights training of 18 young people as research-agents, who surveyed 177 youth on the same issues using self-administered questionnaires. The results, analysed using a rights-based perspective on health and the vulnerability framework, were discussed in daylong interfaith workshops. Emblematic of the collaborative process, workshops are the focus of the analysis. Our findings suggest that this human rights framework is effective in increasing inter-religious tolerance and in providing a collective understanding of the sexuality and prevention needs of youth from different religious communities, and also serves as a platform for the expansion of state AIDS programmes based on laical principles.
Perinatal depression significantly impacts the mother, her partner, the unborn fetus, and the infant/child after delivery. A review of the literature supports the need for preventive intervention methods as research has shown that even with successful treatment, disruptions in attachment, temperament, and cognitive development often remain. Primary care settings are ideal targets for prevention given that they can reach a number of people at low-cost without the stigma associated with seeking help in a mental health facility. This paper purposes a preventive intervention method for perinatal depression that can be implemented in primary care settings in both Western and non-Western countries. The intervention targets two of the primary risk factors for perinatal depression; partner support and relationship quality. The intervention is structured around key target periods in gestational development and during the early weeks after delivery. Suggestions for each target visit are based on prior research that has demonstrated how psychoeducation about the transition to parenthood, as well as increased communication, can positively affect partner support and relationship quality. The ultimate goal of the intervention is not only to prevent perinatal depression but also to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the entire family system.
Behavioral and cognitive interventions for people with psychosis have a long and distinguished history, although the evidence for their application to young people remains limited. We anticipate that the next decades will show substantial research into psychological intervention for this population. Important targets will include the management of environmental stressors, reduction of substance misuse, and promotion of early treatment. Psychological management of positive symptoms, depression, and suicidal behavior will continue to be critical objectives. Important secondary prevention goals will be the retention of cognitive functioning, vocational options, social skills, and social network support, including appropriate family support. We expect primary prevention to include both universal programs and interventions for adolescents at particularly high risk. Technical innovations will include increasing use of Internet-based intervention and behavior cueing devices. Pressures for intervention brevity will continue, as will problems with the systematic delivery of effective procedures.
RESUMO: Em 2011, a Associação Psiquiátrica Mundial lançou um programa de bolsas de investigação para psiquiatras em início de carreira a partir de países de renda baixa ou média-baixa, no âmbito deste programa, o autor foi selecionado para uma bolsa de pesquisa no Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre da Universidade de Melbourne. Orygen, é a principal organização de pesquisa e tradução do conhecimento do mundo com foco em problemas de saúde mental em pessoas jovens. O estágio foi baseado em Prevenção e Intervenção Precoce Psychosis Centre (EPPIC), que faz parte do Orygen. EPPIC fornece programa de tratamento abrangente e integrada, baseada na comunidade para o primeiro episódio de psicose. Esta dissertação descreve o modelo EPPIC, e seus componentes essenciais e fatores que são necessários para uma implementação de serviço direito. Além disso, uma proposta de criação de um programa-piloto de intervenção psicose precoce é discutido. Este programa inclui um programa de extensão inovadora que combina princípios comerciais sólidos, com metas sociais, a fim de combater especificamente a maior barreira para o tratamento da psicose precoce na Bolívia: o estigma da doença mental. Ao utilizar uma equipe de tratamento móvel, multidisciplinar, que enfatiza os papéis dos gerentes do caso treinados focada em fornecer indivíduo intensiva e apoio familiar no lar, este programa irá prestar cuidados culturalmente apropriados que irá alavancar contribuições de um suprimento limitado de psiquiatras e mudar longe da dependência um sistema médico fragmentado. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: In 2011, the World Psychiatric Association launched a programme of research fellowships for early-career psychiatrists from low- or lower-middle income countries, within this programme, the author was selected to a research fellowship at the Centre for Youth Mental Health/Orygen Youth Health Research Centre at University of Melbourne. Orygen, is the world’s leading research and knowledge translation organization focusing on mental ill-health in young people. The traineeship was based on Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre (EPPIC), which is part of Orygen. EPPIC provides comprehensive, integrated, community-based treatment program for first-episode psychosis. This dissertation describes the EPPIC model, and its core components and factors which are necessary to a right service implementation. Additionally, a proposal to establish a pilot early psychosis intervention programme is discussed. This programme includes an innovative outreach programme that combines sound business principals with social goals in order to specifically target the largest barrier to early psychosis treatment in Bolivia: the stigma of mental illness. By utilizing a mobile, multidisciplinary treatment team that emphasizes the roles of trained case managers focused on providing intensive individual and family support in the home, this programme will provide culturally appropriate care that will leverage contributions from a limited supply of psychiatrists and shift dependence away from a fragmented medical system.
Cet article propose une mise à jour des recommandations pour le bilan de santé et la prévention primaire et secondaire de nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires et oncologiques. Les nouveautés pour le dépistage des cancers concernent essentiellement les cancers colorectal, du poumon et de la prostate. Pour la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires, le dépistage de la sténose de l'artère carotidienne n'est toujours pas recommandé. Les preuves de la littérature sont insuffisantes pour recommander le dépistage de l'artériopathie coronarienne ou périphérique chez les patients asymptomatiques. Le partage de l'information et de la décision entre le médecin et le patient est à privilégier lorsqu'il existe une incertitude quant à l'efficacité d'une intervention. This article provides an update on the recommendations for the routine check-up and the primary and secondary prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease. Changes for cancer screening affect mainly colorectal, lung and prostate cancers. In the area of cardiovascular disease prevention, screening for carotid artery stenosis is still not recommended. The current evidence is insufficient to recommend screening for coronary heart disease or peripheral artery disease in asymptomatic patients. Shared information and decision making between physician and patient is recommended when there is uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of an intervention.
The role of vitamin D (VitD) has recently been expanded beyond bone homeostasis and regulation of calcium levels. VitD deficiency has been proposed as a new risk factor for cardiovascular disease, including stroke. Low 25(OH)VitD levels are very common among post-stroke patients, probably due to their limited mobility and decreased sunlight exposure along with a higher prevalence of malnutrition, and they have been associated with previous and incident cerebrovascular events. Contributing mechanisms have been linked to the association of VitD deficiency with the presence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Moreover, there is experimental evidence demonstrating that VitD exerts neuroprotective effects, such as stimulation of neurotrophic factors, quenching of oxidative hyperactivity and regulation of neuronal death, as well as antithrombotic properties. It is plausible that VitD supplementation could be a beneficial intervention for the prevention and/or treatment of cerebrovascular disease possibly by decreasing the aforementioned cerebrovascular risk factors and simultaneously by improving neurologic and cognitive functions, thereby reducing falls and fractures in post-stroke patients. However, study results are still conflicting and data from large, randomized clinical trials are needed to clarify these speculations.
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