15 resultados para Pretense


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In the limit state design (LSD) method each design criterion is formally stated and assessed using a performance function. The performance function defines the relationship between the design parameters and the design criterion. In practice, LSD involves factoring up loads and factoring down calculated strengths and material parameters. This provides a convenient way to carry out routine probabilistic-based design. The factors are statistically calculated to produce a design with an acceptably low probability of failure. Hence the ultimate load and the design material properties are mathematical concepts that have no physical interpretation. They may be physically impossible. Similarly, the appropriate analysis model is also defined by the performance function and may not describe the real behaviour at the perceived physical equivalent limit condition. These points must be understood to avoid confusion in the discussion and application of partial factor LSD methods.


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I assess Tamar Gendler's (2007) account of self-deception according to which its characteristic state is not belief, but imaginative pretense. After giving an overview of the literature and presenting the conceptual puzzles engendered by the notion of self-deception, I introduce Gendler's account, which emerges as a rival to practically all extant accounts of self-deception. I object to it by first arguing that her argument for abandoning belief as the characteristic state of self-deception conflates the state of belief and the process of belief-formation when interpreting David Velleman's (2000) thesis that belief is an essentially truth-directed attitude. I then call attention to the fact that Velleman's argument for the identity of motivational role between belief and imagining, on which Gendler's argument for self-deception as pretense depends, conflates two senses of 'motivational role'-a stronger but implausible sense and a weaker but explanatorily irrelevant sense. Finally, I introduce Neil Van Leeuwen's (2009) argument to the effect that belief is the practical ground of all non-belief cognitive attitudes in circum-stances wherein the latter prompt action. I apply this framework to Gendler's account to ultimately show that imaginative pretense fails to explain the existence of voluntary actions which result from self-deception.


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This article seeks to examine the complex nature of pretence as portrayed in a popular UK children's television puppet show. Central to the various theoretical concerns with make-believe philosophical, psychological and lucid - has been the phenomenological axis of the 'real-imaginary'. Because of the serial types of transformations undertaken by characters in the programme and the reliance placed on natural models of conversation, the problematic nature of this core boundary is highlighted. Despite its overt status as a fictional representation of animal behaviour, the very animality of the puppets is rendered opaque as their identities as children are linguistically accomplished. As a consequence we argue that the show as a piece of representational art is structured by moral and behavioural dictates typical of conventional adult-child interaction.


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Recent interest in the development and evolution of theory of mind has provided a wealth of information about representational skills in both children and animals, According to J, Perrier (1991), children begin to entertain secondary representations in the 2nd year of life. This advance manifests in their passing hidden displacement tasks, engaging in pretense and means-ends reasoning, interpreting external representations, displaying mirror self-recognition and empathic behavior, and showing an early understanding of mind and imitation. New data show a cluster of mental accomplishments in great apes that is very similar to that observed in 2-year-old humans. It is suggested that it is most parsimonious to assume that this cognitive profile is of homologous origin and that great apes possess secondary representational capacity. Evidence from animals other than apes is scant. This analysis leads to a number of predictions for future research.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este estudo tem por objetivo compreender os significados atribuídos por profissionais que atuam em enfermaria pediátrica sobre o cuidar da criança com doença sem possibilidade de cura, hospitalizada e em processo de morte. A estratégia metodológica foi fundamentada na abordagem qualitativa, que corresponde a um método preocupado com as singularidades e particularidades de um objeto, sem a pretensão de generalizações ou de verdades absolutas quanto aos resultados encontrados. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Clínica Assistencial Pediátrica do Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto, vinculado à Universidade Federal do Pará, em Belém-Pa. Colaboraram com a pesquisa doze (12) profissionais, sendo 3 Médicos, 1 Psicólogo, 1 Terapeuta Ocupacional, 2 Enfermeiros, 1 Fisioterapeuta, 1 Assistente Social e 3 Técnicos em Enfermagem que lidam diariamente com o processo de morrer de crianças internadas nesta instituição. Como instrumento para coleta dos dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-dirigida, sendo realizada a análise de conteúdo temática, por meio da qual foram identificados três temas centrais: A Negação e Interdição da Morte; Apegos e a Experiência do Luto e Formação para Paliar. Para os colaboradores paliar é uma árdua tarefa envolvendo todo cuidado direcionado à criança sem possibilidades terapêuticas curativas. Contudo, na impossibilidade de evitar a morte da criança os profissionais podem vivenciar intenso sofrimento, o que favorece as ações obstinadas para manutenção da vida, a negação e interdição da morte. Tal como pais apegados e cuidadosos para com seus filhos, na iminência de morte ou óbito da criança, os profissionais vivenciam sentimentos característicos do luto. Em relação à formação do profissional de saúde destaca-se a ausência de disciplinas abordando o tema da morte e do morrer durante os anos da graduação, chamando atenção para a necessidade da inclusão dessas nos currículos da graduação. Os achados sugerem o estranhamento frente à morte da criança e a vivência do luto não autorizado, corroborando em favor das ações de educação para vida e para morte.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The central objective of research in Information Retrieval (IR) is to discover new techniques to retrieve relevant information in order to satisfy an Information Need. The Information Need is satisfied when relevant information can be provided to the user. In IR, relevance is a fundamental concept which has changed over time, from popular to personal, i.e., what was considered relevant before was information for the whole population, but what is considered relevant now is specific information for each user. Hence, there is a need to connect the behavior of the system to the condition of a particular person and his social context; thereby an interdisciplinary sector called Human-Centered Computing was born. For the modern search engine, the information extracted for the individual user is crucial. According to the Personalized Search (PS), two different techniques are necessary to personalize a search: contextualization (interconnected conditions that occur in an activity), and individualization (characteristics that distinguish an individual). This movement of focus to the individual's need undermines the rigid linearity of the classical model overtaken the ``berry picking'' model which explains that the terms change thanks to the informational feedback received from the search activity introducing the concept of evolution of search terms. The development of Information Foraging theory, which observed the correlations between animal foraging and human information foraging, also contributed to this transformation through attempts to optimize the cost-benefit ratio. This thesis arose from the need to satisfy human individuality when searching for information, and it develops a synergistic collaboration between the frontiers of technological innovation and the recent advances in IR. The search method developed exploits what is relevant for the user by changing radically the way in which an Information Need is expressed, because now it is expressed through the generation of the query and its own context. As a matter of fact the method was born under the pretense to improve the quality of search by rewriting the query based on the contexts automatically generated from a local knowledge base. Furthermore, the idea of optimizing each IR system has led to develop it as a middleware of interaction between the user and the IR system. Thereby the system has just two possible actions: rewriting the query, and reordering the result. Equivalent actions to the approach was described from the PS that generally exploits information derived from analysis of user behavior, while the proposed approach exploits knowledge provided by the user. The thesis went further to generate a novel method for an assessment procedure, according to the "Cranfield paradigm", in order to evaluate this type of IR systems. The results achieved are interesting considering both the effectiveness achieved and the innovative approach undertaken together with the several applications inspired using a local knowledge base.


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Contains also"Eenige opmerckingen, memorien, notitien, ende consideratien, tegens den inhouldt van de pretense, ende gansch ongesondeerde, sententie, op den 13 May, 1619, tegens den Heere Iohan van Olden-Barnevelt..."


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The status, roles, and interactions of three dominant African ethnic groups and their descendants in Cuba significantly influenced the island's cubanidad (national identity): the Lucumís (Yoruba), the Congos (Bantú speakers from Central West Africa), and the Carabalís (from the region of Calabar). These three groups, enslaved on the island, coexisted, each group confronting obstacles that threatened their way of life and cultural identities. Through covert resistance, cultural appropriation, and accommodation, all three, but especially the Lucumís, laid deep roots in the nineteenth century that came to fruition in the twentieth. During the early 1900s, Cuba confronted numerous pressures, internal and external. Under the pretense of a quest for national identity and modernity, Afro-Cubans and African cultures and religion came under political, social, and intellectual attack. Race was an undeniable element in these conflicts. While all three groups were oppressed equally, only the Lucumís fought back, contesting accusations of backwardness, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and brujería (witchcraft), exaggerated by the sensationalistic media, often with the police's and legal system's complicity. Unlike the covert character of earlier epochs' responses to oppression, in the twentieth century Lucumí resistance was overt and outspoken, publically refuting the accusations levied against African religions. Although these struggles had unintended consequences for the Lucumís, they gave birth to cubanidad's African component. With the help of Fernando Ortiz, the Lucumí were situated at the pinnacle of a hierarchical pyramid, stratifying African religious complexes based on civilizational advancement, but at a costly price. Social ascent denigrated Lucumí religion to the status of folklore, depriving it of its status as a bona fide religious complex. To the present, Lucumí religious descendants, in Cuba and, after 1959, in many other areas of the world, are still contesting this contradiction in terms: an elevated downgrade.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Urbanismo, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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The status, roles, and interactions of three dominant African ethnic groups and their descendants in Cuba significantly influenced the island’s cubanidad (national identity): the Lucumís (Yoruba), the Congos (Bantú speakers from Central West Africa), and the Carabalís (from the region of Calabar). These three groups, enslaved on the island, coexisted, each group confronting obstacles that threatened their way of life and cultural identities. Through covert resistance, cultural appropriation, and accommodation, all three, but especially the Lucumís, laid deep roots in the nineteenth century that came to fruition in the twentieth. During the early 1900s, Cuba confronted numerous pressures, internal and external. Under the pretense of a quest for national identity and modernity, Afro-Cubans and African cultures and religion came under political, social, and intellectual attack. Race was an undeniable element in these conflicts. While all three groups were oppressed equally, only the Lucumís fought back, contesting accusations of backwardness, human sacrifice, cannibalism, and brujería (witchcraft), exaggerated by the sensationalistic media, often with the police’s and legal system’s complicity. Unlike the covert character of earlier epochs’ responses to oppression, in the twentieth century Lucumí resistance was overt and outspoken, publically refuting the accusations levied against African religions. Although these struggles had unintended consequences for the Lucumís, they gave birth to cubanidad’s African component. With the help of Fernando Ortiz, the Lucumí were situated at the pinnacle of a hierarchical pyramid, stratifying African religious complexes based on civilizational advancement, but at a costly price. Social ascent denigrated Lucumí religion to the status of folklore, depriving it of its status as a bona fide religious complex. To the present, Lucumí religious descendants, in Cuba and, after 1959, in many other areas of the world, are still contesting this contradiction in terms: an elevated downgrade.


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La influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa del último medio siglo pretende demostrar que el núcleo de la teoría educativa newmaniana constituye el referente a partir del cual es posible comprender la forma en que lo educativo está siendo pensado en la actualidad, en un contexto preferentemente cristiano. Para ello, esta investigación proporciona una línea interpretativa que se aleja de la tradición hermenéutica que se ha seguido en la filosofía educativa newmaniana. En lugar de leer esta intentando explicar los discursos en relación a la biografía de Newman, o en contraste con la suerte de su institución, o los textos en sí mismos, sitúa los argumentos educativos en relación con los de otras obras del opus newmaniano. Este modo de proceder permite trazar la influencia de John Henry Newman en la reflexión educativa actual, que se concreta en tres autores: Joseph Ratzinger, Alasdair MacIntyre y Bernard Lonergan. Lo que une a este grupo de intelectuales tan heterogéneo es que reconocieron públicamente una deuda intelectual con Newman, que este condicionó algunos aspectos de su pensamiento y que desarrollaron un conjunto de reflexiones relevantes para la educación en las que Newman terminaba apareciendo, indefectiblemente. No obstante, para conocer esto último con precisión, y dado que a estos autores también les une el hecho de que escribieron sobre educación sólo accidentalmente, esta investigación ofrece una reconstrucción orgánica del pensamiento educativo de cada uno de ellos a la luz de los elementos principales de sus pensamientos. De esta manera, vistas sus reflexiones educativas desde una perspectiva sistemática, es posible conocer los argumentos concretos en que Newman está pretense y, por lo tanto, calibrar la intensidad de su influencia. Esta última se podría medir, así, en dos dimensiones. Una primera, en la que se vería que los elementos de los discursos de Dublín que los autores han tomado para componer sus reflexiones sobre la educación, de forma unánime, son la apología de la teología y el fin de la universidad como la formación de un hábito filosófico de la mente. Pero, además, dado que se adopta una opción hermenéutica distinta a la tradicional, en la que, como dije, se lee la Idea en relación a las obras completas del cardenal, se podría deducir un conjunto de influencias más amplio...