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This study was designed to determine the Intraocular Pressure (IOP) response to differing levels of dehydration. Seven males participated in a 90 minute treadmill walk (5 km/h and 1 % grade) in both a cool (22 °C) and hot (43 °C) climate. At Baseline and at 30 minute intervals measurements of IOP, by tonometery, and indicators of hydration status (nude weight and plasma osmolality (Posm)) were taken. Body temperature and heart rate were also measured at these time points. Statistically significant interactions (time point (4) by trial (2)) were observed for IOP (F = 10.747, p = 0.009) and body weight loss (F = 50.083, p < 0.001) to decrease, and Posm (F = 34.867, p < 0.001) to increase, by a significantly greater amount during the hot trial compared to the cool. A univariate general linear model showed a significant relationship between IOP and body weight loss (F = 37.63, p < 0.001) and Posm (F = 38.53, p < 0.001). A significant interaction was observed for body temperature (F = 20.908, p < 0.001) and heart rate (F = 25.487, p < 0.001) between the trials and time points, but there was negligible association between these variables and IOP (Pearson correlation coefficient < ±0.5). The present study provides evidence to suggest that IOP is influenced by hydration status.


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Hypertension is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular morbidity. The advantages of antihypertensive therapy have been clearly demonstrated, but only about 30% of hypertensive patients have their blood pressure (BP) controlled by such treatment. One of the reasons for this poor BP control may lie in the difficulty in predicting BP response to antihypertensive treatment. The average BP reduction achieved is similar for each drug in the main classes of antihypertensive agents, but there is a marked individual variation in BP responses to any given drug. The purpose of the present study was to examine BP response to four different antihypertensive monotherapies with regard to demographic characteristics, laboratory test results and common genetic polymorphisms. The subjects of the present study are participants in the pharmacogenetic GENRES Study. A total of 208 subjects completed the whole study protocol including four drug treatment periods of four weeks, separated by four-week placebo periods. The study drugs were amlodipine, bisoprolol, hydrochlorothiazide and losartan. Both office (OBP) and 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) measurements were carried out. BP response to study drugs were related to basic clinical characteristics, pretreatment laboratory test results and common polymorphisms in genes coding for components of the renin-angiotensin system, alpha-adducin (ADD1), beta1-adrenergic receptor (ADRB1) and beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2). Age was positively correlated with BP responses to amlodipine and with OBP and systolic ABP responses to hydrochlorothiazide, while body mass index was negatively correlated with ABP responses to amlodipine. Of the laboratory test results, plasma renin activity (PRA) correlated positively with BP responses to losartan, with ABP responses to bisoprolol, and negatively with ABP responses to hydrochlorothiazide. Uniquely to this study, it was found that serum total calcium level was negatively correlated with BP responses to amlodipine, whilst serum total cholesterol level was negatively correlated with ABP responses to amlodipine. There were no significant associations of angiotensin II type I receptor 1166A/C, angiotensin converting enzyme I/D, angiotensinogen Met235Thr, ADD1 Gly460Trp, ADRB1 Ser49Gly and Gly389Arg and ADRB2 Arg16Gly and Gln27Glu polymorphisms with BP responses to the study drugs. In conclusion, this study confirmed the relationship between pretreatment PRA levels and response to three classes of antihypertensive drugs. This study is the first to note a significant inverse relation between serum calcium level and responsiveness to a calcium channel blocker. However, this study could not replicate the observations that common polymorphisms in angiotensin II type I receptor, angiotensin converting enzyme, angiotensinogen, ADD1, ADRB1, or ADRB2 genes can predict BP response to antihypertensive drugs.


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A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods has been shown to lower blood pressure (BP) when all foods are provided. We compared the effect on BP (measured at home) of 2 different self-selected diets: a low-sodium, high-potassium diet, rich in fruit and vegetables (LNAHK) and a high-calcium diet rich in low-fat dairy foods (HC) with a moderate-sodium, high-potassium, high-calcium DASH-type diet, high in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods (OD). Subjects were randomly allocated to 2 test diets for 4 wk, the OD and either LNAHK or HC diet, each preceded by a 2 wk control diet (CD). The changes in BP between the preceding CD period and the test diet period (LNAHK or HC) were compared with the change between the CD and the OD periods. Of the 56 men and 38 women that completed the OD period, 43 completed the LNAHK diet period and 48 the HC diet period. The mean age was 55.6 ± 9.9 (±SD) years. There was a fall in systolic pressure between and the CD and OD [-1.8 ± 0.5 mm Hg (P < 0.001)]. Compared with OD, systolic and diastolic BPs fell during the LNAHK diet period [-3.5 ± 1.0 (P < 0.001) and -1.9 ± 0.7 (P < 0.05) mmHg, respectively] and increased during the HC diet period [+3.1 ± 0.9 (P < 0.01) and +0.8 ± 0.6 (P = 0.15) mm Hg, respectively]. A self-selected low-sodium, high-potassium diet resulted in a greater fall in BP than a multifaceted OD, confirming the beneficial effect of dietary intervention on BP in a community setting.


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Identifying dietary modifications that potentiate the blood pressure (BP)-lowering effects of antihypertensive medications and that are practical for free-living people may assist in achieving BP reduction goals. We assessed whether two dietary patterns were effective in lowering BP in persons on antihypertensive therapy and in those not on therapy. Ninety-four participants (38/56 females/males), aged 55.6 (sd 9.9) years, consumed two 4-week dietary regimens in random order (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-type diet and low-Na high-K (LNAHK) diet) with a control diet before each phase. Seated home BP was measured daily for the last 2 weeks in each phase. Participants were grouped based on antihypertensive drug therapy. The LNAHK diet produced a greater fall in systolic BP (SBP) in those on antihypertensive therapy ( - 6.2 (sd 6.0) mmHg) than in those not on antihypertensive therapy ( - 2.8 (sd 4.0) mmHg) (P = 0.036), and this was greatest for those on renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker therapy ( - 9.5 (sd 6.4) mmHg) (interaction P = 0.007). The fall in SBP on the DASH-type diet, in those on therapy (overall - 1.1 (sd 6.2) mmHg; renin-angiotensin blocker therapy - 4.2 (sd 4.7) mmHg), was not as marked as that observed on the LNAHK diet. Dietary modifications are an important part of all hypertension management regimens, and a low-Na and high-K diet enhances the BP-lowering effect of antihypertensive medications, particularly those targeting the RAS.


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Nitric oxide (NO) regulates arterial pressure by modulating peripheral vascular tone and sympathetic vasoconstrictor outflow. NO synthesis is impaired in several major cardiovascular disease states. Loss of NO-induced vasodilator tone and restraint on sympathetic outflow could result in exaggerated pressor responses to mental stress.


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BACKGROUND: The role of albumin on blood pressure response to different salt challenges is not known. Therefore, we studied the blood pressure response of analbuminemic Nagase rats (NAR) to different salt challenges. 11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11beta-HSD2), the enzyme regulating the glucocorticoid access to the mineralocorticoid receptor, an enzyme that is decreased in humans with salt sensitive hypertension and other diseases with abnormal renal salt retention, was assessed during salt challenges. METHODS: Blood pressure was measured continuously by an intra-arterial catheter and a telemetry system in NAR (n = 8). NAR were set successively for 7 days on a normal (0.45% NaCl), high (8% NaCl), low (0.1% NaCl) and normal salt diet again, to assess salt related response in mean systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP). 11beta-HSD2activity was assessed by measuring the urinary (THB + 5alpha-THB)/THA ratio with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. RESULTS: Mean SBP and DBP increased with high salt intake (normal salt vs. high salt: SBP: 114 +/- 1 vs.119 +/- 3 mm Hg, p < 0.01; DBP: 84 +/- 1 vs. 88 +/- 3 mm Hg; n = 8; p < 0.01). Urinary (THB +5alpha-THB)/THA ratio increased during the high-salt period when compared to the normal-salt period (high salt vs. normal salt: 0.52 +/- 0.10 vs. 0.37 +/- 0.07; p = 0.05) indicating decreased 11beta-HSD2activity. CONCLUSION: Analbuminemic Nagase rats express increased blood pressure and reduced 11beta-HSD2 activity in response to a high-salt diet.


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To investigate the functional role of different α1-adrenergic receptor (α1-AR) subtypes in vivo, we have applied a gene targeting approach to create a mouse model lacking the α1b-AR (α1b−/−). Reverse transcription–PCR and ligand binding studies were combined to elucidate the expression of the α1-AR subtypes in various tissues of α1b +/+ and −/− mice. Total α1-AR sites were decreased by 98% in liver, 74% in heart, and 42% in cerebral cortex of the α1b −/− as compared with +/+ mice. Because of the large decrease of α1-AR in the heart and the loss of the α1b-AR mRNA in the aorta of the α1b−/− mice, the in vivo blood pressure and in vitro aorta contractile responses to α1-agonists were investigated in α1b +/+ and −/− mice. Our findings provide strong evidence that the α1b-AR is a mediator of the blood pressure and the aorta contractile responses induced by α1 agonists. This was demonstrated by the finding that the mean arterial blood pressure response to phenylephrine was decreased by 45% in α1b −/− as compared with +/+ mice. In addition, phenylephrine-induced contractions of aortic rings also were decreased by 25% in α1b−/− mice. The α1b-AR knockout mouse model provides a potentially useful tool to elucidate the functional specificity of different α1-AR subtypes, to better understand the effects of adrenergic drugs, and to investigate the multiple mechanisms involved in the control of blood pressure.


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A complex response of the trunk muscles occurs to restore equilibrium in response to movement of the support surface. Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is considered to contribute to control of the trunk. This study investigated the contribution of IAP to the postural response to multidirection support-surface translation. IAP was recorded with a thin-film pressure transducer inserted via the nose into the stomach and trunk motion was recorded with an optoelectronic system with markers over the spinous process of L1. A pattern of trunk movement was recorded in response to the support-surface translations that was consistent with a 'hip' strategy of postural control. The trunk moved in a manner appropriate to move the centre of gravity over the new base of support. IAP was increased with movement in each direction, but varied in timing and amplitude between translation directions. In general, the IAP was greater with translations in the sagittal plane compared to the frontal plane and was initiated earlier for translations in the backward direction. These data indicate that IAP contributes to the postural response associated with support-surface translation and suggest that this is consistent with stiffening the spine. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to identify hypertension (HT) in karate competitors (KCs) in high intensity exercise. Values were compared with an exercise control group (EC). The 84 subjects were randomly divided into two groups: KC and EC. Resting blood pressure (BP) was measured the day before and immediately precompetition. A further three measurements were taken postexercise for all subjects at 1-, 2-, and 8- minute intervals. At rest, day one, mean BP of KC was 134/84 ± 3/2 mmHg vs. EC, 124/72 ± 1/2 mmHg and on day 2, was 141/79 ± 3/2 mmHg vs. EC, 125/72 ± 1/2 mmHg, respectively. Eight minutes postcompetition, BP of KCs was 140/77 ± 2/1 mmHg vs. EC 135/75 ± 2/1 mmHg. High blood pressure (HBP) was recorded in 60.5% of KCs on day 2, and essential HT that required medical therapy was subsequently diagnosed in 5% of KCs. Five percent of EC also had HBP, but subsequent medical examination reported normal values.