1000 resultados para Pressure center
Objectivo: Analisar a variação do centro de pressão (CP) com a utilização do calçado MBT, no equilíbrio estático a curto e longo prazo. Metodologia: A amostra é constituída por dois grupos, experimental e controlo. O estudo consistiu em dois momentos de avaliação, na recolha os indivíduos estão sobre a plataforma, estáticos. Os dados recolhidos foram a área, distância e velocidade das oscilações do CP. Resultados: As variáveis estudadas estão aumentadas com o uso das MBT. A longo prazo não se verificou diferenças significativas entre os grupos. Conclusão: As sapatilhas MBT proporcionam o aumento das oscilações do CP a curto prazo.
Introdução: O Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE) consiste numa das primeiras causas de mortalidade e morbilidade em Portugal. Esta lesão do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) desencadeia alterações ao nível do controlo postural (CP), que interferem com a recuperação funcional dos indivíduos. Objetivo: Deste modo, torna-se premente descrever as alterações do CP do tronco através da análise dos alinhamentos dos segmentos corporais do tronco no grupo de indivíduos selecionados, face à aplicação de um programa de intervenção baseado nos princípios do Conceito de Bobath. Metodologia: Estudo de série de casos, em seis indivíduos com alterações neuromotoras decorrentes de AVE, os quais foram avaliados antes e após o plano de intervenção segundo a abordagem baseada nos princípios do Conceito de Bobath, através do registo observacional, da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade Incapacidade e Saúde (CIF), da utilização do Software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO) e da Plataforma de Pressões da Emed (PPE), modelo AT. Os dados recolhidos foram trabalhados em função do valor médio através do software Excel. Resultados: A análise do SAPO, na posição ortostática observam-se mudanças quer na vista posterior quer nas laterais, indicando uma maior simetria entre hemitroncos, e mudanças nos alinhamentos verticais indicando uma maior aproximação dos 180º. Na PPE observam-se os valores da área plantar, da pressão plantar média e do centro de pressão, tendem globalmente a uma maior semelhança e simetria. Quanto à CIF também se verificou uma diminuição da restrição na participação e limitação na atividade. Conclusão: A intervenção baseada no processo de raciocínio clínico aparenta introduzir os estímulos necessários à reorganização funcional do SNC lesado, produzindo melhorias ao nível dos alinhamentos dos segmentos corporais e desta forma melhorar a atividade muscular.
OBJETIVO: A hemiparesia é um comprometimento parcial do hemicorpo que altera o equilíbrio, sendo este essencial para as atividades funcionais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o equilíbrio em pacientes hemiparéticos submetidos ao treino de equilíbrio com o programa Wii Fit, que atuou como um recurso de biofeedback visual. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados 12 pacientes hemiparéticos pós AVE, 5 do sexo masculino e 7 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 58 ± 12,57 anos, divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos. Um deles realizou a fisioterapia convencional (GC) pelo período de uma hora, o outro realizou por trinta minutos e mais trinta minutos de treino de equilíbrio com auxílio do Wii Fit (GW), duas vezes por semana durante cinco semanas, completando dez sessões. O equilíbrio foi avaliado antes e após as intervenções, por meio da aplicação da Escala de Equilíbrio de Berg (EEB) e pela estabilometria, que mensura a oscilação do centro de pressão (COP), nos eixos ântero-posterior (AP) e médio-lateral (ML), por uma plataforma de pressão em duas condições: de olhos abertos (OA) e olhos fechados (OF). RESULTADOS: de acordo com a EEB, os pacientes, tanto do GC quanto o do GW, obtiveram maior controle do equilíbrio estático e dinâmico. Na avaliação do COP no eixo ML, os indivíduos do GC e do GW tiveram diminuição na oscilação ML após a intervenção proposta para cada grupo, nas condições de OA e OF. No eixo AP do COP, o GC não teve diminuição na oscilação AP de OA e OF, e o GW apresentou diminuição na oscilação AP de OA e OF. CONLUSÃO: O presente estudo demonstra que a fisioterapia associada ao treino de equilíbrio com o Wii Fit apresenta resultados significantes na reabilitação dos indivíduos hemiparéticos, obtendo, assim, mais um recurso terapêutico na fisioterapia.
Background: Although postural changes were already reported in blind adults, no previous study has investigated postural stability in blind children. Moreover, there are few studies which used a stabilometric instrument to measure postural balance. In this study we evaluated stabilometric paramaters in blind children. Methods: We evaluated children between 7 to 12 years old, they were divided into two groups: Blind (n = 11) and age-matched control (n = 11) groups by using computerized stabilometry. The stabilometric examination was performed taking the gravity centers displacement of the individual projected into the platform. Thirthy seconds after the period in which this information was collected, the program defined a medium-pressure center, which was used to define x and y axes displacement and the distance between the pressure center and the platform center. Furthermore, the average sway rate and the body sway area were obtained by dividing the pressure center displacement and the time spent on the task; and by an ellipse function (95% percentille), respectively. Percentages of anterior, posterior, left and right feet weight also were calculated. Variables were compared by using the Student’s t test for unpaired data. Significance level was considered for p <0.05. Results: Displacement of the x axis (25.55 ± 9.851 vs. -3.545 ± 7.667; p <0.05) and average sway rate (19.18 ± 2.7 vs. -10.55 ± 1.003; p <0.001) were increased in the blind children group. Percentage of left foot weight was reduced (45.82 ± 2.017 vs. 52.36 ± 1.33; p <0.05) while percentage of right foot weight was increased (54.18 ± 2.17 vs. 47.64 ± 1.33; p <0.05) in blind children. Other variables did not show differences. Conclusions: Blind children present impaired stabilometric parameters.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the glass-forming liquid 2Ca(NO(3))(2)center dot 3KNO(3) (CKN) were performed from high temperature liquid states down to low temperature glassy states at six different pressures from 10(-4) to 5.0 GPa. The temperature dependence of the structural relaxation time indicates that the fragility of liquid CKN changes with pressure. In line with recent proposal [Scopigno , Science 302, 849 (2003)], the change on liquid fragility is followed by a proportional change of the nonergodicity factor of the corresponding glass at low temperature. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Background: Hypertension is a public health problem, considering its high prevalence, low control rate and cardiovascular complications. Objective: Evaluate the control of blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular outcomes in patients enrolled at the Reference Center for Hypertension and Diabetes, located in a medium-sized city in the Midwest Region of Brazil. Methods: Population-based study comparing patients enrolled in the service at the time of their admission and after an average follow-up of five years. Participants were aged ≥18 years and were regularly monitored at the Center up to 6 months before data collection. We assessed demographic variables, BP, body mass index, risk factors, and cardiovascular outcomes. Results: We studied 1,298 individuals, predominantly women (60.9%), and with mean age of 56.7±13.1 years. Over time, there was a significant increase in physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and excessive weight. As for cardiovascular outcomes, we observed an increase in stroke and myocardial revascularization, and a lower frequency of chronic renal failure. During follow-up, there was significant improvement in the rate of BP control (from 29.6% to 39.6%; p = 0.001) and 72 deaths, 91.7% of which were due to cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: Despite considerable improvements in the rate of BP control during follow-up, risk factors worsened and cardiovascular outcomes increased.
Even though frequency analysis of body sway is widely applied in clinical studies, the lack of standardized procedures concerning power spectrum estimation may provide unreliable descriptors. Stabilometric tests were applied to 35 subjects (20-51 years, 54-95 kg, 1.6-1.9 m) and the power spectral density function was estimated for the anterior-posterior center of pressure time series. The median frequency was compared between power spectra estimated according to signal partitioning, sampling rate, test duration, and detrending methods. The median frequency reliability for different test durations was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. When increasing number of segments, shortening test duration or applying linear detrending, the median frequency values increased significantly up to 137%. Even the shortest test duration provided reliable estimates as observed with the intraclass coefficient (0.74-0.89 confidence interval for a single 20-s test). Clinical assessment of balance may benefit from a standardized protocol for center of pressure spectral analysis that provides an adequate relationship between resolution and variance. An algorithm to estimate center of pressure power density spectrum is also proposed.
A theoretical model was developed in order to determine the optimal moment for substituting the sprayer and pressure regulator kit on a center pivot irrigation machine. The model is based on the hypothesis that pressure regulator and sprayer deterioration decrease irrigation uniformity. To compensate the deficit that happens at under irrigated areas, an increase on irrigation depth is required. The model considers: additional water consumption and energy costs, maintenance and labor costs, as well as yield losses associated with under or over irrigated areas. The sum of all these components is compared to buying and installing a new spray kit cost, allowing the farmer to decide the best moment to renovate the sprayer and pressure regulator kits on a center pivot irrigation machine based on economic criteria.
A theoretical model developed by the authors for determining the optimal moment to substitute sprayer and pressure regulator kit on a center pivot irrigating potatoes and beans has been applied. The methodology compares the sum of the costs due to additional consumption of water and energy, maintenance and labor, as well as yield losses associated to areas with deficit or over irrigation to the costs due to buy and install a new sprinkling set on the pivot. The results showed that for a reduction of 3.07% of the Hermann and Hein’s Uniformity Coefficient (UCh), the substitution of the sprinkling module on the pivot is justified when potatoes and beans are cultivated.
To describe maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women undergoing hemodialysis in a referral center in Brazilian Southeast side. Retrospective and descriptive study, with chart review of all pregnancies undergoing hemodialysis that were followed-up at an outpatient clinic of high- risk prenatal care in Southeast Brazil. Among the 16 women identified, 2 were excluded due to follow-up loss. In 14 women described, hypertension was the most frequent cause of chronic renal failure (half of cases). The majority (71.4%) had performed hemodialysis treatment for more than one year and all of them underwent 5 to 6 hemodialysis sessions per week. Eleven participants had chronic hypertension, 1 of which was also diabetic, and 6 of them were smokers. Regarding pregnancy complications, 1 of the hypertensive women developed malignant hypertension (with fetal growth restriction and preterm delivery at 29 weeks), 2 had acute pulmonary edema and 2 had abruption placenta. The mode of delivery was cesarean section in 9 women (64.3%). All neonates had Apgar score at five minutes above 7. To improve perinatal and maternal outcomes of women undergoing hemodialysis, it is important to ensure multidisciplinary approach in referral center, strict control of serum urea, hemoglobin and maternal blood pressure, as well as close monitoring of fetal well-being and maternal morbidities. Another important strategy is suitable guidance for contraception in these women.
In recent years, we have experienced increasing interest in the understanding of the physical properties of collisionless plasmas, mostly because of the large number of astrophysical environments (e. g. the intracluster medium (ICM)) containing magnetic fields that are strong enough to be coupled with the ionized gas and characterized by densities sufficiently low to prevent the pressure isotropization with respect to the magnetic line direction. Under these conditions, a new class of kinetic instabilities arises, such as firehose and mirror instabilities, which have been studied extensively in the literature. Their role in the turbulence evolution and cascade process in the presence of pressure anisotropy, however, is still unclear. In this work, we present the first statistical analysis of turbulence in collisionless plasmas using three-dimensional numerical simulations and solving double-isothermal magnetohydrodynamic equations with the Chew-Goldberger-Low laws closure (CGL-MHD). We study models with different initial conditions to account for the firehose and mirror instabilities and to obtain different turbulent regimes. We found that the CGL-MHD subsonic and supersonic turbulences show small differences compared to the MHD models in most cases. However, in the regimes of strong kinetic instabilities, the statistics, i.e. the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of density and velocity, are very different. In subsonic models, the instabilities cause an increase in the dispersion of density, while the dispersion of velocity is increased by a large factor in some cases. Moreover, the spectra of density and velocity show increased power at small scales explained by the high growth rate of the instabilities. Finally, we calculated the structure functions of velocity and density fluctuations in the local reference frame defined by the direction of magnetic lines. The results indicate that in some cases the instabilities significantly increase the anisotropy of fluctuations. These results, even though preliminary and restricted to very specific conditions, show that the physical properties of turbulence in collisionless plasmas, as those found in the ICM, may be very different from what has been largely believed.
center dot Dynamic resistance exercise promotes a sizeable increase in blood pressure during its execution in non medicated hypertensives. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS center dot Atenolol not only decreases blood pressure level but also mitigates the increase of blood pressure during dynamic resistance exercise in hypertensive patients. An increase in blood pressure during resistance exercise might be at least in part attributed to an increase in cardiac output. AIMS This study was conducted to determine whether atenolol was able to decrease BP level and mitigate BP increase during dynamic resistance exercise performed at three different intensities in hypertensives. METHODS Ten essential hypertensives (systolic/diastolic BP between 140/90 and 160/105 mmHg) were blindly studied after 6 weeks of placebo and atenolol. In each phase, volunteers executed, in a random order, three protocols of knee-extension exercises to fatigue: (i) one set at 100% of 1 RM; (ii) three sets at 80% of 1 RM; and (iii) three sets at 40% of 1 RM. Intra-arterial radial blood pressure was measured throughout the protocols. RESULTS Atenolol decreased systolic BP maximum values achieved during the three exercise protocols (100% = 186 +/- 4 vs. 215 +/- 7, 80% = 224 +/- 7 vs. 247 +/- 9 and 40% = 223 +/- 7 vs. 252 +/- 16 mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol also mitigated an increase in systolic BP in the first set of exercises (100% = +38 +/- 5 vs. +54 +/- 9; 80% = +68 +/- 11 vs. +84 +/- 13 and 40% = +69 +/- 7 vs. +84 +/- 14, mmHg, P < 0.05). Atenolol decreased diastolic BP values and mitigated its increase during exercise performed at 100% of 1 RM (126 +/- 6 vs. 145 +/- 6 and +41 +/- 6 vs. +52 +/- 6, mmHg, P < 0.05), but not at the other exercise intensities. CONCLUSIONS Atenolol was effective in both reducing systolic BP maximum values and mitigating BP increase during resistance exercise performed at different intensities in hypertensive subjects.
Purpose: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of the fixed combination of timolol maleate 0.5%/brimonidine tartrate 0.2% versus fixed combination of timolol maleate 0.5%/dorzolamide 2% in patients with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) over 8 weeks. Patients and Methods: This 8-week, multicentric. interventional, randomized, open-label, parallel group study was conducted Lit 4 centers in Brazil and 1 center in Argentina. Patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension were randomized to receive bilaterally fixed combination of brimonidine/timolol maleate 0.5% or fixed combination of dorzolamide 2%/timolol 0.5% twice daily at 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM. A modified diurnal tension curve (8:00 AM 10:30 AM, 02:00 PM, and 4:00 PM) followed by the water drinking test (WDT), which estimates IOP peak of diurnal tension curve, were performed in the baseline and week-8 visits. Adverse events data were recorded at each visit. Results: A total of 210 patients were randomized (brimonidine/timolol, n = 111; dorzolamide/timolol, n = 99). Mean baseline IOP was 23.43 +/- 3.22 mm Hg and 23.43 +/- 4.06 mm Hg in the patients treated with brimonidine/timolol and dorzolamide/timolol, respectively (P = 0.993). Mean diurnal IOP reduction after 8 weeks were 7.02 +/- 3.06 mm Hg and 6.91 +/- 3.67 mm Hg. respectively (P = 0.811). The adjusted difference between groups (analysis of covariance) Lit week 8 was not statistically significant (P = 0.847). Mean baseline WDT peak was 27.79 +/- 4.29 mm Hg in the brimonidine/timolol group and 27.68 +/- 5.46 mm Hg in the dorzolamide/timolol group. After 8 weeks of treatment, mean WDT peaks were 20.94 +/- 3.76 mm Hg (P < 0.001) and 20.98 +/- 4.19 (P < 0.001), respectively. The adjusted difference between groups (analysis of covariance) was not statistically significant (P = 0.469). No statistical difference in terms of adverse events was Found between groups. Conclusions: Both fixed combinations were capable of significantly reducing the mean diurnal IOP, mean diurnal peak, and mean WDT peak after 8 weeks of treatment. Also, both fixed combinations are well tolerated with few side effects.
Background: To evaluate the cardiopulmonary effects of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) equalization to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) in an experimental model of intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: Eight anesthetized pigs were submitted to IAH of 20 mm Hg with a carbon dioxide insufflator for 30 minutes and then submitted to lung lavage with saline and Tween (2.5%). Pressure x volume curves of the respiratory system were performed by a low flow method during IAH and ALI, and PEEP was subsequently adjusted to 27 cm center dot H(2)O for 30 minutes. Results: IAH decreases pulmonary and respiratory system static compliances and increases airway resistance, alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, and respiratory dead space. The presence of concomitant ALI exacerbates these findings. PEEP identical to AP moderately improved oxygenation and respiratory mechanics; however, an important decline in stroke index and right ventricle ejection fraction was observed. Conclusions: Simultaneous IAH and ALI produce important impairments in the respiratory physiology. PEEP equalization to AP may improve the respiratory performance, nevertheless with a secondary hemodynamic derangement.
The aim of this study was to determine whether age influences the concordance between different methods of blood pressure (BP) measurement and ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) in hypertensive subjects. We studied two groups: I, individuals younger than 50 years (n = 57), and II, individuals aged 60 years or older (n = 55). They were submitted to the performance of one ABPM, office BP measurements, home BP monitoring (HBPM), and BP measurements at a public health center (PHCBP). Student`s t-test, Fisher`s test and Lin coefficient were calculated. For Group II, systolic and diastolic pressures measured by HBPM were higher than by day ABPM (p < 0.01). The concordance between day ABPM and the other methods was lower for Group II than for Group I. There was a good concordance between systolic day ABPM and office BP, and between systolic ABPM and PHCBP only for Group I (Lin coefficient = 0.71 and 0.73). Group II reported better sleep quality after ABPM (p < 0.05). Considering 24-h ABPM, 52.6% of Group I and 29% of Group II were controlled (p < 0.01). Concluding, there was worse concordance between different methods of BP measurements and day ABPM in the older group, which had lower hypertension control rate and better tolerance of ABPM. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.