995 resultados para Presas, José
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Las mujeres presas en el Hospicio de Quito durante los primeros treinta años de existencia constituyen el objeto de estudio del presente trabajo. A través de este sector circunscrito de la plebe quiteña se identifican algunas características sobre la forma en que “desde arriba” se proyectan las políticas y los mecanismos de control y algunas agencias que “desde abajo” se activan frente a la situación de disciplinamiento en la ciudad. Para abordar estas dos perspectivas se recurre a documentación oficial y a la búsqueda del “deber ser” institucional, al mismo tiempo que se procura recuperar la voz de los sectores subalternos, particularmente de las mujeres. El trabajo se asienta por lo tanto, en buena medida, en aquella documentación primaria que permite escuchar algunas de las preocupaciones de las mujeres relacionadas con sus experiencias. Específicamente se detectan algunas prácticas que activan frente a las injusticias que perciben y su reacción frente al incumplimiento de los objetivos de la institución definidos en el discurso ilustrado que justificaron su creación. Ambos temas traducen la percepción que tienen los sectores subalternos respecto a su rol y al del Hospicio.
Este estudo faz uma reflexão da docência na escola de Educação Profissional, a partir das manifestações éticas e dos processos de identificação visibilizados nas trajetórias de vida, no estar-junto e na convivência da escola. Por meio da escuta do testemunho de vida de seis professores de Educação Profissional, bem como na relação do estar-junto na Escola Técnica Mesquita, a pesquisa contempla uma disposição em ser e estar escuta-dor da docência. Para tanto, são utilizados o Diário de Reflexões e os Relatos de Vida, através de disposições metodológicas como a empatia, a intuição, a escuta e o olhar sensível. O estudo apresenta e dá visibilidade às dimensões éticas manifestas na escola, caracterizadas na perspectiva da "outra lógica do estar-junto" (Maffesoli). Reflete sobre os processos de identificação e de a-firma-ção do ser docente, na dimensão de se compreender os múltiplos sustentáculos das emoções éticas e das pedagogias manifestas e anunciadas no testemunho da docência. Enquanto operador analítico-interpretativo, a investigação lança mão de um Baralho de Cartas na perspectiva da compreensão das diferentes e singulares formas e manifestações dos caminhos, dos des(a)tinos e da vida da docência. São apresentadas as imagens e os significados das Cartas, os lances, o jogo, suas leituras e interpretações. Nesse sentido, a escola dos destinos cruzados foi a metáfora encontrada para apresentar a vida da docência, caracterizadas pelas temáticas do ingresso na docência, dos processos de identificação, das éticas que sustentam o fazer e o conceber da docência, das desestabilizações e da negação da docência, dos processos de mobilização e a-firma-ção, bem como dos rituais do estar-junto na escola, vislumbrando um outro jeito de ver e compreender a formação de professores.O texto convida o leitor a sentar-se na mesa circular da pesquisa, juntamente com Maffesoli, Calvino, Maturana e os professores de Educação Profissional - atores e autores dos relatos de vida - para um inusitado encontro na perspectiva de se compreender a forma e o jeito que a docência se diz, se narra, se manifesta, se lembra.
Cyclic fluctuations of the atmospheric temperature on the dam site, of the water temperature in the reservoir and of the intensity of solar radiation on the faces of the dam cause significant stresses in the body of concrete dams. These stresses can be evaluated first by introducing in analysis models a linear temperature distribution statically equivalent to the real temperature distribution in the dam; the stress valúes obtained from this first step must be complemented (especially in the área of dam faces) with the stress valúes resuiting from the difference between the real temperature law and the linear law at each node. In the case of arch gravity dams, and because of their characteristics of arch dam featuring a thick section, both types of temperature-induced stresses are of similar importance. Thermal stress valúes are directly linked to a series of factors: atmospheric and water temperature and intensity of solar radiation at dam site, site latitude, azimuth of the dam, as well as geometrical characteristics of the dam and thermal properties of concrete. This thesis first presents a complete study of the physical phenomenon of heat exchange between the environment and the dam itself, and establishes the participation scheme of all parameters involved in the problem considered. A detailed documental review of available methods and techniques is then carried out both for the estimation of environmental thermal loads and for the evaluation of the stresses induced by these loads. Variation ranges are also established for the main parameters. The definition of the geometrical parameters of the dam is provided based on the description of a wide set of arch gravity dams built in Spain and abroad. As a practical reference of the parameters defining the thermal action of the environment, a set of zones, in which thermal parameters reach homogeneous valúes, was established for Spain. The mean valué and variation range of atmospheric temperature were then determined for each zone, based on a series of historical valúes. Summer and winter temperature increases caused by solar radiation were also defined for each zone. Since the hypothesis of thermal stratification in the reservoir has been considered, máximum and mínimum temperature valúes reached at the bottom of the reservoir were determined for each climatic zone, as well as the law of temperature variation in function of depth. Various dam-and-foundation configurations were analysed by means of finite element 3D models, in which the dam and foundation were each submitted to different load combinations. The seasonal thermal behaviour of sections of variable thickness was analysed through the application of numerical techniques to one-dimensional models. Contrasting the results of both analyses led to conclusions on the influence of environmental thermal action on the stress conditions of the structure. Las oscilaciones periódicas de la temperatura ambiente en el emplazamiento y de la temperatura del agua en el embalse, así como de la incidencia de la radiación solar sobre los paramentos de la presa, son causa de tensiones importantes en el cuerpo de las presas de hormigón. Estas tensiones pueden ser evaluadas en primer lugar introduciendo en los modelos tridimensionales de análisis, distribuciones lineales de temperatura estáticamente equivalentes a las correspondientes distribuciones reales en el cuerpo de la presa; las tensiones así obtenidas han de complementarse (sobre todo en las cercanías de los paramentos) con tensiones cuyo origen está en la temperatura diferencia entre la ley real y la lineal en cada punto. En el caso de las presas arco-gravedad y en razón de su doble característica de presas arco y de sección gruesa, ambas componentes de la tensión inducida por la temperatura son de magnitud similar. Los valores de estas tensiones de origen térmico están directamente relacionados con la temperatura del emplazamiento y del embalse, con la intensidad de la insolación, con la latitud y el azimut de la presa, con las características geométricas de la estructura y con las propiedades térmicas del hormigón. En esta tesis se realiza, en primer lugar, un estudio completo del fenómeno físico del intercambio de calor entre el medio ambiente y el cuerpo de la presa, estableciendo el mecanismo de participación de todos los parámetros que configuran el problema. En segundo lugar se realiza a cabo una revisión documental detallada de los métodos y técnicas utilizables tanto en la estimación de las cargas térmicas ambientales como en la evaluación de las tensiones inducidas por dichas cargas. En tercer lugar se establecen rangos de variación para los principales parámetros que configuran el problema. Los parámetros geométricos de la presa se definen a partir de la descripción de un amplio conjunto de presas arco-gravedad tanto españolas como del resto del mundo. Como referencia práctica de los parámetros que definen la acción térmica ambiental se establecen en España un conjunto de zonas caracterizadas por que, en cada una de ellas, los parámetros térmicos alcanzan valores homogéneos. Así, y en base a series de valores históricos, se establecen la media y la amplitud de la variación anual de la temperatura ambiental en cada una de las zonas. Igualmente, se han definido para cada zona los incrementos de temperatura que, en invierno y en verano, produce la insolación. En relación con el agua del embalse y en la hipótesis de estratificación térmica de este, se han definido los valores, aplicables en cada una de las zonas, de las temperaturas máxima y mínima en el fondo así como la ley de variación de la temperatura con la profundidad. Utilizando modelos tridimensionales de elementos finitos se analizan diferentes configuraciones de la presa y la cimentación sometidas, cada una de ellas, a diferentes combinaciones de carga. Aplicando técnicas numéricas a modelos unidimensionales se analiza el comportamiento térmico temporal de secciones de espesor variable. Considerando conjuntamente los resultados de los análisis anteriores se obtienen conclusiones parametrizadas de detalle sobre la influencia que tiene en el estado tensional de la estructura la consideración de la acción térmica ambiental.
En esta comunicación se ponen de manifiesto las características que debe reunir un modelo para el cálculo sísmico de presas-bóveda. Se analizan los factores locales que influyen sobre la solicitación sísmica que actúa en una ubicación concreta. Se destaca la importancia que en el comportamiento sísmico de estas construcciones tiene la interacción entre presa, suelo y embalse los cuales constituyen un único sistema dinámico que se ve afectado por factores tales como: la geometría de la presa y el vaso, las propiedades del suelo, la posible falta de homogeneidad subterránea y la presencia de sedimentos de fondo. A la luz de los anteriores factores y en general de las características propias de las presas-bóveda, el suelo y los embalses, se discuten las posibilidades que ofrecen y los inconvenientes que tienen algunos de los modelos de Elementos Finitos existentes. Se presenta un modelo de Elementos de Contorno que, por las características propias de este método, resulta muy adecuado.
Este póster es un resumen de mi tesis doctoral, la cual se centra en el análisis de un conjunto de presas y centrales hidroeléctricas españolas construidas durante el siglo XX y proyectadas por arquitectos con una importante obra construida y que fueron determinantes en la historia de la arquitectura española. Desde los dibujos futuristas de Sant¿Elia (1913-1914), hasta la central hidroeléctrica de aires deconstructivistas de Becker Architekten (Kempten, Alemania; 2011), los arquitectos se han interesado continuamente por este tipo de construcciones, por la imbricación en su conjunto de los elementos estéticos, paisajísticos, técnicos y funcionales propios de una obra arquitectónica pero aplicados a una fábrica hidráulica, con todas las connotaciones que ello conlleva. Además, la colaboración entre arquitectos e ingenieros en un equipo multidisciplinar que lleva de la mano una obra conjunta y coherente resulta mucho más fructífera, satisfactoria y apasionante: Luciano Yordi y Juan Castañón de Mena en Belesar (Lugo; 1963), Ignacio Álvarez Castelao y Juan José Elorza en Arenas de Cabrales, Silvón, Arbón y Aguilar de Campoo (Asturias; 1952-1969), o Antonio Palacios y Carlos Mendoza en Mengíbar (Jaén; 1913-1916), son ejemplos de que esta cooperación puede dar lugar a edificios muy interesantes. Como dice Teodoro Anasagasti: ¿Cómo podrán concebirse con el debido acierto las construcciones industriales? La respuesta es categórica. No cabe duda que proyectándolas unidos el ingeniero y el arquitecto.
What is the secret mesmerism that death possesses and under the operation of which a modern architect – strident, confident, resolute – becomes rueful, pessimistic, or melancholic?1 Five years before Le Corbusier’s death at sea in 1965, the architect reluctantly agreed to adopt the project for L’Église Saint-Pierre de Firminy in Firminy-Vert (1960–2006), following the death of its original architect, André Sive, from leukemia in 1958.2 Le Corbusier had already developed, in 1956, the plan for an enclave in the new “green” Firminy town, which included his youth and culture center and a stadium and swimming pool; the church and a “boîte à miracles” near the youth center were inserted into the plan in the ’60s. (Le Corbusier was also invited, in 1962, to produce another plan for three Unités d’Habitation outside Firminy-Vert.) The Saint-Pierre church should have been the zenith of the quartet (the largest urban concentration of works by Le Corbusier in Europe, and what the architect Henri Ciriani termed Le Corbusier’s “acropolis”3) but in the early course of the project, Le Corbusier would suffer the diocese’s serial objections to his vision for the church – not unlike the difficulties he experienced with Notre Dame du Haut at Ronchamp (1950–1954) and the resistance to his proposed monastery of Sainte-Marie de la Tourette (1957–1960). In 1964, the bishop of Saint-Étienne requested that Le Corbusier relocate the church to a new site, but Le Corbusier refused and the diocese subsequently withdrew from the project. (With neither the approval, funds, nor the participation of the bishop, by then the cardinal archbishop of Lyon, the first stone of the church was finally laid on the site in 1970.) Le Corbusier’s ambivalence toward the project, even prior to his quarrels with the bishop, reveals...
This work examines the urban modernization of San José, Costa Rica, between 1880 and 1930, using a cultural approach to trace the emergence of the bourgeois city in a small Central American capital, within the context of order and progress. As proposed by Henri Lefebvre, Manuel Castells and Edward Soja, space is given its rightful place as protagonist. The city, subject of this study, is explored as a seat of social power and as the embodiment of a cultural transformation that took shape in that space, a transformation spearheaded by the dominant social group, the Liberal elite. An analysis of the product built environment allows us to understand why the city grew in a determined manner: how the urban space became organized and how its infrastructure and services distributed. Although the emphasis is on the Liberal heyday from 1880-1930, this study also examines the history of the city since its origins in the late colonial period through its consolidation as a capital during the independent era, in order to characterize the nineteenth century colonial city that prevailed up to 1890 s. A diverse array of primary sources including official acts, memoirs, newspaper sources, maps and plans, photographs, and travelogues are used to study the initial phase of San Jose s urban growth. The investigation places the first period of modern urban growth at the turn of the nineteenth century within the prevailing ideological and political context of Positivism and Liberalism. The ideas of the city s elite regarding progress were translated into and reflected in the physical transformation of the city and in the social construction of space. Not only the transformations but also the limits and contradictions of the process of urban change are examined. At the same time, the reorganization of the city s physical space and the beginnings of the ensanche are studied. Hygiene as an engine of urban renovation is explored by studying the period s new public infrastructure (including pipelines, sewer systems, and the use of asphalt pavement) as part of the Saneamiento of San José. The modernization of public space is analyzed through a study of the first parks, boulevards and monuments and the emergence of a new urban culture prominently displayed in these green spaces. Parks and boulevards were new public and secular places of power within the modern city, used by the elite to display and educate the urban population into the new civic and secular traditions. The study goes on to explore the idealized image of the modern city through an analysis of European and North American travelogues and photography. The new esthetic of theatrical-spectacular representation of the modern city constructed a visual guide of how to understand and come to know the city. A partial and selective image of generalized urban change presented only the bourgeois facade and excluded everything that challenged the idea of progress. The enduring patterns of spatial and symbolic exclusion built into Costa Rica s capital city at the dawn of the twentieth century shed important light on the long-term political social and cultural processes that have created the troubled urban landscapes of contemporary Latin America.
Aims: The older the youngsters are, the more important role hobbies and leisure time activities have in their life. That is why various activities organized by the non-profit organizations have an important role concerning the development of food habits of youngsters. This study has three main themes. The themes and their respective study questions are: 1. The youngsters' conceptions on healthy eating and food choice: What kind of food do youngsters consider as healthy? How do they see their own eating habits from this point of view? 2. The youngsters and the significance of everyday food-related information: How do the youngsters perceive the role of different actors and these actors' role regarding their own food habits and food choice? 3. The possibilities of the organizations that work with youngsters to improve their food habits: What kind of role do the non-profit organizations have on the youngsters' food habits and healthy food choice? Methods: This study comprises of two types of data. First, a quantitative internet-based survey (N=582) was used to collect data on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The data was analyzed with the SPSS-program. Means, cross-tabulations, Pearson´s correlations and t-test were calculated from the data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews. The respondents were 12 experts from non-profit organizations. The interviews were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The non-profit organizations studied have good possibilities to communicate with youngsters through their hobbies. As part of their activities these organizations are able to influence on health-promoting lifestyle and food habits of youngsters. In order to reach more youngsters, these organizations should actively act e.g. in virtual societies of youngsters. Youngsters will participate when activities are voluntary and exhilarating. From the point of food habits doing, learning and identifying are the most important factors to engage the young. Also the models of peers and adults are important. Non-profit organizations should offer youngsters activities but these organizations should also influence on society.
It has been found usually to talk in the early childhood education in connection with the creativity about arts and skills and about play. In this treatise, the creativity is approached besides play but also from the point of view of the creativity of the everyday. The starting point for the study is the view according to which the creativity is complex interaction between a creative person and an environment. The theoretical body of the study is the Componential theory of creativity of Amabile (1996). The process which is open and product which is new and suitable or acceptable were defined creative. In the opinion of many researchers, the creativity is a phenomenon that has determined in a certain time and place so the creativity is examined from the point of view of the social constructionism. As creative processes in the day nursery it has been defined pretend play, child´s involvement and children´s agentive perception which is based on the Children´s agentive perception theory of Reunamo (2007). The purpose of the study is to clarify how the child's personal factors and the social environment affect the creative processes of children in the day nursery. This Master's thesis is based on the Children' s agentive perception uncovered study led by Jyrki Reunamo (2010) which was carried out in the spring of 2010 in Keski-Uusimaa and in Hämeenlinna and Taiwan. From the study, a name has also been used "on the sources of Orientation", a research project and development project. The study includes the children's evaluation sector, the observation sector, the children's interview sector and the evaluation sector of the pedagogic environment. 891 Children 1-7 year-old by age participated in the study. All the sectors which belong to the study of Reunamo were utilized in this treatise and the Finnish day nurseries or preschool groups which had participated in the study were marked off as the target group. The main component analysis, sum variables, the correlation coefficients, Mann-Whitney s U-test and Kruskall-Wallas test were used for the statistical examination of the quantitative material. In this treatise it was noticed, both the personal properties of the child and a social environment, that they affected all the examined creative processes which also had a significant connection with each other statistically. The definition of creativity was filled best by the participative answers. However, the number of the participative answers was only 8% in the questions concerning adults. That raised the question whether an attempt should be made to have effect so that the children's better participation also in the interaction with the adults would be possible in the educational culture of the day nursery. In the further study, the conscious building of the social environment which supports the creativity from a social constructionism point of view could indeed be an interesting task. The treatise is suitable for an examination of the interaction between the child's person and a social environment especially from the point of view of the creativity.