997 resultados para Precipitation systems


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In the year 2007 a General Observation Period (GOP) has been performed within the German Priority Program on Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (PQP). By optimizing the use of existing instrumentation a large data set of in-situ and remote sensing instruments with special focus on water cycle variables was gathered over the full year cycle. The area of interest covered central Europe with increasing focus towards the Black Forest where the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS) took place from June to August 2007. Thus the GOP includes a variety of precipitation systems in order to relate the COPS results to a larger spatial scale. For a timely use of the data, forecasts of the numerical weather prediction models COSMO-EU and COSMO-DE of the German Meteorological Service were tailored to match the observations and perform model evaluation in a near real-time environment. The ultimate goal is to identify and distinguish between different kinds of model deficits and to improve process understanding.


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Foram analisadas características da precipitação estimada a partir de 145.194 campos de refletividade, de um total de 827 dias entre 1998 e 2003, obtidos do Radar Meteorológico de São Paulo (RSP). Os eventos foram classificados de acordo com intensidades de precipitação; em Convectivos (EC) e Estratiformes (EE). Quanto à morfologia, cinco tipos de sistemas foram identificados; Convecção Isolada (CI), Brisa Marítima (BM), Linhas de Instabilidade (LI), Bandas Dispersas (BD) e Frentes Frias (FF). Eventos convectivos dominam na primavera e verão e estratiformes no outono e inverno. A CI e a BM tiveram maiores picos de atuação entre outubro e março enquanto as FF de abril a setembro. BD atuam durante todo o ano e as LI só não foram observadas nos meses de junho e julho. Uma comparação pontual entre a precipitação medida pela telemetria e estimada com o radar foi realizada e, mostrou haver, na maioria dos casos, um viés positivo do RSP, para acumulações de 10, 30 e 60 minutos. Com o objetivo de integrar as estimativas de precipitação do radar com as medidas da rede telemétrica, por meio de uma análise objetiva estatística, foram obtidas dos campos de precipitação do radar as estruturas das correlações espaciais em função da distância para acumulações de chuva de 15, 30, 60 e 120 minutos para os cinco tipos de sistemas precipitantes que foram caracterizados. As curvas das correlações espaciais médias de todos os eventos de precipitação de cada sistema foram ajustadas por funções polinomiais de sexta ordem. Os resultados indicam diferenças significativas na estrutura espacial das correlações entre os sistemas precipitantes.


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Flood simulation studies use spatial-temporal rainfall data input into distributed hydrological models. A correct description of rainfall in space and in time contributes to improvements on hydrological modelling and design. This work is focused on the analysis of 2-D convective structures (rain cells), whose contribution is especially significant in most flood events. The objective of this paper is to provide statistical descriptors and distribution functions for convective structure characteristics of precipitation systems producing floods in Catalonia (NE Spain). To achieve this purpose heavy rainfall events recorded between 1996 and 2000 have been analysed. By means of weather radar, and applying 2-D radar algorithms a distinction between convective and stratiform precipitation is made. These data are introduced and analyzed with a GIS. In a first step different groups of connected pixels with convective precipitation are identified. Only convective structures with an area greater than 32 km2 are selected. Then, geometric characteristics (area, perimeter, orientation and dimensions of the ellipse), and rainfall statistics (maximum, mean, minimum, range, standard deviation, and sum) of these structures are obtained and stored in a database. Finally, descriptive statistics for selected characteristics are calculated and statistical distributions are fitted to the observed frequency distributions. Statistical analyses reveal that the Generalized Pareto distribution for the area and the Generalized Extreme Value distribution for the perimeter, dimensions, orientation and mean areal precipitation are the statistical distributions that best fit the observed ones of these parameters. The statistical descriptors and the probability distribution functions obtained are of direct use as an input in spatial rainfall generators.


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Eight years of cloud properties retrieved from Television Infrared Observation Satellite-N (TIROS-N) Observational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) observations aboard the NOAA polar orbiting satellites are presented. The relatively high spectral resolution of these instruments in the infrared allows especially reliable cirrus identification day and night. This dataset therefore provides complementary information to the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). According to this dataset, cirrus clouds cover about 27% of the earth and 45% of the Tropics, whereas ISCCP reports 19% and 25%, respectively. Both global datasets agree within 5% on the amount of single-layer low clouds, at 30%. From 1987 to 1995, global cloud amounts remained stable to within 2%. The seasonal cycle of cloud amount is in general stronger than its diurnal cycle and it is stronger than the one of effective cloud amount, the latter the relevant variable for radiative transfer. Maximum effective low cloud amount over ocean occurs in winter in SH subtropics in the early morning hours and in NH midlatitudes without diurnal cycle. Over land in winter the maximum is in the early afternoon, accompanied in the midlatitudes by thin cirrus. Over tropical land and in the other regions in summer, the maximum of mesoscale high opaque clouds occurs in the evening. Cirrus also increases during the afternoon and persists during night and early morning. The maximum of thin cirrus is in the early afternoon, then decreases slowly while cirrus and high opaque clouds increase. TOVS extends information of ISCCP during night, indicating that high cloudiness, increasing during the afternoon, persists longer during night in the Tropics and subtropics than in midlatitudes. A comparison of seasonal and diurnal cycle of high cloud amount between South America, Africa, and Indonesia during boreal winter has shown strong similarities between the two land regions, whereas the Indonesian islands show a seasonal and diurnal behavior strongly influenced by the surrounding ocean. Deeper precipitation systems over Africa than over South America do not seem to be directly reflected in the horizontal coverage and mesoscale effective emissivity of high clouds.


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Tropical Applications of Meteorology Using Satellite and Ground-Based Observations (TAMSAT) rainfall estimates are used extensively across Africa for operational rainfall monitoring and food security applications; thus, regional evaluations of TAMSAT are essential to ensure its reliability. This study assesses the performance of TAMSAT rainfall estimates, along with the African Rainfall Climatology (ARC), version 2; the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 product; and the Climate Prediction Center morphing technique (CMORPH), against a dense rain gauge network over a mountainous region of Ethiopia. Overall, TAMSAT exhibits good skill in detecting rainy events but underestimates rainfall amount, while ARC underestimates both rainfall amount and rainy event frequency. Meanwhile, TRMM consistently performs best in detecting rainy events and capturing the mean rainfall and seasonal variability, while CMORPH tends to overdetect rainy events. Moreover, the mean difference in daily rainfall between the products and rain gauges shows increasing underestimation with increasing elevation. However, the distribution in satellite–gauge differences demon- strates that although 75% of retrievals underestimate rainfall, up to 25% overestimate rainfall over all eleva- tions. Case studies using high-resolution simulations suggest underestimation in the satellite algorithms is likely due to shallow convection with warm cloud-top temperatures in addition to beam-filling effects in microwave- based retrievals from localized convective cells. The overestimation by IR-based algorithms is attributed to nonraining cirrus with cold cloud-top temperatures. These results stress the importance of understanding re- gional precipitation systems causing uncertainties in satellite rainfall estimates with a view toward using this knowledge to improve rainfall algorithms.


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Measurements of down-welling microwave radiation from raining clouds performed with the Advanced Microwave Radiometer for Rain Identification (ADMIRARI) radiometer at 10.7-21-36.5 GHz during the Global Precipitation Measurement Ground Validation ""Cloud processes of the main precipitation systems in Brazil: A contribution to cloud resolving modeling and to the Global Precipitation Measurement"" (CHUVA) campaign held in Brazil in March 2010 represent a unique test bed for understanding three-dimensional (3D) effects in microwave radiative transfer processes. While the necessity of accounting for geometric effects is trivial given the slant observation geometry (ADMIRARI was pointing at a fixed 30 elevation angle), the polarization signal (i.e., the difference between the vertical and horizontal brightness temperatures) shows ubiquitousness of positive values both at 21.0 and 36.5 GHz in coincidence with high brightness temperatures. This signature is a genuine and unique microwave signature of radiation side leakage which cannot be explained in a 1D radiative transfer frame but necessitates the inclusion of three-dimensional scattering effects. We demonstrate these effects and interdependencies by analyzing two campaign case studies and by exploiting a sophisticated 3D radiative transfer suited for dichroic media like precipitating clouds.


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O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a relação entre descargas elétricas, associadas à precipitação dentro de áreas selecionadas no leste da Amazônia no período de setembro de 2008 a dezembro de 2010. Os estudos foram realizados dentro de um raio de 100 km centralizados em pluviômetros instalados das localidades de Belém, Caxiuanã e Santarém. Essas áreas foram escolhidas por encontrarem-se aproximadamente na mesma latitude, e vão se distanciando do Oceano Atlântico, buscando observar a sazonalidade dos sistemas precipitantes causadores de raios e sua penetração no continente, observando as características climatológica distintas de cada área. Os dados de chuvas foram obtidos através do banco de dados da ANA, RPCH, INMET e através do Projeto LBA. Os sistemas meteorológicos de grande escala acompanhados de sistemas de escala menores, parecem atuar primeiramente em Belém e vão adentrando o continente atingindo as outras áreas de estudo. Em Belém, também foram observadas as maiores ocorrências de raios comparados com Caxiuanã e Santarém, sendo que nessas localidades, os raios antecedem as chuvas em quase todas as observações. Foram observadas as defasagens dos máximos de ocorrências de raios e chuvas de aproximadamente dois meses acompanhando principalmente o sentido norte sul de deslocamento da ZCIT e seu acoplamento com outros sistemas de escala local ou de meso escala. Foi feito um estudo de caso em Belém e Santarém onde observou-se que a ZCIT não segue o mesmo padrão de deslocamento para as duas localidades , ou seja, ela atinge primeiramente Belém e aproximadamente três dias depois o sistema atingiu a cidade de Santarém. Mesmo com essa defasagem de tempo foi visto que nas duas localidades as ocorrências de raios antecederam as chuvas. Também foi realizado um estudo pioneiro dentro das bacias do Tocantins e Xingu sobre a relação entre raios e chuva, na tentativa de se desenvolver uma alternativa de método auxiliar para prognostico dos períodos de cheias e secas dentro dessas bacias através das ocorrências de raios sobre essas áreas. Os estudos mais detalhados foram realizados nas áreas a montante das barragens de Tocantins onde se encontra a usina hidroelétrica de Tucuruí, e dentro da área da bacia do Xingu onde está sendo construída a barragem de Belo Monte. Foram utilizados dados de precipitação pluviométrica das bacias do Tocantins e Xingu obtidos através da HIDROWEB-ANA operados pela CPRM dentro de cada área de estudo. Usando filtros de médias móveis foram observados que as melhores correlações entre raios e chuvas, se encontravam dentro da bacia do Tocantins, provavelmente pela influencia da presença da barragem na bacia do Tocantins onde possibilitou respostas positivas entre a relação da cota do rio com os raios. Considerando o fato de que o período de dois anos de dados não possuem peso estatístico suficiente para estabelecer relações definitivas entre raios e precipitação, os resultados apresentados devem ser considerados como preliminares. No entanto essa metodologia pode ser aplicada para subsidiar modelos de estimativas de precipitação em localidades selecionadas e aplicações no modelamento hidrológico de bacias hidrográficas, onde dados pluviométricos ainda são escassos no leste da Amazônia.


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Este trabalho analisou 10 anos de distribuição espacial e temporal dos raios, dos sistemas precipitantes e suas características, como refletividade, temperatura de brilho e altura dos sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) através dos sensores Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), Precipitation Radar (PR) e TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). Estes dados foram organizados e armazenados pelo grupo de pesquisa da convecção tropical da University of Utah no período de dezembro de 1997 a fevereiro de 2009. Também foram analisados dados de focos de queimadas detectadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), no período de 1998 a 2008. Foi selecionada uma área delimitada entre 60ºW a 45ºW de longitude e 10ºS a 5ºN de latitude, a qual, posteriormente, foi dividida em nove sub-áreas para um melhor detalhamento dasinformações. Para verificar a possível influência das queimadas no número de raios, selecionaram-se oito áreas, sendo 4 com o maior número de focos de queimadas e 4 com o menor número de focos de queimadas. Os sistemas precipitantes foram classificados seguindo a metodologia de Nesbitt et. al. 2000 e obedecendo a nova definição dos dados realizado por Liu (2007). Os sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite TRMM utilizados neste trabalho são denominados ALLPFS e são definidos como aqueles que apresentam pixel de chuva estimado pelo algoritmo 2A25. Estes são classificados em PFS e OTHPFS, que respectivamente, são aqueles que apresentam e não apresentam informação de temperatura de brilho. Os PFS são sub-classificados em sistemas sem assinatura de gelo (NOICE), com assinatura de gelo (WICE) e sistemas convectivos de mesoescala (MCS), sendo que os sistemas mais intensos, dentre estes últimos, são sistemas que recebem a denominação de IMCS. Os resultados mostram que as regiões do sul do Estado do Pará, município de Belém e Ilha do Marajó foram as que apresentaram as maiores ocorrências de raios na Amazônia Oriental, com valores superiores a 20 a 35 raios/km²/ano. Os NOICEs foram os sistemas mais frequentes em todas as regiões e os sistemas precipitantes da categoria WICE e MCS são aqueles que mais contribuem com a produção de raios sobre essas regiões. Os sistemas eletrificados apresentam grande contribuição no volume de chuva estimada sobre as áreas CENTRO e SUL, com percentuais superiores a 50% nas áreas SUL. A variação mensal dos raios na área de estudo mostrou que as maiores ocorrências de raios sobre o município de Belém são nos meses de janeiro a junho, com um pico no mês de janeiro. As maiores ocorrências no setor SUL da Amazônia Oriental concentram-se nos meses de setembro a dezembro. Nas análises sobre a interação entre os raios e as queimadas não se observou coerência, dentro das áreas de maior número de queimadas, na correlação mensal entre os raios e as queimadas, evidenciando que, apesar do grande número de queimadas observado sobre essas áreas, outros fatores interferem na produção de raios.


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Increasing in resolution of numerical weather prediction models has allowed more and more realistic forecasts of atmospheric parameters. Due to the growing variability into predicted fields the traditional verification methods are not always able to describe the model ability because they are based on a grid-point-by-grid-point matching between observation and prediction. Recently, new spatial verification methods have been developed with the aim of show the benefit associated to the high resolution forecast. Nested in among of the MesoVICT international project, the initially aim of this work is to compare the newly tecniques remarking advantages and disadvantages. First of all, the MesoVICT basic examples, represented by synthetic precipitation fields, have been examined. Giving an error evaluation in terms of structure, amplitude and localization of the precipitation fields, the SAL method has been studied more thoroughly respect to the others approaches with its implementation in the core cases of the project. The verification procedure has concerned precipitation fields over central Europe: comparisons between the forecasts performed by the 00z COSMO-2 model and the VERA (Vienna Enhanced Resolution Analysis) have been done. The study of these cases has shown some weaknesses of the methodology examined; in particular has been highlighted the presence of a correlation between the optimal domain size and the extention of the precipitation systems. In order to increase ability of SAL, a subdivision of the original domain in three subdomains has been done and the method has been applied again. Some limits have been found in cases in which at least one of the two domains does not show precipitation. The overall results for the subdomains have been summarized on scatter plots. With the aim to identify systematic errors of the model the variability of the three parameters has been studied for each subdomain.


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Eventos de raios nuvem-solo registrados pela rede de detecção do SIPAM, integrada por 12 sensores VAISALA LPATS IV, distribuídos no leste da Amazônia, foram analisados durante 4 tempestades com ocorrência de precipitação intensa em Belém-PA-Brasil, em 2006-2007. Esses casos selecionados, correspondem a eventos de chuva com mais de 25 mm/hora ou 40 mm/ 2 horas, de precipitação registrada por um pluviômetro instalado em 1º 47' 53" and 48º 30' 16" O. Com centro nessa localização, um círculos de 30, 10 e 5 km de raio foram traçados através de um sistema de informação geográfica e os dados de eventos de raios nessas áreas foram separados para analise. Durante essas tempestades, os eventos de raios ocorreram de maneira quase aleatória, sobre a área maior que já havia sido previamente coberta por sistemas convectivos de mesoescala, em todos os casos. Esse trabalho também mostrou a grande influencia dos sistemas de larga escala nas condições de tempo que levaram às tempestades severas estudadas. Adicionalmente, foi observado que, quando existe interação entre sistemas de larga e meso escalas, tanto a precipitação como o numero de relâmpagos aumentaram significativamente e a atividade elétrica nos círculos maiores pode anteceder a chuva no ponto central.


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Free-radical retrograde-precipitation polymerization, FRRPP in short, is a novel polymerization process discovered by Dr. Gerard Caneba in the late 1980s. The current study is aimed at gaining a better understanding of the reaction mechanism of the FRRPP and its thermodynamically-driven features that are predominant in controlling the chain reaction. A previously developed mathematical model to represent free radical polymerization kinetics was used to simulate a classic bulk polymerization system from the literature. Unlike other existing models, such a sparse-matrix-based representation allows one to explicitly accommodate the chain length dependent kinetic parameters. Extrapolating from the past results, mixing was experimentally shown to be exerting a significant influence on reaction control in FRRPP systems. Mixing alone drives the otherwise severely diffusion-controlled reaction propagation in phase-separated polymer domains. Therefore, in a quiescent system, in the absence of mixing, it is possible to retard the growth of phase-separated domains, thus producing isolated polymer nanoparticles (globules). Such a diffusion-controlled, self-limiting phenomenon of chain growth was also observed using time-resolved small angle x-ray scattering studies of reaction kinetics in quiescent systems of FRRPP. Combining the concept of self-limiting chain growth in quiescent FRRPP systems with spatioselective reaction initiation of lithography, microgel structures were synthesized in a single step, without the use of molds or additives. Hard x-rays from the bending magnet radiation of a synchrotron were used as an initiation source, instead of the more statistally-oriented chemical initiators. Such a spatially-defined reaction was shown to be self-limiting to the irradiated regions following a polymerization-induced self-assembly phenomenon. The pattern transfer aspects of this technique were, therefore, studied in the FRRP polymerization of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAm) and methacrylic acid (MAA), a thermoreversible and ionic hydrogel, respectively. Reaction temperature increases the contrast between the exposed and unexposed zones of the formed microgels, while the irradiation dose is directly proportional to the extent of phase separation. The response of Poly (NIPAm) microgels prepared from the technique described in this study was also characterized by small angle neutron scattering.


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Seasonal relationship between the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and the spatial distribution of the cyclone systems over Southern Hemisphere is investigated for the period 1980 to 1999. In addition, seasonal frontogenesis and rainfall distribution over South America and South Atlantic Ocean during different SAM phases were also analyzed. It is observed that during negative SAM phases the cyclone trajectories move northward when compared to the positive one, and in the South America and South Atlantic sector there is intense frontogenetic activity and positive anomaly precipitation over the Southeast of the South America. In general, SAM positive phase shows opposite signals.


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Lysozyme precipitation induced by the addition of the volatile salt ammonium carbamate was studied through cloud-point measurements and precipitation assays. Phase equilibrium experiments were carried out at 5.0, 15.0 and 25.0 degrees C and the compositions of the coexisting phases were determined. A complete separation of the coexisting liquid and solid phases could not be achieved. Nevertheless it was possible to determine the composition of the solid precipitate through the extensions of experimental tie lines. The same precipitate was found at all temperatures. Lysozyme enzymatic activities of the supernatant and precipitate phases were also determined. The activity balance suggests that ammonium carbamate preserves lysozyme activity after the salting-out precipitation. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using a dynamic systems model specifically developed for Piracicaba, Capivari and Jundia River Water Basins (BH-PCJ) as a tool to help to analyze water resources management alternatives for policy makers and decision takers, five simulations for 50 years timeframe were performed. The model estimates water supply and demand, as well as wastewater generation from the consumers at BH-PCJ. A run was performed using mean precipitation value constant, and keeping the actual water supply and demand rates, the business as usual scenario. Under these considerations, it is expected an increment of about similar to 76% on water demand, that similar to 39% of available water volume will come from wastewater reuse, and that waste load increases to similar to 91%. Falkenmark Index will change from 1,403 m(3) person(-1) year(-1) in 2004, to 734 m(3) P(-1) year(-1) by 2054, and the Sustainability Index from 0.44 to 0.20. Another four simulations were performed by affecting the annual precipitation by 90 and 110%; considering an ecological flow equal to 30% of the mean daily flow; and keeping the same rates for all other factors except for ecological flow and household water consumption. All of them showed a tendency to a water crisis in the near future at BH-PCJ.