956 resultados para Precipitation radar


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The spatial error structure of daily precipitation derived from the latest version 7 (v7) tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) level 2 data products are studied through comparison with the Asian precipitation highly resolved observational data integration toward evaluation of the water resources (APHRODITE) data over a subtropical region of the Indian subcontinent for the seasonal rainfall over 6 years from June 2002 to September 2007. The data products examined include v7 data from the TRMM radiometer Microwave Imager (TMI) and radar precipitation radar (PR), namely, 2A12, 2A25, and 2B31 (combined data from PR and TMI). The spatial distribution of uncertainty from these data products were quantified based on performance metrics derived from the contingency table. For the seasonal daily precipitation over a subtropical basin in India, the data product of 2A12 showed greater skill in detecting and quantifying the volume of rainfall when compared with the 2A25 and 2B31 data products. Error characterization using various error models revealed that random errors from multiplicative error models were homoscedastic and that they better represented rainfall estimates from 2A12 algorithm. Error decomposition techniques performed to disentangle systematic and random errors verify that the multiplicative error model representing rainfall from 2A12 algorithm successfully estimated a greater percentage of systematic error than 2A25 or 2B31 algorithms. Results verify that although the radiometer derived 2A12 rainfall data is known to suffer from many sources of uncertainties, spatial analysis over the case study region of India testifies that the 2A12 rainfall estimates are in a very good agreement with the reference estimates for the data period considered.


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We have developed a new Bayesian approach to retrieve oceanic rain rate from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI), with an emphasis on typhoon cases in the West Pacific. Retrieved rain rates are validated with measurements of rain gauges located on Japanese islands. To demonstrate improvement, retrievals are also compared with those from the TRMM/Precipitation Radar (PR), the Goddard Profiling Algorithm (GPROF), and a multi-channel linear regression statistical method (MLRS). We have found that qualitatively, all methods retrieved similar horizontal distributions in terms of locations of eyes and rain bands of typhoons. Quantitatively, our new Bayesian retrievals have the best linearity and the smallest root mean square (RMS) error against rain gauge data for 16 typhoon overpasses in 2004. The correlation coefficient and RMS of our retrievals are 0.95 and ~2 mm hr-1, respectively. In particular, at heavy rain rates, our Bayesian retrievals outperform those retrieved from GPROF and MLRS. Overall, the new Bayesian approach accurately retrieves surface rain rate for typhoon cases. Accurate rain rate estimates from this method can be assimilated in models to improve forecast and prevent potential damages in Taiwan during typhoon seasons.


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Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) simulations of 17 summers (1988-2004) over part of South America south of 5 degrees S were evaluated to identify model systematic errors. Model results were compared to different rainfall data sets (Climate Research Unit (CRU), Climate Prediction Center (CPC), Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP), and National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis), including the five summers mean (1998-2002) precipitation diurnal cycle observed by the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)-Precipitation Radar (PR). In spite of regional differences, the RegCM3 simulates the main observed aspects of summer climatology associated with the precipitation (northwest-southeast band of South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ)) and air temperature (warmer air in the central part of the continent and colder in eastern Brazil and the Andes Mountains). At a regional scale, the main RegCM3 failures are the underestimation of the precipitation in the northern branch of the SACZ and some unrealistic intense precipitation around the Andes Mountains. However, the RegCM3 seasonal precipitation is closer to the fine-scale analyses (CPC, CRU, and TRMM-PR) than is the NCEP reanalysis, which presents an incorrect north-south orientation of SACZ and an overestimation of its intensity. The precipitation diurnal cycle observed by TRMM-PR shows pronounced contrasts between Tropics and Extratropics and land and ocean, where most of these features are simulated by RegCM3. The major similarities between the simulation and observation, especially the diurnal cycle phase, are found over the continental tropical and subtropical SACZ regions, which present afternoon maximum (1500-1800 UTC) and morning minimum (0900-1200 UTC). More specifically, over the core of SACZ, the phase and amplitude of the simulated precipitation diurnal cycle are very close to the TRMM-PR observations. Although there are amplitude differences, the RegCM3 simulates the observed nighttime rainfall in the eastern Andes Mountains, over the Atlantic Ocean, and also over northern Argentina. The main simulation deficiencies are found in the Atlantic Ocean and near the Andes Mountains. Over the Atlantic Ocean the convective scheme is not triggered; thus the rainfall arises from the grid-scale scheme and therefore differs from the TRMM-PR. Near the Andes, intense (nighttime and daytime) simulated precipitation could be a response of an incorrect circulation and topographic uplift. Finally, it is important to note that unlike most reported bias of global models, RegCM3 does not trigger the moist convection just after sunrise over the southern part of the Amazon.


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In this study, an effort has been made to study heavy rainfall events during cyclonic storms over Indian Ocean. This estimate is based on microwave observations from tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI). Regional scattering index (SI) developed for Indian region based on measurements at 19-, 21- and 85-GHz brightness temperature and polarization corrected temperature (PCT) at 85 GHz have been utilized in this study. These PCT and SI are collocated against Precipitation Radar (PR) onboard TRMM to establish a relationship between rainfall rate, PCT and SI. The retrieval technique using both linear and nonlinear regressions has been developed utilizing SI, PCT and the combination of SI and PCT. The results have been compared with the observations from PR. It was found that a nonlinear algorithm using combination of SI and PCT is more accurate than linear algorithm or nonlinear algorithm using either SI or PCT. Statistical comparison with PR exhibits the correlation coefficients (CC) of 0.68, 0.66 and 0.70, and root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.78, 1.96 and 1.68 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT respectively using linear regressions. When nonlinear regression is used, the CC of 0.73, 0.71, 0.79 and RMSE of 1.64, 1.95, 1.54 mm/h are observed from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT, respectively. The error statistics for high rain events (above 10 mm/h) shows the CC of 0.58, 0.59, 0.60 and RMSE of 5.07, 5.47, 5.03 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combination of SI and PCT, respectively, using linear regression, and on the other hand, use of nonlinear regression yields the CC of 0.66, 0.64, 0.71 and RMSE of 4.68, 5.78 and 4.02 mm/h from the observations of SI, PCT and combined SI and PCT, respectively.


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Overland rain retrieval using spaceborne microwave radiometer offers a myriad of complications as land presents itself as a radiometrically warm and highly variable background. Hence, land rainfall algorithms of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) have traditionally incorporated empirical relations of microwave brightness temperature (Tb) with rain rate, rather than relying on physically based radiative transfer modeling of rainfall (as implemented in the TMI ocean algorithm). In this paper, sensitivity analysis is conducted using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient as benchmark, to estimate the best combination of TMI low-frequency channels that are highly sensitive to the near surface rainfall rate from the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR). Results indicate that the TMI channel combinations not only contain information about rainfall wherein liquid water drops are the dominant hydrometeors but also aid in surface noise reduction over a predominantly vegetative land surface background. Furthermore, the variations of rainfall signature in these channel combinations are not understood properly due to their inherent uncertainties and highly nonlinear relationship with rainfall. Copula theory is a powerful tool to characterize the dependence between complex hydrological variables as well as aid in uncertainty modeling by ensemble generation. Hence, this paper proposes a regional model using Archimedean copulas, to study the dependence of TMI channel combinations with respect to precipitation, over the land regions of Mahanadi basin, India, using version 7 orbital data from the passive and active sensors on board TRMM, namely, TMI and PR. Studies conducted for different rainfall regimes over the study area show the suitability of Clayton and Gumbel copulas for modeling convective and stratiform rainfall types for the majority of the intraseasonal months. Furthermore, large ensembles of TMI Tb (from the most sensitive TMI channel combination) were generated conditional on various quantiles (25th, 50th, 75th, and 95th) of the convective and the stratiform rainfall. Comparatively greater ambiguity was observed to model extreme values of the convective rain type. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed model was tested by comparing the results with traditionally employed linear and quadratic models. Results reveal the superior performance of the proposed copula-based technique.


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Quantitative use of satellite-derived rainfall products for various scientific applications often requires them to be accompanied with an error estimate. Rainfall estimates inferred from low earth orbiting satellites like the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) will be subjected to sampling errors of nonnegligible proportions owing to the narrow swath of satellite sensors coupled with a lack of continuous coverage due to infrequent satellite visits. The authors investigate sampling uncertainty of seasonal rainfall estimates from the active sensor of TRMM, namely, Precipitation Radar (PR), based on 11 years of PR 2A25 data product over the Indian subcontinent. In this paper, a statistical bootstrap technique is investigated to estimate the relative sampling errors using the PR data themselves. Results verify power law scaling characteristics of relative sampling errors with respect to space-time scale of measurement. Sampling uncertainty estimates for mean seasonal rainfall were found to exhibit seasonal variations. To give a practical example of the implications of the bootstrap technique, PR relative sampling errors over a subtropical river basin of Mahanadi, India, are examined. Results reveal that the bootstrap technique incurs relative sampling errors < 33% (for the 2 degrees grid), < 36% (for the 1 degrees grid), < 45% (for the 0.5 degrees grid), and < 57% (for the 0.25 degrees grid). With respect to rainfall type, overall sampling uncertainty was found to be dominated by sampling uncertainty due to stratiform rainfall over the basin. The study compares resulting error estimates to those obtained from latin hypercube sampling. Based on this study, the authors conclude that the bootstrap approach can be successfully used for ascertaining relative sampling errors offered by TRMM-like satellites over gauged or ungauged basins lacking in situ validation data. This technique has wider implications for decision making before incorporating microwave orbital data products in basin-scale hydrologic modeling.


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A new Bayesian algorithm for retrieving surface rain rate from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) over the ocean is presented, along with validations against estimates from the TRMM Precipitation Radar (PR). The Bayesian approach offers a rigorous basis for optimally combining multichannel observations with prior knowledge. While other rain-rate algorithms have been published that are based at least partly on Bayesian reasoning, this is believed to be the first self-contained algorithm that fully exploits Bayes’s theorem to yield not just a single rain rate, but rather a continuous posterior probability distribution of rain rate. To advance the understanding of theoretical benefits of the Bayesian approach, sensitivity analyses have been conducted based on two synthetic datasets for which the “true” conditional and prior distribution are known. Results demonstrate that even when the prior and conditional likelihoods are specified perfectly, biased retrievals may occur at high rain rates. This bias is not the result of a defect of the Bayesian formalism, but rather represents the expected outcome when the physical constraint imposed by the radiometric observations is weak owing to saturation effects. It is also suggested that both the choice of the estimators and the prior information are crucial to the retrieval. In addition, the performance of the Bayesian algorithm herein is found to be comparable to that of other benchmark algorithms in real-world applications, while having the additional advantage of providing a complete continuous posterior probability distribution of surface rain rate.


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Precipitation radar on board the TRMM satellite was a milestone in the rainfall observation capability in the large scale. Stemming from TRMM the new mission GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) is to overcome some TRMM shortcomings like the high level of the PR MDZ. However, for major problems like the PR horizontal resolution, significant improvements are not foreseeable. This papers investigates the impact of TRMM PR resolution on the structure of tropical rainfall. The issue is approached by both gradient analysis and texture verification. Results indicate that the impact maybe significant, affecting important applications like in NWP. © 2005 IEEE.


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Este trabalho analisou 10 anos de distribuição espacial e temporal dos raios, dos sistemas precipitantes e suas características, como refletividade, temperatura de brilho e altura dos sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) através dos sensores Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS), Precipitation Radar (PR) e TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI). Estes dados foram organizados e armazenados pelo grupo de pesquisa da convecção tropical da University of Utah no período de dezembro de 1997 a fevereiro de 2009. Também foram analisados dados de focos de queimadas detectadas pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), no período de 1998 a 2008. Foi selecionada uma área delimitada entre 60ºW a 45ºW de longitude e 10ºS a 5ºN de latitude, a qual, posteriormente, foi dividida em nove sub-áreas para um melhor detalhamento dasinformações. Para verificar a possível influência das queimadas no número de raios, selecionaram-se oito áreas, sendo 4 com o maior número de focos de queimadas e 4 com o menor número de focos de queimadas. Os sistemas precipitantes foram classificados seguindo a metodologia de Nesbitt et. al. 2000 e obedecendo a nova definição dos dados realizado por Liu (2007). Os sistemas precipitantes amostrados pelo satélite TRMM utilizados neste trabalho são denominados ALLPFS e são definidos como aqueles que apresentam pixel de chuva estimado pelo algoritmo 2A25. Estes são classificados em PFS e OTHPFS, que respectivamente, são aqueles que apresentam e não apresentam informação de temperatura de brilho. Os PFS são sub-classificados em sistemas sem assinatura de gelo (NOICE), com assinatura de gelo (WICE) e sistemas convectivos de mesoescala (MCS), sendo que os sistemas mais intensos, dentre estes últimos, são sistemas que recebem a denominação de IMCS. Os resultados mostram que as regiões do sul do Estado do Pará, município de Belém e Ilha do Marajó foram as que apresentaram as maiores ocorrências de raios na Amazônia Oriental, com valores superiores a 20 a 35 raios/km²/ano. Os NOICEs foram os sistemas mais frequentes em todas as regiões e os sistemas precipitantes da categoria WICE e MCS são aqueles que mais contribuem com a produção de raios sobre essas regiões. Os sistemas eletrificados apresentam grande contribuição no volume de chuva estimada sobre as áreas CENTRO e SUL, com percentuais superiores a 50% nas áreas SUL. A variação mensal dos raios na área de estudo mostrou que as maiores ocorrências de raios sobre o município de Belém são nos meses de janeiro a junho, com um pico no mês de janeiro. As maiores ocorrências no setor SUL da Amazônia Oriental concentram-se nos meses de setembro a dezembro. Nas análises sobre a interação entre os raios e as queimadas não se observou coerência, dentro das áreas de maior número de queimadas, na correlação mensal entre os raios e as queimadas, evidenciando que, apesar do grande número de queimadas observado sobre essas áreas, outros fatores interferem na produção de raios.


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Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) rainfall retrieval algorithms are evaluated in tropical cyclones (TCs). Differences between the Precipitation Radar (PR) and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) retrievals are found to be related to the storm region (inner core vs. rainbands) and the convective nature of the precipitation as measured by radar reflectivity and ice scattering signature. In landfalling TCs, the algorithms perform differently depending on whether the rainfall is located over ocean, land, or coastal surfaces. Various statistical techniques are applied to quantify these differences and identify the discrepancies in rainfall detection and intensity. Ground validation is accomplished by comparing the landfalling storms over the Southeast US to the NEXRAD Multisensor Precipitation Estimates (MPE) Stage-IV product. Numerous recommendations are given to algorithm users and developers for applying and interpreting these algorithms in areas of heavy and widespread tropical rainfall such as tropical cyclones.


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A key strategy to improve the skill of quantitative predictions of precipitation, as well as hazardous weather such as severe thunderstorms and flash floods is to exploit the use of observations of convective activity (e.g. from radar). In this paper, a convection-permitting ensemble prediction system (EPS) aimed at addressing the problems of forecasting localized weather events with relatively short predictability time scale and based on a 1.5 km grid-length version of the Met Office Unified Model is presented. Particular attention is given to the impact of using predicted observations of radar-derived precipitation intensity in the ensemble transform Kalman filter (ETKF) used within the EPS. Our initial results based on the use of a 24-member ensemble of forecasts for two summer case studies show that the convective-scale EPS produces fairly reliable forecasts of temperature, horizontal winds and relative humidity at 1 h lead time, as evident from the inspection of rank histograms. On the other hand, the rank histograms seem also to show that the EPS generates too much spread for forecasts of (i) surface pressure and (ii) surface precipitation intensity. These may indicate that for (i) the value of surface pressure observation error standard deviation used to generate surface pressure rank histograms is too large and for (ii) may be the result of non-Gaussian precipitation observation errors. However, further investigations are needed to better understand these findings. Finally, the inclusion of predicted observations of precipitation from radar in the 24-member EPS considered in this paper does not seem to improve the 1-h lead time forecast skill.


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The Bollène-2002 Experiment was aimed at developing the use of a radar volume-scanning strategy for conducting radar rainfall estimations in the mountainous regions of France. A developmental radar processing system, called Traitements Régionalisés et Adaptatifs de Données Radar pour l’Hydrologie (Regionalized and Adaptive Radar Data Processing for Hydrological Applications), has been built and several algorithms were specifically produced as part of this project. These algorithms include 1) a clutter identification technique based on the pulse-to-pulse variability of reflectivity Z for noncoherent radar, 2) a coupled procedure for determining a rain partition between convective and widespread rainfall R and the associated normalized vertical profiles of reflectivity, and 3) a method for calculating reflectivity at ground level from reflectivities measured aloft. Several radar processing strategies, including nonadaptive, time-adaptive, and space–time-adaptive variants, have been implemented to assess the performance of these new algorithms. Reference rainfall data were derived from a careful analysis of rain gauge datasets furnished by the Cévennes–Vivarais Mediterranean Hydrometeorological Observatory. The assessment criteria for five intense and long-lasting Mediterranean rain events have proven that good quantitative precipitation estimates can be obtained from radar data alone within 100-km range by using well-sited, well-maintained radar systems and sophisticated, physically based data-processing systems. The basic requirements entail performing accurate electronic calibration and stability verification, determining the radar detection domain, achieving efficient clutter elimination, and capturing the vertical structure(s) of reflectivity for the target event. Radar performance was shown to depend on type of rainfall, with better results obtained with deep convective rain systems (Nash coefficients of roughly 0.90 for point radar–rain gauge comparisons at the event time step), as opposed to shallow convective and frontal rain systems (Nash coefficients in the 0.6–0.8 range). In comparison with time-adaptive strategies, the space–time-adaptive strategy yields a very significant reduction in the radar–rain gauge bias while the level of scatter remains basically unchanged. Because the Z–R relationships have not been optimized in this study, results are attributed to an improved processing of spatial variations in the vertical profile of reflectivity. The two main recommendations for future work consist of adapting the rain separation method for radar network operations and documenting Z–R relationships conditional on rainfall type.


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"Prepared for the Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources."