998 resultados para Pre contract
This thesis is a framework to formalise contractors process for bidding decision making through categorising the factors effecting the decision to bid into five categories. It opens the door to introduce a strategic planning system for pre-contract and business development activities which cost the contractors up to 5% of the project cost which is considered as high risk investment and would have impact on submitted bid price and the project delivery quality.
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo analisar o contrato preliminar, a partir das diversas funções que ele cumpre no processo de formação do negócio jurídico. Em especial, examina-se a figura do contrato preliminar que é menos completo do que o contrato definitivo, estabelecendo apenas os aspectos essenciais do negócio prometido e deixando em aberto outros pontos que devem ser preenchidos no intervalo entre os dois negócios. O contrato preliminar incompleto, como se lhe designa aqui, constitui uma etapa no processo de formação progressiva do contrato, atendendo a interesses dignos de tutela conforme o ordenamento jurídico. Para tanto, o trabalho está dividido em quatro capítulos, além da introdução e da conclusão. Na primeira parte, apresentam-se os principais interesses práticos que estão por trás da cisão do negócio em duas etapas (no contrato preliminar e no contrato definitivo). Vê-se que o contrato preliminar não é uma figura inútil, um desdobramento desnecessário do processo de formação do negócio. Na segunda parte, são delineados os contornos do contrato preliminar, mediante o exame de sua causa e de seu objeto, além das figuras que se lhe assemelham. Demonstra-se que, embora não se confunda com o negócio definitivo, o contrato preliminar já deve definir a causa do negócio prometido, que serve para identificá-lo. Na terceira parte, atenta-se para o chamado princípio da equiparação, que determina que, em regra, o contrato preliminar siga a mesma disciplina prevista para o negócio definitivo. Tal princípio deve ser, todavia, excepcionado, quando a própria cisão do processo de formação do negócio no preliminar e no definitivo serve para afastar alguma regra que valerá apenas para o segundo negócio. Nesse ponto, demonstra-se que o princípio da equiparação não se aplica integralmente no que se refere ao objeto do contrato definitivo, que não precisa estar previsto, exaustivamente, no contrato preliminar. Revela-se, aí, a admissibilidade da figura do contrato preliminar incompleto. Por fim, na última parte, examina-se a execução específica do preliminar, destacando-se, em particular, o cabimento desse remédio também para o chamado contrato preliminar incompleto, quando, então, caberá ao juiz integrá-lo mediante as regras de integração previstas no ordenamento jurídico.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Auditoria Orientador: Rodrigo Mário Oliveira Carvalho, Dr. Coorientador: Vicente António Fernandes Seixas, Dr.
La mondialisation a favorisé l’essor de l’innovation collaborative entraînant une augmentation du nombre de partenariats entre différents acteurs. Grâce à leurs avantages multiples, les projets conjoints jouent un rôle fondamental dans le développement économique et industriel des secteurs à forte valeur ajoutée. Dans cette optique, la création ou la quantification de valeur par l’innovation collaborative repose en grande partie sur la capacité à commercialiser des innovations encadrées par une protection intellectuelle adéquate. Ainsi, la tendance mondiale témoigne d’une augmentation accrue des dépôts conjoints de brevets entre diverses entités. Ces co-dépôts soulèvent une variété de questions juridiques puisque les régimes statutaires ne sont pas nécessairement adaptés à la réalité des partenariats. D’abord, les régimes lacunaires proposés par les lois n’anticipent pas les conséquences juridiques de l’interaction entre divers acteurs. La variété de configurations d’intervenants et la typologie des partenariats entraînent une confusion entre les inventeurs et les propriétaires lors du dépôt d’une demande de brevet. Cette situation peut également induire de facto la copropriété d’un brevet pouvant causer des litiges et miner l’énorme valeur des brevets conjoints. Ensuite, les régimes statutaires sont également déficients à l’étape de l’exploitation d’un brevet conjoint. En comparant les régimes juridiques canadiens et américains, il devient possible de mieux cerner les enjeux juridiques associés aux questionnements présents lors de l’élaboration d’un partenariat. Afin d’obtenir des retombées fructueuses des brevets conjoints, une mise en forme contractuelle est proposée pour pallier ces lacunes statutaires. Grâce à des outils contractuels et à une planification pré-contractuelle, les copropriétaires pourront réaliser l’énorme potentiel de cette institution.
This paper presents the findings from a conversation between an Aboriginal educator and a non-Indigenous pre-service educator about the importance and complexities of building productive partnerships. Although the participants focused on the challenges and benefits of building relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander educators and non-Indigenous educators in Australian early years settings, the more significant outcome of the meeting was the personal connection two young women were able to make when a friendship began to develop. The project was intended to enable an opportunity for the participants ‘to engage in reflexivity on their pedagogic work’, something Mills (2012) understands as crucial to the support of social justice and transformation in the classroom.
In comparison to the rest of the United Kingdom (UK) the Northern Irish Construction Industry was disproportionately affected by the recent economic recession. During this period, use of the New Engineering Contract (NEC) has proliferated in the public sector, however no study has been undertaken to examine the impact of the recession on this contract in Northern Ireland. The aim of this paper is to explore NEC contract implementation in Northern Ireland and the impact of the recession on its operation. A qualitative methodology is adopted using a literature review and semi structured interviews with six construction professionals. A qualitative analysis identifies themes and issues arising exploring connections and links between them using thematic coding. The initial findings are that the introduction of the NEC contract in Northern Ireland makes demands of contractors and consultants in terms of additional resources and training. Some consultants show a clear lack of understanding of the contract and its provisions. Whilst there is general agreement that the contract does help to stimulate good project management, the interviewees find the contract time consuming and complicated to administer, describing it as “unforgiving for the architect and unforgiving to the contractor.” Due to the impact of the recession, both contractors and consultants are still reporting a drop in income from pre-recession levels. Project resourcing levels have dropped significantly since the onset of the recession. Adversarial and opportunistic behaviour has increased. Many consultants and contractors are struggling to adequately administer the NEC contract at current income levels. The introduction of the NEC contract and the economic recession have exerted opposing forces on the implementation of the contract, hindering its execution. As the pressures exerted by the economic recession abate and a greater understanding of the contract develops, these opposing forces will ease leading to a more consistent implementation of the contract.
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Presentation on pre-emption, detection and redirection in the context of the contract cheating form of plagiarism.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
"U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Plowshare Program"--Cover.
The State contracted with six managed care organizations to deliver Medicaid managed care at an annual cost of $2.7 billion, representing 10% of the State’s annual budget, to 750,000 Medicaid beneficiaries in South Carolina. This review’s scope and objectives were: Test the six MCOs’ compliance and effective execution of the SCDHHS’s managed care contract “Section 11 - Program Integrity” focusing on the operational components of pre-payment review and post-payment review. Identify opportunities to improve SCDHHS’s biennial managed care contract, contract monitoring, and MCO compliance and effective execution of the contract.