6 resultados para Prdx1


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L’apurinic/apyrimidic endonuclease 1 (APE1) est une protéine multifonctionnelle qui joue un rôle important dans la voie de réparation de l’ADN par excision de base. Elle sert également de coactivateur de transcription et est aussi impliquée dans le métabolisme de l’ARN et la régulation redox. APE1 peut cliver les sites AP ainsi que retirer des groupements, sur des extrémités 3’ créées suite à des bris simple brin, qui bloquent les autres enzymes de réparation, permettant de poursuivre la réparation de l’ADN, puisqu’elle possède plusieurs activités de réparation de l’ADN comme une activité phosphodiestérase 3’ et une activité exonucléase 3’→5’. Les cellules de mammifères ayant subi un knockdown d’APE1 présentent une grande sensibilité face à de nombreux agents génotoxiques. APE1 ne possède qu’une seule cystéine située au 65e acide aminé. Celle-ci est nécessaire pour maintenir l’état de réduction de nombreux activateurs de transcription tels que p53, NF-κB, AP-1, c-Jun at c-Fos. Ainsi, elle se retrouve impliquée dans la régulation de l’expression génique. APE1 passe également à travers au moins 4 types de modifications post-traductionnelles : l’acétylation, la désacétylation, la phosphorylation et l’ubiquitylation. La façon dont APE1 est recrutée pour accomplir ses différentes fonctions biologiques demeure un mystère, bien que cela puisse être relié à sa capacité d’interaction avec de multiples partenaires différents. Sous des conditions de croissance normales, il a été démontré qu’APE1 interagit avec de nombreux partenaires impliqués dans de multiples fonctions. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que l’état d’oxydation d’APE1 est ce qui contrôle les partenaires avec lesquels la protéine interagira, lui permettant d’accomplir des fonctions précises. Dans cette étude nous démontrons que le peroxyde d’hydrogène altère le réseau d’interactions d’APE1. Un nouveau partenaire d’interaction d’APE1, Prdx1, un membre de la famille des peroxirédoxines responsable de récupérer le peroxyde d’hydrogène, est caractérisé. Nous démontrons qu’un knockdown de Prdx1 n’affecte pas l’activité de réparation de l’ADN d’APE1, mais altère sa détection et sa distribution cellulaire à l’intérieur des cellules HepG2 conduisant à une induction accrue de l’interleukine 8 (IL-8). L’IL8 est une chimiokine impliquée dans le stress cellulaire en conditions physiologiques et en cas de stress oxydatif. Il a été démontré que l’induction de l’IL-8 est dépendante d’APE1 indiquant que Prdx1 pourrait réguler l’activité transcriptionnelle d’APE1. Il a été découvert que Prdx1 est impliquée dans la régulation redox suite à une réponse initiée par le peroxyde d’hydrogène. Ce dernier possède un rôle important comme molécule de signalisation dans de nombreux processus biologiques. Nous montrons que Prdx1 est nécessaire pour réduire APE1 dans le cytoplasme en réponse à la présence de H2O2. En présence de Prdx1, la fraction d’APE1 présent dans le cytoplasme est réduite suite à une exposition au peroxyde d’hydrogène, et Prdx1 est hyperoxydé suite à l’interaction entre les deux molécules. Cela suggère que le signal, que produit le peroxyde d’hydrogène, sur APE1 passe par Prdx1. Un knockdown d’APE1 diminue la conversion de la forme dimérique de Prdx1 vers la forme monomérique. Cette observation implique qu’APE1 pourrait être impliquée dans la régulation de l’activité catalytique de Prdx1 en accélérant son hyperoxydation.


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Cardiovascular disease (CVD) affects millions of people worldwide and is influenced by numerous factors, including lifestyle and genetics. Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) influence gene expression and are good candidates for CVD risk. Founder-effect pedigrees can provide additional power to map genes associated with disease risk. Therefore, we identified eQTLs in the genetic isolate of Norfolk Island (NI) and tested for associations between these and CVD risk factors. We measured genome-wide transcript levels of blood lymphocytes in 330 individuals and used pedigree-based heritability analysis to identify heritable transcripts. eQTLs were identified by genome-wide association testing of these transcripts. Testing for association between CVD risk factors (i.e., blood lipids, blood pressure, and body fat indices) and eQTLs revealed 1,712 heritable transcripts (p < 0.05) with heritability values ranging from 0.18 to 0.84. From these, we identified 200 cis-acting and 70 trans-acting eQTLs (p < 1.84 × 10(-7)) An eQTL-centric analysis of CVD risk traits revealed multiple associations, including 12 previously associated with CVD-related traits. Trait versus eQTL regression modeling identified four CVD risk candidates (NAAA, PAPSS1, NME1, and PRDX1), all of which have known biological roles in disease. In addition, we implicated several genes previously associated with CVD risk traits, including MTHFR and FN3KRP. We have successfully identified a panel of eQTLs in the NI pedigree and used this to implicate several genes in CVD risk. Future studies are required for further assessing the functional importance of these eQTLs and whether the findings here also relate to outbred populations.


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Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) is a redox-sensitive, dual-specificity protein phosphatase involved in regulating a number of cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation and survival. It acts as a tumor suppressor by negatively regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway. While direct evidence of a redox regulation of PTEN downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of cellular oxidative stress or direct PTEN oxidation on the PTEN interactome is still poorly defined. To investigate this, PTEN-GST fusion protein was prepared in its reduced form and an H2O2-oxidized form that was reversible by DTT treatment, and these were immobilized on a glutathione-sepharose-based support. The immobilized protein was incubated with cell lysate to capture interacting proteins. Captured proteins were eluted from the beads, analyzed by LC-MSMS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. After subtraction of interactors that were also present in the resin and GST controls, 97 individual protein interactors were identified, including several that are novel. Fourteen interactors that varied significantly with the redox status of PTEN were identified, including thioredoxin and peroxiredoxin-1. Except for one interactor, their binding was higher for oxidized PTEN. Using western blotting, altered binding to PTEN was confirmed for 3 selected interactors (Prdx1, Trx, and Anxa2) and DDB1 was validated as a novel interactor with unaltered binding. Our results suggest that the redox status of PTEN causes a functional variation in the PTEN interactome which is important for the cellular function of PTEN. The resin capture method developed had distinct advantages in that the redox status of PTEN could be directly controlled and measured.


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Phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) is involved in a number of different cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation and survival. It is a redox-sensitive dual-specificity protein phosphatase that acts as a tumor suppressor by negatively regulating the PI3K/Akt pathway. While direct evidence of redox regulation of PTEN downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of PTEN redox status on its protein-protein interactions is poorly understood. PTEN-GST in its reduced and a DTT-reversible H2O2-oxidized form was immobilized on a glutathione-sepharose support and incubated with cell lysate to capture interacting proteins. Captured proteins were analyzed by LC-MSMS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. 97 Potential protein interactors were identified, including a significant number that are novel. The abundance of fourteen interactors was found to vary significantly with the redox status of PTEN. Altered binding to PTEN was confirmed by affinity pull-down and Western blotting for Prdx1, Trx, and Anxa2, while DDB1 was validated as a novel interactor with unaltered binding. These results suggest that the redox status of PTEN causes a functional variation in the PTEN interactome. The resin capture method developed had distinct advantages in that the redox status of PTEN could be directly controlled and measured.


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The research described in this PhD thesis focuses on proteomics approaches to study the effect of oxidation on the modification status and protein-protein interactions of PTEN, a redox-sensitive phosphatase involved in a number of cellular processes including metabolism, apoptosis, cell proliferation, and survival. While direct evidence of a redox regulation of PTEN and its downstream signaling has been reported, the effect of cellular oxidative stress or direct PTEN oxidation on PTEN structure and interactome is still poorly defined. In a first study, GST-tagged PTEN was directly oxidized over a range of hypochlorous acid (HOCl) concentration, assayed for phosphatase activity, and oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTMs) were quantified using LC-MS/MS-based label-free methods. In a second study, GSTtagged PTEN was prepared in a reduced and reversibly H2O2-oxidized form, immobilized on a resin support and incubated with HCT116 cell lysate to capture PTEN interacting proteins, which were analyzed by LC-MS/MS and comparatively quantified using label-free methods. In parallel experiments, HCT116 cells transfected with a GFP-tagged PTEN were treated with H2O2 and PTENinteracting proteins immunoprecipitated using standard methods. Several high abundance HOCl-induced oxPTMs were mapped, including those taking place at amino acids known to be important for PTEN phosphatase activity and protein-protein interactions, such as Met35, Tyr155, Tyr240 and Tyr315. A PTEN redox interactome was also characterized, which identified a number of PTEN-interacting proteins that vary with the reversible inactivation of PTEN caused by H2O2 oxidation. These included new PTEN interactors as well as the redox proteins peroxiredoxin-1 (Prdx1) and thioredoxin (Trx), which are known to be involved in the recycling of PTEN active site following H2O2-induced reversible inactivation. The results suggest that the oxidative modification of PTEN causes functional alterations in PTEN structure and interactome, with fundamental implications for the PTEN signaling role in many cellular processes, such as those involved in the pathophysiology of disease and ageing.


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Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) has been considered since the 1990´s to be a promising flatfish species for diversifying European marine aquaculture. However, pathogen outbreaks leading to high mortality rates can impair Senegalese sole commercial production at the weaning phase. Different approaches have been shown to improve fish immunocompetence; with this in mind the objective of the work described herein was to determine whether increased levels of dietary vitamin A (VA) improve the immune response in early juveniles of Senegalese sole. For this purpose, Senegalese sole were reared and fed with Artemia metanauplii containing increased levels of VA (37,000; 44,666; 82,666 and 203,000 total VA IU Kg-1) from 6 to 60 days post-hatch (early juvenile stage). After an induced bacterial infection with a 50 % lethal dose of Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae, survival rate, as well as underlying gene expression of specific immune markers (C1inh, C3, C9, Lgals1, Hamp, LysC, Prdx1, Steap4 and Transf) were evaluated. Results showed that fish fed higher doses of dietary VA were more resistant to the bacterial challenge. The lower mortality was found to be related with differential expression of genes involved in the complement system and iron availability. We suggest that feeding metamorphosed Senegalese sole with 203,000 total VA IU Kg-1 might be an effective, inexpensive and environmentally friendly method to improve Senegalese sole immunocompetence, thereby improving survival of juveniles and reducing economic losses.