932 resultados para Practical learning


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Este documento es un artículo inédito que ha sido aceptado para su publicación. Como un servicio a sus autores y lectores, Alternativas. Cuadernos de trabajo social proporciona online esta edición preliminar. El manuscrito puede sufrir alteraciones tras la edición y corrección de pruebas, antes de su publicación definitiva. Los posibles cambios no afectarán en ningún caso a la información contenida en esta hoja, ni a lo esencial del contenido del artículo.


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The Bologna Process defends the adoption of a higher education in teaching-learning methodologies that – in contraposition to the previous model based on the transmission of knowledge, which for being essentially theoretical, gives the student a passive role in the knowledge construction process – allows a (pro) active, autonomous and practical learning, where the student acquires and develops his competences. The personal tutorial guidance sessions are included in the teaching contact hours. This abstract presents a study about the University of Minho (first cycle) Courses Students’ perceptions of the personal tutorial guidance sessions’ relevance in the scope of the learning-teaching process, so as to confirm if the implementation/implantation of the commonly called tutorial (type) education, as an approach to an active, autonomous and practical learning, is sensed by the learners themselves


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Paper submitted to ACE 2013, 10th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education, University of Sheffield, UK, August 28-30, 2013.


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The emerging technologies have expanded a new dimension of self – ‘technoself’ driven by socio-technical innovations and taken an important step forward in pervasive learning. Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) research has increasingly focused on emergent technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR) for augmented learning, mobile learning, and game-based learning in order to improve self-motivation and self-engagement of the learners in enriched multimodal learning environments. These researches take advantage of technological innovations in hardware and software across different platforms and devices including tablets, phoneblets and even game consoles and their increasing popularity for pervasive learning with the significant development of personalization processes which place the student at the center of the learning process. In particular, augmented reality (AR) research has matured to a level to facilitate augmented learning, which is defined as an on-demand learning technique where the learning environment adapts to the needs and inputs from learners. In this paper we firstly study the role of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which is one of the most influential theories applied in TEL on how learners come to accept and use a new technology. Then we present the design methodology of the technoself approach for pervasive learning and introduce technoself enhanced learning as a novel pedagogical model to improve student engagement by shaping personal learning focus and setting. Furthermore we describe the design and development of an AR-based interactive digital interpretation system for augmented learning and discuss key features. By incorporating mobiles, game simulation, voice recognition, and multimodal interaction through Augmented Reality, the learning contents can be geared toward learner's needs and learners can stimulate discovery and gain greater understanding. The system demonstrates that Augmented Reality can provide rich contextual learning environment and contents tailored for individuals. Augment learning via AR can bridge this gap between the theoretical learning and practical learning, and focus on how the real and virtual can be combined together to fulfill different learning objectives, requirements, and even environments. Finally, we validate and evaluate the AR-based technoself enhanced learning approach to enhancing the student motivation and engagement in the learning process through experimental learning practices. It shows that Augmented Reality is well aligned with constructive learning strategies, as learners can control their own learning and manipulate objects that are not real in augmented environment to derive and acquire understanding and knowledge in a broad diversity of learning practices including constructive activities and analytical activities.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclo do Ensino Básico


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La finalitat del projecte ha estat desenvolupar un espai virtual teòric-pràctic per a l’aprenentatge de la Microbiologia. Aquest espai virtual, basat en l'aprenentatge a través de problemes, s’ha anomenat “Microbiologia Interactiva” i proposa a l’alumne les següents àrees temàtiques: Introducció a les tècniques de la Microbiologia; Estructura i funció de la cèl.lula microbiana; Creixement i control microbià; Microbiologia molecular; Fisiologia i metabolisme microbians; Virologia; Ecologia Microbiana; Diversitat microbiana. Per a cada temàtica s’han definit unes competències a assolir a través de la resolució de problemes teòrics o pràctics. En aquest darrer cas, se li proposa a l’alumne que entri en el laboratori virtual per a la resolució dels casos pràctics plantejats. A més, per a la resolució dels problemes, l’alumne disposa d’un seguit de recursos per a cada temàtica. Finalment, també s’inclouen activitats de relació i d’ampliació per tal d’estimular la discussió, l’esperit crìtic, el treball en grup i la recerca bibliogràfica. A més, per tal de facilitar el seu ús, el web disposa també d'un tutorial. El web “Microbiologia Interactiva” es va introduir de forma pilat en l’ensenyament de l'assignatura de Microbiologia de la Llicenciatura de Biologia i de la de Microbiologia I de la llicenciatura de Biotecnologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) durant el curs 2007-08. Al llarg d'aquest curs es va valorar la seva utilitat i acceptació per part dels alumnes mitjançant enquestes. Els bons resultats obtinguts van aconsellar que aquesta eina fora ja utilitzada en totes les assignatures generals de Microbiologia de les llicenciatures de Biologia, Biotecnologia, Bioquímica, Química, Enginyeria Química, Ciències Ambientals i Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments de la UAB. Actualment el web s’està també utilitzant amb molt bons resultats a les assignatures de Microbiologia dels nous graus que ofereix la Facultat de Biociències de la UAB. Així doncs, en aquest projecte s’han assolit amb escreix els objectius previstos. Es pot consultar el web desenvolupat a l’adreça http://microbiologia.uab.cat//Microbiologia_Interactiva_Web/.


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Tutkielmassa selvitetään ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijan ammatillisen harjoittelun vaikutuksia harjoitteluorganisaatioon. Kokeneen työntekijän purkaessa hiljaista tietoaan sanoiksi ja pohtiessaan ajatuksiaan toisten kanssa, hän saa oman tietämyksensä uudelleen tietoiseen käyttöönsä. Näin hän voi entistä paremmin kehittää osaamistaan. Tästä syystä hiljaisen tiedon siirtäminen on palkitsevaa myös tiedon antajalle. Opiskelijat olisi saatava rohkeammin arvioimaan työyhteisön käytäntöjä. Tällöin ei vallitsevia rutiineja pidetä annettuina totuuksina, vaan toimintatapoja ja tietoja kyseenalaistetaan, etsitään vaihtoehtoja ja sovelletaan uutta tietoa työyhteisöjen käytäntöihin yhteistyössä työpaikan henkilöstön kanssa.


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Background Appropriately conducted adaptive designs (ADs) offer many potential advantages over conventional trials. They make better use of accruing data, potentially saving time, trial participants, and limited resources compared to conventional, fixed sample size designs. However, one can argue that ADs are not implemented as often as they should be, particularly in publicly funded confirmatory trials. This study explored barriers, concerns, and potential facilitators to the appropriate use of ADs in confirmatory trials among key stakeholders. Methods We conducted three cross-sectional, online parallel surveys between November 2014 and January 2015. The surveys were based upon findings drawn from in-depth interviews of key research stakeholders, predominantly in the UK, and targeted Clinical Trials Units (CTUs), public funders, and private sector organisations. Response rates were as follows: 30(55 %) UK CTUs, 17(68 %) private sector, and 86(41 %) public funders. A Rating Scale Model was used to rank barriers and concerns in order of perceived importance for prioritisation. Results Top-ranked barriers included the lack of bridge funding accessible to UK CTUs to support the design of ADs, limited practical implementation knowledge, preference for traditional mainstream designs, difficulties in marketing ADs to key stakeholders, time constraints to support ADs relative to competing priorities, lack of applied training, and insufficient access to case studies of undertaken ADs to facilitate practical learning and successful implementation. Associated practical complexities and inadequate data management infrastructure to support ADs were reported as more pronounced in the private sector. For funders of public research, the inadequate description of the rationale, scope, and decision-making criteria to guide the planned AD in grant proposals by researchers were all viewed as major obstacles. Conclusions There are still persistent and important perceptions of individual and organisational obstacles hampering the use of ADs in confirmatory trials research. Stakeholder perceptions about barriers are largely consistent across sectors, with a few exceptions that reflect differences in organisations’ funding structures, experiences and characterisation of study interventions. Most barriers appear connected to a lack of practical implementation knowledge and applied training, and limited access to case studies to facilitate practical learning. Keywords: Adaptive designs; flexible designs; barriers; surveys; confirmatory trials; Phase 3; clinical trials; early stopping; interim analyses


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A presente dissertação aborda o tema da utilização da Internet no ensino/aprendizagem de língua materna, mais especificamente o uso do procedimento tecnológico Webquest, como recurso didático-pedagógico que auxilia tanto os processos de ensino e aprendizagem quanto os de avaliação e visa a otimizar a apropriação de competências linguageiras por parte do aluno. Para fundamentar a inserção das Novas Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação no ensino-aprendizagem da língua materna, realiza-se, a princípio, uma reflexão em torno do quadro teórico-metodológico que vem sendo proposto pelos estudiosos da Didática das Línguas e pelos PCNs para a língua materna. Nessa reflexão, enfocam-se os princípios da abordagem interacional de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas e da modalidade formativa de avaliação, mostrando sua relevância para um trabalho fecundo em sala de aula. Em seguida, unem-se a estes fundamentos, os estudos desenvolvidos pela Tecnologia Educacional, que tratam do uso do computador como recurso educativo, destacando-se o pensamento construtivista como base teórica que orienta esta prática. Neste contexto, define-se mais especificamente a metodologia de pesquisa Webquest, que pode se utilizar da Internet para favorecer a interação do aluno com variadas informações, pessoas e para lidar com a língua em seu uso real, contextualizado dentro das práticas sócio-comunicativas. Com base nesse tripé teórico, analisam-se sete Webquests produzidas por graduandos do Curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Pará, objetivando-se verificar se essa metodologia se coaduna com as concepções da abordagem interacional de ensino/aprendizagem da língua materna, bem como da avaliação formativa, favorecendo procedimentos (auto) avaliativos e de (auto) regulação da aprendizagem indispensáveis ao desenvolvimento das competências linguageiras na produção escrita. Nesta análise documental, realizada na perspectiva da pesquisa qualitativa, propõe-se, como objetivo principal, contribuir para a inserção do procedimento tecnológico Webquest em práticas produtivas de ensino-aprendizagem de língua materna, de forma a fundamentar o emprego deste instrumento, em princípios interacionais e formadores.


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The current work aims to analyze the contributions of PIBID for initial graduation of the teachers, in view of the undergraduates of Physics Course at UNESP Guaratinguetá . A brief literature survey about the national situation of teacher education was performed, at which the main difficulties and challenges, as well as the solutions stated in place by the government to solve them, have been highlighted. A description of the historical of PIBID at UNESP, from the institutional project to reach the subproject developed by Physics Course of Guaratinguetá, was presented. To characterize the development of the subproject, it was performed a survey on the activities performed by the PIBID’s scholars, since its implementation on campus in 2010 until the end of the year 2013, in order to map the experiences lived by program participants. These data were obtained from the analysis of reports by scholars themselves, video analyzes and record of the weekly meetings held by the group, reading electronic messages exchanged on a specific group of e-mails and written evaluations by members of the program. Completing data collection, eleven scholars undergraduates of the program were interviewed, and the results were classified by topics, defined from recurrence in the interviewees speech. The global analysis of the data was based on theoretical references commonly used in research on graduation of teachers, as Nóvoa (1992), Mizukami (2005, 2006) and Gatti (2008). The results indicate that the licensed ones see in PIBID a differentiated opportunity for initial teaching graduation, for adding practical learning experiences for students of EB within the school context, and especially for creating space for reflection on their experiences with the support of more experienced teachers, committed to the training of all involved ones


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Este artigo tem por objetivos apresentar uma síntese da evolução do conteúdo de bloco cirúrgico na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e uma reflexão sobre as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais do Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem (DCN). O estudo se desenvolveu a partir de um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da enfermagem em centro cirúrgico na prática profissional e sua inserção no currículo de graduação da EEUSP. As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais têm seu mérito ao assegurar às instituições de ensino superior a liberdade na composição da carga horária a ser cumprida para a integralização dos currículos e na especificação das unidades de estudo a serem ministradas, porém, as competências e habilidades propostas são inespecíficas. Entendemos que o enfermeiro generalista é aquele que tem oportunidades de aprendizado teórico prático para atuar em todos os cenários de cuidado, área e níveis de atenção em saúde.


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Un plan para organizar las enseñanzas de la ingeniería del software en las titulaciones de informática de la URJC. Nowadays both industry and academic environments are showing a lot of interest in the Software Engineering discipline. Therefore, it is a challenge for universities to provide students with appropriate training in this area, preparing them for their future professional practice. There are many difficulties to provide that training. The outstanding ones are: the Software Engineering area is too broad and class hours are scarce; the discipline requires a high level of abstraction; it is difficult to reproduce real world situations in the classroom to provide a practical learning environment; the number of students per professor is very high (at least in Spain); companies develop software with a maturity level rarely over level 2 of the CMM for Software (again, at least in Spain) as opposed to what is taught at the University. Besides, there are different levels and study plans, making more difficult to structure the contents to teach in each term and degree. In this paper we present a plan for teaching Software Engineering trying to overcome some of the difficulties above.


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Actualmente se reconoce de forma generalizada que la problemática de los barrios más desfavorecidos presenta un trasfondo estructural de magnitud multidimensional que implica a múltiples actores, que requiere respuestas de carácter multiescalar, multidimensional y multiagente y un alto nivel de cooperación institucional y de coordinación entre la diversidad de actores, que pone en cuestión los modelos de gobernanza y gestión urbana tradicionales. Frente a los retos e implicaciones que plantea la noción de espacio como construcción social y los problemas de coordinación detectados que limitan el alcance de la regeneración urbana integrada, en esta investigación se pregunta por los principales elementos que pueden facilitar la dinamización y coordinación de los procesos y se plantea que es preciso aprovechar el propio proceso participativo para reforzar el papel de estos elementos y generar mejores condiciones para la colaboración en un proceso de aprendizaje práctico de formas de análisis e intervención integrada y gestión relacional, que supere los niveles de información y consulta de la práctica participativa habitual. Se centra por tanto la atención en los factores que facilitan la dinamización y coordinación de los procesos (elementos dinamizadores y articuladores), en el nivel de participación social y cooperación institucional en los distintos momentos de la planificación de la estrategia entendida como un proceso continuo de reflexión-acción-reflexión y en aquellas condiciones del modelo de participación que pueden propiciar relaciones estratégicas y mejorar la capacidad de interacción y acción del sistema de actores y relaciones en el proceso de planificación y gestión, que lleva a cuestionar en qué medida los soportes (foros de participación y nodos y ejes de actividad y relación) y el tipo de técnicas (técnicas de dinamización y técnicas de identificación y activación de oportunidades) de los modelos de participación de experiencias concretas pueden fomentar formas de interacción que mejoren la comunicación y la movilización de recursos. Para analizar esta situación en la práctica, se desarrolla un marco conceptual, metodológico y operativo a partir de la contribución de conceptos, teorías y modelos basados en una visión relacional y multidimensional de las dinámicas de desarrollo local integrado. Esta metodología se valida en cuatro casos de referencia a partir de la información de documentos oficiales y de las visiones de la diversidad de actores implicados recogidas a través de una primera consulta a expertos (13) y entrevistas semiestructuradas a representantes de la diversidad de actores implicados (75), que se ha procesado por medio de tres herramientas conceptuales de análisis complementarias desarrolladas a lo largo de la investigación apoyadas en la perspectiva relacional de la reinterpretación actual del espacio y las escalas: el ‘Sistema de acción local’, el ‘Diagrama de momentos’ del proceso de planificación y gestión, y la ‘Matriz de caracterización’ del modelo de participación. La evaluación y la comparativa de los casos según el método de análisis evidencian la importancia del papel ejercido por los elementos articuladores (actores y organismos de enlace, espacios de encuentro y acción, y los significados y visiones compartidas) y dinamizadores (el capital social y las capacidades institucionales propiciadas en redes de colaboración) a la hora de facilitar la colaboración entre las distintas instituciones responsables, reforzar las relaciones entre actores, grupos y entidades del barrio, y mejorar los problemas de convivencia vecinal, y en definitiva, de mejorar las posibilidades de los diferentes actores urbanos de implicarse de manera activa. Además, las fórmulas alternativas que se han puesto en marcha en los distintos casos frente a las dificultades que presenta la administración a la hora de trabajar por proyectos y el resto de actores de colaborar de forma constructiva, han supuesto un importante proceso de aprendizaje y práctica en formas de participación y colaboración. ABSTRACT It is widely accepted that the current situation of multi-deprived neighborhoods has a structural and a multidimensional basis involving multiple actors that calls for multiscale, multidimensional and multiagent solutions and requires a high level of institutional cooperation and a great deal of coordination between different actors. This calls into question traditional governance and management models. In order to cope with the challenges and implications of the idea of the social construction of space and these coordination requirements that compromise the scope of integrated urban regeneration strategies, this research focuses on the main elements and factors that facilitate the mobilization and coordination of the regeneration processes, and recognizes the importance of participation processes facilitating better social, communication and collaboration skills in a practical learning process of integrated analysis and urban regeneration interventions and relational governance mechanisms going beyond mere information and consultation levels. Thus, the study focuses on the principal factors which facilitate the mobilization and coordination of integrated area regeneration, the level of social participation and institutional cooperation at different planning moments in a continuous process of reflection-action-reflection, and the conditions under which the participation process may promote strategic relationships and improve the performance of the system of actors and relationships in the planning and management process. This questions to what extent the supports (participation arenas and activity nodes and axis) and the type of techniques (participation encouragement and opportunities identification and activation techniques) considered in participation models had led to a level of interaction that has improved communication and resource mobilization capabilities. In order to analyze this situation in practice, a conceptual, methodological and operational framework is developed, which considers the contributions of the review of concepts, theories and models based on a relational and multidimensional view of local development dynamics. This methodology is validated in four representative case studies in view of official documents and the contributions of diverse stakeholders gathered through a first consultation to experts (13) and semi-structured interviews to representatives of the diversity of actors involved (75). This data has been processed by three complementary analytical tools developed during the research, based on the relational perspective of the current reinterpretation of space and scales: the 'Local Action System', the 'Diagram of planning moments', and the 'Characterization matrix of the participation model'. The comparative evaluation of the four case studies carried out using the analytical method developed during the project, shows the importance of the availability and the role of linkage elements (actors and organizations, collective spaces and shared visions) and drivers (social capital and institutional capacities generated through collaborative networks) in facilitating the collaboration among all responsible institutions, in promoting and strengthening relations between actors, groups and neighborhood organizations, and in improving the conviviality and social cohesion conditions, and ultimately in fostering the possibilities of diversity of urban actors to engage and participate actively in the transformation process, increasing accordingly the options for change. In addition, despite all the difficulties, these practices have implemented alternative formulas addressing the limitations of the administration in working by projects and not by competences and of the stakeholders in collaborating in a constructive way. The development and implementation of these participatory formulas has been an important learning process.


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El proceso de aprendizaje que tiene lugar durante la formación práctico de los estudiantes genera algunos interrogantes: ¿de qué depende ese aprendizaje práctico? ¿Cómo se lleva a cabo?, ¿cuáles son las vivencias de los estudiantes durante esos meses de formación?, ¿cuáles son sus mayores dificultades de aprendizaje? etc. El objetivo de la investigación fue conocer y comprender cuáles fueron las vivencias y experiencias de los estudiantes de sus periodos de formación práctica ante la proximidad de convertirse en profesionales de la salud. Metodología: investigación cualitativa con método fenomenológico. Los datos se obtuvieron del análisis de las memorias reflexivas que los estudiantes de 4º de grado realizaron al finalizar las veinte semanas de prácticas correspondientes al Practicum IV. Conclusiones: a través de los testimonios de los estudiantes se identifican tres aspectos significativos: la necesidad de la práctica reflexiva, los condicionantes de las relaciones humanas en el aprendizaje y valor de los aspectos invisibles del cuidado.


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The problem of evaluating different learning rules and other statistical estimators is analysed. A new general theory of statistical inference is developed by combining Bayesian decision theory with information geometry. It is coherent and invariant. For each sample a unique ideal estimate exists and is given by an average over the posterior. An optimal estimate within a model is given by a projection of the ideal estimate. The ideal estimate is a sufficient statistic of the posterior, so practical learning rules are functions of the ideal estimator. If the sole purpose of learning is to extract information from the data, the learning rule must also approximate the ideal estimator. This framework is applicable to both Bayesian and non-Bayesian methods, with arbitrary statistical models, and to supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning schemes.