818 resultados para Power system simulations
Power system simulation software is a useful tool for teaching the fundamentals of power system design and operation. However, existing commercial packages are not ideal for teaching work-based students because of high-cost, complexity of the software and licensing restrictions. This paper describes a set of power systems libraries that have been developed for use with the free, student-edition of a Micro-Cap Spice that overcomes these problems. In addition, these libraries are easily adapted to include power electronic converter based components into the simulation, such as HVDC, FACTS and smart-grid devices, as well as advanced system control functions. These types of technology are set to become more widespread throughout existing power networks, and their inclusion into a power engineering degree course is therefore becoming increasingly important.
An algorithm based on the concept of Kalman filtering is proposed in this paper for the estimation of power system signal attributes, like amplitude, frequency and phase angle. This technique can be used in protection relays, digital AVRs, DSTATCOMs, FACTS and other power electronics applications. Furthermore this algorithm is particularly suitable for the integration of distributed generation sources to power grids when fast and accurate detection of small variations of signal attributes are needed. Practical considerations such as the effect of noise, higher order harmonics, and computational issues of the algorithm are considered and tested in the paper. Several computer simulations are presented to highlight the usefulness of the proposed approach. Simulation results show that the proposed technique can simultaneously estimate the signal attributes, even if it is highly distorted due to the presence of non-linear loads and noise.
An algorithm based on the concept of combining Kalman filter and Least Error Square (LES) techniques is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is intended to estimate signal attributes like amplitude, frequency and phase angle in the online mode. This technique can be used in protection relays, digital AVRs, DGs, DSTATCOMs, FACTS and other power electronics applications. The Kalman filter is modified to operate on a fictitious input signal and provides precise estimation results insensitive to noise and other disturbances. At the same time, the LES system has been arranged to operate in critical transient cases to compensate the delay and inaccuracy identified because of the response of the standard Kalman filter. Practical considerations such as the effect of noise, higher order harmonics, and computational issues of the algorithm are considered and tested in the paper. Several computer simulations and a laboratory test are presented to highlight the usefulness of the proposed method. Simulation results show that the proposed technique can simultaneously estimate the signal attributes, even if it is highly distorted due to the presence of non-linear loads and noise.
To ensure the small-signal stability of a power system, power system stabilizers (PSSs) are extensively applied for damping low frequency power oscillations through modulating the excitation supplied to synchronous machines, and increasing interest has been focused on developing different PSS schemes to tackle the threat of damping oscillations to power system stability. This paper examines four different PSS models and investigates their performances on damping power system dynamics using both small-signal eigenvalue analysis and large-signal dynamic simulations. The four kinds of PSSs examined include the Conventional PSS (CPSS), Single Neuron based PSS (SNPSS), Adaptive PSS (APSS) and Multi-band PSS (MBPSS). A steep descent parameter optimization algorithm is employed to seek the optimal PSS design parameters. To evaluate the effects of these PSSs on improving power system dynamic behaviors, case studies are carried out on an 8-unit 24-bus power system through both small-signal eigenvalue analysis and large-signal time-domain simulations.
Load modeling plays an important role in power system dynamic stability assessment. One of the widely used methods in assessing load model impact on system dynamic response is through parametric sensitivity analysis. Load ranking provides an effective measure of such impact. Traditionally, load ranking is based on either static or dynamic load model alone. In this paper, composite load model based load ranking framework is proposed. It enables comprehensive investigation into load modeling impacts on system stability considering the dynamic interactions between load and system dynamics. The impact of load composition on the overall sensitivity and therefore on ranking of the load is also investigated. Dynamic simulations are performed to further elucidate the results obtained through sensitivity based load ranking approach.
The well-known power system stabilizer (PSS) is used to generate supplementary control signals for the excitation system of a generator so as to damp low frequency oscillations in the power system concerned. Up to now, various kinds of PSS design methods have been proposed and some of them applied in actual power systems with different degrees. Given this background, the small-disturbance eigenvalue analysis and large-disturbance dynamic simulations in the time domain are carried out to evaluate the performances of four different PSS design methods, including the Conventional PSS (CPSS), Single-Neuron PSS (SNPSS), Adaptive PSS (APSS) and Multi-band PSS (MBPSS). To make the comparisons equitable, the parameters of the four kinds of PSSs are all determined by the steepest descent method. Finally, an 8-unit 24-bus power system is employed to demonstrate the performances of the four kinds of PSSs by the well-established eigenvalue analysis as well as numerous digital simulations, and some useful conclusions obtained.
This paper proposes a new controller for the excitation system to improve rotor angle stability. The proposed controller uses energy function to predict desired flux for the generator to achieve improved first swing stability and enhanced system damping. The controller is designed through predicting the desired value of flux for the future step of the system and then obtaining appropriate supplementary control input for the excitation system. The simulations are performed on Single-Machine-Infinite-Bus system and the results verify the efficiency of the controller. The proposed method facilitates the excitation system with a feasible and reliable controller for severe disturbances.
With the ever-increasing penetration level of wind power, the impacts of wind power on the power system are becoming more and more significant. Hence, it is necessary to systematically examine its impacts on the small signal stability and transient stability in order to find out countermeasures. As such, a comprehensive study is carried out to compare the dynamic performances of power system respectively with three widely-used power generators. First, the dynamic models are described for three types of wind power generators, i. e. the squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG), doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and permanent magnet generator (PMG). Then, the impacts of these wind power generators on the small signal stability and transient stability are compared with that of a substituted synchronous generator (SG) in the WSCC three-machine nine-bus system by the eigenvalue analysis and dynamic time-domain simulations. Simulation results show that the impacts of different wind power generators are different under small and large disturbances.
Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are becoming feasible to provide system frequency support due to recent developments in technologies and plummeting cost. Adequate response of these devices becomes critical as the penetration of the renewable energy sources increases in the power system. This paper proposes effective use of BESS to improve system frequency performance. The optimal capacity and the operation scheme of BESS for frequency regulation are obtained using two staged optimization process. Furthermore, the effectiveness of BESS for improving the system frequency response is verified using dynamic simulations.
This paper presents a techno-economic assessment for a unique Isolated Hybrid Power System (IHPS) design for remote areas isolated from the grid which also has the capability of being operated as a smart μ-grid. The share of renewable energy sources in resource poor developing countries is low. In these countries an increase in the share of alternative energy (wind, water and sun) delivered with inexpensive operationally robust generation and delivery systems is seen to the way forward. In our design also incorporates a novel storage system to increase the effectiveness of the Isolated IHPSs previously reported in the literature. The configuration reported is a system consisting of, the wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, fuel cell unit and a diesel generator. The modelling design and simulations were based on Simulations conducted using MATLAB/SIMULINK, and HOMER Energy Planning and Design software tools. The design and simulation of a new storage approach incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell (increasing the efficiency of the fuel cell from 35% to 65%) and a single board computer (Raspberry Pi) used for the energy management and control the system are the novel features of our design. The novel control strategy implemented also includes a synchronization capability that facilitates IHPS to IHPS or IHPS to Main-Grid connection. In the paper after briefly but comprehensively detailing the design and simulations we will present the results on which we conclude that smart independent systems that can utilize indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with the grid or each other are the most optimal way of electrifying resource poor developing countries in a sustainable way with minimum impact on the environment and also achieve reductions in Green House Gases.
This paper investigates the use of plug-in parking lots (SmartPark) as integral energy storage to improve small-signal stability using plug-in electric vehicles (PEV). The paper establishes the Phillips-Heffron model of a power system for a SmartPark solution. Based on this model, SmartPark-based stabilisers have been designed based using phase compensation to improve power system oscillation stability. The effectiveness of stabilisation superimposed on the active and reactive power regulators is verified by simulations obtained from a multi-machine power system model with SmartPark and a large-scale wind farm inclusion.
This paper presents a case-study of a PMU application with PSS support in a real large scale Chinese power system to suppress inter-area oscillations. The paper uses PMU measured feedback signals from a PSS input signal for dynamic torque analysis (DTA). In the paper, a mathematical model of multi-machine power system is described, followed by formation of the residue and DTA indices. Simulations of the model are used with a large-scale power system model to demonstrate the role of PSS and the equivalence of DTA residue indices.
This paper proposes a calculation method to determine power system response during small load perturbations or minor disturbances. The method establishes the initial value of active power transient using traditional reduction technique on admittance matrix, which incorporates voltage variations in the determination. The method examines active power distribution among generators when several loads simultaneously change, and verifies that the superposition principle is applicable for this scenario. The theoretical derivation provided in the paper is validated by numerical simulations using a 3-generator 9-bus benchmark model. The results indicate that the inclusion of voltage variation renders an independent and precise measure of active power response during transient conditions.
This paper presents transient stability analysis for a power system with high wind penetration. The transient stability has been evaluated based on two stability criteria: rotor angle stability and voltage stability. A modified IEEE-14 bus system has been used as the main study network and simulations have been conducted at several wind power penetration levels, defined as a fraction of total system generation. A wide range of scenarios have been presented based on the wind farm voltage at the point of connection, i.e. low voltage (LV) distribution level and high voltage (HV) transmission level, and the type of wind generator technology, i.e. fixed speed induction generator (FSIG) and doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG).
Weltweit leben mehr als 2 Milliarden Menschen in ländlichen Gebieten. Als Konzept für die elektrische Energieversorgung solcher Gebiete kommen dezentrale elektrische Energieversorgungseinheiten zum Einsatz, die lokal verfügbare erneuerbare Ressourcen nutzen. Stand der Technik bilden Einheiten, die auf PV-Diesel-Batterie System basieren. Die verwendeten Versorgungsskonzepte in Hybridsystemen sind durch den Einsatz von Batterien als Energiespeicher meist wenig zuverlässig und teuer. Diese Energiespeicher sind sehr aufwendig zu überwachen und schwerig zu entsorgen. Den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit bildet die Entwicklung eines neuen Hybridsystems mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher. Dieses Konzept eignet sich für Bergregionen in Entwicklungsländern wie Nepal, wo z.B. neben der solaren Strahlung kleine Flüsse in großer Anzahl vorhanden sind. Das Hybridsystem verfügt über einen Synchrongenerator, der die Netzgrößen Frequenz und Spannung vorgibt und zusätzlich unterstützen PV und Windkraftanlage die Versorgung. Die Wasserkraftanlage soll den Anteil der erneuerbaren Energienutzung erhöhen. Die Erweiterung des Systems um ein Dieselaggregat soll die Zuverlässigkeit der Versorgung erhöhen. Das Hybridsystem inkl. der Batterien wird modelliert und simuliert. Anschließend werden die Simulations- und Messergebnisse verglichen, um eine Validierung des Modells zu erreichen. Die Regelungsstruktur ist aufgrund der hohen Anzahl an Systemen und Parametern sehr komplex. Sie wird mit dem Simulationstool Matlab/Simulink nachgebildet. Das Verhalten des Gesamtsystems wird unter verschiedene Lasten und unterschiedlichen meteorologischen Gegebenheiten untersucht. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer modularen Energiemanagementeinheit, die auf Basis der erneuerbaren Energieversorgung aufgebaut wird. Dabei stellt die Netzfrequenz eine wichtige Eingangsgröße für die Regelung dar. Sie gibt über die Wirkleistungsstatik die Leistungsänderung im Netz wider. Über diese Angabe und die meteorologischen Daten kann eine optimale wirtschaftliche Aufteilung der Energieversorgung berechnet und eine zuverlässige Versorgung gewährleistet werden. Abschließend wurde die entwickelte Energiemanagementeinheit hardwaretechnisch aufgebaut, sowie Sensoren, Anzeige- und Eingabeeinheit in die Hardware integriert. Die Algorithmen werden in einer höheren Programmiersprache umgesetzt. Die Simulationen unter verschiedenen meteorologischen und netztechnischen Gegebenheiten mit dem entwickelten Model eines Hybridsystems für die elektrische Energieversorgung haben gezeigt, dass das verwendete Konzept mit einem Wasserreservoir als Energiespeicher ökologisch und ökonomisch eine geeignete Lösung für Entwicklungsländer sein kann. Die hardwaretechnische Umsetzung des entwickelten Modells einer Energiemanagementeinheit hat seine sichere Funktion bei der praktischen Anwendung in einem Hybridsystem bestätigen können.