990 resultados para Power bases


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The dissertation examined prekindergarten teachers' perceptions of their supervisory relationship with their educational specialist, and the effect of the prekindergarten teachers' perceptions on the quality of the High/Scope prekindergarten program. The High/Scope educational specialists use their leader power bases (reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, expert and informational) to influence teachers' perceptions of satisfaction and compliance, as well as teachers' actual compliance with the High/Scope prekindergarten program standards. The correlational relationships between the variables were examined using Analysis of Variance and Multivariate Analysis of Variance. Path Analysis was utilized to analyze variables to determine the validity of the correlational model. Expert, legitimate, referent, and informational power bases of the High/Scope educational specialist were found to be the most influential on attitudinal and behavioral compliance of teachers. ^


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Managers are central to any fuction in a complex and developed society. Their talents are reckoned to be cardinal in developed economies and a basic yearning of all developing economies.In order to survive and produce results in a turbulent and transient environment, the task is to understand the nature of factors contributing to managerial effectiveness. This study is an attempt towards this core issue of the present from a different perspective. This study tries to focus attention on a group of managers functioning in the field of banking, a core sector in the country's economy. The gamut of economic activities in Kerala being predominantly service-oriented, importance of commercial banking is almost indisputable. Though economists would argue that the disproportionate development of service sector is anomalous when viewed against the hazy scenarios in the primary and secondary sectors of the state’s economy, the extent and pace of growth in the banking sector has had its dole meted out by ambitious and productive managers fiinctioning in the field. Researcher’s attempt here is to thresh the grain and chaff among bank managers in terms of their effectiveness and to account for the variations in the light of their ability to affect the thoughts and actions of their subordinates. To put it succinctly, the attempt herein is to explain the effectiveness of bank managers in the light of their ‘Power Profile’ taken to be comprising Power Differentials, Power Bases, their Visibility and Credibility in the organisation and, the Power Styles typically used by them for influencing subordinates.


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Este estudo teve a intenção de analisar até que ponto o uso de diferentes bases de poder dos superiores hierárquicos predizem os níveis de engajamento no trabalho e de resiliência dos trabalhadores, colaborando para aumentar o conhecimento sobre o comportamento dos servidores públicos municipais, quanto aos níveis de engajamento no trabalho e resiliência apresentados. Partiu-se da definição de poder de French e Raven (1959): poder é a influência potencial que o agente O poderia causar no sujeito P; adotou-se o conceito de engajamento no trabalho de Schaufeli e Bakker (2003), que definem engajamento no trabalho como um construto motivacional positivo, caracterizado por vigor, dedicação e absorção, sempre relacionado ao trabalho, o qual implica sentimento de realização, envolve estado cognitivo positivo, é persistente no tempo, apresentando, assim, natureza motivacional e social e por fim utilizou-se o conceito de Grotberg (2005) que define resiliência como a capacidade humana para enfrentar, vencer e ser fortalecido ou transformado por experiências de adversidades . Para isto, definiu-se como objetivo geral testar a capacidade preditiva das bases de poder social dos chefes sobre a resiliência e o engajamento no trabalho, em servidores públicos municipais de Diadema - SP. Participaram deste estudo 95 servidores públicos municipais do município de Diadema, SP, com pequena maioria de indivíduos do sexo feminino (51,6%), com maior percentual de idade entre 25 e 40 anos (38,9%). A maioria dos participantes (60%) declarou possuir nível superior completo (35,8%) ou pós-graduação (24,2%). Utilizou-se os instrumentos: Escala de Bases de Poder do Supervisor (EBPS), escala desenvolvida por Martins e Guimarães (2007); Escala de Avaliação da Resiliência (EAR), escala construída por Martins, Siqueira e Emilio (2011) e a Escala de Engajamento no Trabalho de UTRECHT (UWES) que tiveram seus indicadores de validade e fidedignidade apurados neste estudo. Como resultado constatou-se parcialmente a existência de associação entre engajamento no trabalho e resiliência, pois engajamento no trabalho correlacionou-se com três dos cinco fatores de resiliência: adaptação positiva à mudanças, competência pessoal e persistência diante de dificuldade. Verificou-se que as dimensões que compõem a variável resiliência obtiveram médias ao redor do ponto quatro da escala de resiliência (frequentemente é verdade), indicando que os participantes frequentemente percebem a si mesmos como capazes de enfrentar as adversidades da vida em função da sua alta percepção de persistência, capazes de adaptar-se às mudanças, com bom nível de competência pessoal e de espiritualidade. Constatou-se que as médias nas dimensões que compõem a variável engajamento no trabalho ficaram muito próximas do ponto quatro da escala de engajamento (algumas vezes na semana), indicando que eles percebem em si um alto grau engajamento no trabalho, ou seja, que possuem vigor, são dedicados e deixam-se absorver pelo trabalho. Verificou-se ainda que os trabalhadores percebem o poder de perícia como o mais empregado pelos seus superiores hierárquicos com média de 4,46 (DP= 0,71). Por fim, os resultados obtidos apontaram que o papel e o posicionamento da chefia não provocaram impacto significativo em nenhuma das variáveis consequentes, portanto, bases de poder não explicam resiliência para os trabalhadores participantes desta pesquisa como também não predisseram engajamento no trabalho.


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Whilst some authors have portrayed the Internet as a powerful tool for business and political institutions, others have highlighted the potential of this technology for those vying to constrain or counter-balance the power of organizations, through e-collectivism and on-line action. What appears to be emerging is a contested space that has the potential to simultaneously enhance the power of organizations, whilst also acting as an enabling technology for the empowerment of grass-root networks. In this struggle, organizations are fighting for the retention of “old economy” positions, as well as the development of “new economy” power-bases. In realizing these positions, organizations and institutions are strategizing and manoeuvering in order to shape on-line networks and communications. For example, the on-line activities of individuals can be contained through various technological means, such as surveillance, and the structuring of the virtual world through the use of portals and “walled gardens”. However, loose groupings of individuals are also strategizing to ensure there is a liberation of their communication paths and practices, and to maintain the potential for mobilization within and across traditional boundaries. In this article, the unique nature and potential of the Internet are evaluated, and the struggle over this contested virtual space is explored.


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The Dark Ages are generally held to be a time of technological and intellectual stagnation in western development. But that is not necessarily the case. Indeed, from a certain perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. In this paper we draw historical comparisons, focusing especially on the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, between the technological and intellectual ruptures in Europe during the Dark Ages, and those of our current period. Our analysis is framed in part by Harold Innis’s2 notion of "knowledge monopolies". We give an overview of how these were affected by new media, new power struggles, and new intellectual debates that emerged in thirteenth and fourteenth century Europe. The historical salience of our focus may seem elusive. Our world has changed so much, and history seems to be an increasingly far-from-favoured method for understanding our own period and its future potentials. Yet our seemingly distant historical focus provides some surprising insights into the social dynamics that are at work today: the fracturing of established knowledge and power bases; the democratisation of certain "sacred" forms of communication and knowledge, and, conversely, the "sacrosanct" appropriation of certain vernacular forms; challenges and innovations in social and scientific method and thought; the emergence of social world-shattering media practices; struggles over control of vast networks of media and knowledge monopolies; and the enclosure of public discursive and social spaces for singular, manipulative purposes. The period between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries in Europe prefigured what we now call the Enlightenment, perhaps moreso than any other period before or after; it shaped what the Enlightenment was to become. We claim no knowledge of the future here. But in the "post-everything" society, where history is as much up for sale as it is for argument, we argue that our historical perspective provides a useful analogy for grasping the wider trends in the political economy of media, and for recognising clear and actual threats to the future of the public sphere in supposedly democratic societies.


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The Dark Ages are generally held to be a time of technological and intellectual stagnation in western development. But that is not necessarily the case. Indeed, from a certain perspective, nothing could be further from the truth. In this paper we draw historical comparisons, focusing especially on the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, between the technological and intellectual ruptures in Europe during the Dark Ages, and those of our current period. Our analysis is framed in part by Harold Innis’s2 notion of "knowledge monopolies". We give an overview of how these were affected by new media, new power struggles, and new intellectual debates that emerged in thirteenth and fourteenth century Europe. The historical salience of our focus may seem elusive. Our world has changed so much, and history seems to be an increasingly far-from-favoured method for understanding our own period and its future potentials. Yet our seemingly distant historical focus provides some surprising insights into the social dynamics that are at work today: the fracturing of established knowledge and power bases; the democratisation of certain "sacred" forms of communication and knowledge, and, conversely, the "sacrosanct" appropriation of certain vernacular forms; challenges and innovations in social and scientific method and thought; the emergence of social world-shattering media practices; struggles over control of vast networks of media and knowledge monopolies; and the enclosure of public discursive and social spaces for singular, manipulative purposes. The period between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries in Europe prefigured what we now call the Enlightenment, perhaps moreso than any other period before or after; it shaped what the Enlightenment was to become. We claim no knowledge of the future here. But in the "post-everything" society, where history is as much up for sale as it is for argument, we argue that our historical perspective provides a useful analogy for grasping the wider trends in the political economy of media, and for recognising clear and actual threats to the future of the public sphere in supposedly democratic societies.


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En el presente trabajo, analizamos los regimientos de Guardias Nacionales y las funciones que desempeñaron sus comandantes durante el proceso de organización nacional en la frontera sur bonaerense, desde el estudio de caso del coronel don José Benito Machado. En primer lugar, repasamos las características específicas que adoptaron las Guardias Nacionales en las sociedades de la frontera sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires; mientras que, en segundo lugar, analizamos los diversos mecanismos desarrollados por Benito Machado para construir las bases de poder en la región que posibilitaron el afianzamiento de su liderazgo


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En el presente trabajo, analizamos los regimientos de Guardias Nacionales y las funciones que desempeñaron sus comandantes durante el proceso de organización nacional en la frontera sur bonaerense, desde el estudio de caso del coronel don José Benito Machado. En primer lugar, repasamos las características específicas que adoptaron las Guardias Nacionales en las sociedades de la frontera sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires; mientras que, en segundo lugar, analizamos los diversos mecanismos desarrollados por Benito Machado para construir las bases de poder en la región que posibilitaron el afianzamiento de su liderazgo


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En el presente trabajo, analizamos los regimientos de Guardias Nacionales y las funciones que desempeñaron sus comandantes durante el proceso de organización nacional en la frontera sur bonaerense, desde el estudio de caso del coronel don José Benito Machado. En primer lugar, repasamos las características específicas que adoptaron las Guardias Nacionales en las sociedades de la frontera sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires; mientras que, en segundo lugar, analizamos los diversos mecanismos desarrollados por Benito Machado para construir las bases de poder en la región que posibilitaron el afianzamiento de su liderazgo


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Purpose: Changes in refractive error are well documented over the typical human lifespan. However, a relatively neglected period of investigation appears to be during the late fourth decade; this is at the incipient phase of presbyopia (IP), where the amplitude of accommodation is much reduced and approaches the level where a first reading addition is anticipated. Significantly, informal clinical observation has suggested a low incidence of an unexpected abrupt increase in myopia during IP. Methods: We investigated this alleged myopic shift retrospectively by mapping the longitudinal refraction histories of normally-sighted 35-44years old British White patients previously examined in routine optometric practice. The refractive trends in the right eyes of healthy myopic subjects (spherical equivalent refraction, SER =-0.50D: N=39) were analysed relative to that point at which a first near dioptric addition was considered to be clinically useful. Results: A refractive change was evident in some subjects during IP; viz, an abrupt increase in myopic SER of between -0.50 and -0.75D. These individuals (N=8) represented 20% of the study population of myopic incipient presbyopes. Beyond the pivotal point of the first near addition the longitudinal refraction stabilized in these subjects. In contrast, and as the extent of the available longitudinal data would permit, the remaining myopic eyes maintained an approximately stable refractive trend throughout IP and beyond. Conclusions: The anatomical or physiological basis of this specific late (non-developmental) abrupt myopic refractive change is an intriguing issue. Axial (vitreous chamber elongation), corneal (contour) and lenticular (profile and index) power bases, alone or in concert, might be considered candidates for this hitherto unexplored refractive phenomenon. Although necessarily obtained under conventional conditions of central (0deg) fixation, our data might also be a reflection of the recent recognition of the possible influence of the peripheral refraction upon the axial error. Consideration of this material provides an impetus for further research, including ocular biometry, a reappraisal of ciliary zonular functional anatomy, renewed investigation of the AC/A ratio, and the extent of a centripetal refractive influence on myopia development. © 2011 The College of Optometrists.


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The study aimed to develop a richer understanding of how employees perceive organizational politics in contemporary organizational contexts, and to identify whether organizational politics is described in both positive and negative terms. Design/methodology/approach: Individual in-depth interviews were conducted using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis with 14 employees across three organizations. Findings: Participants’ perceptions of organizational politics were interpreted according to four levels: reactive, reluctant, strategic, and integrated. The four levels captured how individuals defined, described, and perceived outcomes of organizational politics. Definitions included organizational politics as destructive and manipulative (reactive), as a necessary evil (reluctant), as a useful strategy that helps get things done (strategic), and as central to organizational functioning and decision-making (integrated). Political behaviors were described in terms that correspond to five established bases of organizational power: connection power, information power, coercive power, positional power, and personal power. Descriptions of organizational politics encompassed positive and negative individual and organizational outcomes. Implications: Traditional negatively framed definitions of organizational politics need to be extended and elaborated. Definitions of organizational politics need to accommodate a range of understandings. Originality/value: Despite numerous calls for qualitative research regarding organizational politics, this is one of very few qualitative studies in this area. The proposed classifications of levels, definitions, and behaviors complement and extend existing conceptualizations of organizational politics. We contribute an understanding of organizational politics that is more balanced than existing negatively skewed conceptualizations and that will have implications for measurement and management of organizational politics.


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O objetivo central desta pesquisa consiste em verificar a existência de semelhanças entre o planejamento estratégico situacional e o orçamento participativo implementado em Belém durante o período de 1997 a 2000; assim como verificar a existência de semelhanças entre a teoria da escolha pública e o orçamento participativo em Belém no mesmo período. Para alcançar tal objetivo, serão abordadas resumidamente, a teoria da escolha pública e o planejamento estratégico situacional, como base teórica para desenvolver o estudo. Supõe-se que essas teorias fundamentam o orçamento participativo, instrumento mais conhecido de participação popular no processo da gestão pública. Para alcançar esse fim, utilizou-se o método de estudo de caso, por ser o mais indicado para esse tipo de pesquisa. Os resultados sugerem que o orçamento participativo, do modo como foi implementado na Capital do Estado do Pará, no período de 1997 a 2000 possui características da teoria e do método aqui levantados. No que diz respeito à teoria da escolha pública, características em comum com o orçamento participativo foram observadas, como reconhecer que os agentes políticos são motivados por interesses pessoais, além de admitir que a escolha política, no processo político, é resultado das preferências dos agentes envolvidos nas escolhas que permitem passar de preferências diversas de cada indivíduo para uma única escolha coletiva. Quanto ao planejamento estratégico situacional, também foram observados conceitos e características em comum com o orçamento participativo. Ambos reconhecem a existência de vários atores dentro do processo de planejamento, que passa a ser discutido diretamente com a população, inserindo todos os setores do município no processo de gestão. Através de reivindicações, que são entendidas como problemas, o planejamento passa a ser dividido com a população, e esta passa a ser atuante no planejamento do espaço em que vive. Outra característica em comum é a subjetividade, que diz respeito ao entendimento que cada ator tem de seu próprio problema, e do problema de outros atores. Pôde-se observar que a participação popular na gestão pública é instrumento de elevada importância para impulsionar o desenvolvimento social, sendo também incentivada nas formas previstas em Lei. No entanto, tal incentivo acarreta fatores diversos que por vezes fogem ao controle dos gestores, além de significar uma divisão de poderes.


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Presenta los elementos teóricos útiles para construir los significados y alcances de los términos “descentralización” y “autonomía”, así mismo, en vía de profundización, da cuenta de un análisis jurídico crítico del desenvolvimiento y rol de estas dos situaciones, dentro de la dinámica del poder público atinente a lo fiscal y tributario en el Ecuador. También identifica tensiones surgidas entre la legislación de la materia y algunas cláusulas de la Constitución, todo a partir de la óptica del gobierno autónomo descentralizado municipal o metropolitano, por tratarse de niveles gubernativos bastante consolidados en el país.


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In recent years, scholars have devoted increased attention to the agency of small states in International Relations. However, the conventional wisdom remains that while not completely powerful, small states are unlikely to achieve much of significance when faced by great power opposition. This argument, however, implicitly rests on resource-based and compulsory understandings of power. This article explores the implicit connections between the concept of "small state" and diverse concepts of power, asking how we should understand these states' attempts to gain influence and achieve their international political objectives. By connecting the study of small states with additional understandings of power, the article elaborates the broader avenues for influence that are open to many states but are particularly relevant for small states. The article argues that small states' power can be best understood as originating in three categories: “derivative,” collective, and particular-intrinsic. Derivative power, coined by Michael Handel, relies upon the relationship with a great power. Collective power involves building coalitions of supportive states, often through institutions. Particular-intrinsic power relies on the assets of the small state trying to do the influencing. Small states specialize in the bases and means of these types of power, which may have unconventional compulsory, institutional, structural, and productive aspects.


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Neste trabalho abordamos alguns “puzzles” da Paridade do Poder de Compra (PPC) ainda não resolvidos; durante esse processo propomos um novo modelo não-linear e estudamos o papel da agregação temporal e de bases de dados abrangendo apenas um pequeno período histórico. A hipótese de que não existe uma força de convergência agindo sobre o câmbio real ajustado (ARER) foi fortemente rejeitada estatisticamente, e a não-linearidade se mostrou um questão importante. As meia-vidas encontradas para o Brasil usando os modelos padrão parecem ser uma das menores já encontradas para um país, e chegamos à conclusão de que a velocidade de convergência em direção a PPC ainda não pode ser considerada um consenso. Pretendemos, em adição, dar contribuições através do levantamento e esclarecimento de alguns resultados e problemas potenciais concernentes ao estudo da PPC.