990 resultados para Potential of zero total charge


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Platinum stepped surfaces vicinal to the (1 1 0) crystallographic pole have been investigated voltammetrically in 0.1 M HClO(4) and 0.1 M H(2)SO(4) solutions. Changes in the voltammetric profile with the step density suggest the existence of two types of surface sites, that has been ascribed to linear and bidimensional domains. This result indicates the existence of important restructuring processes that separate the real surface distribution from the nominal one. The electronic properties of the surfaces have been characterized with the CO charge displacement method and the potential of zero total charge has been calculated as a function of the step density. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Experiments have been carried out in sulfuric and perchloric acid solutions on Pt(S)[n(110) × (100)] electrodes. The comparison between the two different electrolytic media reveals an important influence of the anion in the voltammetric features. Total charge curves have been obtained with the CO charge displacement method in combination with voltammetric measurements. From these curves, the dependence of the pztc with the step density and the strength of the anion adsorption have been analyzed. The problem of the so-called third peak is treated for a series of electrodes that contain (110) terraces, revealing the requirement of (110) domains for occurrence of this adsorption state.


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We address in this paper a voltammetric study of the charge transfer processes characteristic of Pt(1 0 0) and vicinal surfaces in alkaline media. The electrochemical behavior of a series of stepped surfaces of the type Pt(S)[n(1 0 0) × (1 1 1)] has been characterized using cyclic voltammetry at different pHs, charge displacement measurements and FTIR experiments for adsorbed CO. The results from these techniques allow assigning the different peaks appearing in the voltammogram to hydrogen and/or OH adsorption on the different sites of these surfaces, namely, terrace and step sites. Additionally, the potential of zero total charge (pztc) of the electrodes was determined. The resulting pztc values shift to more negative values when the step density increases on the surface up to n = 5. FTIR spectroscopy experiments have been used to monitor the adsorption of CO on the different surfaces as well as the consequent CO oxidation, accompanying a positive potential sweep. The oxidation of adsorbed CO on (1 0 0) terraces is catalyzed by the presence of the (1 1 1) steps. The FTIR spectra revealed that CO is mostly bonded in bridge configuration at low potentials interconverting to on-top when the electrode potential is increased.


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Nitrate reduction on palladium multilayers deposited on platinum single crystal electrodes was studied by cyclic voltammetry and FTIR spectroscopy in acid and alkaline media. The results are compared with those obtained with bulk palladium single crystals. The reaction is sensitive to the electrode surface structure, the reactivity depending on the solution pH. In acid solution nitrate was reduced at potentials below the potential of zero total charge (pztc), when the electrode is negatively charged. Competition between nitrate, hydrogen and anion adsorption and NO formation and accumulation at the surface are proposed as the main reasons for the slow reaction rate. On the bulk palladium single crystal electrodes, NO formation leads to a fast blockage of the surface resulting in a very low activity for nitrate reduction. In alkaline solution, nitrate is reduced at more positive potentials with significantly higher current being measured on the Pd multilayer on Pt(100) electrode. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of anions on the redox behavior and structure of 11-ferrocenyl-1-undecanethiol (FcC11) monolayers (SAM) on Au(1 1 1) single crystal and Au(1 1 1-25 nm) thin film electrodes was investigated in 0.1 M solutions of HPF6, HClO4, HBF4, HNO3, and H2SO4 by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ surface-enhanced infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS). We demonstrate that the FcC11 redox peaks shift toward positive potentials and broaden with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. In situ surface-enhanced IR-spectroscopy (SEIRAS) provided direct access for the incorporation of anions into the oxidized adlayer. The coadsorption of anions is accompanied by the penetration of water molecules. The latter effect is particularly pronounced in aqueous HNO3 and H2SO4 electrolytes. The adlayer permeability increases with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. We also found that even the neutral (reduced) FcC11 SAM is permeable for water molecules. Based on the property of interfacial water to reorient upon charge inversion, we propose a spectroscopic approach for estimating the potential of zero total charge of the FcC11-modified Au(1 1 1) electrodes in aqueous electrolytes.


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The determination of the potentials of zero total and free charge, pztc and pzfc respectively, were made in a wide pH range by using the CO displacement method and the same calculation assumptions used previously for Pt(1 1 1) electrodes in contact with non-specifically adsorbing anions. Calculation of the pzfc involves, in occasions, long extrapolations that lead us to the introduction of the concept of potential of zero extrapolated charge (pzec). It was observed that the pztc changes with pH but the pzec is independent of this parameter. It was observed that the pztc > pzec at pH > 3.4 but the opposite is true for pH > 3.4. At the latter pH both pzec and pztc coincide. This defines two different pH regions and means that adsorbed hydrogen has to be corrected in the “acidic” solutions at the pztc while adsorbed OH is the species to be corrected in the “alkaline” range. The comparison of the overall picture suggests that neutral conditions at the interface are attained at significantly acidic solutions than those at the bulk.


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This paper deals with determining points of zero charge of natural and Na+-saturated mineral kaolinites using two methods: (1) acid-base potentiometric titration was employed to obtain the adsorption of H+ and OH- on amphoteric surfaces in solutions of varying ionic strengths in order to determinate graphically the point of zero net proton charge (PZNPC) defined equally as point of zero salt effect (PZSE); (2) mass titration curve at different electrolyte concentrations in order to estimate PZNPCs by interpolation and to compare with those determined by potentiometric titrations. The two methods involved points of zero charge approximately similar for the two kaolinites between 6.5-7.8, comparable to those reported previously and were in the range expected for these clay minerals. The comparison of potentiometric surface titration curves obtained at 25 °C and those published in the literature reveals significant discrepancies both in the shape and in the pH of PZNPCs values.


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the salt ritration metod was evaluated as a method to determine zpc in comparison with the potentiometric titration method for 26 soil with variable charge clays,i.e.,Oxisols and Ultisols from Thailand and Andisols from Japan. In addition to the determination of ST-pH0 as the zero point of charge, a calculation procedure was adopted here in order to acquire more information from the titration curve . fuithermore, for the purpose of cross-checking of zpc determined by the pt method, the st procedure was successively applied to the samples analyzed by the pt method.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the erosive potential of orange juice modified with food-approved additives: 0.4 g/l of calcium (Ca) from calcium lactate pentahydrate, 0.2 g/l of linear sodium polyphosphate (LPP) or their combination (Ca+LPP) were added to a commercially available orange juice (negative control, C-). A commercially available calcium-modified orange juice (1.6 g/l of calcium) was the positive control (C+). These juices were tested using a short-term erosion in situ model, consisting of a five-phase, single-blind crossover clinical trial involving 10 subjects. In each phase, subjects inserted custom-made palatal appliances containing 8 bovine enamel specimens in the mouth and performed erosive challenges for a total of 0 (control), 10, 20, and 30 min. Two specimens were randomly removed from the appliances after each challenge period. Enamel surface microhardness was measured before and after the clinical phase and the percentage of surface microhardness change (%SMC) was determined. Before the procedures, in each phase, the subjects performed a taste test, where the juice assigned to that phase was blindly compared to C-. Overall, C+ showed the lowest %SMC, being the least erosive solution (p < 0.05), followed by Ca+LPP and Ca, which did not differ from each other (p > 0.05). LPP and C- were the most erosive solutions (p <0.05). Taste differences were higher for C+ (5/10 subjects) and Ca (4/10 subjects), but detectable in all groups, including C- (2/10 subjects). Calcium reduced the erosive potential of the orange juice, while no protection was observed for LPP. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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El objetivo final de las investigaciones recogidas en esta tesis doctoral es la estimación del volumen de hielo total de los ms de 1600 glaciares de Svalbard, en el Ártico, y, con ello, su contribución potencial a la subida del nivel medio del mar en un escenario de calentamiento global. Los cálculos más exactos del volumen de un glaciar se efectúan a partir de medidas del espesor de hielo obtenidas con georradar. Sin embargo, estas medidas no son viables para conjuntos grandes de glaciares, debido al coste, dificultades logísticas y tiempo requerido por ellas, especialmente en las regiones polares o de montaña. Frente a ello, la determinación de áreas de glaciares a partir de imágenes de satélite sí es viable a escalas global y regional, por lo que las relaciones de escala volumen-área constituyen el mecanismo más adecuado para las estimaciones de volúmenes globales y regionales, como las realizadas para Svalbard en esta tesis. Como parte del trabajo de tesis, hemos elaborado un inventario de los glaciares de Svalbard en los que se han efectuado radioecosondeos, y hemos realizado los cálculos del volumen de hielo de más de 80 cuencas glaciares de Svalbard a partir de datos de georradar. Estos volúmenes han sido utilizados para calibrar las relaciones volumen-área desarrolladas en la tesis. Los datos de georradar han sido obtenidos en diversas campañas llevadas a cabo por grupos de investigación internacionales, gran parte de ellas lideradas por el Grupo de Simulación Numérica en Ciencias e Ingeniería de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, del que forman parte la doctoranda y los directores de tesis. Además, se ha desarrollado una metodología para la estimación del error en el cálculo de volumen, que aporta una novedosa técnica de cálculo del error de interpolación para conjuntos de datos del tipo de los obtenidos con perfiles de georradar, que presentan distribuciones espaciales con unos patrones muy característicos pero con una densidad de datos muy irregular. Hemos obtenido en este trabajo de tesis relaciones de escala específicas para los glaciares de Svalbard, explorando la sensibilidad de los parámetros a diferentes morfologías glaciares, e incorporando nuevas variables. En particular, hemos efectuado experimentos orientados a verificar si las relaciones de escala obtenidas caracterizando los glaciares individuales por su tamaño, pendiente o forma implican diferencias significativas en el volumen total estimado para los glaciares de Svalbard, y si esta partición implica algún patrón significativo en los parámetros de las relaciones de escala. Nuestros resultados indican que, para un valor constante del factor multiplicativo de la relacin de escala, el exponente que afecta al área en la relación volumen-área decrece según aumentan la pendiente y el factor de forma, mientras que las clasificaciones basadas en tamaño no muestran un patrón significativo. Esto significa que los glaciares con mayores pendientes y de tipo circo son menos sensibles a los cambios de área. Además, los volúmenes de la población total de los glaciares de Svalbard calculados con fraccionamiento en grupos por tamaño y pendiente son un 1-4% menores que los obtenidas usando la totalidad de glaciares sin fraccionamiento en grupos, mientras que los volúmenes calculados fraccionando por forma son un 3-5% mayores. También realizamos experimentos multivariable para obtener estimaciones óptimas del volumen total mediante una combinación de distintos predictores. Nuestros resultados muestran que un modelo potencial simple volumen-área explica el 98.6% de la varianza. Sólo el predictor longitud del glaciar proporciona significación estadística cuando se usa además del área del glaciar, aunque el coeficiente de determinación disminuye en comparación con el modelo más simple V-A. El predictor intervalo de altitud no proporciona información adicional cuando se usa además del área del glaciar. Nuestras estimaciones del volumen de la totalidad de glaciares de Svalbard usando las diferentes relaciones de escala obtenidas en esta tesis oscilan entre 6890 y 8106 km3, con errores relativos del orden de 6.6-8.1%. El valor medio de nuestras estimaciones, que puede ser considerado como nuestra mejor estimación del volumen, es de 7.504 km3. En términos de equivalente en nivel del mar (SLE), nuestras estimaciones corresponden a una subida potencial del nivel del mar de 17-20 mm SLE, promediando 19_2 mm SLE, donde el error corresponde al error en volumen antes indicado. En comparación, las estimaciones usando las relaciones V-A de otros autores son de 13-26 mm SLE, promediando 20 _ 2 mm SLE, donde el error representa la desviación estándar de las distintas estimaciones. ABSTRACT The final aim of the research involved in this doctoral thesis is the estimation of the total ice volume of the more than 1600 glaciers of Svalbard, in the Arctic region, and thus their potential contribution to sea-level rise under a global warming scenario. The most accurate calculations of glacier volumes are those based on ice-thicknesses measured by groundpenetrating radar (GPR). However, such measurements are not viable for very large sets of glaciers, due to their cost, logistic difficulties and time requirements, especially in polar or mountain regions. On the contrary, the calculation of glacier areas from satellite images is perfectly viable at global and regional scales, so the volume-area scaling relationships are the most useful tool to determine glacier volumes at global and regional scales, as done for Svalbard in this PhD thesis. As part of the PhD work, we have compiled an inventory of the radio-echo sounded glaciers in Svalbard, and we have performed the volume calculations for more than 80 glacier basins in Svalbard from GPR data. These volumes have been used to calibrate the volume-area relationships derived in this dissertation. Such GPR data have been obtained during fieldwork campaigns carried out by international teams, often lead by the Group of Numerical Simulation in Science and Engineering of the Technical University of Madrid, to which the PhD candidate and her supervisors belong. Furthermore, we have developed a methodology to estimate the error in the volume calculation, which includes a novel technique to calculate the interpolation error for data sets of the type produced by GPR profiling, which show very characteristic data distribution patterns but with very irregular data density. We have derived in this dissertation scaling relationships specific for Svalbard glaciers, exploring the sensitivity of the scaling parameters to different glacier morphologies and adding new variables. In particular, we did experiments aimed to verify whether scaling relationships obtained through characterization of individual glacier shape, slope and size imply significant differences in the estimated volume of the total population of Svalbard glaciers, and whether this partitioning implies any noticeable pattern in the scaling relationship parameters. Our results indicate that, for a fixed value of the factor in the scaling relationship, the exponent of the area in the volume-area relationship decreases as slope and shape increase, whereas size-based classifications do not reveal any clear trend. This means that steep slopes and cirque-type glaciers are less sensitive to changes in glacier area. Moreover, the volumes of the total population of Svalbard glaciers calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by size and slope are smaller (by 1-4%) than that obtained considering all glaciers without partitioning into subgroups, whereas the volumes calculated according to partitioning in subgroups by shape are 3-5% larger. We also did multivariate experiments attempting to optimally predict the volume of Svalbard glaciers from a combination of different predictors. Our results show that a simple power-type V-A model explains 98.6% of the variance. Only the predictor glacier length provides statistical significance when used in addition to the predictor glacier area, though the coefficient of determination decreases as compared with the simpler V-A model. The predictor elevation range did not provide any additional information when used in addition to glacier area. Our estimates of the volume of the entire population of Svalbard glaciers using the different scaling relationships that we have derived along this thesis range within 6890-8106 km3, with estimated relative errors in total volume of the order of 6.6-8.1% The average value of all of our estimates, which could be used as a best estimate for the volume, is 7,504 km3. In terms of sea-level equivalent (SLE), our volume estimates correspond to a potential contribution to sea-level rise within 17-20 mm SLE, averaging 19 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error corresponds to our estimated relative error in volume. For comparison, the estimates using the V-A scaling relations found in the literature range within 13-26 mm SLE, averaging 20 _ 2 mm SLE, where the quoted error represents the standard deviation of the different estimates.