19 resultados para Potemkin, Grigorij A.Potemkin, Grigorij A.Grigorij A.Potemkin
Titel d. Illustr.: Siegreiche Einnahme der Türkischen Vestung Oczakow der Russisch-Käyserlichen Truppen
Since the beginning of his third presidential term, Vladimir Putin has consistently invoked conservative ideology. Thus he legitimises the Kremlin’s new political strategy, the aim of which is to stabilise the regime and prevent any political mobilisation in Russia around a liberal agenda. This strategy is also intended to strengthen the legitimacy of the current model of government, by portraying it as ‘traditional’ for Russia; and to justify the government’s repressive and anti-Western policies. It also includes the policy of reintegrating the post-Soviet space under the auspices of Moscow, as evidenced by the annexation of Crimea and the Novorossiya project. This strategy was devised as a response to the galvanisation of adherents of liberalisation in Russia, namely the new middle class and a part of the business and administrative elites who publicly demonstrated their dissatisfaction with the regime in 2011 and 2012. However, the dissonance between the conservative slogans mouthed by the ruling elite and its actual conduct suggest that the Kremlin’s ‘conservative project’ is purely instrumental in nature, which in the longer term will undercut its effectiveness by undermining its credibility in the eyes of Russian society.
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms [n.d.] (American culture series, Reel 246.7)
Although many scholars recognise the great potential of games for teaching and learning, the EU-based industry for such “serious” games” is highly fragmented and its growth figures remain well behind those of the leisure game market. Serious gaming has been designated as a priority area by the European Commission in its Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The RAGE project, which is funded as part of the Horizon 2020 Programme, is a technology-driven research and innovation project that will make available a series of self-contained gaming software modules that support game studios in the development of serious games. As game studios are a critical factor in the uptake of serious games, the RAGE projects will base its work on their views and needs as to achieve maximum impact. This paper presents the results of a survey among European game studios about their development related needs and expectations. The survey is aimed at identifying a baseline reference for successfully supporting game studios with advanced ICTs for serious games.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60443
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60505
Grigorij Kreidlin (Russia). A Comparative Study of Two Semantic Systems: Body Russian and Russian Phraseology. Mr. Kreidlin teaches in the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics of the State University of Humanities in Moscow and worked on this project from August 1996 to July 1998. The classical approach to non-verbal and verbal oral communication is based on a traditional separation of body and mind. Linguists studied words and phrasemes, the products of mind activities, while gestures, facial expressions, postures and other forms of body language were left to anthropologists, psychologists, physiologists, and indeed to anyone but linguists. Only recently have linguists begun to turn their attention to gestures and semiotic and cognitive paradigms are now appearing that raise the question of designing an integral model for the unified description of non-verbal and verbal communicative behaviour. This project attempted to elaborate lexical and semantic fragments of such a model, producing a co-ordinated semantic description of the main Russian gestures (including gestures proper, postures and facial expressions) and their natural language analogues. The concept of emblematic gestures and gestural phrasemes and of their semantic links permitted an appropriate description of the transformation of a body as a purely physical substance into a body as a carrier of essential attributes of Russian culture - the semiotic process called the culturalisation of the human body. Here the human body embodies a system of cultural values and displays them in a text within the area of phraseology and some other important language domains. The goal of this research was to develop a theory that would account for the fundamental peculiarities of the process. The model proposed is based on the unified lexicographic representation of verbal and non-verbal units in the Dictionary of Russian Gestures, which the Mr. Kreidlin had earlier complied in collaboration with a group of his students. The Dictionary was originally oriented only towards reflecting how the lexical competence of Russian body language is represented in the Russian mind. Now a special type of phraseological zone has been designed to reflect explicitly semantic relationships between the gestures in the entries and phrasemes and to provide the necessary information for a detailed description of these. All the definitions, rules of usage and the established correlations are written in a semantic meta-language. Several classes of Russian gestural phrasemes were identified, including those phrasemes and idioms with semantic definitions close to those of the corresponding gestures, those phraseological units that have lost touch with the related gestures (although etymologically they are derived from gestures that have gone out of use), and phrasemes and idioms which have semantic traces or reflexes inherited from the meaning of the related gestures. The basic assumptions and practical considerations underlying the work were as follows. (1) To compare meanings one has to be able to state them. To state the meaning of a gesture or a phraseological expression, one needs a formal semantic meta-language of propositional character that represents the cognitive and mental aspects of the codes. (2) The semantic contrastive analysis of any semiotic codes used in person-to-person communication also requires a single semantic meta-language, i.e. a formal semantic language of description,. This language must be as linguistically and culturally independent as possible and yet must be open to interpretation through any culture and code. Another possible method of conducting comparative verbal-non-verbal semantic research is to work with different semantic meta-languages and semantic nets and to learn how to combine them, translate from one to another, etc. in order to reach a common basis for the subsequent comparison of units. (3) The practical work in defining phraseological units and organising the phraseological zone in the Dictionary of Russian Gestures unexpectedly showed that semantic links between gestures and gestural phrasemes are reflected not only in common semantic elements and syntactic structure of semantic propositions, but also in general and partial cognitive operations that are made over semantic definitions. (4) In comparative semantic analysis one should take into account different values and roles of inner form and image components in the semantic representation of non-verbal and verbal units. (5) For the most part, gestural phrasemes are direct semantic derivatives of gestures. The cognitive and formal techniques can be regarded as typological features for the future functional-semantic classification of gestural phrasemes: two phrasemes whose meaning can be obtained by the same cognitive or purely syntactic operations (or types of operations) over the meanings of the corresponding gestures, belong by definition to one and the same class. The nature of many cognitive operations has not been studied well so far, but the first steps towards its comprehension and description have been taken. The research identified 25 logically possible classes of relationships between a gesture and a gestural phraseme. The calculation is based on theoretically possible formal (set-theory) correlations between signifiers and signified of the non-verbal and verbal units. However, in order to examine which of them are realised in practice a complete semantic and lexicographic description of all (not only central) everyday emblems and gestural phrasemes is required and this unfortunately does not yet exist. Mr. Kreidlin suggests that the results of the comparative analysis of verbal and non-verbal units could also be used in other research areas such as the lexicography of emotions.
In den Jahren 1915 und 1916, mitten im Ersten Weltkrieg, fanden in den entlegenen bernischen Bauerndörfern Zimmerwald und Kiental sowie im Volkshaus Bern geheime Konferenzen statt, die in die Weltgeschichte eingegangen sind. Die sogenannte Zimmerwalder Bewegung prägte bis 1917 die internationale Debatte im sozialistischen Lager und wurde von den Regierungen misstrauisch verfolgt und vielfach auch behindert. Unter der Leitung des Schweizer Sozialdemokraten Robert Grimm diskutierten 1915/16 sozialistische Kriegsgegnerinnen und -gegner aus neutralen Staaten und von beiden Seiten der Kriegsfronten über ihre Massnahmen zur Beendigung des Krieges. Lenin, Lev Trockij, Grigorij Zinov’ev, Pavel Aksel’rod und Julij Martov aus Russland, Georg Ledebour, Clara Zetkin und Willi Münzenberg aus Deutschland, Alphonse Merrheim und Albert Bourderon aus Frankreich, Karl Radek aus Polen, Anželika Balabanova und Giacinto Menotti Serrati aus Italien, Cristian Racovski aus Rumänien und weitere bedeutende Persönlichkeiten der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung beteiligten sich an den Debatten. Die Tatsache, dass sich im Krieg Deutsche, Franzosen, Russen und andere auf ein gemeinsames Manifest einigen konnten, weckte unter der kriegsgeplagten Arbeiterschaft Europas neue Hoffnungen. Die Forderung nach einem Frieden ohne Annexionen und Kriegsentschädigungen war wegweisend, aber in den Friedensverhandlungen leider erfolglos. Das Buch zeichnet die faszinierende Geschichte der sozialistischen Kriegsgegnerinnen und -gegner nach und ergänzt sie durch Kurzbeiträge zu den wichtigsten Persönlichkeiten, Örtlichkeiten und Institutionen.
Grigorij Landau
Grigorij Landau
Grigorij Landau
The basic construction concepts of many-valued intellectual systems, which are adequate to primal problems of person activity and using hybrid tools with many-valued of coding are considered. The many-valued intellectual systems being two-place, but simulating neuron processes of space toting which are different on a level of actions, inertial and threshold of properties of neurons diaphragms, and also modification of frequency of following of the transmitted messages are created. All enumerated properties and functions in point of fact are essential not only are discrete on time, but also many-valued.
Este libro aborda diversos aspectos de un tema crucial en la historia contemporánea: la Unión Soviética. La Universidad del País Vasco, siguiendo la estela iniciada hace décadas en otros países, ha introducido en el plan de estudios de la carrera de Historia una asignatura optativa sobre "Historia Contemporánea y Cine", distancia que se ocuparon de acortar los estudios de, entre otros, Kracauer, Ferro, Sorlin, Paul Smith, Oms, Aldgate, Short, Jackson, O’Connor, Jarvie, Musser y Rosenstone. El cine se atreve a dar una visión diferente de la historia, que reconstruye utilizando medios distintos al del historiador. En este libro se muestran los diversos caminos que el cine tiene para acercarnos a la historia, centrándose en comentarios sobre las películas "El acorazado Potemkin", "El círculo del poder" y "Uno, dos, tres", además de una selección de documentales soviéticos sobre la Guerra Civil española y una relación no exhaustiva de otros filmes que hacen referencia a la historia de la Unión Soviética
对最近被Potemkin作为同一种处理的合叶苔属Scapania中东亚分布的三种即细齿合叶苔S. parvidens Steph.、弯瓣合叶苔S. parvitexta Steph.和灰绿合叶苔S. glaucoviridis Horik.的模式标本及相关标本进行了比较研究。结果表明, 它们仍应该作为三个独立不同的种来处理。对三个种的模式标本进行了绘图和描述, 并详细讨论了三种之间的区别。