874 resultados para Potato virus Y


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Infection of plant cells by potyviruses induces the formation of cytoplasmic inclusions ranging in size from 200 to 1000 nm. To determine if the ability to form these ordered, insoluble structures is intrinsic to the potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein, we have expressed the cytoplasmic inclusion protein from Potato virus Y in tobacco under the control of the chrysanthemum ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit promoter, a highly active, green tissue promoter. No cytoplasmic inclusions were observed in the leaves of transgenic tobacco using transmission electron microscopy, despite being able to clearly visualize these inclusions in Potato virus Y infected tobacco leaves under the same conditions. However, we did observe a wide range of tissue and sub-cellular abnormalities associated with the expression of the Potato virus Y cytoplasmic inclusion protein. These changes included the disruption of normal cell morphology and organization in leaves, mitochondrial and chloroplast internal reorganization, and the formation of atypical lipid accumulations. Despite these significant structural changes, however, transgenic tobacco plants were viable and the results are discussed in the context of potyviral cytoplasmic inclusion protein function.


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Weeds can act as important reservoirs for viruses. Solanum americanum (Black nightshade) is a common weed in Brazil and samples showing mosaic were collected from sweet pepper crops to verify the presence of viruses. One sample showed mixed infection between Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and Potato virus Y (PVY) and one sample showed simple infection by PVY. Both virus species were transmitted by plant extract and caused mosaic in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Santa Clara), sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum cv. Magda), Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabaccum TNN, and local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa, C. murale and C. amaranticolor. The coat protein sequences for CMV and PVY found in S. americanum are phylogenetically more related to isolates from tomato. We conclude that S. americanum can act as a reservoir for different viruses during and between sweet pepper crop seasons.


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Many virus diseases of economic importance to agriculture result from mixtures of different pathogens invading the host at a given time. This contrasts with the relatively scarce studies available on the molecular events associated with virus---host interactions in mixed infections. Compared with single infections, co-infection of Nicotiana benthamiana with Potato virus X (PVX) and Potato virus Y (PVY) resulted in increased systemic symptoms (synergism) that led to necrosis of the newly emerging leaves and death of the plant. A comparative transcriptional analysis was undertaken to identify quantitative and qualitative differences in gene expression during this synergistic infection and correlate these changes with the severe symptoms it caused. Global transcription profiles of doubly infected leaves were compared with those from singly infected leaves using gene ontology enrichment analysis and metabolic pathway annotator software. Functional gene categories altered by the double infection comprise suites of genes regulated coordinately, which are associated with chloroplast functions (downregulated), protein synthesis and degradation (upregulated), carbohydrate metabolism (upregulated), and response to biotic stimulus and stress (upregulated). The expressions of reactive oxygen species?generating enzymes as well as several mitogen-activated protein kinases were also significantly induced. Accordingly, synergistic infection induced a severe oxidative stress in N. benthamiana leaves, as judged by increases in lipid peroxidation and by the generation of superoxide radicals in chloroplasts, which correlated with the misregulation of antioxidative genes in microarray data. Interestingly, expression of genes encoding oxylipin biosynthesis was uniquely upregulated by the synergistic infection. Virus-induced gene silencing of ?-dioxygenase1 delayed cell death during PVX?PVY infection.


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Los virus de plantas pueden causar enfermedades severas que conllevan serias pérdidas económicas a nivel mundial. Además, en la naturaleza son comunes las infecciones simultáneas con distintos virus que conducen a la exacerbación de los síntomas de enfermedad, fenómeno al que se conoce como sinergismo viral. Una de las sintomatologías más severas causadas por los virus en plantas susceptibles es la necrosis sistémica (NS), que incluso puede conducir a la muerte del huésped. Este fenotipo ha sido comparado en ocasiones con la respuesta de resistencia de tipo HR, permitiendo establecer una serie de paralelismos entre ambos tipos de respuesta que sugieren que la NS producida en interacciones compatibles sería el resultado de una respuesta hipersensible sistémica (SHR). Sin embargo, los mecanismos moleculares implicados en el desarrollo de la NS, su relación con procesos de defensa antiviral o su relevancia biológica aún no son bien entendidos, al igual que tampoco han sido estudiados los cambios producidos en la planta a escala genómica en infecciones múltiples que muestran sinergismo en patología. En esta tesis doctoral se han empleado distintas aproximaciones de análisis de expresión génica, junto con otras técnicas genéticas y bioquímicas, en el sistema modelo de Nicotiana benthamiana para estudiar la NS producida por la infección sinérgica entre el Virus X de la patata (PVX) y diversos potyvirus. Se han comparado los cambios producidos en el huésped a nivel genómico y fisiológico entre la infección doble con PVX y el Virus Y de la patata (PVY), y las infecciones simples con PVX o PVY. Además, los cambios transcriptómicos y hormonales asociados a la infección con la quimera viral PVX/HC‐Pro, que reproduce los síntomas del sinergismo entre PVX‐potyvirus, se han comparado con aquellos producidos por otros dos tipos de muerte celular, la PCD ligada a una interacción incompatible y la PCD producida por la disfunción del proteasoma. Por último, técnicas de genética reversa han permitido conocer la implicación de factores del huésped, como las oxilipinas, en el desarrollo de la NS asociada al sinergismo entre PVXpotyvirus. Los resultados revelan que, respecto a las infecciones con solo uno de los virus, la infección doble con PVX‐PVY produce en el huésped diferencias cualitativas además de cuantitativas en el perfil transcriptómico relacionado con el metabolismo primario. Otros cambios en la expresión génica, que reflejan la activación de mecanismos de defensa, correlacionan con un fuerte estrés oxidativo en las plantas doblemente infectadas que no se detecta en las infecciones simples. Además, medidas en la acumulación de determinados miRNAs implicados en diversos procesos celulares muestran como la infección doble altera de manera diferencial tanto la acumulación de estos miRNAs como su funcionalidad, lo cual podría estar relacionado con los cambios en el transcriptoma, así como con la sintomatología de la infección. La comparación a nivel transcriptómico y hormonal entre la NS producida por PVX/HC‐Pro y la interacción incompatible del Virus del mosaico del tabaco en plantas que expresan el gen N de resistencia (SHR), muestra que la respuesta en la interacción compatible es similar a la que se produce durante la SHR, si bien se presenta de manera retardada en el tiempo. Sin embargo, los perfiles de expresión de genes de defensa y de respuesta a hormonas, así como la acumulación relativa de ácido salicílico (SA), ácido jasmonico (JA) y ácido abscísico, en la interacción compatible son más semejantes a la respuesta PCD producida por la disfunción del proteasoma que a la interacción incompatible. Estos datos sugieren una contribución de la interferencia sobre la funcionalidad del proteasoma en el incremento de la patogenicidad, observado en el sinergismo PVX‐potyvirus. Por último, los resultados obtenidos al disminuir la expresión de 9‐LOX, α‐DOX1 y COI1, relacionados con la síntesis o con la señalización de oxilipinas, y mediante la aplicación exógena de JA y SA, muestran la implicación del metabolismo de las oxilipinas en el desarrollo de la NS producida por la infección sinérgica entre PVXpotyvirus en N. benthamiana. Además, estos resultados indican que la PCD asociada a esta infección, al igual que ocurre en interacciones incompatibles, no contiene necesariamente la acumulación viral, lo cual indica que necrosis e inhibición de la multiplicación viral son procesos independientes. ABSTRACT Plant viruses cause severe diseases that lead to serious economic losses worldwide. Moreover, simultaneous infections with several viruses are common in nature leading to exacerbation of the disease symptoms. This phenomenon is known as viral synergism. Systemic necrosis (SN) is one of the most severe symptoms caused by plant viruses in susceptible plants, even leading to death of the host. This phenotype has been compared with the hypersensitive response (HR) displayed by resistant plants, and some parallelisms have been found between both responses, which suggest that SN induced by compatible interactions could be the result of a systemic hypersensitive response (SHR). However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of SN, its relationship with antiviral defence processes and its biological relevance are still unknown. Furthermore, the changes produced in plants by mixed infections that cause synergistic pathological effects have not been studied in a genome‐wide scale. In this doctoral thesis different approaches have been used to analyse gene expression, together with other genetic and biochemical techniques, in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana, in order to study the SN produced by the synergistic infection of Potato virus X (PVX) with several potyviruses. Genomic and physiological changes produced in the host by double infection with PVX and Potato virus Y (PVY), and by single infection with PVX or PVY have been compared. In addition, transcriptional and hormonal changes associated with infection by the chimeric virus PVX/HC‐Pro, which produces synergistic symptoms similar to those caused by PVX‐potyvirus, have been compared with those produced by other types of cell death. These types of cell death are: PCD associated with an incompatible interaction, and PCD produced by proteasome disruption. Finally, reverse genetic techniques have revealed the involvement of host factors, such as oxylipins, in the development of SN associated with PVX‐potyvirus synergism. The results revealed that compared with single infections, double infection with PVX‐PVY produced qualitative and quantitative differences in the transcriptome profile, mainly related to primary metabolism. Other changes in gene expression, which reflected the activation of defence mechanisms, correlated with a severe oxidative stress in doubly infected plants that was undetected in single infections. Additionally, accumulation levels of several miRNAs involved in different cellular processes were measured, and the results showed that double infection not only produced the greatest variations in miRNA accumulation levels but also in miRNA functionality. These variations could be related with transcriptomic changes and the symptomatology of the infection. Transcriptome and hormone level comparisons between SN induced by PVX/HCPro and the incompatible interaction produced by Tobacco mosaic virus in plants expressing the N resistance gene (SHR), showed some similarities between both responses, even though the compatible interaction appeared retarded in time. Nevertheless, the expression profiles of both defence‐related genes and hormoneresponsive genes, as well as the relative accumulation of salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and abscisic acid in the compatible interaction are more similar to the PCD response produced by proteasome disruption. These data suggest that interference with proteasome functionality contributes to the increase in pathogenicity associated with PVX‐potyvirus synergism. Finally, the results obtained by reducing the expression of 9‐LOX, α‐DOX1 and COI1, related with synthesis or signalling of oxylipins, and by applying exogenously JA and SA, revealed that oxylipin metabolism is involved in the development of SN induced by PVX‐potyvirus synergistic infections in N. benthamiana. Moreover, these results also indicated that PVX‐potyvirus associated PCD does not necessarily restrict viral accumulation, as is also the case in incompatible interactions. This indicates that both necrosis and inhibition of viral multiplication are independent processes.


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Viruksien käyttö tuotekehityksen ja tutkimuksen vaatimien proteiinien tuottamiseen, syötävien rokotteiden kehittämiseen ja geeniterapiaan edustavat kasvavia biotekniikan sovellusalueita. Perunan A-virus (PVA) kuuluu potyviruksiin, joiden proteiinit tuotetaan aluksi yhtenä suurena molekyylinä, joka pilkotaan yksittäisiksi proteiineiksi viruksen itsensä tuottamilla entsyymeillä. Siten virusgenomiin lisätty vieras geeni käännetään proteiiniksi virusproteiinien mukana. Lopputuloksena kaikkia proteiineja tuotetaan kasvisoluissa samansuuruinen määrä. Lisäksi, viruksen proteiinikuoren koontimekanismi sallii perintöaineksen merkittävän lisäyksen ilman että viruksen tartutuskyky merkittävästi heikkenee. Koska virus monistuu ja leviää koko kasviin, jo melko pieni määrä kasveja riittää huomattavan proteiinimäärän tuottamiseen esimerkiksi säännösten mukaisessa kasvihuoneessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli muuntaa PVA:n genomia siten, että virus soveltuisi yhden vieraan proteiinin tai useiden erilaisten proteiinien samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen kasveissa. Aluksi kokeiltiin viruksen replikaasia ja kuoriproteiinia koodaavien genomialueiden välistä kohtaa ja ihmisestä peräisi olevaa geeniä, joka tuotti S-COMT-entsyymiä (katekoli-O-metyylitransferaasi). Sen aktiivisuuden rajoittaminen auttaa Parkinsonintaudin hoidossa. Kasvissa tuotettua S-COMT:ia voitaisiin käyttää lääkekehityksessä estolääkkeiden testaukseen. Kahden viikon kuluttua tartutuksesta tupakan lehdissä oli entsymaattisesti aktiivista S-COMT:ia n. 1 % lehden liukoisista proteiineista. PVA:n P1-proteiinia koodaavalta alueelta oli paikannettu kohta, johon ehkä voitaisiin siirtää vieras geeni. Asia varmistettiin siirtämällä tähän kohtaan meduusan geeni, joka tuottaa UV-valossa vihreänä fluoresoivaa proteiinia (GFP). GFP-geeniä kantava PVA levisi kasvissa ja lisääntyi n. 30-50 %:iin viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Koko kasvi fluoresoi vihreänä UV-valossa. Vieras geeni voidaan sijoittaa myös potyviruksen P1- ja HCpro-proteiineja koodaavien alueiden väliin. Samaan PVA-genomiin siirrettiin kolme geeniä, yksi kuhunkin kolmesta kloonauskohdasta: GFP-geeni P1:n sisälle, merivuokon lusiferaasigeeni P1/HCpro-kohtaan ja bakteerin beta-glukuronidaasigeeni (GUS) replikaasi/kuoriproteiini-kohtaan. Virusgenomin ja itse viruksen pituudet kasvoivat 38 %, mutta virus säilytti tartutuskykynsä. Se levisi kasveissa saavuttaen n. 15 % viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Kaikki kolme vierasta proteiinia esiintyivät lehdissä aktiivisina.


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The potato virus A (PVA) genome linked protein (VPg) is a multifunctional protein that takes part in vital infection cycle events such as replication and movement of the virus from cell to cell. VPg is attached to the 5´ end of the genome and is carried in the tip structure of the filamentous virus particle. VPg is also the last protein to be cleaved from the polyprotein. VPg interacts with several viral and host proteins and is phosphorylated at several positions. These features indicate a central role in virus epidemiology and a requirement for an efficient but flexible mechanism for switching between different functions. -- This study examines some of the key VPg functions in more detail. Mutations in the positively charged region from Ala38 to Lys44 affected the NTP binding, uridylylation, and in vitro translation inhibition activities of VPg, whereas in vivo translation inhibition was not affected. Some of the data generated in this study implicated the structural flexibility of the protein in functional activities. VPg lacks a rigid structure, which could allow it to adapt conformationally to different functions as needed. A major finding of this study is that PVA VPg belongs to the class of ´intrinsically disordered proteins´ (IDPs). IDPs are a novel protein class that has helped to explain the observed lack of structure. The existence of IDPs clearly shows that proteins can be functional and adapt a native fold without a rigid structure. Evidence for the intrinsic disorder of VPg was provided by CD spectroscopy, NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy, bioinformatic analysis, and limited proteolytic digestion. The structure of VPg resembles that of a molten globule-type protein and has a hydrophobic core domain. Approximately 50% of the protein is disordered and an α-helical stabilization of these regions has been hypothesized. Surprisingly, VPg structure was stabilized in the presence of anionic lipid vesicles. The stabilization was accompanied by a change in VPg structure and major morphological modifications of the vesicles, including a pronounced increase in the size and appearance of pore or plaque like formations on the vesicle surface. The most likely scenario seems to be an α-helical stabilization of VPg which induces formation of a pore or channel-like structure on the vesicle surface. The size increase is probably due to fusion or swelling of the vesicles. The latter hypothesis is supported by the evident disruption of the vesicles after prolonged incubation with VPg. A model describing the results is presented and discussed in relation to other known properties of the protein.


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The particles of Potato virus A (PVA; genus Potyvirus) are helically constructed filaments that contain multiple copies of a single type of coat-protein (CP) subunit and a single copy of genome-linked protein (VPg), attached to one end of the virion. Examination of negatively-stained virions by electron microscopy revealed flexuous, rod-shaped particles with no obvious terminal structures. It is known that particles of several filamentous plant viruses incorporate additional minor protein components, forming stable complexes that mediate particle disassembly, movement or transmission by insect vectors. The first objective of this work was to study the interaction of PVA movement-associated proteins with virus particles and how these interactions contribute to the morphology and function of the virus particles. Purified particles of PVA were examined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and immuno-gold electron microscopy. A protrusion was found at one end of some of the potyvirus particles, associated with the 5' end of the viral RNA. The tip contained two virus-encoded proteins, the genome-linked protein (VPg) and the helper-component proteinase (HC-Pro). Both are required for cell-to-cell movement of the virus. Biochemical and electron microscopy studies of purified PVA samples also revealed the presence of another protein required for cell-to-cell movement the cylindrical inclusion protein (CI), which is also an RNA helicase/ATPase. Centrifugation through a 5-40% sucrose gradient separated virus particles with no detectable CI to a fraction that remained in the gradient, from the CI-associated particles that went to the pellet. Both types of particles were infectious. AFM and translation experiments demonstrated that when the viral CI was not present in the sample, PVA virions had a beads-on-a-string phenotype, and RNA within the virus particles was more accessible to translation. The second objective of this work was to study phosphorylation of PVA movement-associated and structural proteins (CP and VPg) in vitro and, if possible, in vivo. PVA virion structural protein CP is necessary for virus cell-to-cell movement. The tobacco protein kinase CK2 was identified as a kinase phosphorylating PVA CP. A major site of CK2 phosphorylation in PVA CP was identified as a single threonine within a CK2 consensus sequence. Amino acid substitutions affecting the CK2 consensus sequence in CP resulted in viruses that were defective in cell-to-cell and long-distance movement. The CK2 regulation of virion assembly and cell-to-cell movement by phosphorylation of CP was possibly due to the inhibition of CP binding to viral RNA. Four putative phosphorylation sites were identified from an in vitro phosphorylated recombinant VPg. All four were mutated and the spread of mutant viruses in two different host plants was studied. Two putative phosphorylation site mutants (Thr45 and Thr49) had phenotypes identical to that of a wild type (WT) virus infection in both Nicotiana benthamiana and N. tabacum plants. The other two mutant viruses (Thr132/Ser133 and Thr168) showed different phenotypes with increased or decreased accumulation rates, respectively, in inoculated and the first two systemically infected leaves of N. benthamiana. The same mutants were occasionally restricted to single cells in N. tabacum plants, suggesting the importance of these amino acids in the PVA infection cycle in N. tabacum.


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Plus-stranded (plus) RNA viruses multiply within a cellular environment as tightly integrated units and rely on the genetic information carried within their genomes for multiplication and, hence, persistence. The minimal genomes of plus RNA viruses are unable to encode the molecular machineries that are required for virus multiplication. This sets requisites for the virus, which must form compatible interactions with host components during multiplication to successfully utilize primary metabolites as building blocks or metabolic energy, and to divert the protein synthesis machinery for production of viral proteins. In fact, the emerging picture of a virus-infected cell displays tight integration with the virus, from simple host and virus protein interactions through to major changes in the physiological state of the host cell. This study set out to develop a method for the identification of host components, mainly host proteins, that interact with proteins of Potato virus A (PVA; Potyvirus) during infection. This goal was approached by developing affinity-tag based methods for the purification of viral proteins complexed with associated host proteins from infected plants. Using this method, host membrane-associated viral ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes were obtained, and several host and viral proteins could be identified as components of these complexes. One of the host proteins identified using this strategy was a member of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) family, and this protein was chosen for further analysis. To enable the analysis of viral gene expression, a second method was developed based on Agrobacterium-mediated virus genome delivery into plant cells, and detection of virally expressed Renilla luciferase (RLUC) as a quantitative measure of viral gene expression. Using this method, it was observed that down-regulation of HSP70 caused a PVA coat protein (CP)-mediated defect associated with replication. Further experimentation suggested that CP can inhibit viral gene expression and that a distinct translational activity coupled to replication, referred to as replication-associated translation (RAT), exists. Unlike translation of replication-deficient viral RNA, RAT was dependent on HSP70 and its co-chaperone CPIP. HSP70 and CPIP together regulated CP turnover by promoting its modification by ubiquitin. Based on these results, an HSP70 and CPIP-driven mechanism that functions to regulate CP during viral RNA replication and/or translation is proposed, possibly to prevent premature particle assembly caused by CP association with viral RNA.


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Peruna kestää A-virusta estämällä sen leviämistä Peruna on maissin ohella maailman kolmanneksi tärkein ravintokasvi vehnän ja riisin jälkeen. Perunaa lisätään kasvullisesti mukuloita istuttamalla, jolloin virukset siirtyvät sairaiden siemenmukuloiden välityksellä kasvukaudesta toiseen. Virustauteja voi torjua ainoastaan terveen siemenperunan ja kestävien lajikkeiden avulla. Kestävyys perustuu usein siihen, että kasvi estää viruksen leviämisen tartuntakohdasta välttyäkseen virustaudilta. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kolmea perunan A-viruksen (PVA) liikkumista estävää kestävyysmekanismia perunassa. Lisäksi työn kokeelliseen osaan oleellisesti kuuluvaa virustartutusta varten kehitettiin uusi paranneltu versio geenipyssystä. Tämä itse rakennettu laite optimoitiin PVA:n tartuttamiseen mahdollisimman helposti ja pienin käyttökustannuksin. Tutkimuksen kohteena olleessa perunan risteytysjälkeläistössä oli PVA:ta kestäviä kasveja (ryhmä nnr), jotka estivät viruksen liikkumisen aiheuttamatta oireita tartutuskohdassa, sekä kasveja, joissa PVA aiheutti kuolioläikkinä näkyvän yliherkkyysvasteen (ryhmä HR). Molemmissa kestävyystyypeissä virus pystyi monistumaan ja leviämään solusta soluun paikallisesti, mutta liikkuminen muihin kasvinosiin nilan kautta estyi. Ryhmän nnr kasveissa PVA-tartunta ei aiheuttanut tilastollisesti merkitsevää muutosta useimpien geenien ilmenemiseen tartuntakohdassa. Ainoastaan geeniperhe, joka ilmentää tiettyä proteinaasi-inhibiittoria (PI), reagoi PVA:han 24 tuntia tartutuksesta. Kun tämän PVA:han reagoivan geeniperheen jäsenet hiljennettiin nnr- perunalinjoissa, ne muuttuivat alttiiksi PVA:lle ja virus levisi tartuntakohdasta muihin kasvinosiin. Tulos osoittaa, että PI on viruskestävyystekijä. Lisäksi muut tutkimuksessa saadut tulokset tukevat mahdollisuutta, että PI estää PVA:n P1-proteinaasin toimintaa. HR-linjoissa todettiin erilaisiin puolustusvasteisiin liittyvien PR-geenien aktivoitumista PVA-tartunnan seurauksena, mutta myös ilman sitä kasvien kasvettua mullassa noin neljä viikkoa. Sen sijaan solukkoviljelyssä tai vasta kaksi viikkoa mullassa kasvaneissa kasveissa vastaavaa ei vielä todettu. Tulos viittaa siihen, että HR-perunat reagoivat herkemmin ympäristöön ja/tai kasvin kehitysasteeseen laukaisten puolustusvasteita, jotka saattavat parantaa kestävyyttä taudinaiheuttajia vastaan. Kolmas tutkittu kestävyystyyppi havaittiin Pito-perunalajikkeessa. Se muistutti nnr-kestävyyttä siten, että myös siinä viruksen liikkuminen nilassa muihin kasvinosiin estyi. PVA:n todettiin pysähtyvän vasta lehtiruodin tyvelle muodostuvaan irtoamisvyöhykkeeseen, mitä havainnollistettiin käyttämällä muunnettua PVA-rotua, joka tuotti UV-valossa fluoresoivaa vihreää valoa. Tulos viittaa siihen, että virus ei pääse kulkemaan vyöhykkeeseen kuuluvan suojaavan kerroksen läpi, jollei sillä ole pääsyä nilaan. Tällainen kestävyys on tarpeen, jotta virus ei voi korvata nilakuljetusta solusta soluun leviämisellä. Tulokset tuovat uusia näkökulmia kasvien viruskestävyyteen ja auttavat selittämään viruksen nilakuljetuksen estymistä sekä solusta soluun leviämisen pysähtymistä kestävissä kasveissa.


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Perunalla (Solanum tuberosum L.) tällä hetkellä maailmanlaajuisesti eniten sato- ja laatutappioita aiheuttaa perunan Y-virus (PVY). Vaikka pelkän Y-viruksen aiheuttamaa satotappiota on vaikea mitata, on sen arvioitu olevan 20-80 %. Viruksen tärkein leviämistapa on viroottinen siemenperuna. Korkealaatuinen siemenperuna on edellytys ruoka-, ruokateollisuus- ja tärkkelysperunan tuotannolle. Kasvuston silmämääräinen tarkastelu aliarvioi yleensä Y-viruksen esiintyvyyttä. Laboratoriotestauksen avulla saadaan tarkempi tieto pellolta korjatun sadon saastunta-asteesta. Ongelmana Y-viruksen testaamisessa on, että sitä ei havaita dormanssissa olevista perunoista otetuista näytteistä yhtä luotettavasti kuin jo dormanssin ohittaneista perunoista testattaessa. Erilaisia menetelmiä kemikaaleista (Rindite, bromietaani) kasvihormoneihin (mm. gibberelliinihappo) ja varastointiolosuhteiden muutoksiin (kylmä- ja lämpökäsittely) on kokeiltu perunan dormanssin purkamiseen, mutta tulokset ovat olleet vaihtelevia. Tässä tutkielmassa perunan dormanssin purkamiseen käytettiin happi-hiilidioksidikäsittelyä (O2 40 % ja CO2 20 %) eripituisina käsittelyaikoina. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako käsittely perunan itämiseen ja dormanssin luontaista aikaisempaan purkautumiseen tai Y-viruksen havaitsemiseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, voiko Y-viruksen määrittämisen ELISA-testillä (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) tehdä yhtä luotettavasti myös muista kasvinosista (mukula, itu), kuin tällä hetkellä yleisesti käytetystä perunan lehdestä. Idätyskäsittelyn vaikutuksista dormanssin purkautumiseen saatiin vaihtelevia, eikä kovinkaan yleistettäviä tuloksia. Käsittelyn ei myöskään havaittu vaikuttavan PYY-viroottisuuden havaitsemiseen eri näytemateriaaleilla testattaessa. Kun eri kasvinosien toimivuutta testissä vertailtiin, mukulamateriaalin todettiin aliarvioivan PVY-viroottisuutta kaikissa kokeissa. Myös itumateriaali aliarvioi pääsääntöisesti PVY-viroottisuutta ELISA:lla tehdyissä määrityksissä. Luotettavin testimateriaali oli perunan lehti.


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Se establecieron dos ensayos con el objetivo de determinar en que condición de cultivo se induce: 1) mayor cantidad de plantas libres del DMV diagnosticado con la prueba ELISA; 2) mayor cantidad de callos y plantas regeneradas a partir de callos en tres genotipos de quequisque. Ambos ensayos se iniciaron utilizando meristemos como explantes. Los ensayos se establecieron en esquema de diseño DCA bifactorial: a) genotipos de quequisque, Masaya (My), Nueva Guinea (NG) y Blanco (Bco); b) 5 variantes medios de cultivos. Se realizaron 3 pruebas ELISA a plantas de los tres genotipos que presentasen síntomas del DMV en el campo, a plantas del campo seleccionadas al azar y a plantas provenientes del cultivo de meristemos. En el ensayo de saneamiento del DMV se empleó en el medio MS suplido con combinaciones de AIA y 6-BAP, y para el ensayo de producción de callos se utilizaron combinaciones de 2,4-D y 6-BAP. La regeneración de plantas a partir de callos se logró en el medio MS sencillo. El desarrollo de los explantes en el primer ensayo se cuantificó utilizando escalas arbitrarias para el color y el crecimiento. En el segundo ensayo se utilizó una escala para medir el desarrollo. A los datos de cada variable se realizó un ANDEVA y la prueba de rangos múltiples Tukey, al α= 0.05, cuando hubo diferencias estadísticas entre tratamientos. Cien porciento de las muestras de hojas de plantas de los 3 genotipos que presentaban síntomas del DMV en el campo, resultaron positivas. Las plantas del campo de los genotipos My, NG y Bco elegidas al azar, registraron 88.32, 98.70 y el 90.00% de infección con el DMV; en cambio las plantas in vitro registraron 93.7, 100 y 100% libres de DMV en los mismos genotiposrespectivamente. A los 90 días de establecido el primer ensayo, el medio MS sin reguladores de crecimiento resultó estadísticamente superior con 84% de explantes creciendo y 8% plantas formadas. El medio MS + 1 mgl-16-BAP + 1 mgl-1 AIA registró los valores más discretos con 53% de explantes sin crecer y 41% plantas creciendo. El genotipo My fue superior en todos los medios con 90% de explantes creciendo y 7% plantas formadas. El genotipo Bco registró los más bajos valores con 58% de explantes sin crecer y 5% plantas formadas. Las variables color y crecimiento reportaron similar comportamiento. El medio de cultivo testigo fue estadísticamente superior con 64% de explantes color verde, 30% amarillo y 6% necróticos. El genotipo My sobresalió con 40% de explantes amarillos y 60% verdes. Los genotipos NG y Bco tuvieron comportamientos similares. En el ensayo de producción de callos, tres tratamientos resultaron estadísticamente superiores: el genotipo NG en el medio MS + 3 mgl-12,4-D (60% de explantes formando callos) y el genotipo Masaya en los medios MS+ 5 mg l-12,4-D y MS + 3 mg l-12,4-D (26.7 y 40% callos formados, respectivamente). No se registraron diferencias estadísticas entre los genotipos (16, 17 y 17% callos formados). El medio de cultivo MS + 3 mg l-12,4-D indujo la formación de 4% callos y 44% plantas. El medio de cultivo testigo (MS sin reguladores de crecimiento) resultó en 47% explantes sin crecer y ningún callo formado. Después de los 60 días del trasplante de los callos a un medio sin hormonas, los genotipos Masaya, Nueva Guinea y Blanco reportaron que el 94, 83 y 58 % regeneraron yemas respectivamente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)