969 resultados para Potassium Chlorate


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The ability to initiate and manipulate flowering with KClO3 allows flowering of longan, to be triggered outside of the normal flowering season (July-September) in Australia. Fruit maturity following normal flowering will occur approximately six-eight months (180-220 days) from flowering, depending on variety. Out of season flowering will result in differing times to maturity due to different temperature regimes during the maturity period. Knowing how long fruit will take to mature from different KClO3 application dates is potentially a valuable tool for growers to use as it would allow them to time their applications with market opportunities, e.g. Chinese New Year, periods of low volumes or periods of high prices. A simple heat-sum calculation was shown to reliably quantify fruit maturity periods, 2902 and 3432 growing degree days for Kohala and Biew Kiew respectively. Growers can use heat-sum as a predictive tool to allow for efficient planning of harvesting, packaging and freight requirements.


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The effect of past mechanical history on the subsequent thermal decomposition kinetics of sodium, potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates, has been investigated. At low temperatures the decomposition of all these salts is significantly sensitized by pre-compression. At high temperatures, however, prior compression results in a lowered decomposition rate in the case of potassium, rubidium and caesium perchlorates and in an increase in the thermal reactivity of sodium perchlorate. The high temperature behaviour is shown to be an indirect consequence of the low temperature behaviour. The difference in behaviour between sodium perchlorate and the other alkali metal perchlorates is explained on the basis of the stability of the respective chlorates, formed during the low temperature decomposition. This is substantiated by experiments which show that the addition of sodium chlorate to sodium perchlorate brings about a sensitization while potassium perchlorate admixed with potassium chlorate results in a desensitization at high temperatures.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O processo de beneficiamento do zinco, extraído em Vazante pela Companhia Mineira de Metais - CMM produz um rejeito alcalino e com baixa disponibilidade de nutrientes. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o potencial de utilização de espécies leguminosas noduladas e micorrizadas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Neste sentido, foram instalados dois experimentos de campo onde foi realizado o plantio prévio de Brachiaria sp. O primeiro experimento foi composto por 36 tratamentos que foram formados por uma combinação de 17 espécies + 1 testemunha (ausência de plantas) na presença e na ausência de esterco de curral (2,0 L) na cova de plantio. Cada unidade experimental foi formada por 20 exemplares da mesma espécie que foram plantadas em covas abertas manualmente (25 x 25 x 25 cm) num espaçamento de 2 x 2 m. Todas as covas receberam a adubação básica formada por 125 g de superfosfato simples e 60 g de cloreto de potássio. Entre as 17 espécies avaliadas, 3 não pertencem a família Leguminosae e receberam, além da adubação básica, cerca de 25 g de sulfato de amônio por cobertura. O segundo experimento foi montado com o objetivo de avaliar o potencial de espécies leguminosas beneficiarem o estabelecimento e crescimento de espécies não leguminosas na revegetação de barragem de rejeito da CMM. Foram utilizadas três espécies leguminosas (Enterolobium scomburkii, Acacia mangium e Acacia holosericea) e três não leguminosas (Lithraea brasiliensis, Cinnamomum glaziovii e Eugenia jambolana) num esquema fatorial (3 x 3) + 1 testemunha, formando dez tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso com três repetições. Cada parcela foi formada por 20 plantas (10 leguminosas + 10 não leguminosas) plantadas em espaçamento 2 x 2 m e com a mesma adubação básica utilizada no primeiro experimento. Todas as espécies leguminosas utilizadas foram previamente inoculadas com estirpes selecionadas de bactérias fixadoras de Nitrogênio atmosférico e com uma mistura de fungos micorrízicos provenientes da Embrapa/Agrobiologia. Os experimentos foram avaliados quanto ao estabelecimento e crescimento de plantas (altura e diâmetro do colo) aos 4, 12 e 24 meses após o plantio. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que dentre as espécies avaliadas, as mais indicadas para a primeira etapa da revegetação da barragem de rejeito da CMM são: Acacia holosericea, Acacia farnesiana, Acacia auriculiformis, Mimosa caesalpiniifolia, Leucaena leucocephala, Mimosa birmucronata, Enterolobium schomburkii e Prosopis juliflora. O sucesso do consórcio de espécies leguminosas e não leguminosas depende da escolha das espécies a serem combinadas, de maneira que não exista uma efetiva competição por água, nutrientes e luz que possa prejudicar as espécies de menor plasticidade. Das combinações avaliadas, as de maiores potencialidades para o programa de revegetação das barragens de rejeito da CMM são aquelas envolvendo a espécieLithraea brasiliensis.


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Potassium chlorate (KClO3) treatments are known to promote flowering in longan plants. Potential effects of KClO3 on Phalaenopsis orchid flowering were investigated in the present study. However, increasing application concentrations of 2, 4, 8 and 16 mmol/L KClO3 delayed spike emergence by 5, 6, 18 and 26 days, respectively Moreover, they reduced final spike length by 2.1%, 4.0%, 16.2% and 46.1%, respectively. Nonetheless, application of KClO3 at 4 and 8 mmol/L advanced the time to appearance of the first open flower by 13 and 24 days, respectively. Use of 8 mmol/L KClO3 also increased the number of floral buds by 16%. Treatments with KClO3 tended to reduce flower size. Overall, the data suggest that application of KClO3 at an appropriate concentration (e.g. 8 mmol/L) can increase the number of floral buds and advance the time to Phalaenopsis orchid flowering, but may reduce flower size. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dynamic and controlled rate thermal analysis (CRTA) has been used to characterise alunites of formula [M(Al)3(SO4)2(OH)6 ] where M+ is the cations K+, Na+ or NH4+. Thermal decomposition occurs in a series of steps. (a) dehydration, (b) well defined dehydroxylation and (c) desulphation. CRTA offers a better resolution and a more detailed interpretation of water formation processes via approaching equilibrium conditions of decomposition through the elimination of the slow transfer of heat to the sample as a controlling parameter on the process of decomposition. Constant-rate decomposition processes of water formation reveal the subtle nature of dehydration and dehydroxylation.


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Structural changes in intercalated kaolinite after wet ball-milling were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface area (SSA) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The X-ray diffraction pattern at room temperature indicated that the intercalation of potassium acetate into kaolinite causes an increase of the basal spacing from 0.718 to 1.42 nm, and with the particle size reduction, the surface area increased sharply with the intercalation and delamination by ball-milling. The wet ball-milling kaolinite after intercalation did not change the structural order, and the particulates have high aspect ratio according SEM images.


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The thermal decomposition of halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation compound was investigated by thermogravimetric analysis and infrared emission spectroscopy. The X-ray diffraction patterns indicated that intercalation of potassium acetate into halloysite caused an increase of the basal spacing from 1.00 to 1.41 nm. The thermogravimetry results show that the mass losses of intercalation the compound occur in main three main steps, which correspond to (a) the loss of adsorbed water (b) the loss of coordination water and (c) the loss of potassium acetate and dehydroxylation. The temperature of dehydroxylation and dehydration of halloysite is decreased about 100 °C. The infrared emission spectra clearly show the decomposition and dehydroxylation of the halloysite intercalation compound when the temperature is raised. The dehydration of the intercalation compound is followed by the loss of intensity of the stretching vibration bands at region 3600-3200 cm-1. Dehydroxylation is followed by the decrease in intensity in the bands between 3695 and 3620 cm-1. Dehydration was completed by 300 °C and partial dehydroxylation by 350 °C. The inner hydroxyl group remained until around 500 °C.


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This paper presents an immersion method for preparing the kaolinite-potassium acetate intercalation complexes. The effectiveness of intercalation and influencing factors were analysed and evaluated. The results show that the intercalation of kaolinite by potassium acetate is strongly related to crystallinity of kaolinite, concentration of intercalating agent solution, aging time and pH. The well-crystallized kaolinite is conducive to intercalation by potassium acetate. A higher concentration of intercalating agent (≥30%) can complete the intercalation in a short time (<12h), but at lower concentrations intercalation took significantly longer (≥144h). The weak alkaline condition of pH=10 proved to be the most suitable environment for the formation of intercalation complex. A good intercalated complex can be obtained at room temperature.


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The thermal behavior and decomposition of kaolinite-potassium acetate intercalation complex was investigated through a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and infrared emission spectroscopy. Three main changes were observed at 48, 280, 323 and 460 °C which were attributed to (a) the loss of adsorbed water (b) loss of the water coordinated to acetate ion in the layer of kaolinite (c) loss of potassium acetate in the complex and (d) water through dehydroxylation. It is proposed that the KAc intercalation complex is stability except heating at above 300 °C. The infrared emission spectra clearly show the decomposition and dehydroxylation of the kaolinite intercalation complex when the temperature is raised. The dehydration of the intercalation complex is followed by the loss of intensity of the stretching vibration bands at region 3600-3200 cm-1. Dehydroxylation is followed by the decrease in intensity in the bands between 3695 and 3620 cm-1. Dehydration is completed by 400 °C and partial dehydroxylation by 650 °C. The inner hydroxyl group remained until around 700 °C.


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Mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy have been used to study the molecular structure of halloysite and potassium acetate intercalated halloysite and to determine the structural changes of halloysite through intercalation. The MIR spectra show all fundamental vibrations including the hydroxyl units, basic aluminosilicate framework and water molecules in the structure of halloysite and its intercalation complex. Comparison between halloysite and halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex shows almost all bands observed for halloysite are also observed for halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex apart from bands observed in the 1700-1300 cm-1 region, but with differences in band intensity. However, NIR, based on MIR spectra, provide sufficient evidence to analyze the structural changes of halloysite through intercalation. There are obvious differences between halloysite and halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex in the all spectral ranges. Therefore, the reproducibility of measurement and richness of qualitative information should be simultaneously considered for proper selection of a spectroscopic method for molecular structural analysis.


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A series of kaolinite-potassium acetate intercalation composite was prepared. The thermal behavior and decomposition of these composites were investigated by simultaneous differential scanning calorimetry-thermogravimetric analysis (DSC-TGA), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier-transformation infrared (FT-IR). The XRD pattern at room temperature indicated that intercalation of potassium acetate into kaolinite causes an increase of the basal spacing from 0.718 to 1.428nm. The peak intensity of the expanded phase of the composite decreased with heating above 300°C, and the basal spacing reduced to 1.19nm at 350°C and 0.718nm at 400°C. These were supported by DSC-TGA and FT-IR measurements, where the endothermic reactions are observed between 300 and 600°C. These reactions can be divided into two stages: 1) Removal of the intercalated molecules between 300-400°C. 2) Dehydroxylation of kaolinite between 400-600°C. Significant changes were observed in the infrared bands assigned to outer surface hydroxyl, inner surface hydroxyl, inner hydroxyl and hydrogen bands.


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Background Alcoholism imposes a tremendous social and economic burden. There are relatively few pharmacological treatments for alcoholism, with only moderate efficacy, and there is considerable interest in identifying additional therapeutic options. Alcohol exposure alters SK-type potassium channel (SK) function in limbic brain regions. Thus, positive SK modulators such as chlorzoxazone (CZX), a US Food and Drug Administration–approved centrally acting myorelaxant, might enhance SK function and decrease neuronal activity, resulting in reduced alcohol intake. Methods We examined whether CZX reduced alcohol consumption under two-bottle choice (20% alcohol and water) in rats with intermittent access to alcohol (IAA) or continuous access to alcohol (CAA). In addition, we used ex vivo electrophysiology to determine whether SK inhibition and activation can alter firing of nucleus accumbens (NAcb) core medium spiny neurons. Results Chlorzoxazone significantly and dose-dependently decreased alcohol but not water intake in IAA rats, with no effects in CAA rats. Chlorzoxazone also reduced alcohol preference in IAA but not CAA rats and reduced the tendency for rapid initial alcohol consumption in IAA rats. Chlorzoxazone reduction of IAA drinking was not explained by locomotor effects. Finally, NAcb core neurons ex vivo showed enhanced firing, reduced SK regulation of firing, and greater CZX inhibition of firing in IAA versus CAA rats. Conclusions The potent CZX-induced reduction of excessive IAA alcohol intake, with no effect on the more moderate intake in CAA rats, might reflect the greater CZX reduction in IAA NAcb core firing observed ex vivo. Thus, CZX could represent a novel and immediately accessible pharmacotherapeutic intervention for human alcoholism. Key Words: Alcohol intake; intermittent; neuro-adaptation; nucleus accumbens; SK potassium channel


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1. Both dietary magnesium depletion and potassium depletion (confirmed by tissue analysis) were induced in rats which were then compared with rats treated with chlorothiazide (250 mg/kg diet) and rats on a control synthetic diet. 2. Brain and muscle intracellular pH was measured by using a surface coil and [31P]-NMR to measure the chemical shift of inorganic phosphate. pH was also measured in isolated perfused hearts from control and magnesium-deficient rats. Intracellular magnesium status was assessed by measuring the chemical shift of β-ATP in brain. 3. There was no evidence for magnesium deficiency in the chlorothiazide-treated rats on tissue analysis or on chemical shift of β-ATP in brain. Both magnesium and potassium deficiency, but not chlorothiazide treatment, were associated with an extracellular alkalosis. 4. Magnesium deficiency led to an intracellular alkalosis in brain, muscle and heart. Chlorothiazide treatment led to an alkalosis in brain. Potassium deficiency was associated with a normal intracellular pH in brain and muscle. 5. Magnesium depletion and chlorothiazide treatment produce intracellular alkalosis by unknown mechanism(s).


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Utilizing a mono-specific antiserum produced in rabbits to hog kidney aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), the enzyme was localized in rat kidney by immunoperoxidase staining. AADC was located predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubules; there was also weak staining in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts. An increase in dietary potassium or sodium intake produced no change in density or distribution of AADC staining in kidney. An assay of AADC enzyme activity showed no difference in cortex or medulla with chronic potassium loading. A change in distribution or activity of renal AADC does not explain the postulated dopaminergic modulation of renal function that occurs with potassium or sodium loading.