919 resultados para Postoperative complication
Objectives: The stair-climbing test as measured in meters or number of steps has been proposed to predict the risk of postoperative complications. The study objective was to determine whether the stair-climbing time can predict the risk of postoperative complications. Methods: Patients aged more than 18 years with a recommendation of thoracotomy for lung resection were included in the study. Spirometry was performed according to the criteria by the American Thoracic Society. The stair-climbing test was performed on shaded stairs with a total of 12.16 m in height, and the stair-climbing time in seconds elapsed during the climb of the total height was measured. The accuracy test was applied to obtain stair-climbing time predictive values, and the receiver operating characteristic curve was calculated. Variables were tested for association with postoperative cardiopulmonary complications using the Student t test for independent populations, the Mann-Whitney test, and the chi-square or Fisher exact test. Logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: Ninety-eight patients were evaluated. Of these, 27 showed postoperative complications. Differences were found between the groups for age and attributes obtained from the stair-climbing test. The cutoff point for stair-climbing time obtained from the receiver operating characteristic curve was 37.5 seconds. No differences were found between the groups for forced expiratory volume in 1 second. In the logistic regression, stair-climbing time was the only variable associated with postoperative complications, suggesting that the risk of postoperative complications increases with increased stair-climbing time. Conclusions: The only variable showing association with complications, according to multivariate analysis, was stair-climbing time. © 2013 by The American Association for Thoracic Surgery.
BACKGROUND: Sepsis is a threatening postoperative complication especially in small infants. Regarding the advances in perinatal medicine, its incidence is unknown to date. We aimed to investigate the incidence, risk factors, laboratory findings and outcome of postoperative sepsis in infants younger than 6 months old. METHODS: We examined postoperative sepsis in babies below 6 months of age during a 4-year period at a tertiary pediatric institution. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative sepsis was 6.9%. Laparotomy with enterotomy, thoracotomy and diaphragmatic hernia repair (P<0.05, respectively) as well as low postnatal age and long operation time (P<0.001, respectively) were correlated with the incidence of sepsis. Significant independent predictors for the development of sepsis were the presence of a central venous catheter and perioperative antibiotic treatment (P<0.001, respectively). Coagulase negative Staphylococci were the major infecting organism associated with postoperative sepsis, accounting for 53% of monomicrobial infections. Complete blood counts with differential were not different between infants with sepsis and controls, who had undergone the same surgical procedures. Outcome was favorable in all cases; however, the length of hospital stay was significantly longer in sepsis patients (P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Postoperative sepsis syndrome is a frequent complication in infants below 6 months of age and causes significant prolongation of hospital stay. Adequate prevention and therapeutic strategies warrant further prospective investigations.
BACKGROUND Anesthetics and neuraxial anesthesia commonly result in vasodilation/hypotension. Norepinephrine counteracts this effect and thus allows for decreased intraoperative hydration. The authors investigated whether this approach could result in reduced postoperative complication rate. METHODS In this single-center, double-blind, randomized, superiority trial, 166 patients undergoing radical cystectomy and urinary diversion were equally allocated to receive 1 ml·kg·h of balanced Ringer's solution until the end of cystectomy and then 3 ml·kg·h until the end of surgery combined with preemptive norepinephrine infusion at an initial rate of 2 µg·kg·h (low-volume group; n = 83) or 6 ml·kg·h of balanced Ringer's solution throughout surgery (control group; n = 83). Primary outcome was the in-hospital complication rate. Secondary outcomes were hospitalization time, and 90-day mortality. RESULTS In-hospital complications occurred in 43 of 83 patients (52%) in the low-volume group and in 61 of 83 (73%) in the control group (relative risk, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.55-0.88; P = 0.006). The rates of gastrointestinal and cardiac complications were lower in the low-volume group than in the control group (5 [6%] vs. 31 [37%]; relative risk, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.07-0.39; P < 0.0001 and 17 [20%] vs. 39 [48%], relative risk, 0.43; 95% CI, 0.26-0.60; P = 0.0003, respectively). The median hospitalization time was 15 days [range, 11, 27d] in the low-volume group and 17 days [11, 95d] in the control group (P = 0.02). The 90-day mortality was 0% in the low-volume group and 4.8% in the control group (P = 0.12). CONCLUSION A restrictive-deferred hydration combined with preemptive norepinephrine infusion during radical cystectomy and urinary diversion significantly reduced the postoperative complication rate and hospitalization time.
PURPOSE To review records of 330 patients who underwent surgery for femoral neck fractures with or without preoperative anticoagulation therapy. METHODS Medical records of 235 women and 95 men aged 48 to 103 years (mean, 81.6; standard deviation [SD], 13.1) who underwent surgery for femoral neck fractures with or without preoperative anticoagulation therapy were reviewed. 30 patients were on warfarin, 105 on aspirin, 28 on clopidogrel, and 167 were controls. The latter 3 groups were combined as the non-warfarin group and compared with the warfarin group. Hospital mortality, time from admission to surgery, length of hospital stay, return to theatre, and postoperative complications (wound infection, deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism) were assessed. RESULTS The warfarin and control groups were significantly younger than the clopidogrel and aspirin groups (80.8 vs. 80.0 vs. 84.2 vs. 83.7 years, respectively, p<0.05). 81% of the patients underwent surgery within 48 hours of admission. The overall mean time from admission to surgery was 1.8 days; it was longer in the warfarin than the aspirin, clopidogrel, and control groups (3.3 vs. 1.8 vs. 1.6 vs. 1.6 days, respectively, p<0.001). The mean length of hospital stay was 17.5 (SD, 9.6; range, 3-54) days. The overall hospital mortality was 3.9%; it was 6.7% in the warfarin group, 3.8% in the aspirin group, 3.6% in the clopidogrel group, and 3.6% in the control group (p=0.80). Four patients returned to theatre for surgery: one in the warfarin group for washout of a haematoma, 2 in the aspirin group for repositioning of a mal-fixation and for debridement of wound infection, and one in the control group for debridement of wound infection. The warfarin group did not differ significantly from non-warfarin group in terms of postoperative complication rate (6.7% vs. 2.7%, p=0.228) and the rate of return to theatre (3.3% vs. 1%, p=0.318). CONCLUSION It is safe to continue aspirin and clopidogrel prior to surgical treatment for femoral neck fracture. The risk of delaying surgery outweighs the peri-operative bleeding risk.
We made a retrospective analysis of the efficacy and complication rate of 268 esophageal dilatation procedures performed under fluoroscopic control using the fiber-optic endoscope in 45 children with esophageal stricture. Antegrade and retrograde stricture dilatation was performed under general anesthetic, mainly as an outpatient procedure. Thirty-six children had an esophageal stricture following tracheoesophageal fistula and/or esophageal atresia repair, and nine children had severe corrosive stricture of the esophagus following lye ingestion. The procedure was well tolerated and effective. © 1992 Raven Press, Ltd., New York.
Los defectos herniarios inguinales son una condición con alta prevalencia en nuestra población. En los últimos años la introducción de la cirugía laparoscopia para la corrección de esta patología ha tomado fuerza gradualmente. El propósito del presente trabajo es describir la experiencia en el uso de esta técnica quirúrgica en una institución hospitalaria. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte trasversal en el cual se revisaron las historias clínica de cada uno de los sujetos llevados a herniorrafia inguinal laparoscópica, donde se evaluaron las características pre y postoperatorias de los casos, así como las complicaciones derivadas del procedimiento. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 250 pacientes para un total de 334 Herniorrafias. El promedio de edad fue 58,3 años. La relación hombre mujer fue 3,7: 1. Del total de procedimientos 168 correspondieron a defectos bilaterales. 32 pacientes tenían antecedentes de herniorrafia previa. Se presentaron un total de tres complicaciones. El promedio general de tiempo quirúrgico fue de 69,3 minutos. El seguimiento post operatorio evidencio al dolor inguinal agudo como el principal proceso patológico derivado. El promedio de tiempo de incapacidad en total fue 8,3 días. Se encontró reproducción de la hernia comprobado por ecografía en 10 pacientes. No se produjo ninguna mortalidad en los pacientes del estudio. Conclusiones: La corrección laparoscopia se ha convertido en una alternativa segura y eficiente en el tratamiento definitivo de los defectos herniarios inguinales y debe ser tenida en cuenta en el momento de seleccionar la vía de acceso.
Foram examinados 20 eqüinos adultos portadores de abdômen agudo e submetidos à laparotomia. Dez recuperaram-se sem intercorrência pós-operatória (G1) e 10 foram a óbito sete a 10 dias após a cirurgia, com sinais de choque séptico (G2). Avaliaram-se temperatura retal, freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, tempo de preenchimento capilar e teores plasmáticos das proteínas de fase aguda - fibrinogênio, ceruloplasmina, proteína C-reativa, antitripsina, haptoglobina e glicoproteína ácida -, antes e até sete dias após a laparotomia. As leucometrias às 72h e no sétimo dia pós-operatório dos eqüinos que foram a óbito foram, respectivamente, 34,6% e 57,1%, mais altas que a dos animais curados. Os maiores valores de proteína de fase aguda ocorreram no sétimo dia após a cirurgia; os percentuais de elevação de fibrinogênio, antitripsina, glicoproteina ácida, proteína C-reativa, ceruloplasmina e haptoglobina de eqüinos do G2 em relação ao G1 foram 46,8%, 67,9%, 91,9%, 112,2%, 126,9% e 186,2%, respectivamente.
This report evaluates the carotid artery exteriorization technique to allow repeated percutaneous artery catheterization in six brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira). Repeated percutaneous catheterization of the carotid artery was possible for periods of 3 mo to obtain arterial blood and monitor arterial blood pressure of deer without risk of arterial rupture. The artery pulse was easily palpable for periods tip to 15 mo. Postoperative complication and/or arterial damage was not observed.
Surgery on the head and neck region may be complicated by vascular trauma, caused by direct injury on the vascular wall. Lesions of the arteries are more dangerous than the venous one. The traumatic lesion may cause laceration of the artery wall, spasm, dissection, arteriovenous fistula, occlusion or pseudoaneurysm.We present a case of a child with a giant ICA pseudoaneurysm after tonsillectomy, manifested by pulsing mass and respiratory distress, which was treated by endovascular approach, occluding the lesion and the proximal artery with Histoacryl. We reinforce that the endovascular approach is the better way to treat most of the traumatic vascular lesions.
Avaliou-se a progressão dos sinais radiográficos de cães com displasia coxofemoral ou potencialmente displásicos tratados pela técnica da sinfisiodese púbica. Foram utilizados 14 cães, seis machos e oito fêmeas, com idades entre quatro e seis meses. Após exame físico, procedeu-se ao exame radiográfico para avaliação da articulação coxofemoral, segundo padrão estabelecido pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Radiologia Veterinária. Três deles foram também avaliados pelo método PennHIP. Pelo histórico clínico, nove (64%) animais foram trazidos por manifestarem sinais de dificuldade locomotora com os membros pélvicos, manifestada especialmente por claudicação unilateral ou bilateral e dificuldade de se levantar. Cinco (36%) cães não tinham qualquer sinal clínico, e em quatro (29%) realizou-se o exame radiográfico como prevenção. O sinal físico mais evidente foi dor à palpação da articulação coxofemoral, e dois (14%) cães apresentaram sinal de Ortolani positivo. Com exceção de um cão que apresentou infecção nos pontos cutâneos, todos os demais evoluíram sem complicações no período pós-operatório. Radiograficamente houve progressão das lesões articulares em seis (43%) animais e oito (57%) mantiveram a classificação inicial. Concluiu-se que cães tratados pela sinfisiodese púbica não apresentam melhora dos sinais radiográficos iniciais.
Purpose: The correction of maxillomandibular deformities may require maxillary osteotomy procedures that usually present low rates of postoperative complications, such as maxillary sinusitis. The present study evaluated the incidence of maxillary sinusitis after Le Fort I osteotomy in 21 adult patients who underwent maxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy) or bimaxillary surgery (Le Fort I osteotomy plus sagittal mandibular osteotomies) for correction of dentofacial deformities.Patients and Methods: Verification of the presence of maxillary sinusitis was assessed through a brief questionnaire, x-rays (Waters views), and nasal endoscopy before surgery and 6 to 8 months after surgery.Results: Analysis of results showed an incidence of 4.76% of maxillary sinusitis as a postoperative complication in the studied population.Conclusion: Symptomatic patients with a positive radiographic finding or an increased risk for postoperative sinusitis will benefit from endoscopic evaluation to aid in treatment planning and follow-up. 0 2011 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 69:346351, 2011
A case of iatrogenic fistula from the right internal mammary artery to the subclavian vein following subclavian vein catheterization is reported. The patient had undergone percutaneous Intracath catheterization of the subclavian vein to treat hypovolemic shock during the surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy. She had remained symptom-free for 7 years and then started to complain of effort dyspnea. The patient was found to have a thrill and a bruit at the subclavian region, and arteriography demonstrated a fistula between the right internal mammary artery and the subclavian vein. The fistula was successfully closed by embolization with a percutaneous detachable balloon catheter. © 1993.
A study was conducted to analyze the effects of propolis mouth rinse on the repair of surgical wounds after sulcoplasty by the modified Kazanjian technique. Twenty-seven patients who underwent sulcoplasty were divided into three groups: C1--patients who did not use the mouth rinse C2--patients who used a mouth rinse containing 5% aqueous alcohol T--patients who used a mouth rinse containing 5% propolis in aqueous alcohol solution. The patients returned 7, 14, 30, and 45 days after surgery for cytological and clinical evaluation. It was concluded that: 1) the mouth rinse containing propolis in aqueous alcohol solution aids repair of intra-buccal surgical wounds and exerts a small pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effect; 2) the vehicle employed has a minor irritant effect on intra-buccal surgical wounds; 3) exfoliative cytology allows epithelization of intrabuccal surgical wounds.