757 resultados para Postconcussion symptoms
Postconcussion symptoms are relatively common in the acute recovery period following mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI). However, for a small subset of patients, self reported postconcussion symptoms continue long after injury. Many factors have been proposed to account for the presence of persistent postconcussion symptoms. The influence of personality traits has been proposed as one explanation. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between postconcussion-like symptom reporting and personality traits in a sample of 96 healthy participants. Participants completed the British Columbia Postconcussion Symptom Inventory (BC-PSI) and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III (MCMI-III). There was a strong positive relation between the majority of MCMI-III scales and postconcussion-like symptom reporting. Approximately half of the sample met the International Classification of Diseases-10 Criterion C symptoms for Postconcussional Syndrome (PCS). Compared with those participants who did not meet this criterion, the PCS group had significant elevations on the negativistic, depression, major depression, dysthymia, anxiety, dependent, sadistic, somatic, and borderline scales of the MCMI-III. These findings support the hypothesis that personality traits can play a contributing role in self reported postconcussion-like symptoms.
L’étude de la sexualité dans le contexte des maladies neurologiques est un domaine émergent qui nous permet de mieux comprendre les corrélats cérébraux et neurocomportementaux de divers aspects de la sexualité. Les changements au sujet de la sexualité sont fréquents à la suite de troubles neurologiques tels que les blessures de la moelle épinière, la sclérose en plaques, l’accident vasculaire cérébral, l'épilepsie et les traumatismes craniocérébraux (TCC). Compte tenu de la complexité de la sexualité après un TCC, celle-ci doit être analysée à partir d'une perspective biopsychosociale qui comprend trois facteurs interdépendants : a) les facteurs neuropsychologiques et psychologiques, b) les variables médicales et physiques, et c) les facteurs relationnels. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier certains éléments de la sexualité auprès de personnes ayant subi un TCC afin de fournir des preuves empiriques pour contribuer à la validation d’une perspective biopsychosociale de la sexualité après un TCC. Trois études quantitatives originales ont été effectuées auprès de personnes ayant subi un TCC léger, modéré ou grave et ayant reçu des services de réadaptation post-TCC, et d’un groupe de témoins en bonne santé, tous vivant dans la communauté. Les groupes étaient comparables en ce qui concerne l’âge, le sexe, le nombre d’années de scolarité, le statut d’emploi et relationnel, et le revenu annuel. Les variables ciblant la sexualité, incluses dans cette thèse, étaient la qualité de vie sexuelle, le comportement sexuel à risque, et la sociosexualité (p. ex., les différences individuelles en ce qui concerne la volonté d’une personne à avoir des relations sexuelles sans engagement). Les variables neuropsychologiques et psychologiques incluaient les fonctions exécutives, la dépression et l’anxiété. Les aspects médicaux et physiques englobaient les symptômes postcommotionnels. Les facteurs relationnels comprenaient les attitudes envers l'infidélité. Les résultats démontrent que par rapport aux témoins en santé, les individus avec un TCC ont montré une diminution de la qualité de vie sexuelle, alors que les groupes étaient comparables sur le plan du comportement sexuel à risque, de la sociosexualité et des attitudes envers l'infidélité. Par ailleurs, les résultats ont montré une différence entre les hommes et les femmes sur le plan de la sociosexualité (p. ex., plus restrictive chez la femme). Chez les personnes ayant subi un TCC, une faible qualité de vie sexuelle était significativement associée à un nombre élevé de symptômes postcommotionnels, un comportement sexuel plus à risque corrélait avec une plus grande fréquence de symptômes dysexécutifs, et une plus faible acceptation de l'infidélité était liée à une sociosexualité moins restrictive. Les résultats de ces trois études soutiennent une perspective biopsychosociale de la sexualité après le TCC. Elles apportent des connaissances nouvelles en ce qui a trait aux domaines de la sexualité qui peuvent être touchés après un TCC, ainsi qu’à certaines variables neuropsychologiques et psychologiques, médicales et physiques, et relationnelles qui sont associées à ces changements. Les implications théoriques, ainsi que pour la pratique clinique et la réadaptation sont discutées. Les limitations des études sont présentées et des recommandations pour la recherche sont proposées. Le modèle biopsychosocial peut être utilisé comme une référence pour guider la recherche future dans ce domaine. D’autres études sur la sexualité et le développement d'interventions multidisciplinaires dans ce domaine pour les personnes TCC sont nécessaires.
Objective: To determine if systematic variation of diagnostic terminology (i.e. concussion, minor head injury [MHI], mild traumatic brain injury [mTBI]) following a standardized injury description produced different expected symptoms and illness perceptions. We hypothesized that worse outcomes would be expected of mTBI, compared to other diagnoses, and that MHI would be perceived as worse than concussion. Method:108 volunteers were randomly allocated to conditions in which they read a vignette describing a motor vehicle accident-related mTBI followed by: a diagnosis of mTBI (n=27), MHI (n=24), concussion (n=31); or, no diagnosis (n=26). All groups rated: a) event ‘undesirability’; b) illness perception, and; c) expected Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms six months post injury. Results: On average, more PCS symptomatology was expected following mTBI compared to other diagnoses, but this difference was not statistically significant. There was a statistically significant group effect on undesirability (mTBI>concussion & MHI), PTSD symptomatology (mTBI & no diagnosis>concussion), and negative illness perception (mTBI & no diagnosis>concussion). Conclusion: In general, diagnostic terminology did not affect anticipated PCS symptoms six months post injury, but other outcomes were affected. Given that these diagnostic terms are used interchangeably, this study suggests that changing terminology can influence known contributors to poor mTBI outcome.
Previous research examining players of Massively-Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) suggests that players form meaningful relationships with each other. Other research indicates that people may derive social support from online sources and this social support has been associated with greater wellbeing. This study used an online survey of players (N = 206) of the MMOG “World of Warcraft” (WoW) to examine if social support can be derived from MMOGs, and to examine its relationship with negative psychological symptoms. Players of WoW were found to derive social support from playing and a positive relationship was found between game engagement and levels of in-game social support. Higher levels of in-game social support were associated with fewer negative psychological symptoms, although this effect was not maintained after accounting for social support derived from the offline sources. Additionally, a small subsample of players (N = 21) were identified that played for between 44 and 82 hours per week (M = 63.33). These players had significantly lower levels of offline social support and higher levels of negative symptoms compared to the rest of the sample. This study provides evidence that social support can be derived from MMOGs and the associated potential to promote well being, but also highlights the potential harm from spending excessive hours playing.
Methamphetamine (MA) use is associated with hostility, aggression, and positive psychotic symptoms. However, little is known of the processes or mechanisms that underlie this relationship. The present research was designed to investigate putative mediating and moderating variables between MA dependence and hostility in a sample of injecting MA users (N=237). Both positive symptoms of psychosis and higher levels of impulsivity functioned as mediators and moderators of this relationship. This pattern of findings suggests that MA use leads to greater hostility by increasing positive psychotic symptoms that contribute to a perception of the environment as a hostile and threatening place as well as by increasing impulsivity. Those who were high in positive symptoms and high in impulsivity were the most hostile. Individual differences in impulsivity and positive psychotic symptoms should be taken into account in the assessment and management of MA dependence.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to characterize the clinical signs, symptoms, and ocular and systemic comorbidities in a large case series of contact lens-related microbial keratitis. Methods: Two hundred ninety-seven cases of contact lens-related microbial keratitis, aged between 15 and 64 years were detected through surveillance of hospital and community based ophthalmic practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. Full clinical data were available for 190 cases and 90 were interviewed by telephone. Clinical data included the size, location, and degree of anterior chamber response. Symptom data were available from the practitioner and from participant self-report. Associations between symptoms and disease severity were evaluated. Data on ocular and systemic disease were collected from participants and practitioners. The frequency of comorbidities was compared between the different severities of disease and to population norms. Results: More severe disease was associated with greater symptom severity and pain was the most prevalent symptom reported. Ninety-one percent of cases showed progression of ocular symptoms after lens removal, and symptom progression was associated with all severities of disease. Twenty-five percent of cases reported prior episodes requiring emergency attention. Thyroid disease (p 0.05) and self-reported poor health (p 0.001) were more common in cases compared with age-matched population norms. Discussion: Information on the signs, symptoms, and comorbidities associated with contact lens-related microbial keratitis may be useful in patient education and for practitioners involved in the fitting of lenses and management of complications. Although pain was the most common symptom experienced, progression of symptoms despite lens removal was close to universal. Poor general health, particularly respiratory disease and thyroid disease was more common in cases than in the general population, which may prompt practitioners to recommend flexibility in wear schedules when in poor health or the selection of a lower risk wear schedule in at risk patients
Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a controversial constellation of cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms that some patients experience following a mild traumatic brain injury or concussion. PCS-like symptoms are commonly found in individuals with depression, pain, and stress, as well as healthy individuals. This study investigated the base rate of PCS symptoms in a healthy sample of 96 participants and examined the relationship between these symptoms, depression, and sample demographics. PCS symptoms were assessed using the British-Columbia Post-Concussion Symptom Inventory. Depression was measured using the Beck Depression Inventory II. Results demonstrated that: The base rate of PCS was very high; there was a strong positive relationship between depression and PCS; and demographic characteristics were not related to PCS in this sample. These findings are broadly consistent with literature suggesting a significant role for non-neurological factors in the expression of PCS symptomatology. This study adds to the growing body of literature that calls for caution in the clinical interpretation of results from PCS symptom inventories.
Introduction: This cross-cultural study compared both the symptoms of anxiety and their severity in a community sample of children from Colombia and Australia. Method: The sample comprised 516 children (253 Australian children and 263 Colombian children), aged 8 to 12-years-old. The Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale (SCAS) was used to measure both the symptoms and levels of anxiety. Results: The results showed a significant difference in the severity of the symptoms between the children in the two countries. In general, Colombian children reported more severe symptoms than their Australian peers, however there were no difference in the types of symptoms reported by the children in the two countries. Discussion and Conclusion: The implications of these findings and their importance to cross-cultural research are discussed.
In the current study, we tested whether school connectedness mediates more distal deficits in social skills in influencing depressive symptoms in a sample of 127 sixth- and seventh-grade students. Results demonstrated that school connectedness and social skills accounted for 44% and 26% of variance in depressive symptoms respectively and 49% in a combined model. Although the full mediation model hypothesis was not supported, follow-up analyses revealed that school connectedness partially mediated the link between social skills and preadolescent depressive symptoms. Thus, school connectedness appears to play as strong a role in depressive symptoms in this younger preadolescent age group.
Introduction: Management of osteoarthritis (OA) includes the use of non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies. Although walking is commonly recommended for reducing pain and increasing physical function in people with OA, glucosamine sulphate has also been used to alleviate pain and slow the progression of OA. This study evaluated the effects of a progressive walking program and glucosamine sulphate intake on OA symptoms and physical activity participation in people with mild to moderate hip or knee OA. Methods: Thirty-six low active participants (aged 42 to 73 years) were provided with 1500 mg glucosamine sulphate per day for 6 weeks, after which they began a 12-week progressive walking program, while continuing to take glucosamine. They were randomized to walk 3 or 5 days per week and given a pedometer to monitor step counts. For both groups, step level of walking was gradually increased to 3000 steps/day during the first 6 weeks of walking, and to 6000 steps/day for the next 6 weeks. Primary outcomes included physical activity levels, physical function (self-paced step test), and the WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index for pain, stiffness and physical function. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24-week follow-ups. The Mann Whitney Test was used to examine differences in outcome measures between groups at each assessment, and the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to examine differences in outcome measures between assessments. Results: During the first 6 weeks of the study (glucosamine supplementation only), physical activity levels, physical function, and total WOMAC scores improved (P<0.05). Between the start of the walking program (Week 6) and the final follow-up (Week 24), further improvements were seen in these outcomes (P<0.05) although most improvements were seen between Weeks 6 and 12. No significant differences were found between walking groups. Conclusions: In people with hip or knee OA, walking a minimum of 3000 steps (~30 minutes), at least 3 days/week, in combination with glucosamine sulphate, may reduce OA symptoms. A more robust study with a larger sample is needed to support these preliminary findings. Trial Registration: Australian Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN012607000159459.