984 resultados para Postcolonial Caribbean literature


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Working outward from Edward Kamau Brathwaite’s landmark 1974 essay, “The African Presence in Caribbean Literature,” this article explores the fuller history of the idea of Africa in anglophone Caribbean critical and literary works from the 1930s to the 2000s. It demonstrates that earlier, now forgotten Caribbean critics drew on imperfect and incomplete Caribbean literary imaginings of Africa to frame a counter-colonial politics of identity. The essay also brings back into view writings by Una Marson, Victor Stafford Reid, and Derek Walcott that expressed a different politics of solidarity based on the shared experience of colonial violence. Readings of recent literary works by Charlotte Williams and Nalo Hopkinson reveal the contemporary crafting of this relation around a heightened awareness of both presence and loss, history and imagination. Importantly, this gathering of sources and perspectives allows for an appreciation of the role that a reach toward Africa has played in articulations of Caribbeanness and its complex patterning of cultural co-belonging.


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Escritores/as pós-coloniais têm se engajado em denunciar o doloroso legado da escravidão e do colonialismo, através da recuperação de histórias previamente apropriadas e distorcidas por narrativas mestras. A investigação e a narrativização do passado esquecido de ex-colônias têm sido uma estratégia empregada no sentido de se reconstruir identidades que foram fragmentadas devido às múltiplas opressões sofridas ou testemunhadas por autores. Michelle Cliff é uma romancista, poeta, e ensaísta diaspórica, nascida na Jamaica e que vive nos Estados Unidos. Ela é uma das muitas vozes pós-coloniais comprometidas com uma literatura de resistência que luta pela descolonização cultural e encoraja o sentimento de pertencimento. O objetivo dessa dissertação é analisar os romances de cunho autobiográfico de Cliff, Abeng (1984) e No Telephone to Heaven (1987), que lidam com questões relacionadas às práticas coloniais e pós-coloniais. Os dois romances retratam a saga da protagonista Clare Savage, através da qual Cliff revela o impacto da colonização no Caribe, denuncia as configurações de poder geradas a partir dos imbricamentos entre raça, gênero e classe, e critica a maneira deturpada como a história da Jamaica é transmitida e disseminada através da educação colonial à qual os Jamaicanos são submetidos. A autora também explora os efeitos que as diásporas exercem no processo de construção identitária e o movimento de resgate e recriação de uma história própria por parte dos sujeitos diaspóricos


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O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir o lugar que o fazer literário ocupa no processo de resistência à poderes hegemônicos. Como fontes primárias centrais, foram escolhidos o romance histórico The Farming of Bones (1998) e a narrativa autobiográfica Brother, Im Dying (2007), ambos escritos pela autora haitiana-americana Edwidge Danticat. Em The Farming of Bones, Danticat reconstrói ficcionalmente o trágico e obscuro episódio ocorrido em 1937 quando o então ditador da República Dominicana, Rafael Trujillo, ordenou o extermínio de todos os haitianos que residiam e trabalhavam em cidades dominicanas próximas à fronteira com o Haiti. O silêncio por parte dos governos de ambos os países em torno do massacre ainda perdura. A publicação do romance histórico de Danticat 61 anos após tal ato de terrorismo de Estado se torna, desta forma, exemplo de como o fazer literário e o fazer histórico podem fundir-se. Em Brother, Im Dying, Danticat narra a história da vida e da morte de suas duas figuras paternas, seu pai Andre (Mira) Dantica e seu tio Joseph Dantica (que a criou dos 4 aos 12 anos, no Haiti). Joseph, sobrevivente de um câncer de laringe, foi pastor batista e fundador de uma igreja e uma escola no Haiti. Morreu dois dias depois de pedir asilo político nos EUA e ser detido na prisão Krome, em Miami. Mira, que migrara no início da ditadura de François Duvalier para os EUA, onde trabalhou como taxista, morreu vítima de fibrose pulmonar poucos meses depois de seu irmão mais velho. Edwidge Danticat recebeu a notícia de que o quadro de seu pai era irreversível no mesmo dia em que descobriu que está grávida de sua primeira filha. Com uma escrita que abrange tanto a narrativa de si quanto a narrativa do outro, além das esferas públicas e privadas, Danticat cria em Brother, Im Dying um locus de fazer auto/biográfico que dialoga com questões de diáspora, identidade cultural e memória. Os ensaios publicados em Create Dangerously (2010) e as várias entrevistas concedidas por Danticat também reforçam meu argumento que Edwidge Danticat exerce seu papel de artista engajada através de seu fazer principalmente, mas não exclusivamente literário. Desta forma, a autora constrói uma possibilidade de resistência ao discurso hegemônico que opera tanto em seu país de origem quanto em seu país de residência.


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La présente thèse vise à analyser le thème de la mélancolie postcoloniale et son utilisation stratégique dans huit romans de Patrick Chamoiseau (Solibo Magnifique, Texaco, Biblique des derniers gestes et Un dimanche au cachot) et d’Émile Ollivier (Mère-Solitude, Passages, Les urnes scellées et La Brûlerie). Sous l’éclairage de la psychanalyse et de la critique postcoloniale, nous définissons cette notion fondamentale comme suit : un psychisme ambivalent entraîné par la perte ou le manque de certains objets d’attachement ––– objets qui sont en l’occurrence la mémoire collective et/ou le lieu d’appartenance identitaire. Comment et pourquoi ce thème se manifeste-t-il dans notre corpus ? Notre hypothèse est que l’utilisation dudit thème serait plus le résultat de leur choix stratégique que l’effet de leur état psychique. C’est afin d’examiner leurs propres problématiques des construction et perception identitaires dans le contexte postcolonial que ces écrivains mettent en récit une telle situation de manque mnémonique et spatial à travers l’écriture romanesque. Afin de mieux élucider la manifestation textuelle de ce thème, nous divisons celui-ci en deux motifs : la « non-histoire » et le « non-lieu ». En nous appuyant principalement sur les réflexions d’Édouard Glissant, de Takayuki Nakamura et de Marc Augé, nous définissons ces concepts comme deux aspects de la mélancolie postcoloniale : situation de manque de la mémoire collective et celle du lieu d’appartenance identitaire. Nos analyses de ces deux motifs sur un plan stylistique, narratologique, structurel et théorique permettent d’examiner de plus près les points de convergence et de divergence entre l’écriture romanesque de Chamoiseau et celle d’Ollivier. En nous fondant sur les quatre études dans la deuxième partie concernant la mise en récit de la non-histoire, nous analysons les utilisations stratégiques de ce motif afin de voir la mise en récit de la « vision prophétique du passé » (É. Glissant). Nous élucidons ensuite en quoi consiste cette vision temporelle paradoxale : choix de genres littéraires tels que le récit policier (Mère-Solitude et Solibo Magnifique) et le récit du retour au pays natal (Les urnes scellées et Bibliques des derniers gestes). Ce choix narratif se réfère toujours à ce que nous nommons la méthode inductive de la narration. La troisième partie, composée encore de quatre études, éclaire les stratégies de la description du lieu. Nous en déduisons une modalité sui generis de la description spatiale que nous appelons, d’après Marc Augé, l’« évocation prophétique d’espaces ». Cette stratégie descriptive se représente notamment par la spatialisation métaphorique de l’identité créole (Texaco et Un dimanche au cachot) ou migrante (Passages et La Brûlerie). En conclusion, nous résumons ces analyses pour en extraire les points communs et divergents entre les utilisations stratégiques de la mélancolie postcoloniale chez Chamoiseau et Ollivier. Entre autres aspects, nous constatons que la mise en récit de la vulnérabilité due à la mélancolie postcoloniale constitue leur positionnement esthétique et éthique afin qu’ils puissent réfléchir aux constructions et perception identitaires au sein du monde actuel devenu plus que jamais flou et fluide.


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A writer by passion and a psychiatric nurse by profession, Gisèle Pineau is described as the new feminine voice of the literature from the French Antilles (Martinique and Guadeloupe). In all her novels, she explores the human condition and more specifically that of women. Breaking the silence that oppresses Antillean women, Gisèle Pineau delves into the destinies of women from Guadeloupe, scrutinizing the environment of her island and elsewhere, reinventing the French language, and giving voice and identity to all those women who have never had the possibility to express themselves. After having introduced the author in a postcolonial context linked with the theory of the feminine writing and its expressions in Caribbean literature, the plight of women is described through the experience of their bodies in Antillean society and elsewhere. The author focuses on physical and psychological violence denouncing the treatment of women. Escaping from oppression, women look for the space to rebuild a new life and a new identity.


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In this study I investigate the spectrum of authoring, publishing and everyday reading of three texts - My Place (Morgan 1987), Jandamarra and the Bunuba Resistance (Pedersen and Woorunmurra 1995) and Carpentaria (Wright 2006). I have addressed this study within the field of production and consumption, utilising amongst others the work of Edward Said (1978, 1983) and Stanley Fish (1980). I locate this work within the holism of Kombu-merri philosopher, Mary Graham's 'Aboriginal Inquiry' (2008), which promotes self-reflexivity and a concern for others as central tenets of such inquiry. I also locate this work within a postcolonial framework and in recognition of the dynamic nature of that phenomenon I use Aileen MoretonRobinson's (2003) adoption of the active verb, "postcolonising"(38). In apprehending selected texts through the people who make them and who make meaning from them - authors, publishers and everyday readers, I interviewed members of each cohort within a framework that recognises the exercise of agency in their respective practices as well as the socio-historical contexts to such textual practices. Although my research design can be applied to other critical arrangements of texts, my interest here lies principally in texts that incorporate the subjects of Indigenous worldview and Indigenous experience; and in texts that are Indigenous authored or Indigenous co-authored.


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The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review to identify the randomized clinical studies that had investigated the following research question: Is the mandibular manipulation technique an effective and safe technique for the treatment of the temporomandibular joint disk displacement without reduction? the systematic search was conducted in the electronic databases: PubMed (Medical Publications), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), EMBASE (Excerpta Medica Database), PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database), BBO (Brazilian Library of Odontology), CENTRAL (Library Cochrane), and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online). the abstracts of presentations in physical therapy meetings were manually selected, and the articles of the ones that meet the requirements were investigated. No language restrictions were considered. Only randomized and controlled clinical studies were included. Two studies of medium quality fulfilled all the inclusion criteria. There is no sufficient evidence to support the effectiveness of the mandibular manipulation therapy, and therefore its use remains questionable. Being minimally invasive, this therapy is attractive as an initial approach, especially considering the cost of the alternative approaches. the analysis of the results suggests that additional high-quality randomized clinical trials are necessary on the topic, and they should focus on methods for data randomization and allocation, on clearly defined outcomes, on a priori calculated sample size, and on an adequate follow-up strategy.


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While twentieth century Caribbean literature in French (particularly post-Césaire) has generated a large body of criticism, writing from the nineteenth century has been largely neglected. This article begins by contextualising the Creole novel of the early nineteenth century in cultural and historical terms, before proceeding to an analysis of two novels published in 1835 by Martinican authors: Outre-mer by Louis de Maynard, and Les Créoles by Jules Levilloux. In the few studies that exist, these texts have been read in opposition to each other in terms of their portrayal of the (male) mulatto; Levilloux has generally been considered the more progressive writer in this regard. However they are in fact in striking harmony in their depiction of the black mother, a figure (in both senses, as her physiognomy is central in her portrayal) who has until now been overlooked. For both writers, the elderly black mother is an abject and wretched creature. She has necessarily to be shown to be repulsive, filthy and morally hideous in old age in order to counteract the fascination she provokes, and to embody a phantasised repellent to the desires of the white male.


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Background: A giant retinal tear is a full-thickness retinal break that extends circumferentially around the retina for 90 degrees ormore in the presence of a posteriorly detached vitreous. It causes significant visual morbidity from retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The fellow eye of patients who have had a spontaneous giant retinal tear has an increased risk of developing a giant retinal tear, a retinal detachment or both. Interventions such as 360-degree encircling scleral buckling, 360-degree cryotherapy and 360-degree laser photocoagulation have been advocated by some ophthalmologists as prophylaxis for the fellow eye against the development of a giant retinal tear and/or a retinal detachment, or to prevent its extension. Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic 360-degree interventions in the fellow eye of patients with unilateral giant retinal tear to prevent the occurrence of a giant retinal tear and/or a retinal detachment. Search strategy: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 4), MEDLINE (January 1950 to December 2008), EMBASE (January 1980 to December 2008) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) (January 1982 to December 2008). In addition, we searched the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) up to 2008 for information about other relevant studies. There were no language or date restrictions in the search for trials. The electronic databases were last searched on 15 December 2008. Selection criteria: Prospective randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing one prophylactic treatment for fellow eyes of patients with giant retinal tear against observation (no treatment) or another form of prophylactic treatment. In the absence of RCTs, we planned to discuss case-control studies that met the inclusion criteria but we would not conduct a meta-analysis using these studies. Data collection and analysis: We did not find any studies that met the inclusion criteria for the review and therefore no assessment of methodological quality or meta-analysis could be performed. Main results: No studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. Authors' conclusions: No strong evidence in the literature was found to support or refute prophylactic 360-degree treatments to prevent a giant retinal tear or a retinal detachment in the fellow eye of patients with unilateral giant retinal tears. Copyright © 2009 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: A giant retinal tear is a full-thickness retinal break that extends circumferentially around the retina for 90 degrees or more in the presence of a posteriorly detached vitreous. It causes significant visual morbidity from retinal detachment and proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The fellow eye of patients who have had a spontaneous giant retinal tear has an increased risk of developing a giant retinal tear, a retinal detachment or both. Interventions such as 360-degree encircling scleral buckling, 360-degree cryotherapy and 360-degree laser photocoagulation have been advocated by some ophthalmologists as prophylaxis for the fellow eye against the development of a giant retinal tear and/or a retinal detachment, or to prevent its extension. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effectiveness of prophylactic 360-degree interventions in the fellow eye of patients with unilateral giant retinal tear to prevent the occurrence of a giant retinal tear and/or a retinal detachment. SEARCH STRATEGY: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (which contains the Cochrane Eyes and Vision Group Trials Register) (The Cochrane Library 2008, Issue 4), MEDLINE (January 1950 to December 2008), EMBASE (January 1980 to December 2008) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS) (January 1982 to December 2008). In addition, we searched the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) up to 2008 for information about other relevant studies. There were no language or date restrictions in the search for trials. The electronic databases were last searched on 15 December 2008. SELECTION CRITERIA: Prospective randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing one prophylactic treatment for fellow eyes of patients with giant retinal tear against observation (no treatment) or another form of prophylactic treatment. In the absence of RCTs, we planned to discuss case-control studies that met the inclusion criteria but we would not conduct a meta-analysis using these studies. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We did not find any studies that met the inclusion criteria for the review and therefore no assessment of methodological quality or meta-analysis could be performed. MAIN RESULTS: No studies met the inclusion criteria for this review. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: No strong evidence in the literature was found to support or refute prophylactic 360-degree treatments to prevent a giant retinal tear or a retinal detachment in the fellow eye of patients with unilateral giant retinal tears.