915 resultados para Post-translational Processing


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G(M1)-gangliosidosis is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by a deficiency of ss-galactosidase activity. Human GM1-gangliosidosis has been classified into three forms according to the age of clinical onset and specific biochemical parameters. In the present study, a canine model for type II late infantile human GM1-gangliosidosis was investigated 'in vitro' in detail. For a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis underlying G(M1)-gangliosidosis the study focused on the analysis of the molecular events and subsequent intracellular protein trafficking of beta-galactosidase. In the canine model the genetic defect results in exclusion or inclusion of exon 15 in the mRNA transcripts and to translation of two mutant precursor proteins. Intracellular localization, processing and enzymatic activity of these mutant proteins were investigated. The obtained results suggested that the beta-galactosidase C-terminus encoded by exons 15 and 16 is necessary for correct C-terminal proteolytic processing and enzyme activity but does not affect the correct routing to the lysosomes. Both mutant protein precursors are enzymatically inactive, but are transported to the lysosomes clearly indicating that the amino acid sequences encoded by exons 15 and 16 are necessary for correct folding and association with protective protein/cathepsin A, whereas the routing to the lysosomes is not influenced. Thus, the investigated canine model is an appropriate animal model for the human late infantile form and represents a versatile system to test gene therapeutic approaches for human and canine G(M1)-gangliosidosis.


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The ordered, directional migration of T-lymphocytes is a key process during immune surveillance, immune response, and development. A novel series of pyrrolo-1,5-benzoxazepines have been shown to potently induce apoptosis in variety of human chemotherapy resistant cancer cell lines, indicating their potential in the treatment of both solid tumors and tumors derived from the hemopoietic system. Pyrrolobenzoxazepine 4-acetoxy-5-(1-naphtyl)naphtho[2,3-b]pyrrolo[1,2-d][1,4]-oxazepine (PBOX-15) has been shown to depolymerize tubulin in vitro and in the MCF7 breast cancer cell line. We hypothesized that this may suggest a role for this compound in modulating integrin-induced T-cell migration, which is largely dependent on the microtubule dynamics. Experiments were performed using human T lymphoma cell line Hut78 and peripheral blood T-lymphocytes isolated from healthy donors. We observed that human T-lymphocytes exposed to PBOX-15 have severely impaired ability to polarize and migrate in response to the triggering stimulus generated via cross-linking of integrin lymphocyte function associated antigen-1 receptor. Here, we show that PBOX-15 can dramatically impair microtubule network via destabilization of tubulin resulting in complete loss of the motile phenotype of T-cells. We demonstrate that PBOX-15 inhibitory mechanisms involve decreased tubulin polymerization and its post-translational modifications. Novel microtubule-targeting effects of PBOX-15 can possibly open new horizons in the treatment of overactive inflammatory conditions as well as cancer and cancer metastatic spreading.


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Le régulateur transcriptionnel BAP1 est une déubiquitinase nucléaire (DUB) dont le substrat est l’histone H2A modifiée par monoubiquitination au niveau des residus lysines 118 et 119 (K118/K119). Depuis les dernières années, BAP1 emerge comme un gene suppresseur de tumeur majeur. En effet, BAP1 est inactivé dans un plethore de maladies humaines héréditaires et sporadiques. Cependant, malgré l’accumulation significative des connaissances concernant l’occurrence, la pénétrance et l’impact des défauts de BAP1 sur le développement de cancers, ses mécanismes d’action et de régulation restent très peu compris. Cette étude est dédiée à la caractérisation moléculaire et fonctionnelle du complexe multi-protéique de BAP1 et se présente parmi les premiers travaux décrivant sa régulation par des modifications post-traductionnelles. D’abord, nous avons défini la composition du corps du complexe BAP1 ainsi que ses principaux partenaires d’interaction. Ensuite, nous nous sommes spécifiquement intéressés a investiguer d’avantage deux principaux aspects de la régulation de BAP1. Nous avons d’abord décrit l’inter-régulation entre deux composantes majeures du complexe BAP1, soit HCF-1 et OGT. D’une manière très intéressante, nous avons trouvé que le cofacteur HCF-1 est un important régulateur des niveaux protéiques d’OGT. En retour, OGT est requise pour la maturation protéolytique de HCF-1 en promouvant sa protéolyse par O-GlcNAcylation, un processus de régulation très important pour le bon fonctionnement de HCF-1. D’autre part, nous avons découvert un mécanisme unique de régulation de BAP1 médiée par l’ubiquitine ligase atypique UBE2O. en effet, UBE2O se caractérise par le fait qu’il s’agit aussi bien d’une ubiquitine conjuratrice et d’une ubiquitine ligase. UBE2O, multi-monoubiquitine BAP1 au niveau de son domaine NLS et promeut son exclusion du noyau, le séquestrant ainsi dans le cytoplasme. De façon importante, nos travaux ont permis de mettre de l’emphase sur le rôle de l’activité auto-catalytique de chacune de ces enzymes, soit l’activité d’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 qui est requise pour la maintenance de sa localisation nucléaire ainsi que l’activité d’auto-ubiquitination d’UBE2O impliquée dans son transport nucléo-cytoplasmique. De manière significative, nous avons trouvé que des défauts au niveau de l’auto-déubiquitination de BAP1 due à des mutations associées à certains cancers indiquent l’importance d’une propre regulation de cette déubiquitinase pour les processus associés à la suppression de tumeurs.


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Glucosamine has been previously shown to suppress cartilage aggrecan catabolism in explant cultures. We determined the effect of glucosamine on ADAMTS5 (a disintegrin-like and metalloprotease domain (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type-1 motifs 5), a major aggrecanase in osteoarthritis, and investigated a potential mechanism underlying the observed effects.

HEK293F and CHO-K1 cells transiently transfected with ADAMTS5 cDNA were treated with glucosamine or the related hexosamine mannosamine. Glucosamine effects on FURIN transcription were determined by quantitative RT-PCR. Effects on furin-mediated processing of ADAMTS5 zymogen, and aggrecan processing by glucosamine-treated cells, were determined by western blotting. Post-translational modification of furin and N-glycan deficient furin mutants generated by site-directed mutagenesis was analyzed by western blotting, and the mutants were evaluated for their ADAMTS5 processing ability in furin-deficient CHO-RPE.40 cells.


Ten mM glucosamine and 5–10 mM mannosamine reduced excision of the ADAMTS5 propeptide, indicating interference with the propeptide excision mechanism, although mannosamine compromised cell viability at these doses. Although glucosamine had no effect on furin mRNA levels, western blot of furin from glucosamine-treated cells suggested altered post-translational modification. Glucosamine treatment led to decreased glycosylation of cellular furin, with reduced furin autoactivation as the consequence. Recombinant furin treated with peptide N-glycanase F had reduced activity against a synthetic peptide substrate. Indeed, site-directed mutagenesis of two furin N-glycosylation sites, Asn387 and Asn440, abrogated furin activation and this mutant was unable to rescue ADAMTS5 processing in furin-deficient cells.

Ten mM glucosamine reduces excision of the ADAMTS5 propeptide via interference with post-translational modification of furin and leads to reduced aggrecanase activity of ADAMTS5.


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Histones regulate a variety of chromatin templated events by their post-translational modifications (PTMs). Although there are extensive reports on the PTMs of canonical histones, the information on the histone variants remains very scanty. Here, we report the identification of different PTMs, such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation of a major mammalian histone variant TH2B. Our mass spectrometric analysis has led to the identification of both conserved and unique modifications across tetraploid spermatocytes and haploid spermatids. We have also computationally derived the 3-dimensional model of a TH2B containing nucleosome in order to study the spatial orientation of the PTMs identified and their effect on nucleosome stability and DNA binding potential. From our nucleosome model, it is evident that substititution of specific amino acid residues in TH2B results in both differential histone-DNA and histone-histone contacts. Furthermore, we have also observed that acetylation on the N-terminal tail of TH2B weakens the interactions with the DNA. These results provide direct evidence that, similar to somatic H2B, the testis specific histone TH2B also undergoes multiple PTMs, suggesting the possibility of chromatin regulation by such covalent modifications in mammalian male germ cells.


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The p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75NTR) is a member of the tumour necrosis factor superfamily, which relies on the recruitment of cytosolic protein partners - including the TNF receptor associated factor 6 (TRAF6) E3 ubiquitin ligase - to produce cellular responses such as apoptosis, survival, and inhibition of neurite outgrowth. Recently,p75NTR was also shown to undergo γ-secretase-mediated regulated intramembrane proteolysis, and the receptor ICD was found to migrate to the nucleus where it regulates gene transcription. Moreover, γ-secretase-mediated proteolysis was shown to be involved in glioblastoma cell migration and invasion. In this study we report that TRAF6-mediated K63-linked polyubiquitination at multiple or alternative lysine residues influences p75NTR-ICD stability in vitro. In addition, we found that TRAF6-mediated ubiquitination of p75NTR is not influenced by inhibition of dynamin. Moreover, we report beta-transducin repeats-containing protein (β-TrCP) as a novel E3- ligase that ubiquitinates p75NTR, which is independent of serine phosphorylation of the p75NTR destruction motif. In contrast to its influence on other substrates, co-expression of β-TrCP did not reduce p75NTR stability. We created U87-MG glioblastoma cell lines stably expressing wild type, γ-secretaseresistant and constitutively cleaved receptor, as well as the ICD-stabilized mutant K301R. Interestingly, only wild-type p75NTR induces increased glioblastoma cell migration, which could be reversed by application of γ-secretase inhibitor. Microarray and qRT-PCR analysis of mRNA transcripts in these cell lines yielded several promising genes that might be involved in glioblastoma cell migration and invasion, such as cadherin 11 and matrix metalloproteinase 12. Analysis of potential transcription factor binding sites revealed that transcription of these genes might be regulated by well known p75NTR signalling cascades such as NF-κB or JNK signalling, which are independent of γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of the receptor. In contrast, while p75NTR overexpression was confirmed in melanoma cell lines and a patient sample of melanoma metastasis to the brain, inhibition of γ-secretase did not influence melanoma cell migration. Collectively, this study provides several avenues to better understand the physiological importance of posttranslational modifications of p75NTR and the significance of the receptor in glioblastoma cell migration and invasion.


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CD4+ T cells are prominent effector cells in controlling Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection but may also contribute to immunopathology. Studies probing the CD4+ T cell response from individuals latently infected with Mtb or patients with active tuberculosis using either small or proteome-wide antigen screens so far revealed a multi-antigenic, yet mostly invariable repertoire of immunogenic Mtb proteins. Recent developments in mass spectrometry-based proteomics have highlighted the occurrence of numerous types of post-translational modifications (PTMs) in proteomes of prokaryotes, including Mtb. The well-known PTMs in Mtb are glycosylation, lipidation, or phosphorylation, known regulators of protein function or compartmentalization. Other PTMs include methylation, acetylation, and pupylation, involved in protein stability. While all PTMs add variability to the Mtb proteome, relatively little is understood about their role in the anti-Mtb immune responses. Here,we reviewMtb protein PTMs and methods to assess their role in protective immunity against Mtb. © 2014 van Els, Corbière, Smits, vanGaans-van den Brink, Poelen, Mascart, Meiring and Locht.


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The rat stomach is rich in endocrine cells. The acid-producing (oxyntic) mucosa contains ECL cells, A-like cells, and somatostatin (D) cells, and the antrum harbours gastrin (G) cells, enterochromaffin (EC) cells and D cells. Although chromogranin A (CgA) occurs in all these cells, its processing appears to differ from one cell type to another. Eleven antisera generated to different regions of rat CgA, two antisera generated to a human (h) CgA sequences, and one to a bovine Ib) CgA sequence, respectively, were employed together with antisera directed towards cell-specific markers such as gastrin (G cells), serotonin (EC cells), histidine decarboxylsae (ECL cells) and somatostatin (D cells) to characterize the expression of CgA and CgA-derived peptides in the various endocrine cell populations of the rat stomach. In the oxyntic mucosa, antisera raised against CgA(291-319) and CGA(316-321) immunostained D cells exclusively, whereas antisera raised against bCgA(82-91) and CgA(121-128) immunostained A-like cells and D cells. Antisera raised against CgA(318-349) and CgA(437-448) immunostained ECL cells and A-like cells, but not D cells. In the antrum, antisera against CgA(291-319) immunostained D cells, and antisera against CgA(351-356) immunostained G cells. Our observations suggest that each individual endocrine cell type in the rat stomach generates a unique mixture of CgA-derived peptides, probably reflecting cell-specific differences in the post-translational processing of CgA and its peptide products. A panel of antisera that recognize specific domains of CgA may help to identify individual endocrine cell populations.


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Background: Clinical and experimental studies suggest that the probiotic mixture VSL#3 has protective activities in the context of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of the study was to reveal bacterial strain-specific molecular mechanisms underlying the anti-inflammatory potential of VSL#3 in intestinal epithelial cells (IEC).

Methodology/Principal Findings: VSL#3 inhibited TNF-induced secretion of the T-cell chemokine interferon-inducible protein (IP-10) in Mode-K cells. Lactobacillus casei (L. casei) cell surface proteins were identified as active anti-inflammatory components of VSL#3. Interestingly, L. casei failed to block TNF-induced IP-10 promoter activity or IP-10 gene transcription at the mRNA expression level but completely inhibited IP-10 protein secretion as well as IP-10-mediated T-cell transmigration. Kinetic studies, pulse-chase experiments and the use of a pharmacological inhibitor for the export machinery (brefeldin A) showed that L. casei did not impair initial IP-10 production but decreased intracellular IP-10 protein stability as a result of blocked IP-10 secretion. Although L. casei induced IP-10 ubiquitination, the inhibition of proteasomal or lysosomal degradation did not prevent the loss of intracellular IP-10. Most important for the mechanistic understanding, the inhibition of vesicular trafficking by 3-methyladenine (3-MA) inhibited IP-10 but not IL-6 expression, mimicking the inhibitory effects of L. casei. These findings suggest that L. casei impairs vesicular pathways important for the secretion of IP-10, followed by subsequent degradation of the proinflammatory chemokine. Feeding studies in TNF Delta ARE and IL-10(-/-) mice revealed a compartimentalized protection of VSL#3 on the development of cecal but not on ileal or colonic inflammation. Consistent with reduced tissue pathology in IL-10(-/-) mice, IP-10 protein expression was reduced in primary epithelial cells.

Conclusions/Significance: We demonstrate segment specific effects of probiotic intervention that correlate with reduced IP-10 protein expression in the native epithelium. Furthermore, we revealed post-translational degradation of IP-10 protein in IEC to be the molecular mechanism underlying the anti-inflammatory effect.


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Le long bio-polymère d'ADN est condensé à l’intérieur du noyau des cellules eukaryotes à l'aide de petites protéines appelées histones. En plus de leurs fonctions condensatrices,ces histones sont également la cible de nombreuses modifications post-traductionnelles(MPT), particulièrement au niveau de leur section N-terminale. Ces modifications réversibles font partie d’un code d’histones épi-génétique transmissible qui orchestre et module dynamiquement certains événements impliquant la chromatine, tels l’activation et la désactivation de gènes ainsi que la duplication et la réparation d’ADN. Ces modifications sont impliquées subséquemment dans la signalisation et la progression de cancers, tels que la leucémie. En conséquence, l'élucidation des modifications d’histones est importante pour comprendre leurs fonctions biologiques. Une méthodologie analytique a été mise au point en laboratoire pour isoler, détecter, et quantifier les MPT d’histones en utilisant une approche rapide à deux volets à l’aide d’outils bioinformatiques spécialisés. La méthodologie développée en laboratoire a été validée en utilisant des histones de souche sauvage ainsi que deux types d’histones mutants déficients en enzymes acétyltransferase. Des trois sources d’histones utilisées, la seule MPT qui a démontré un changement significatif est l’acétylation de l’histone H3 à lysine 56 (H3K56ac). L’expression et la stoechiométrie de cette MPT, issue de cellules de souche sauvage et de cellules mutantes, ont été déterminées avec précision et comparées. Les fonctions de balayage polyvalentes d'un instrument à trappe ionique quadrupôle linéaire hybride ont été utilisées pour améliorer la détection de protéines intactes. Le mode de balayage « enhanced multiply charged » (EMC) a été modifié pour contenir et détecter les ions de protéines intactes situées dans la trappe ionique linéaire. Ce mode de balayage nommé « targeted EMC » (tEMC) a permis de quadrupler le niveau de sensibilité (signal/interférence), et quintupler la résolution du mode de balayage conventionnel. De plus, la capacité de séparation des charges du tEMC a réduit de façon significative les effets de « space charge » dans la trappe ionique linéaire. La résolution supérieure du mode tEMC a permis de différencier plusieurs isoformes modifiées, particulièrement pour l’histone H3. L’analyse des peptides d’histones trypsiques à l’aide du mode de balayage « MRM » a permis le séquençage et la quantification de MPT avec un haut degré de précision. La seule MPT qui était sous-exprimée entre l’histone de souche sauvage et le mutant DOT1L fut la méthylation de l’histone H3 lysine 79(H3K79me1). Les effets de deux inhibiteurs d’enzymes HDAC (HDACi) sur l’expression de MPT d’histone ont été évalués en utilisant la méthodologie analytique mentionnée. Les histones extraites de cellules normales et cancéreuses ont été exposées à du Vorinostat(SAHA) ou du Entinostat (MS-275) pour une période de 24 à 72 heures. Deux histones furent principalement affectées, soit H3 et H4. Étonnamment, les mêmes effets n'ont pas été détectés lorsque les cellules normales ont été traitées avec le HDACi pour une période de 48 à 72 heures. Une méthode absolue de quantification avec une courbe d’étalonnage a été développée pour le peptide H3K56ac. Contrairement à certaines publications, nos résultats démontrent que cette MPT est présente dans les cellules mammifères avec une stoechiométrie très basse (< 0,1%) et n'est pas surexprimée de façon significative après le traitement au HDACi.