849 resultados para Positivismo Liberal
IntroducciónPara empezar, no está de más una sincera felicitación al Centro de Investigaciones Histórica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ya que se hacía urgente en nuestro medio. La obra del Profesor Orlando Salazar Mora, que pretendemos comentar, forma parte de ese encomiable esfuerzo y es importante aclarar que, ninguno de los argumentos aquí desarrollados, quiere abarcar a la colección (16 volúmenes) como un todo. Esto es convendiente señalarlo puesto que, con frecuencia, ciertas susceptibilidades de salón pudieran sentirse aludidas, cuando se trata de estudiar un libro que forma parte de un proyecto más vasto...
Georg Jellinek is known as one of the most prominent representative of German legal positivism. This article aims at identifying and discussing the more theoretical- political connotation of Jellinek’s thought with a particular focus on his liberal inspiration. According to the perspective of the history of political thought, this article shows how some intellectual premises to Jellinek’s liberalism take shape and emerge from a series of young Jellinek’s writings on history of philosophy and history of ideas.
Emprendida por el presidente Benito Pablo Juárez García, la Reforma Liberal estableció el orden jurídico y político necesario para la modernización de México, que tuvo que enfrentar el asedio de intereses económicos y políticos extranjeros, del clero y de la fracción conservadora del país, factores amenazantes a la soberanía nacional.
In 1993 the Australian Broadcasting Corporation was contracted by the Australian Government to assist in the reshaping of the South African Broadcasting Corporation from a state-run broadcaster to a respected and trusted national broadcaster for all people in the newly democratic South Africa. Broadcast journalism training was identified by ABC consultant Bob Wurth as possibly the greatest need for SABC Radio. This thesis examines the ABC's role in South Africa and the effectiveness of its radio journalism training project considering the organisational, structural, cultural and political constraints of the SABC. This thesis will show through interviews and participant observation the difficulties in achieving the production of Western Liberal journalism values at the SABC within the time constraints set by the project funded by the Australian Government and the particular South African morays.
Legal educators in Australia have increasingly become concerned with the mental health of law students. The apparent risk posed by legal education to a student’s mental health has led to the deployment of a variety of measures to address these problems. By exploring these measures as productive power relations attempting to shape law students, this paper outlines how this government of depression is achieved, and the potential costs of these power relations. It examines one central Australian text offering advice about how students and law student societies can address depression, and argues that doing so not only involves students adopting particular practices of self-government to shape their legal personae, but also relies on an extension of the power relations of legal education. In addition, this paper will link this advice — which privatises the issue of depression, responsibilises individuals and communities, privileges psychological expertise, and seeks to govern ‘at a distance’ — to broader forms of social administration that presently characterise many Western societies. Doing so allows legal educators to reflect on the effects of their attempts to govern depression, and to consider new ways of altering the power relations of legal education.
This paper draws upon the current situation within Japanese Higher Education. In particular the paper focuses on educational reforms and how they relate to the notions of Yutori Kyoiku which constituted a major attempt by Japanese education to develop individual student capacity. A clear subtext of the recent neo-liberal reform agenda is a desire to incorporated free-market ideals into the Japanese educational system. This paper raises several important problems connected to the reforms such as the decrease in classroom hours, changes to the contents of textbooks and a growing discrepancy in academic skills between students in different localities. These education reforms have impacted on notions of Yutori Kyoiku through the continuation of nationally standardized testing and changes directed at controlling the practices of classroom teachers. While acknowledging the current Japanese cabinet’s (DP) education policy has been inherited from an earlier LDP government, the paper points to similarities between the current reforms and the iconic Meiji era reforms of the late 1800s.
The relationship between social background and achievement has preoccupied educational researchers since the mid-20th century with major studies in the area reaching prominence in the late 60s. Despite five decades of research and innovation since, recent studies using OECD data have shown that the relationship is strengthening rather than weakening. In this paper, the systematic destabilisation of public education in Australia is examined as a philosophical problem stemming from a fundamental shift in political orientation, where “choice” and “aspiration” work to promote and disguise survivalism. The problem for education however extends far deeper than the inequity in Federal government funding. Whilst this is a major problem, critical scrutiny must also focus on what states can do to turn back aspects of their own education policy that work to exacerbate and entrench social disadvantage.
Democracy is a multi-dimensional concept, ranging from definitions based exclusively on institutional frameworks (for example, Held, 2005, Przeworski, Alvarez, Cheibub and Limongi, 2000) to complex and integrated measures that include political and civil rights, democratic practices, values and, finally, a diverse set of institutional arrangements in society, including welfare, education, industrial relations and the legal system (Inglehart and Welzel, 2005, Jaggers and Gurr, 1995, O'Donnell, Cullel and Iazetta, 2004). This reflects the range of and distinction between merely formal electoral democracy and genuinely 'effective liberal democracy' (Inglehart and Welzel, 2005: 149), where democracy is firmly embedded not only in its institutions but in the values of its citizenry. Evidence from cross-national research confirms that formal democratic institutions, different dimensions of effective democracy, and democratic values are indeed strongly linked (Inglehart and Welzel, 2005: 154, Jaggers and Gurr, 1995: 446). Democracy is more than just a set of institutions, rules and mechanisms: it is a set of core values engrained in the 'lived experience' of its citizens. Core values of democracies are individual autonomy and egalitarianism, tolerance of diversity, and freedom from oppression for both individuals and institutions. Democracies restrain their governments by the rule of law and grant its citizens equal access to and equal treatment by legal institutions. Among these institutions, criminal justice and the treatment of those who violated rules and regulations represent sensitive seismographs for the quality of effective democracies, and the ways how democracies realise their core values.
This paper steps back from the question of how regulation of digital media content occurs, and whether it can be effective, to consider the rationales that inform regulation, and the ethics and practices associated with content regulation. It will be argued that Max Weber's account of bureaucratic expertise remains relevant to such discussions, particularly insofar as it intersects with Michel Foucault's concept of governmentality, and contemporary applications of the notion of 'governing at a distance'. The nature of the challenges to media regulators presented by online environments, and by digital and social media, are considered in depth, but it is argued that the significance of regulatory innovations that respond to such challenges should not be underestimated, nor should the continuing national foundations of media regulation. It will also discuss the relevance of the concept of 'soft law' to contemporary regulatory practice.
La Guerra de la Independencia generó miseria y ruina, aumentando la pobreza material y el descenso del poder adquisitivo de la población. Fruto de este negativo contexto económico los ayuntamientos solamente pudieron destinar una décima parte de su presupuesto a la beneficencia. Los efectos de la contienda bélica contra Napoleón también afectaron a la Iglesia, institución que tradicionalmente mediante diversos organismos eclesiásticos tuvo que atender las enormes carestías sociales que asolaban al pueblo, como por ejemplo, otorgar limosna, atender a los enfermos en los hospitales, acoger a los huérfanos en los hospicios o educar a los más jóvenes. En el caso de Lleida durante el régimen liberal cabe destacar la organización de diversas juntas de caridad, de sanidad y de beneficencia destinadas a socorrer a los más necesitados.
En la presente disertación abordaré el periplo que desarrolla el Estado de Derecho desde la aparición de los Estados modernos hasta la actualidad, mostrando algunas situaciones paradójicas a las que ha dado lugar y analizando las distintas justificaciones que se han realizado en el pensamiento filosófico político y jurídico. Voy a dividir esta presentación en dos partes: 1) Una breve descripción del desarrollo histórico del Estado de Derecho moderno hasta la actualidad, señalando sus distintos modelos y sus principales características, junto con algunas paradojas en el Estado de Derecho actual; 2) Un breve análisis de las distintas justificaciones teóricas respecto al Estado de Derecho, especialmente centradas en su versión actual de Estado Constitucional de Derecho. Por último terminaré con algunas reflexiones personales. La primera parte es más descriptiva del cuadro de situación y la segunda, más reflexiva de la misma desde el punto de vista filosófico.