16 resultados para Portulacaceae
Crop models for herbaceous ornamental species typically include functions for temperature and photoperiod responses, but very few incorporate vernalization, which is a requirement of many traditional crops. This study investigated the development of floriculture crop models, which describe temperature responses, plus photoperiod or vernalization requirements, using Australian native ephemerals Brunonia australis and Calandrinia sp. A novel approach involved the use of a field crop modelling tool, DEVEL2. This optimization program estimates the parameters of selected functions within the development rate models using an iterative process that minimizes sum of squares residual between estimated and observed days for the phenological event. Parameter profiling and jack-knifing are included in DEVEL2 to remove bias from parameter estimates and introduce rigour into the parameter selection process. Development rate of B. australis from planting to first visible floral bud (VFB) was predicted using a multiplicative approach with a curvilinear function to describe temperature responses and a broken linear function to explain photoperiod responses. A similar model was used to describe the development rate of Calandrinia sp., except the photoperiod function was replaced with an exponential vernalization function, which explained a facultative cold requirement and included a coefficient for determining the vernalization ceiling temperature. Temperature was the main environmental factor influencing development rate for VFB to anthesis of both species and was predicted using a linear model. The phenology models for B. australis and Calandrinia sp. described development rate from planting to VFB and from VFB to anthesis in response to temperature and photoperiod or vernalization and may assist modelling efforts of other herbaceous ornamental plants. In addition to crop management, the vernalization function could be used to identify plant communities most at risk from predicted increases in temperature due to global warming.
Calandrinia galapagosa St. John is found only on San Cristóbal Island in the Galápagos archipelago, where it is severely threatened by feral goats. A population at Cerro Colorado is protected by an exclosure constructed for this purpose in 1993. Individuals of this population have white or pinkish white flowers with a green stem, whereas the population at La Galapaguera, has pinkish white flowers with a purple stem.
This work describes the occurrence and distribution pattern of non-lignified parenchyma in species of Cactaceae and Portulacaceae, of which samples of roots and stems of six species of Cactaceae and four species of Portulacaceae were analysed. The first records of non-lignified parenchyma in Portulacaceae were obtained and, in the case of Cactaceae, an in-depth discussion is given on the characterization of this tissue by various authors, as well as new information on the occurrence and distribution pattern of the non-lignified parenchyma. The terminology used to characterize the non-lignified parenchyma cells in the wood of Cactaceae is extremely diversified and often not very descriptive, which makes it difficult to establish homologies and better characterize this tissue. Non-lignified parenchyma cells in the secondary xylem in Cactaceae and Portulacaceae occur in association with the fibrous phase of the wood, often forming true continuous bands. This resembles what some authors call parenchyma wood. The proposal of this study is to demonstrate that, independent of the distribution pattern of the non-lignified parenchyma cells, the terminology used should follow that of the International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA) Committee as non-lignified parenchyma and not refer to a parenchymous phase of the wood. (C) 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 159, 322-329.
Este estudo investigou a toxicidade aguda oral, o efeito antinociceptivo em modelos de nocicepção química e térmica, bem como a atividade anti-inflamatória em modelos de carragenina e óleo de cróton do extrato hidroetanólico de partes aéreas de Portulaca pilosa (EHEPp). Identificou também alguns possíveis mecanismos envolvidos na antinocicepção do extrato, além dos seus efeitos sobre o sistema nervoso central de ratos. No teste de toxicidade aguda oral, o tratamento com EHEPp (2000 mg/kg) não causou óbitos. No teste de contorções abdominais induzidas por ácido acético, o EHEPp (100, 200, 400 e 600 mg/kg), por via oral (v.o.), reduziu significantemente o número de contorções em 18.18, 33.25, 47.27, 65.81 e 73.94%, respectivamente. No teste da placa quente, o tratamento com EHEPp (200, 400 e 600 mg/kg, v.o.) não alterou a latência ao estímulo térmico de 50 ± 0,5 ºC. No teste da formalina, o tratamento com EHEPp (200,400 e 600mg/kg, v.o.) reduziu de maneira significativa o tempo de lambida nas fases neurogênica (1ª fase) em 38.79, 60.61 e 75.18 %, e inflamatória (2ª fase) em 49.23, 53.03 e 87.53 %, respectivamente. A administração prévia de naloxona reverteu, significativamente, o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O pré-tratamento com o L-NAME e azul de metileno reverteu o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) de maneira significante em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O pré-tratamento com o fármaco glibenclamida também reverteu de maneira significativa o efeito do EHEPp (600 mg/kg, v.o.) em ambas as fases do teste da formalina. O EHEPp, na dose 600 mg/kg, v.o., não afetou a atividade locomotora dos ratos submetidos ao teste do campo aberto. No teste de edema de pata induzido por carragenina e edema de orelha induzido pelo óleo cróton, o EHEPp (400 e 600 mg/kg, v.o.) não inibiu a formação de edema de maneira significante em ambos os testes. Os resultados deste estudo mostraram que o HEEPp, oralmente, apresentou baixa toxicidade e sua atuação antinociceptiva observada na fase neurogênica pode envolver interações periféricas com receptores opióides e ativação da via NO/GCs/GMPc/ KATP. Já a atividade antinociceptiva observada na fase inflamatória parece não depender de inibição da via bioquímica fosfolipase A2/ciclo-oxigenases, mas de interações periféricas com receptores opióides e com a via NO/GCs/GMPc/KATP.
Actualmente, el manejo de arvenses en las Cucurbitaceae es a base de herbicidas, repercutiendo en serios problemas al ambiente y al hombr e. En la finca experimental El Plantel, ubicado en el km 43 ½ carretera Tipitapa – Masaya, se estableció un estudio con el objetivo de conocer la dinámica poblacional de arvenses y su incidencia en el cultivo de pipián Cucurbita pepo L; producido bajo dos sistemas de manejo. Se evaluó un sistema convencional con el uso de Completo (12 - 30 - 10) 522.98 Kg/Ha, Urea 190.06 Kg/Ha, y un sistema orgánico con el uso Humus 10,886.95Kg/Ha, Compost: 21,900.62Kg/Ha, Biofertilizante: 14,765.21 Kg/Ha En una área 525m2, en tres parcelas de 80.5 m2, alternando con el pipián, el caupí. ( Vigna unguiculata . (L) Walp). En la diversidad se encontraron 13 especies en el sistema orgánico, predominando Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill) Blake, Boerhavia erecta L., Sorghum halepense (L) P e rs. Y 10 familias, entre ellas, Portulacaceae, Asteraceae, Nyctaginaceae, y Cyperaceae. Y en el sistema convencional 11 especies, predominando, Ixophorus unicetus (Presl), Sorghum halepense (L) P ers, Tithonia rotundifolia (Mill) Blake, y 9 familias, sobres alieron Poaceae, Portulacaceae, Asteraceae, y Nyctaginaceae. El porcentaje de cobertura en los dos sistemas de manejo se presento similar. La biomasa por familia, especie y cultivo, fue mayor en el sistema orgánico. El rendimiento del cultivo no reflejo di ferencia significativa entre los dos sistemas de manejo evaluados. Los resultados demostraron que presencia de arvenses no afectó el desarrollo y crecimiento del cultivo. El manejo orgánico puede verse como una alternativa viable para el productor y para l a conservación del ambiente, a pesar de ser este un corto ciclo, este manejo muestra que a futuro se pueden obtenerse mejores resultados
Las arvenses, tanto anuales como perennes, son un problema mundial en el cultivo del maíz. El crecimiento descontrolado de las malezas puede provocar grandes pérdidas de rendimiento de este cultivo. El estudio se realizó en finca experimental El Plantel de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada en el kilómetro 43 ½ carretera Tipitapa – Masaya, municipio de Masaya, de marzo a agosto 2009. Se evaluó el comportamiento de las arvenses en el cultivo de maíz, variedad NB-6, manejado bajo dos sistemas de producción: orgánico y convencional, se consideraron como dos tratamientos, establecidos en cuatro pseudorrepeticiones. El área experimental fue de 672 m2. La distancia entre pseudorrepeticiones 1 m. Las variables evaluadas fueron: diversidad, abundancia, biomasa y cobertura de arvenses y en el cultivo rendimiento en kg/ha. El predominio de las arvenses en el cultivo bajo los dos tratamientos fue similar. Se identificaron 11familias representadas por 21 especies. De éstas, 19 en el sistema orgánico y 17 en el sistema convencional. De las 21 especies, 15 pertenecen a la clase dicotiledóneas, éstas predominaron en el sistema orgánico: Cleome viscosa L. (Frijolillo de playa), Sida acuta Burn. F (Escoba lisa) y Portulaca oleracea L. (Verdolaga) de las familias Cappari daceae, Malvaceae y Portulacaceae. Las monocotiledóneas fueron Poaceae y Cyperaceae, predominando la especie: Ixophorus unicetus Presl. ( Zacate dulce). En el sistema convencional las familia Cyperaceae y Capparidaceae, en ellas predominaron las especies Cyperus rotundus L. (Coyolillo) y Cleome viscosa (L) respectivamente. La cobertura decreció en ambos sistemas a medida que el cultivo cerraba su ciclo, mostrando comportamiento similar en ambos tratamientos. La biomasa fue mayor el sistema orgánico (6,368 g/m2) con respecto a la biomasa en el sistema convencional (5,011.1 g/m2). La familia Poaceae obtuvo mayor biomasa (3205.5 g/m2) en el sistema orgánico, a diferencia del sistema convencional. (1765.4 g/m2). En el rendimiento no hubo diferencias estadísticas significativas en ambos sistemas de manejo donde (P=0.97).
This paper deals with the morphological features of the tracheary elements of the vegetative organs in four Portulaca species (Portulaca hirsutissima Camb., P. halimoides L., P. wedermannii Poelln. and P. mucronata Link.) occurring in Southeast and Northeast Brazil. The vessel elements are small (< 25 mu m) and with simple perforation plate. The pattern of wall thickening varied from bordered pitting (in roots) to scalariform and helicoidal (stem and leaves). Statistical methods show variation in vessel-element diameter in different vegetative organs; wider elements were observed in roots. Tracheids occurring in leaves of P. hirsutissima and P. wedermannii, have morphological features that are similar to terminal tracheids or tracheoid idiolasts frequently associated with xerophytes. The paedomorphic features (juvenlism) observed here may be related, in part, to aspects of water transport and storage as described in Cactaceae.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The plant-parasitic nematodes are responsible for serious injuries in roots and shoots of ornamental plants, reducing its beauty and consequently its economic value. This study aimed to ascertain the occurrence and distribution of plantparasitic nematodes through the analysis of the roots of ornamental and flowering plants at UNESP FCAV's landscape. The roots were collected from fifteen different species as follows: Anthurium andreannum, Rhododendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Dracaena marginata, Ficus benjamina, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'American Beauty' and 'Mini', Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Strelitzia reginae, Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia pallida. Samples of roots were processed. The plant-parasitic nematodes identified in the samples were: Meloidogyne sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Impatiens walleriana, Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation'), Helicotylenchus dihystera (Calathea stromata, Dracaena marginata, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiessi 'Sensation', Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia zebrina), Tylenchus sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Rhododendron simsii), Aphelenchoides sp. (Dieffenbachia picta, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', S. wallisi 'American Beauty'), Rotylenchulus reniformis (Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena marginata, Odontonema strictum), Pratylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Ditylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Pratylenchus brachyurus (Tradescantia zebrina). The plant-parasitic nematodes weren't found in the roots of Strelitzia reginae.
Caption title.
From: Memorie della Accademia delle scienze di Torino. 2, Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche. 1843. 5: 367-386.