175 resultados para Portulaca grandiflora
The plant-parasitic nematodes are responsible for serious injuries in roots and shoots of ornamental plants, reducing its beauty and consequently its economic value. This study aimed to ascertain the occurrence and distribution of plantparasitic nematodes through the analysis of the roots of ornamental and flowering plants at UNESP FCAV's landscape. The roots were collected from fifteen different species as follows: Anthurium andreannum, Rhododendron simsii, Impatiens walleriana, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Dracaena marginata, Ficus benjamina, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'American Beauty' and 'Mini', Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Strelitzia reginae, Tradescantia zebrina and Tradescantia pallida. Samples of roots were processed. The plant-parasitic nematodes identified in the samples were: Meloidogyne sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Impatiens walleriana, Odontonema strictum, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation'), Helicotylenchus dihystera (Calathea stromata, Dracaena marginata, Portulaca grandiflora, Spathiphyllum ortgiessi 'Sensation', Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia zebrina), Tylenchus sp. (Anthurium andreannum, Calathea stromata, Cordyline terminalis, Dieffenbachia picta, Ficus benjamina, Rhododendron simsii), Aphelenchoides sp. (Dieffenbachia picta, Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', S. wallisi 'American Beauty'), Rotylenchulus reniformis (Cordyline terminalis, Dracaena marginata, Odontonema strictum), Pratylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum ortgiesii 'Sensation', Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Ditylenchus sp. (Spathiphyllum wallisi 'Mini'), Pratylenchus brachyurus (Tradescantia zebrina). The plant-parasitic nematodes weren't found in the roots of Strelitzia reginae.
El área estudiada abarca 250 has en el distrito de Montecaseros, Departamento de Gral. San Martín, Mendoza; enclavada en la llanura norte (Travesía de Guanacache) y su vegetación natural pertenece a la provincia fitogeográfica del Monte. El principal uso del suelo es la agricultura, aunque no ha logrado modificar todo el territorio. Se observan, en una matriz dominada por áreas cultivadas, parches de vegetación natural característicos de un área fragmentada. El objetivo de esta tesis es el análisis de las comunidades vegetales naturales de un sector de la llanura mendocina, fragmentadas por la actividad agrícola. En Montecaseros no hay antecedentes sobre estudios de las comunidades vegetales. Mediante el método fitosociológico se caracterizaron las comunidades presentes en el área de estudio y su diversidad a nivel específico. Se seleccionaron sitios representativos de cada comunidad y se efectuaron los análisis de suelo pertinentes en cada una. Finalmente se elaboró el listado florístico de la zona estudiada, con 108 especies. Se diferenciaron seis comunidades vegetales a lo largo de un gradiente, desde la máxima modificación en 1) las parcelas cultivadas, hasta la vegetación prácticamente sin evidencias de alteración: 2) médanos, 3) matorral, 4) chañaral y 5) algarrobal, incluyendo parcelas desmontadas, cultivadas y luego abandonadas identificadas como 6) parcela en recuperación. La fisonomía dominante en la zona es la del matorral con especies de los géneros Larrea, Atriplex y Lycium. Los bosquecillos de Prosopis flexuosa son de escasa extensión (abiertos, semi cerrados o cerrados) localizados donde pueden usufructuar la capa freática. En las áreas con suelo de textura más fina, al pie de médanos o en zonas deprimidas se desarrollan bosquecillos de Geoffroea decorticans var. decorticans. En los médanos la vegetación psamófila está bien representada con especies como Portulaca grandiflora, Ibicella parodii, Mimosa ephedroides, Larrea divaricata y Panicum urvilleanum. En áreas cultivadas se hallan especies adventicias dependientes de un buen aporte hídrico como Melilotus albus o Taraxacum officinale y aquellas capaces de sobrevivir y reproducirse en condiciones menos favorables como Flaveria bidentis o Wedelia glauca. En la parcela en recuperación, el desmonte, el laboreo y el posterior abandono de los cultivos hace 25 años generaron nuevas condiciones edáficas y la revegetación natural resulta en comunidades con composición florística diferente de la inicial. En este sector, el matorral original se ha transformado en una estepa de arbustos, halófilos en parte, y gramíneas junto con árboles jóvenes de pequeño porte. Se concluye que las limitaciones edáficas existentes naturalmente en el terreno se ven agravadas por el laboreo y el abandono del cultivo, situación que dificulta el reingreso a la parcela de varias de las especies presentes en los alrededores, aún siendo éstas halófilas. Con los resultados obtenidos se aporta información sobre las comunidades vegetales presentes en sitios fragmentados por la actividad agrícola en la zona este de Mendoza. Además, se demuestra la necesidad de aplicar etodologías de evaluación previas al desmonte, que permitan el reconocimiento y valoración de las especies indicadoras de las limitaciones edáficas. Esto es particularmente importante dado que estas últimas dificultan o encarecen el establecimiento de determinados cultivos y afectan su productividad. Asimismo el trabajo realizado pone en valor la conservación de comunidades naturales en áreas fragmentadas privadas.
Grandiflora: Recent Paintings by Daniel Mafe The paintings of Grandiflora are improvised around a range of different flower motifs culled from medieval textiles and botanical illustrations. Each of the paintings is constructed upon a ground of flat, palely luminous yellow occasionally supplemented by additional areas of high-keyed pastel. Pink, blue, green and mauve together with the yellow, generate a shimmering and even incandescent glow. The graphic images of the flowers with the flat colour areas are then contrasted and worked over with richly sensual, abstract gestures of paint. Within the work there is a pronounced almost rococo-esque opticality as it operates between these different visual codes of flat colour, recognizable floral forms, and gesture. These codes combine to produce a definite visceral impact on the viewer, a pronounced and tactile sense of the experience and ambiguity inherent in perceiving. This ambiguity is interestingly at odds with the apparently clean and crisp quality each painting demonstrates as an integrated whole. Indeed each piece goes on to reveal, despite the use of overt figurative quotations, a sense of the purely abstract which in its turn concretely establishes the ornamental.
A trial was undertaken to evaluate the effect of microwaves on seed mortality of three weed species. Seeds of rubber vine (Cryptostegia grandiflora R.Br.), parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorous L.) and bellyache bush (Jatropha gossypiifolia L.) were buried at six depths (0, 2.5, 5, 10, 20 and 40 cm) in coarse sand maintained at one of two moisture levels, oven dry or wet (field capacity), and then subjected to one of five microwave radiation durations of (0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 min). Significant interactions between soil moisture level, microwave radiation duration, seed burial depth and species were detected for mortality of seeds of all three species. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine (88%), parthenium (67%) and bellyache bush (94%) occurred in wet soil irradiated for 16 min. Maximum seed mortality of rubber vine and bellyache bush seeds occurred in seeds buried at 2.5 cm depth whereas that of parthenium occurred in seeds buried at 10 cm depth. Maximum soil temperatures of 114.1 and 87.5°C in dry and wet soil respectively occurred at 2.5 cm depth following 16 min irradiation. Irrespective of the greater soil temperatures recorded in dry soil, irradiating seeds in wet soil generally increased seed mortality 2.9-fold compared with dry soil. Moisture content of wet soil averaged 5.7% compared with 0.1% for dry soil. Results suggest that microwave radiation has the potential to kill seeds located in the soil seed bank. However, many factors, including weed species susceptibility, determine the effectiveness of microwave radiation on buried seeds. Microwave radiation may be an alternative to conventional methods at rapidly depleting soil seed banks in the field, particularly in relatively wet soils that contain long lived weed seeds.
The arutors studied the impact of a forage legume, butterfly pea, on rubber vine at the early establishment phase under seven planting combinations at three nitrogen fertiliser levels. In pure stands, both species increased their shoot and root dry weight yield in response to nitrogen but rubber vine exhibited the greater response. In mixed stands, rubber vine and butterfly pea did not compete with each other at any nitrogen level. An over-yielding response resulted in all mixture combinations in terms of shoot and root yields. Total shoot and root mass of mixed stands significantly out-yielded their highest yielding pure stands by 8% and 27% respectively, suggesting that butterfly pea not only failed to reduce shoot and root growth of rubber vine, but actually improved its growth performance. Consequently, the introduction of butterfly pea to suppress rubber vine is not warranted.
Three new nortriterpenoids, schigrandilactones A-C (1-3), along with eight known compounds, were isolated from an organic solvent extract of Schisandra grandiflora. Compounds I and 2 feature a spirocyclic moiety in their structures, and compound 3 was cha
Tese de dout., Ciências Biotecnológicas (Biotecnologia Vegetal), Univ. do Algarve, 2009
Dissertação de mest., Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
This paper deals with the morphological features of the tracheary elements of the vegetative organs in four Portulaca species (Portulaca hirsutissima Camb., P. halimoides L., P. wedermannii Poelln. and P. mucronata Link.) occurring in Southeast and Northeast Brazil. The vessel elements are small (< 25 mu m) and with simple perforation plate. The pattern of wall thickening varied from bordered pitting (in roots) to scalariform and helicoidal (stem and leaves). Statistical methods show variation in vessel-element diameter in different vegetative organs; wider elements were observed in roots. Tracheids occurring in leaves of P. hirsutissima and P. wedermannii, have morphological features that are similar to terminal tracheids or tracheoid idiolasts frequently associated with xerophytes. The paedomorphic features (juvenlism) observed here may be related, in part, to aspects of water transport and storage as described in Cactaceae.
Avaliou-se a segurança de um fitoterápico, constituído de extratos fluidos de Aristolochia cymbifera (“cassaú”), Plantago major L.(“transagem”), Luehea grandiflora Mart.(“açoita-cavalo”), Myrocarpus frondosus Allemão (“cabreúva”), Piptadenia colubrina Benth (“angico”) (Cassaú Composto® ), através de estudos de toxicidade aguda e subcrônica, tendo como base a resolução Nº 90, de 16 de março de 2004 da ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária). Para o teste de toxicidade aguda, ratos Wistar de ambos os sexos foram tratados por via oral com uma única dose de 26 ml/kg, correspondendo a 20 vezes a dose terapêutica indicada pelo fabricante para seres humanos adultos. Os resultados revelaram haver sinais de toxicidade sistêmica com o aparecimento de ataxia, porém de forma transitória e reversível, não causando interferência no desenvolvimento ponderal dos animais, nos consumos de água e ração, nas produções de urina e fezes, bem como alterações macroscópicas nos órgãos dos animais. Avaliou-se também a exposição a doses repetidas do fitoterápico (toxicidade subcrônica). Constituiram-se 4 grupos experimentais (10 animais/sexo/dose), onde administrou-se por via oral a ratos Wistar, durante 30 dias, doses diárias de 1,3 ml/kg, 6,5 ml/kg e 13 ml/kg, respectivamente a dose terapêutica indicada pelo fabricante para seres humanos adultos, 5 vezes, e 10 vezes a dose terapêutica, além de um grupo controle, onde administrou-se o veículo do fitoterápico. Os resultados revelaram ausência de toxicidade sistêmica, fundamentados na ausência de alterações hematológicas e bioquímicas sangüíneas, bem como peso e análises histopatológicas dos órgãos, nos diferentes grupos. As flutuações nos consumos de água e ração, bem como produções de urina e fezes, não influenciaram de maneira negativa o desenvolvimento ponderal dos animais. Concluiu-se portanto, que a utilização do fitoterápico nas doses e períodos referidos pode ser considerado segura.