7 resultados para Porphyridium cruentum.
The optical cross section of PS I in whole cells of Porphyridium cruentum (UTEX 161), held in either state 1 or state 2, was determined by measuring the change in absorbance at 820nm, an indication of P700+; the X-section of PS2 was determined by measuring the variable fluorescence, (Fv-Fo)/Fo, from PS2. Both cross-sections were 7 determined by fitting Poisson distribution equations to the light saturation curves obtained with single turnover laser flashes which varied in intensity from zero to a level where maximum yield occurred. Flash wavelengths of 574nm, 626nm, and 668nm were used, energy absorbed by PBS, by PBS and chla, and by chla respectively. There were two populations of both PSi and PS2. A fraction of PSi is associated with PBS, and a fraction of PS2 is free from PBS. On the transition S1->S2, only with PBS-absorbed energy (574nm) did the average X-section of PSi increase (27%), and that of PS2 decrease (40%). The fraction of PSi associated with PBS decreased, from 0.65 to 0.35, and the Xsection of this associated PS 1 increased, from 135±65 A2 to 400±300A2. The cross section of PS2 associated with PBS decreased from 150±50 A2 to 85±45 A2, but the fraction of PS2 associated with PBS, approximately 0.75, did not change significantly. The increase in PSi cross section could not be completely accounted for by postulating that several PSi are associated with a single PBS and that in the transition to state2, fewer PSi share the same number of PBS, resulting in a larger X-section. It is postulated that small changes occur in the attachment of PS2 to PBS causing energy to be diverted to the attached PSi. These experiments support neither the mobile-PBS model of state transitions nor that of spillover. From cross section changes there was no evidence of energy transfer from PS2 to PSi with 668nm light. The decrease in PS2 fluorescence which occurred at this wavelength cannot be explained by energy transfer; another explanation must be sought. No explanation was found for an observed decrease in PSi yield at high flash intensities.
The purification of B-phycoerythrin from a concentrated extract of disrupted Porphyridium cruentum cells was carried out using a new vortex flow reactor design for protein purification. The reactor behaved as an expanded bed in the laminar vortices flow regime where the Streamline DEAE resin was expanded by the axial flow and stabilized by the vortex flow. After the broth culture was centrifuged and resuspended in the adsorption buffer, the concentrated extract of disrupted cells was directly loaded into the vortex flow reactor. The purification of B-phycoerythrin was carried out in two steps: adsorption in the expanded bed and elution from the settled bed. 142.0 mg of B-phycoerythrin was eluted representing a total recovery yield of 86.6%. Prior to B-phycoerythrin purification, the protein adsorption of the vortex flow reactor was characterized through hydrodynamic studies and a dynamic capacity measurement using a standard protein.
Low temperature (77K) linear dichroism spectroscopy was used to characterize pigment orientation changes accompanying the light state transition in the cyanobacterium, Synechococcus sp. pee 6301, and cold-hardening in winter rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Puma). Samples were oriented for spectroscopy using the gel squeezing method (Abdourakhmanov et aI., 1979) and brought to 77K in liquid nitrogen. The linear dichroism (LD) spectra of Synechococcus 6301 phycobilisome/thylakoid membrane fragments cross-linked in light state 1 and light state 2 with glutaraldehyde showed differences in both chlorophyll a and phycobilin orientation. A decrease in the relative amplitude of the 681nm chlorophyll a positive LD peak was observed in membrane fragments in state 2. Reorientation of the phycobilisome (PBS) during the transition to state 2 resulted in an increase in core allophycocyanin absorption parallel to the membrane, and a decrease in rod phycocyanin parallel absorption. This result supports the "spillover" and "PBS detachment" models of the light state transition in PBS-containing organisms, but not the "mobile PBS" model. A model was proposed for PBS reorientation upon transition to state 2, consisting of a tilt in the antenna complex with respect to the membrane plane. Linear dichroism spectra of PBS/thylakoid fragments from the red alga, Porphyridium cruentum, grown in green light (containing relatively more PSI) and red light (containing relatively more PSll) were compared to identify chlorophyll a absorption bands associated with each photosystem. Spectra from red light - grown samples had a larger positive LD signal on the short wavelength side of the 686nm chlorophyll a peak than those from green light - grown fragments. These results support the identification of the difference in linear dichroism seen at 681nm in Synechococcus spectra as a reorientation of PSll chromophores. Linear dichroism spectra were taken of thylakoid membranes isolated from winter rye grown at 20°C (non-hardened) and 5°C (cold-hardened). Differences were seen in the orientation of chlorophyll b relative to chlorophyll a. An increase in parallel absorption was identified at the long-wavelength chlorophyll a absorption peak, along with a decrease in parallel absorption from chlorophyll b chromophores. The same changes in relative pigment orientation were seen in the LD of isolated hardened and non-hardened light-harvesting antenna complexes (LHCII). It was concluded that orientational differences in LHCII pigments were responsible for thylakoid LD differences. Changes in pigment orientation, along with differences observed in long-wavelength absorption and in the overall magnitude of LD in hardened and non-hardened complexes, could be explained by the higher LHCII monomer:oligomer ratio in hardened rye (Huner et ai., 1987) if differences in this ratio affect differential light scattering properties, or fluctuation of chromophore orientation in the isolated LHCII sample.
The membrane proteins of peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) bind chlorophylls and carotenoids and transfer energy to the reaction centers for photosynthesis. LHCs of chlorophytes, chromophytes, dinophytes, and rhodophytes are similar in that they have three transmembrane regions and several highly conserved Chl-binding residues. All LHCs bind Chl a, but in specific taxa certain characteristic pigments accompany Chl a: Chl b and lutein in chlorophytes, Chl c and fucoxanthin in chromophytes, Chl c and peridinin in dinophytes, and zeaxanthin in rhodophytes. The specificity of pigment binding was examined by in vitro reconstitution of various pigments with a simple light-harvesting protein (LHCaR1), from a red alga (Porphyridium cruentum), that normally has eight Chl a and four zeaxanthin molecules. The pigments typical of a chlorophyte (Spinacea oleracea), a chromophyte (Thallasiosira fluviatilis), and a dinophyte (Prorocentrum micans) were found to functionally bind to this protein as evidenced by their participation in energy transfer to Chl a, the terminal pigment. This is a demonstration of a functional relatedness of rhodophyte and higher plant LHCs. The results suggest that eight Chl-binding sites per polypeptide are an ancestral trait, and that the flexibility to bind various Chl and carotenoid pigments may have been retained throughout the evolution of LHCs.
Proceso en tres etapas para la obtención y purificación de la proteína B-ficoeritrina procedente de la microalga Porphyridium cruentum caracterizado por su alto rendimiento. La primera etapa consiste en una ruptura celular encaminada a liberar el material citoplasmático mediante un proceso de choque osmótico usando un tapón de ácido acético/acetato sódico. La segunda etapa utiliza un proceso cromatográfico en lecho expandido desarrollado en un columna de absorción rellena con un soporte absorbente iónico denominado Streamline-DEAE. Por último, la tercera etapa es un proceso adicional cromatográfico en columna de intercambio iónico de tipo clásico que utiliza como fase estacionaria un lecho de DEAE-celulosa DE-52.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioenergia
The marine environment offers both economic and scientific potential which are relatively untapped from a biotechnological point of view. These environments whilst harsh are ironically fragile and dependent on a harmonious life form balance. Exploitation of natural resources by exhaustive wild harvesting has obvious negative environmental consequences. From a European industry perspective marine organisms are a largely underutilised resource. This is not due to lack of interest but due to a lack of choice the industry faces for cost competitive, sustainable and environmentally conscientious product alternatives. Knowledge of the biotechnological potential of marine organisms together with the development of sustainable systems for their cultivation, processing and utilisation are essential. In 2010, the European Commission recognised this need and funded a collaborative RTD/SME project under the Framework 7-Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) Theme 2 Programme 'Sustainable culture of marine microorganisms, algae and/or invertebrates for high value added products'. The scope of that project entitled 'Sustainable Production of Biologically Active Molecules of Marine Based Origin' (BAMMBO) is outlined. Although the Union is a global leader in many technologies, it faces increasing competition from traditional rivals and emerging economies alike and must therefore improve its innovation performance. For this reason innovation is placed at the heart of a European Horizon 2020 Strategy wherein the challenge is to connect economic performance to eco performance. This article provides a synopsis of the research activities of the BAMMBO project as they fit within the wider scope of sustainable environmentally conscientious marine resource exploitation for high-value biomolecules. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.