996 resultados para Populus euphratica


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胡杨(Populus euphratica Oliv.)是干旱荒漠风沙前治地区唯一分布的乔木树种,具有极强的抗逆性,突出地表现出较强的耐盐碱能力。由于胡杨在繁殖上存在问题,种子采后极易丧失生活力和无性扦插繁殖难以生根,加之人们对胡杨耐盐抗逆机制缺乏了解,应而极大地制约了这一珍贵抗逆种质资源的开发和利用,现有资源的保存也受到严重危胁。试验首先利用植物细胞工程技术开展了胡杨体细胞再生植株的系统研究,并在分子水平上就愈伤组织的培养和器官发生过程中表达的特异蛋白开展了深入工作。其次,对胡杨耐盐机制进行了研究,分析了胡杨细胞盐胁迫响应蛋白,开展了盐胁迫条件下细胞对离子吸收和分配特性以及与耐盐有关的形态结构的研究。这一工作的开展对于有效地保存、开发和利用胡杨种质资源,对于荒漠化治理,以及深入认识胡杨耐盐性、丰富和发展木本植物耐盐理论,具有十分重要的意义。 研究取得的主要结果如下: 1.较好地解决了胡杨试管培养中黄萎和退化等难以克服的问题,通过全面和系统的比较研究和对培养条件的优化,首次获得了高频率的和成熟的胡杨体细胞再生植株体系。胡杨愈伤组织、离体叶片和离体茎段不定芽再生频率分别可达82.9%、100%和83%,试管苗生根为86.2%。 2.提出了以愈伤组织表达蛋白状况作为判定其器官发生能力的观点,确定了三类愈伤组织和器官发生中三个不同分化阶段的蛋白分子标记。利用SDS-PAGE和IEF-SDS-PAGE对胡杨不同类型愈伤组织和愈伤组织分化不定芽过程的蛋白进行了研究。结果表明:不同类型愈伤组织中表达的蛋白存在着一定差异。在光下和BA/NAA为1诱导产生的具有较强器官发生能力的茎基愈伤组织,其蛋白组分明显地少于其它类型的愈伤组织,表明其分化程度较低。经过黑暗和BA/NAA为0.5的继代培养,愈伤组织产生了特异的24。5KD和58.6KD的标记蛋白,并且也表达了其器官发生时表达的19KD和31KD蛋白。说明愈伤组织经过继代培养其器官发生能力下降是与细胞分化程度增加相关的。茎基愈伤组织在光下和BA/NAA为5的条件下进行器官发生诱导,随着愈伤组织形成分生细胞团块和不定芽原基明显地表达了20KD和55KD蛋白带,并且20KD蛋白中包含有特异的pI为5。5-6.5的蛋白。43KD和pI为6.5-7.5的蛋白为器官发生前期蛋白。本文不愈伤组织表达蛋白状况与器官发生能力间关系进行了讨论。 3.分离和鉴定了胡杨细胞盐胁迫响应蛋白,从蛋白表达上证实盐胁迫对胡杨细胞产生的影响明显地分为渗透胁迫和离子伤害胁迫两种效应。对悬浮培养的胡杨细胞进行NaCL和PEG(6000)胁迫处理,SDS-PAGE分析表明:NaCL和PEG胁迫处理的细胞均明显地表达了28KD和59KD蛋白带,表明28KD和59DK蛋白是与渗透胁迫有关的。66KD和60KD蛋白带仅在高水平盐胁迫细胞中显著表达,应而是与盐胁迫中离子伤害有关的蛋白。进一步证实胡杨细胞中28KD和66KD蛋白带表达受ABA诱导。通过IEF-SDS-PAGE证实,28KD蛋白包含有pI为8.0-9.0的蛋白,渗透胁迫和离子胁迫相关的分离和鉴定为通过蛋白途径克隆与渗透胁迫和离子胁迫相关基因,为深入认识胡杨耐盐机制奠定了基础。 4.通过X-射线细胞微区分析以及与毛白杨细胞比较发现,胡杨细胞对培养介质中高浓度的盐离子具有较强的拒吸作用和一定的忍耐性。胡杨细胞中液泡不具有积聚离子的功能,细胞分室性渗调节作用不明显。胡杨细胞膜对离子进入具有选择功能,表现在培养介质中Na和CL离子进入细胞和由细胞质进入液泡不以等摩尔数形式进行,进入的CL离子比Na离子约高50%,说明了二者通过质膜是由不同机制控制的,是分开进行的,也说明胡杨细胞拒Na离子强于拒CL离子。另外胡杨细胞受到盐胁迫时还表现出比较强的维持细胞内离子平衡的功能。正是由于上述特性,才赋予了胡杨细胞具有较强的耐盐性。 5.利用电子显微镜和光学显微镜中相差和微分干涉等技术,对胡杨细胞和组织结构进行了观察。与毛白杨细胞相比,胡杨细胞中具有较丰富的线粒体和质体,盐胁迫和渗透胁迫均明显地提高了细胞质中线粒体数和质体数,并使质体中内含体增多,细胞质中和液泡内缘出现明显的嗜饿物质。研究还发现,胡杨细胞膜与细胞壁之间呈齿状结合,说明了膜与壁之间结合的牢固性和稳定性,解释了胡杨细胞在胁迫中不易发生质壁分离的原因。胡杨细胞在受到盐或渗透胁迫时,细胞内出现明显的丝状结晚,细胞核变大,核仁明显。在器官和组织结构方面,胡杨根系具有发达的根冠和根内皮层,根毛较多,叶片输导组织不发达等。这些结构的存在与胡杨的抗逆性是密切相关的。文中从形态结构上阐述了胡杨的耐盐碱特性。


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沙漠 -绿洲过渡带地区植被的可持续性在防止绿洲沙漠化的过程中非常重要。对过渡带主要植物种骆驼刺 (Alhagisparsifolia Shap)、多枝柽柳 (Tamarix ramosissima L ebed.)、胡杨 (Populus euphratica Oliv.)和头状沙拐枣 (Calligonum caput-medusae Schrenk.)水分关系的研究表明 :4种植物的水分恢复状况良好 ,清晨水势一直较高 ,水分亏缺并不严重。渗透势和正午水势的降低幅度不大 ,变化比较平稳 ,更像是一种生长过程中的结果 ,植物的水分胁迫状况并不明显。 4种植物的水势和渗透势都高于典型的荒漠植物 ,属于中生植物的范围。水分参数的变化显示在同样的环境节律下 ,四种植物在水分生理的变化特征上有一致性。一直很高的 RWCp 值表明植物不能适应剧烈的水分损失和较低的水分含量 ,植物需要稳定充足的水分供应来适应塔克拉玛干极端气候条件下的生长环境。植物对环境胁迫也有各自不同的生理适应特点 ,胡杨的ΔΠ值大 ,能忍受较多的水分损失维持气孔的开放 ;骆驼刺的Ψp 值最高 ,水分亏缺的平衡与恢复效果明显 ;C4 植物头状沙拐枣能维持较高的水势和渗透势 ,而盐土植物多枝柽柳能忍受水势的很大降低。夏季一次性灌溉对骆驼刺、多枝柽柳和胡杨水分状况的改善基本没有影响 ,对头状沙拐枣有一定的帮助。植物


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The indigenous vegetation surrounding the river oases on the southern rim of the Taklamakan Desert has drastically diminished due to overexploitation as a source of fodder, timber and fuel for the human population. The change in the spatial extent of landscape forms and vegetation types around the Qira oasis was analyzed by comparing SPOT satellite images from 1998 with aerial photographs from 1956. The analysis was supplemented by field surveys in 1999 and 2000. The study is part of a joint Chinese-European project with the aim of assessing the current state of the foreland vegetation, of gathering information on the regeneration potential and of suggesting procedures for a sustainable management. With 33 mm of annual precipitation, plants can only grow if they have access to groundwater, lakes or rivers. Most of the available water comes into the desert via rivers in the form of seasonal flooding events resulting from snow melt in the Kun Lun Mountains. This water is captured in canal systems and used for irrigation of arable fields. Among the eight herbaceous and woody vegetation types and the type of open sand without any plant life that were mapped in 2000 in the oasis foreland, only the latter, the oasis border between cultivated land and open Populus euphratica forests and Tamarix ramosissima-Phragmites australis riverbed vegetation could be clearly identified on the photographs from 1956. The comparison of the images revealed that the oasis increased in area between 1956 and 2000. Shifting sand was successfully combated near to the oasis borders but increased in extent at the outward border of the foreland vegetation. In contrast to expectations, the area covered with Populus trees was smaller in 1956 than today due to some new forests in the north of the oasis that have grown up since 1977. Subfossil wood and leaf remnants of Populus euphratica that were found in many places in the foreland must have originated from forests destroyed before 1956. In the last 50 years, the main Qira River has shifted its bed significantly northward and developed a new furcation with a large new bed in 1986. The natural river dynamics are not only an important factor in forming the oasis’ landscape but also in providing the only possible regeneration sites for all occurring plant species. The conclusion of the study is that the oasis landscape has changed considerably in the last 50 years due to natural floodings and to vegetation degradation by human overexploitation. The trend towards decreasing width of the indigenous vegetation belt resulting from the advancing desert and the expansion of arable land is particularly alarming because a decrease in its protective function against shifting sand can be expected in the future.


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The primary aim of the present study was to find an efficient and simple method of vegetative propagation for producing large numbers of hybrid aspen (Populus tremuloides L. x P. tremula Michx.) plants for forest plantations. The key objectives were to investigate the main physiological factors that affect the ability of cuttings to regenerate and to determine whether these factors could be manipulated by different growth conditions. In addition, clonal variation in traits related to propagation success was examined. According to our results, with the stem cutting method, depending on the clone, it is possible to obtain only 1−8 plants from one stock plant per year. With the root cutting method the corresponding values for two-year-old stock plants are 81−207 plants. The difference in number of cuttings between one- and two-year-old stock plants is so pronounced that it is economically feasible to grow stock plants for two years. There is no reason to use much older stock plants as a source of cuttings, as it has been observed that rooting ability diminishes as root diameter increases. Clonal variation is the most important individual factor in propagation of hybrid aspen. The fact that the efficiently sprouted clones also rooted best facilitates the selection of clones for large-scale propagation. In practice, root cuttings taken from all parts of the root system of hybrid aspen were capable of producing new shoots and roots. However, for efficient rooting it is important to use roots smaller than one centimeter in diameter. Both rooting and sprouting, as well as sprouting rate, were increased by high soil temperature; in our studies the highest temperature tested (30ºC) was the best. Light accelerated the sprouting of root cuttings, but they rooted best in dark conditions. Rooting is essential because without roots the sprouted cutting cannot survive long. For aspen the criteria for clone selection are primarily fiber qualities and growth rate, but ability to regenerate efficiently is also essential. For large-scale propagation it is very important to find clones from which many cuttings per stock plant can be obtained. In light of production costs, however, it is even more important that the regeneration ability of the produced cuttings be high.


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木质素是植物体中具重要生物功能的次生代谢产物。然而纸浆生产主要是将原料中的木质素与用于造纸的纤维素分离,该工艺过程产生了造纸工业的主要污染废液,并且增加造纸成本。本研究目的在于利用反义RNA技术,在分子水平调节木质素的生物合成,降低中国特有造纸树种毛白杨的木质素含量,培育更适于我国造纸工业的原料树种。以下为本研究已取得的相关研究进展: 1.通过RT-PCR技术,从毛白杨中克隆了木质素生物合成的三个相关酶的cDNAs,它们分别为咖啡酸甲基转移酶(caffeic acid O-methyltransferase,COMT)、咖啡酰CoA甲基转移酶(caffeoyl Co-enzyme A O-methyltransferase,CCoAOMT)及香豆酸:辅酶A连接酶(4-coumarate: CoA ligase,4CL)。序列分析显示了毛白杨这三个基因与杨属中其它种的相应基因cDNA核苷酸序列高度同源。Northern点杂交分析表明,COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因在毛白杨正在生长的次生木质部中高水平表达,其表达高峰与树木的木质化进程同步;而在叶与叶柄中,这三个基因均不表达。COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL是木质素生物合成的相关酶,该表达特征与其基因功能相一致。本研究克隆的COMT、CCoAOMT及4CL基因的cDNAs已在GenBank注册登记,接受号分别为AF237777、AF240466、AF314180 (publish on Jan l,2002)。 2.通过一系列的DNA重组,构建了携带反义COMT、CCoAOMT或4CLcDNA的反义表达载体以及同时整合反义COMT与CCoAOMT cDNA的双价反义表达载体,PCR扩增与酶切检测确证构建无误。 3.以田间取材的速生三倍体毛白杨B19、B331及B304的茎尖、叶片与嫩茎为外殖体,首次获得了三倍体毛白杨的组培再生试管苗,并建立了速生三倍体毛白杨的组培再生系统,为通过基因工程改良其造纸性能奠定了基础。 4.农杆菌介导转化烟草,PCR与PCR-Southern检测表明我们获得了整合反义COMT、CCoAOMT cDNA及反义COMT及CCoAOMT cDNA共整合的转基因烟草。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因烟草的总RNA进行NoIthern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA均已表达。转基因烟草的木质素分析将有助于对COMT及CCoAOMT两个甲基化酶功能的认识。 5.通过农杆菌介导,将反义CCoAOMT cDNA转入欧洲山杨与银白杨的杂交杨(P tremulaXP.alba)。经PCR,PCR-Southern及Southern检测,确认获得了转基因植株。以Digoxigenin标记的对应于CCoAOMT cDNA反义链的单链RNA为探针与转基因杂交杨总RNA进行Northern点杂交,结果表明整合到其中的反义cDNA已在转录水平表达。测定生长5-6个月的转基因杨树下部茎杆的Klason木质素含量,结果显示其中一个株系的Klason木质素含量比野生型对照下降17.9%,表明抑制杨树内源CCoAOMT基因表达可有效降低转基因植株的木质素含量。


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青杨作为一个本土树种,能较好的适应潮湿和寒冷的环境,对中国西部的人工造林有着重要的参考价值。在本实验中,选取7个中国西南地区分布的自然群体,用ISSR(inter-simple sequence repeats)作为分子标记研究其遗传多样性水平和遗传结构。通过筛选的8个ISSR引物,获得了158条清晰可重复的DNA条带,其中有156条具有多样性(占98.7%)。平均的Nei’s遗传多样性(h)为0.331;遗传分化系数(GST)为0.477,这表明有47.7%的遗传多样性发生在群体间。这种高水平的分化可能是由于当地复杂多变的地形和气候特点阻碍了基因流而引起的。此外在这7个青杨群体中,遗传距离和地理距离并未体现出有显著相关性(r=0.3122, P>0.05)。联合遗传距离和地理距离分析,鉴定出两处低水平基因交流的地区, 探讨其遗传障碍形成原因。 As a native species to China, Populus cathayana Rehd is well-adapted to the wet and cold environments where it occurs. It is considered to be an important reforestation species in western China. In the present study, we surveyed the level of genetic variation and the pattern of genetic structure in seven natural populations of P. cathayana, originating from the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China, by using ISSR (inter-simple sequence repeats) markers. Based on eight primers, 158 clear and reproducible DNA fragments were generated, of which 156 (98.7%) were polymorphic. The average value of Nei's gene diversity (h) equaled 0.331. The coefficient of genetic differentiation (GST) equaled 0.477, which means that 47.7% of the total molecular variance existed among populations. Such a high level of divergence present among populations may be caused by the complex topography and variable climatic conditions present in the southeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau which effectively restrict gene flow. Moreover, there is a lack of significant association between genetic and geographical distances (r=0.3122, P>0.05) in the populations of P. cathayana. The application of a novel method, which combines geographical coordinates and genetic differentiation to detect barriers for gene flow, allowed us to identify two zones of lowered gene flow.


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人类向大气中排放的大量氮氧化合物和氟氯烃类化合物(CFC’s)引起臭氧分子的分解,导致到达地球表面的紫外辐射增加,特别是UV-B辐射增强。本项目以青杨组杨树为模式植物,从形态和生理方面研究了来自不同UV-B背景下的康定杨与青杨在增强UV-B下的反应及其反应差异,并探讨了干旱、施肥对它们抗UV-B能力的影响。杨树具有分布广、适应性强、在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置,研究成果可为生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果有以下: 1. 在温室中经过增强UV-B处理,杨树的外部形态及生理活动受到了一定程度的影响。增强UV-B导致康定杨、青杨的生物量、叶面积及节间长度降低,叶片增厚,SOD活性升高,膜伤害增加,而对叶片数目、R/S、叶绿素A、叶绿素B及整个叶绿素含量没有影响。两种杨树对UV-B胁迫的响应存在差异:在增强UV-B条件下,青杨的植株高度、生物量、叶面积、脯氨酸含量、长期用水效率受到的影响大于康定杨,相比而言,康定杨在比叶面积、叶片厚度、可溶性糖含量、UV-B吸收物质的含量及SOD和GPX活性方面增加的程度大于青杨。这些区别说明,来自于高海拔的康定杨比来自于低海拔的青杨对增强UV-B 具有更强的耐性。我们认为二者在叶片厚度、比叶面积、UV-B吸收物质含量及SOD、GPX活性差异是导致对增强UV-B耐性不同的原因。 2. 干旱与增强UV-B对杨树的生长和生理特性均产生了影响,而且两种胁迫共同作用时干旱表现减弱或加剧了UV-B对杨树某些形态和生理特性的影响。 据试验结果,干旱显著地降低了杨树的株高、叶片数目、叶面积,增加了叶片厚度,促进ABA的积累,提高了CAT活性。对于干旱,两种杨树之间也表现出了一定的差异性。可溶性蛋白质和脯氨酸在青杨叶片中得到显著积累,而在康定杨中没有变化。此外,CAT、长期用水效率在康定杨中受到的影响更加明显。长期用水效率的不同变化趋势说明两种杨树对水分胁迫采用了不同的用水策略,康定杨采用的是节水用水策略,提高用水效率,而青杨采用的是耗水的用水策略。根据干旱对叶面积、脯氨酸、ABA含量、CAT活性及长期用水效率等方面的影响,我们认为来自高海拔地区的康定杨比来自低海拔的青杨有更大的耐旱性,这是对生长环境长期适应的结果。在高海拔地区,因霜冻常带来土壤水分不可利用,降低了根系对水分的吸收,树木容易受到的生理性干旱。另外,高海拔的地区低的气温使植株对严寒有较强的耐性,减少了水分的需要。 生长于增强UV-B下的康定杨和青杨植株表现为高度降低,叶面积缩小,比叶面积增加;叶片栅栏组织、海绵组织均受到增强UV-B的影响,其厚度的增加导致整个叶片变厚。增强UV-B还显著提高了杨树的APX活性、UV-B吸收物质含量,而对叶片数目、ABA、可溶性蛋白质含量及CAT活性没有产生影响。试验中也观察到了两种杨树对增强UV-B响应的差异:与康定杨相比,在增强UV-B下青杨株高、叶面积降低的程度更大一些,SOD活性显著提高。另外UV-B吸收物质受到的影响不同。根据这些差别,高海拔的康定杨(3500 m)比来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)增强UV-B有较强的耐性。 与水分充足情况下UV-B对植株的影响相比,干旱对杨树抗增强UV-B产生了一定的影响,表现为加剧或减弱UV-B对植物的影响,但这种影响与形态、生理指标有关。当干旱与增强UV-B共同作用时,杨树植株的株高、叶面积进一步降低、叶片进一步增厚。就脯氨酸的积累的而言,在没有水分胁迫时,增强UV-B促使它显著增加,而在干旱处理下这种效果变得不明显。干旱对增强UV-B的影响还与杨树的种类有一定的关系。在康定杨中,干旱减弱了增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,且在植株高度、叶面积上表现出累加效应,而在CAT上交互作用显著;但在青杨中干旱则加剧增强UV-B对栅栏组织与海绵组织的影响,在植株高度、叶面积及比叶面积上表现出显著的交互作用。据碳同素分析,在水分充足的条件下,无论是康定杨,还是青杨,增强UV-B均导致其长期用水效率的提高,然而当两种胁迫共同作用时,长期用水效率则表现出差异,在青杨中,长期用水效率得到进一步增高,而康定杨中干旱的效应被增强UV-B所减轻。 3. 田间试验表明,杨树的生长、生理特征都受到养分和增强UV-B的影响。施肥对杨树的影响表现为:提高了叶面积、生物量及SOD的活性,降低了抗坏血酸含量。对于施肥作用,两种杨树的反应也有区别:在康定杨中施肥显著增加了的叶片长度、宽度及光合色素的含量,降低了净光合速率、气孔导度及胞间CO2浓度;在青杨中,则SOD、GPX、APX活性表现增加。从试验看出,施肥对来自于高海拔地区的康定杨(3500 m)的影响较大,对来自低海拔的青杨(1500 m)影响较小,这与它们对原产地的生境适应有一定关系。在康定杨生长的高海拔地区,低温度和湿度不能为地上凋落物或土壤中的根分解提供理想的条件,造成当地土壤的低养分状况,所以当肥料施用以后,效果显著。 经过增强UV-B处理,杨树叶片中UV-B吸收物质含量、GPX的活性得到提高,而脯氨酸、丙二醛、可溶性蛋白质、叶绿素及类胡萝卜素含量没有受到影响。对于增强UV-B两种杨树受到的影响也有所不同:在青杨中增强UV-B导致叶面积缩小,生物量、净光合速率降低,APX的活性及长期用水效率的提高,而对康定杨的这些指标没有产生显著影响,相反抗氧化酶的活性明显高于青杨。这些差异性是由于两种杨树对原产地不同UV-B背景的长期适应结果。康定杨长期生长在较高UV-B环境中,对UV-B有较强的耐性。而青杨适应于较低的UV-B环境,对增强UV-B较为敏感。 试验中施肥也影响了植株对增强UV-B的反应,不过这种影响与杨树的种类及测定指标有一定的相关性。例如,在缺肥的情况下,青杨的长期用水效率和康定杨的叶绿素含量都受到增强UV-B的显著影响,而施肥以后这种影响变得不显著。在缺肥的条件下,GPX、APX在青杨中的活性、GPX在康定杨中的活性对增加UV-B反应不敏感;而施肥以后则变化显著,同样胞间CO2浓度在康定杨也有类似的变化。 For past decades, Ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B reaching the Earth’s surface increased because of depletion of ozone layer resulted from emission of NxO and CFC’s from human activities. In this experiment, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca Spach from different UV-B background were selected as a model plant to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation. Morphological and physiological traits induced by enhanced UV-B were observed and the different responses between P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were discussed, furthermore the influences of drought and fertilizer on responses induced by enhanced UV-B were studied. Since poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component of ecosystems due to their fast growth and wide adaptation, the study could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation of ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. The experiment conducted in a greenhouse indicated that morphological and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by enhanced UV-B radiation. Enhanced UV-B radiation not only reduced biomass, leave area and internode length, but also increased leaf thickness and SOD activity as well as MDA concentration and electrolyte rate. However, no significant changes in leaf numbers, root shoot ratio, and total chlorophyll and chlorophyll component were observed. There were different responses to enhanced UV-B radiation between two species. Compared with P. kangdingensis, cuttings of P. cathayana, exhibited lower height increment and smaller leaf area. In addition, there were significant differences in free proline, soluble protein, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and the activity of SOD and GPX, long-term WUE between them. Differences in plant height, biomass, leaf area, free proline concentration, and long-termed WUE showed that P. cathayana were more affected by enhanced UV-B radiation than P. kangdingensis. In contrast, more increase of specific leaf mass, leaf thickness, and soluble sugar, and UV-B absorbing compounds, and activity of SOD and GPX were observed in P. kangdingensis. According to these results, we suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation, which adapted to higher UV-B environments, had more tolerance to enhanced UV-B than P. cathayana from low elevation, which adapted to lower UV-B environment. We believe it was the difference of leaf thickness, specific leaf mass, and UV-B absorbing compounds as well as the activity of SOD and GPX resulted in lower adaptation of P. cathayana to enhanced UV-B radiation. 2. Growth and physiological traits of two poplars were affected by both drought and enhanced UV-B radiation. Moreover, it was observed that when two stresses applied together drought could exacerbate UV-B effects or decrease sensitivity to UV-B. In the experiment, drought significantly decreased plant height, leaf numbers, leaf area, and increased leaf thickness, and ABA, and CAT activity of two poplars. There were significant interspecific differences to drought stress. Exposed to drought, soluble protein and proline concentration were increased in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. However, more changes in CAT and long-term WUE were observed in kangdingensis. Different change in long-term WUE suggests that two poplars adapted different water-use strategies. P. kangdingensis employ a conservative water-use strategy, whereas P. cathayana employ a prodigal water-use strategy. Based on the differences in leaf area, accumulation of free proline and ABA, CAT activity as well as long-term WUE, we believed that P. kangdingensis from high elevation had a greater tolerance to drought than P. cathayana from low elevation,which is the result of adaptation to local environment. In high elevation area, trees are prone to suffer from physiological drought because of un-movable water caused by frost. Besides lower temperature enable the plants had greater adaptability to frost as a results the requirement of water is reduced Enhanced UV-B radiation decreased shoots height, leaf area, and increased specific leaf mass and thickness of palisade and sponge layer as well as APX activity and UV-B absorbing compounds in both species. Whereas, leaf numbers, ABA content, soluble protein and CAT activity showed no differences to enhanced UV-B radiation. Interspecific differences were also observed. Compared with P. kangdingensis, P. cathayana showed lower shoot height and smaller leaf area, higher SOD activity. Besides, variation in UV-B absorbing compounds was found. These differences suggested that P. kangdingensis from high elevation (3500 m) was more tolerant to enhanced UV-B radiation than P. cathayana from low elevation (1500 m). Compared with morphological and physiological changes induced by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions, drought exacerbated or decreased these changes. However, these effects vary with parameters measured. When two stresses applied together, shoot height and leaf area further decreased while leaf thickness further increased. Under well-watered conditions, enhanced UV-B radiation significantly increased proline content, but such effect was not observed under drought conditions. The effect of drought on enhanced UV-B radiation was related to species. For example, drought reduced the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll in P. kangdingensis, and additive effects in shoot height and leaf area and interactive effect CAT activity were observed. In contrast, for P. cathayana drought significantly exacerbated the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation on palisade parenchyma and sponge mesophyll; there were noticeable interaction in shoot height, leaf area and specific leaf mass. As far as long-term WUE is concerned, it was increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under well-watered conditions in both species. While different effect was observed between two species in combination of two stresses. Long-term water use efficiency was further increased in P. cathayana whereas the effect was less significant in P. kangdingensis. 3. The field experiment showed that growth and physiological traits of poplars were affected by nutrition and enhanced UV-B radiation. Fertilization significantly increased leaf area, biomass and SOD activity, reduced Ascorbic acid concentration. There was interspecific difference in response to fertilization. For P. kangdingensis, fertilization significantly increased leaf width, leaf length and photosynthetic pigments content while net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration were significantly decreased. However, for P. cathayana, these parameters were unaffected except the increase of SOD, GPX and APX activity. From above, it could concluded that P. kangdingensis from high elevation was more affected by fertilization than P. cathayana, This difference was due to adaptation to local environment., The low temperature and moisture where P. kangdingensis was collected can not provided optimum to decompose roots and litter fall as a result the nutrition in soil was poor. Exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation, for both species UV-B absorbing compounds and GPX activity were significantly increased while proline, MDA, soluble protein, chlorophyll, carotenoids were not affected. Different responses were also observed between the two species. Enhanced UV-B radiation caused significant decreases in leaf area, biomass, net photosynthetic rate and increase in APX activity and long-term WUE in P. cathayana but not in P. kangdingensis. In addition, activity in antioxidant enzymes was much higher in P. kangdingensis than in P. cathayana. In the experiment fertilization affected responses of cuttings to enhanced UV-B radiation, but it concern species and parameters measured. Long-term WUE in P. cathayana and chlorophyll in P. kangdingensis were significantly increased by enhanced UV-B radiation under non-fertilization treatments while the increase was not found under fertilization treatment. In contrast, under no fertilization treatment enhanced UV-B radiation did not affected GPX and APX activity in P. cathayana and GPX in P. kangdingensis while significant increase appeared after application of fertilization. Similar effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on intercellular CO2 concentration in P. kangdingensis was observed.


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青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派杨树的主要树种之一,为我国特有乡土树种,其主要分布区之一是我国的青藏高原,集中分布地带在甘肃省中部及青海省东部,四川省西北部岷江上游和松潘等地区。本研究以青藏高原东缘青杨天然分布区的6个群体143个个体为材料,用AFLP、SSR和叶绿体SSR分子标记分析青杨天然群体的遗传多样性,分析其遗传结构和分化,比较6个群体间遗传多样性的高低和群体间的遗传关系。旨在为青杨基因资源评价、保护与保存、遗传改良策略制定等提供科学理论依据。通过以上研究,得出如下主要研究结果: 1 AFLP分子标记研究结果 采用4对选择性引物对6个青杨天然群体143个个体进行分析,扩增谱带分析共检测到175个位点,其中173个位点表现为多态,多态位点百分率高达98.9%。从整体上表现出较高的遗传多样性,Nei’s基因多样度(h)水平为0.306。从青杨天然群体位点分布来看,有高达20%的位点(32位点)为群体所特有,仅有9.14%的位点(16位点)在所有群体中存在。群体间的遗传分化极大,所有遗传变异中,有48.9%的遗传变异存在于群体间。在个体群丛(Individuals cluster)和主坐标(PCO analysis)分析中,青杨各群体未呈现任何地理模式,Mantel检测也显示各群体间遗传距离与地理距离无明显相关。研究认为,由于地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和地形地貌复杂使得群体间无法进行基因交流,导致群体间遗传分化极大,另外各群体在不同的选择压力下,经历各自独立的进化历程,这些都可能导致群体间遗传距离与地理距离的不相关。 2 SSR分子标记研究结果 在SSR分析中,7个位点在6个青杨天然群体143个个体中共检测到79个等位基因,每位点检测到的等位基因数在5-16之间,平均11.3个,总体上多态位点百分率达100%。平均观察杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.792和0.802。Hardy-Weinberg平衡检验表明青杨大部分群体都处于非平衡状态,群体大部分位点都是偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡(76.3%),只有23.7%的测验满足哈迪-温伯格平衡。分析青杨天然群体内和群体间的遗传变异,基因分化系数(GST)为0.373,即有62.7%的遗传变异存在群体内,37.3%的遗传变异存在群体间。群体内的遗传变异高于群体间水平。根据各群体遗传距离UPGMA聚类分析,有来自相临分布区、近似气候类型的群体聚在一起的趋势,但Mantel检测反映遗传距离与地理距离间并无明显相关性。 3 cpSSR分子标记研究结果 分析来自青藏高原东缘6个青杨天然群体,所用cpSSR引物中有5对cpSSR引物(CCMP2、CCMP5、SCUO01、SCU03、SCU07)都表现较高的多态性,单个引物检测的片段数都在4以上。5对cpSSR引物共检测片段数26个,组成了12种叶绿体DNA单倍型。各群体的单倍型分布和频率有较大差异,群体单倍型多样性范围为0-0.4926,TS、JZ、PW和SHY群体单倍型多样性高于QHY和LED群体水平。本研究发现,分布在青藏高原东缘的青杨天然群体,群体间不存在共享的单倍型,各群体间存在极大的遗传分化(GST=0.9223)。从青藏高原东缘地区经历的地质历史事件来看,第四纪的冰期气候变迁可能是造成青杨现今遗传结构模式的主要因素之一。根据单倍型在各群体的分布情况,进行青杨群体聚类分析结果,各群体无明显的分组现象,青杨各群体也未呈现任何清晰地理模式。 由于不同分子标记在对群体遗传多样性检测能力与效率上存在差异,所以三种标记检测的青藏高原东缘青杨天然群体遗传多性水平也不尽一致,但在与用同种方法检测其它物种或同一物种不同种源群体比较,三种分子标记方法都揭示了青藏高原东缘青杨天然群体具有中等偏上的遗传多样性水平。结果分析表明,群体间遗传分化极大,这是由于青杨天然群体分布于青藏高原东缘,既有高原又有高山峡谷,由于地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和地形地貌复杂导致了基因流物理上的阻隔。三种分子标记研究结果经Mantel分析检测,遗传距离与地理距离之间都无明显相关性。较为一致的解释是,青杨分布区域地理和空间上大尺度的隔离和和地形地貌复杂导致群体之间不存在均匀扩散现象,另外各群体在不同的选择压力下,经历各自独立的进化历程,这些都可能导致群体间遗传距离与地理距离的不相关。 The wide geographical and climatic distribution of P. cathayana Rehd. indicates that there is a large amount of genetic diversity available, which can be exploited for conservation, breeding programs and afforestation schemes. The results are as follows: 1 Research results of AFLP genetic diversity In present study, genetic diversity was evaluated in the natural populations of P. cathayana originating from southern and eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau of China by means of AFLP markers. For four primer combinations, a total of 175 bands were obtained, of which 173 (98.9%) were polymorphic. Six natural populations of P. cathayana possessed different levels of genetic diversity, high level of genetic differentiation existed among populations (GST=0.489) of P. cathayana. Individuals cluster and PCO analysis based on Jaccard’s similarity coefficient also showed evident population genetic structure with high level population genetic differentiation. The long evolutionary process coupled with genetic drift within populations, rather than contemporary gene flow, are the major forces shaping genetic structure of P. cathayana populations. Moreover, there is no correspondence between geographical and genetic distances in the populations of P. cathayana, seldom gene exchange among populations and different selection pressures may be the causes. Our finding of different levels of genetic diversity within population and high level of genetic differentiation among populations provided promising condition for further breeding or conservation programs. 2 Research results of SSR genetic diversity In this study, the genetic diversity of P. cathayana was investigated using microsatellite markers. In a total of 150 individuals collected from six natural populations in the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China, a high level of microsatellite polymorphism was detected. At the seven investigated microsatellite loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 16, with a mean of 11.3, the observed heterozygosities across populations ranged from 0.408 to 0.986, with a mean of 0.792, and the expected heterozygosities across populations ranged from 0.511 to 0.891, with a mean of 0.802. The proportion of genetic differentiation among populations accounted for 37.3% of the whole genetic diversity. The presence of such a high level of genetic diversity could be attributed to the features of the species and the habitats where the sampled populations occur: The southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is regarded as the natural distribution and variation center of the genus Populus in China. Variation in environmental conditions and selection pressures in different populations, and topographic dispersal barriers could be factors associated with the high level of genetic differentiation found among populations. The populations possessed significant heterozygosity excesses, which may be due to extensive population mixing at the local scale. The cluster analysis showed that the populations are not strictly grouped according to their geographic distances but the habitat characteristics also influence the divergence pattern. In addition, we suggest that population SHY should be regarded as an ecologically divergent species of P. cathayana. 3 Research results of cpSSR genetic diversity Genetic diversity of six natural populations of P. cathayana originating from the southeastern part of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in China was studied by use of cpSSR markers. Based on 5 pairs of polymorphic primers screened from 12 pairs of primers, twenty-six different length fragments and twelve different kinds of haplotypes were reduced in 143 samples. There were significant variant haplotypes among the populations.There were no shared haplotypes found among populations, analysis of molecular variance indicated that a high proportion of the total genetic variance was attributable to variations among populations (92.23%). The pattern of genetic structure which is associated with spatial separation, variation in environmental conditions and selection pressures in different populations, is also the result of geological historical factor. A molecular phylogenetic tree based on the 12 haplotypes showed that the populations are not strictly grouped according to their geographic distances.


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目前,随着全球气候变化的加剧,水分短缺更加明显。在干旱与半干旱地区,水分胁迫是影响植物存活和生长的主要限制因子。同时,随着大气平流层中臭氧浓度的减少,过量的紫外辐射(UV-B)到达地球表面,一些地区的植物不可避免地受到增强UV-B 和水分胁迫的共同作用。文献表明在UV-B 增强的情况下,干旱表现为减弱或增强UV-B 对植物的影响,这与种、品种有一定的相关性。另外,脱落酸(ABA)是近年来研究报道最多的信息调控物质,与植物抗旱性途径有较大的关系,但其对植株抗UV-B 的影响还有待于研究。本论文以滇杨(Populus yunnanensis)为模式植物,从形态和生理方面研究了增强UV-B、干旱和脱落酸对它的影响,并探讨了UV-B 与干旱的互作效应以及喷施脱落酸对植株抗旱性和抗UV-B 能力的影响。主要研究结果如下:1. 增强的UV-B 和干旱胁迫都影响了滇杨的形态生长和生理生化反应。它们都导致了滇杨植株的株高、基茎、整株叶面积、平均叶面积、总生物量和净光合速率的显著降低,使得叶片增厚,过氧化物酶(GPX)活性升高,脯氨酸和花色素苷含量增加,膜脂过氧化程度增大。不同的是干旱显著降低了植株叶片数目,增大了根/冠比(Rs)、细根/总根比(Ft)、提高了内源ABA 含量、碳同位素(δ13C)以及紫外吸收物质含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性,而UV-B 对它们没有影响。干旱与UV-B 的复合作用加剧了任一单独胁迫对植株的抑制,表现为更小的株高、基茎、整株叶面积、平均叶面积、总生物量,更低的光合作用和更高的MDA 含量。而且UV-B 辐射降低了干旱胁迫下生物量分配的可塑性,表现为降低了干旱情况下的Rs 和Ft,ABA 的含量也显著下降,复合胁迫下脯氨酸含量和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性比任一单独胁迫时都要低。这些实验结果表明,增强的UV-B 与干旱的复合胁迫加剧了对植株的抑制作用。II2. 干旱情况下同时施加外源ABA 提高了植株的根/冠比、细根/总根比和单位面积叶重,即提高了干旱胁迫下植株对生物量分配的可塑性。而且外源ABA 使干旱胁迫下的长期用水效率、ABA 含量、脯氨酸含量、GPX 活性进一步增加,并有效调节了活性氧代谢的平衡,抑制了受旱植株MDA 的增加。结果表明,外源ABA 的喷施提高了滇杨植株的抗旱性。3. 在增强的UV-B 情况下,外源ABA 加剧了UV-B 对滇杨形态生长的抑制效果,表现为进一步降低了滇杨植株的整株叶面积、平均叶面积、单位面积叶重和总生物量,而且ABA 还降低了UV-B 胁迫下的净光合速率和脯氨酸的含量,增大了MDA 的含量。通过以上的数据我们可以看出,外源ABA 虽然提高了滇杨植株的抗旱性,但却加剧了UV-B 胁迫对植株的抑制作用。Currently, drought is one of the most serious environmental stresses. In arid and semi-aridregions, drought is a major constraint imposed on tree survival and growth. The decrease ofozone layer leads to a significant increase in ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280-320 nm) radiationreaching the earth surface. In some places, plants suffer both UV-B and water stresssimultaneously. Their combination will increase or decrease the sensitivity of plants to UV-Bstress which lies on the species. On the other hand, abscisic acid (ABA), as a plant homoneand growth regulator, is better for plants resistant to drought stress, but it is uncleared aboutthe relationship between exogenous ABA and supplemental UV-B. In the present study, weemployed Populus yunnanensis Dode as a model species to characterize the growth andecophysiological responses of woody plants to supplemental UV-B, drought and exogenous ABA. The results are as follows:1. Both supplemental UV-B and drought affected the morphological, physiological andbiochemical responses of P. yunnanensis. They decreased the plant height, basal diameter,total leaf area, average leaf area, biomass and photosynthesis, and increased specific leaf mass,the activity of guaiacol peroxidase (GPX), the content of proline, anthocyanins andmalondialdehyde (MDA). However, drought decreased the leaf number and increasedroot/shoot ratio, fine root/total ratio, the activity of superoxide dimutase (SOD) and thecontents of ABA, carbon isotope composition (δ13C), UV-absorbing compounds. Whilesupplemental UV-B had no effects on them. The combination of drought and UV-Baugmented the growth inhibtion acting as further lower plant height and smaller basaldiameter, leaf area, biomass and higher MDA content. And compared with drought stress,root/shoot ratio and fine root/total root ratio decreased under the combination stresses. The photosynthesis, proline content and Catalase (CAT) activity became lower under combinationstresses than that of either stress lonely. According to these results, we suggested that,compared with the effect of stress lonely, the combination of supplemental UV-B and droughtdid not mitigate the harmful effect, but augmented it.2. Under drought conditions, exogenous ABA increased root/shoot ratio, fine root/total rootratio and the specific leaf mass. That was to say exogenous ABA increased plant plasticityunder drought conditions. Also ABA content, proline content, activity of GPX and δ13C wereenhanced further. In addition the enhancement of MDA was restrained. So the resultssuggested that exogenous ABA increased the seedling capacity of resistance to drought.3. Under supplemental UV-B conditions, exogenous ABA augmented the growth restrain ofUV-B to seedlings, which acted as further decreased leaf area, specific leaf mass and biomass.Compared with UV-B stress alone, proline content and photosynthesis were decreased andMDA content was increased under the combination of UV-B and ABA. These resultssuggested that although exogenous ABA increased the seedling capacity of resistance todrought, it augmented the growth restrain of supplemental UV-B to P. yunnanensis.


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杨树具有分布广、适应性强的特征,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是生长较迅速、易繁殖的重要杨树资源。本研究选取了来自不同气候地区的青杨两种群为材料,采用植物生态学、生理学和生物化学的研究方法,系统地研究了青杨对干旱与遮荫、干旱与外源脱落酸(ABA)喷施的生长、形态、生理和生化响应及种群间差异,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区的造林以及生态恢复提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结论如下:1.青杨在干旱胁迫下的适应机制为:生长性状及生物量的分配变化:干旱胁迫下虽然植株生长受抑,株高、基茎及各部分生物量都显著减小,但有相对较多的生物量向根部分配,根/冠比以及细/粗根比增加。青杨对干旱胁迫的光合作用表现为:干旱胁迫降低了青杨的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度以及光合氮利用效率,提高了瞬时用水效率。干旱还引起了活性氧的产生,使得膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)增加,同时也增强了植物抗氧化酶系统(如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)活性的增加)及非酶系统的能力(如抗坏血酸(AsA)含量的增加)。干旱降低了植物叶片的相对含水量,而促进了渗透调节物质(游离脯氨酸及可溶性糖)的积累,增加了植物的渗调能力。干旱下青杨两种群的内源ABA含量显著增加,碳同位素组分(δ13C)也显著提高。这些结果证明植物遭受干旱胁迫后发生一系列的形态、生理和生化响应,这些变化能提高植物在干旱下的存活和生长能力。2.青杨两种群对干旱胁迫反应的种群差异:与来自湿润地区的汉源种群相比,来自干旱地区的乐都种群在干旱条件下生物量向根系分配的可塑性更强,同时具有更强的抗氧化系统能力,所受到活性氧的伤害也更少,并且累积更多的脯胺酸和ABA,具有更高的δ13C。这些都说明了乐都种群对干旱的适应性比汉源种群更强。两种群对干旱的响应差异应归于它们的用水策略的不同:汉源种群来自湿润地区,采用了耗水型的用水策略,抗旱能力较弱;而乐都种群,来自干旱地区,通常采用节水型的用水策略,有更强的抗旱能力。3.遮荫对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:遮荫对青杨抗旱性的影响决定于遮荫程度的不同,我们的结果表明中度的遮荫可以有效的提高干旱下植物的生长,对干旱胁迫有明显的缓解作用,具体体现在中度遮荫下受旱植物的叶片相对含水量得到提高,使得植物体内水分状况得到了改善;光合速率并未降低,植物光合氮利用效率增加,说明中度的遮荫并未明显限制植物的碳获得;抗氧化酶活性与膜脂过氧化产物MDA含量的同时降低,说明中度遮荫下所受到的活性氧伤害减少;中度遮荫下的ABA及δ13C的变化也不如在全光下变化明显,这也说明中度遮荫缓解了干旱胁迫。但是重度的遮荫却对干旱胁迫有明显的加剧作用,主要表现在重度遮荫降低了植物的光合速率,严重抑制了植物的生长;同时重度遮荫下脯胺酸含量和抗氧化酶活性的急剧下降,导致了植物渗调能力的下降及膜脂过氧化产物MDA的显著升高;重度遮荫还显著降低了内源ABA的累积和δ13C,降低了植物的抗旱能力。此外,青杨两种群在对干旱和遮荫的响应中,也表现出种群差异。汉源种群,来自湿润且年日照辐射较少的地区,表现出相对更强的耐荫性和需水性。而乐都种群,来自干旱且年日照辐射丰富的地区,表现出相对更强的耐旱性和需光性。这说明了植物对环境胁迫的耐受性是其长期适应原生境的结果,并且来自不同气候地区的两种群在面临环境胁迫时会采取不同的生存策略。4. 外源ABA喷施对青杨两种群抗旱性的影响:外源ABA的喷施可以提高两种群的抗旱性,具体表现为外源ABA喷施促进了青杨根系的生长,显著提高了干旱下植物的根/冠比和细/粗根比,减少了比叶面积;在生理生化方面,外源ABA降低了干旱下植物叶片的气孔导度,降低了蒸腾速率和净光合速率,但提高了瞬时用水效率,提高了叶片的相对含水量,增加了干旱下植物的保水能力。外源ABA进一步增加了干旱下植物内源ABA的积累,促进了植物渗调物质如脯胺酸和可溶性糖的积累,增加了抗氧化酶系统(如SOD、APX、CAT)的活性和非酶系统AsA的含量,降低了活性氧(如超氧阴离子(O2和过氧化氢(H2O2))对植株的伤害。此外,外源ABA还进一步提高了干旱下植物的δ13C,提高了植物的长期用水效率,由此提高了植物的抗旱能力。另一方面,两种群对外源ABA和干旱的响应也有所差别。来自湿润地区的汉源种群,对干旱较为敏感,所受干旱的影响也较大,而外源ABA的喷施对汉源种群抗旱性的提高作用也更为突出。乐都种群,由于其长期适应干旱地区的生长,本身已具有较强的抗旱能力,因此外源ABA喷施对其抗旱性的提高不如对汉源种群的效果明显。由此我们可以得出对于一些抗性弱或干旱敏感的物种或者种群,可以采用外施ABA的方法来提高其抗性。Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important component ofecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd.,which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources ofpoplars for its fast growth and reproductive. In this study, different populations of P.cathayana were used as experiment material to investigate the adaptability to drought stressand population differences in adaptability, and the effects of shade and exogenous abscisicacid (ABA) application on the drought tolerance. Our results could provide a strongtheoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation, and rehabilitation ofecosystem in the arid and semi-arid area, and provide a strong evidence for adaptivedifferentiation of different populations, and so may be used as criteria for species selectionand tree improvement. The results are as follows:1. A large set of parallel response to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronouncedinhibition of the growth and increased relatively dry matter allocation into the root. For thetwo populations, the shoot height, basal diameter and total biomass were decreased but theroot/shoot ratio and fine root/coarse root ratio were increased under drought conditions;Drought stress caused pronounced inhibition of photosynthesis, decreased the stomatalconductance, transpiration rate, and photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (PNUE) butincreased the instantaneous water use efficiency. Drought significantly improved the levels ofreactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde (MDA) and to induce the entire set ofantioxidative systems including the increase of activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD),ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate (AsA) content. Drought decreased the leaf relative water content (RWC) but improved the capability of osmotic adjustmentindicated by the higher proline accumulation. Drought also increased the ABA content andcarbon isotope composition (δ13C), which indicating the long period water use efficiency wasimproved under drought. These results demonstrate that there are a large set of parallelchanges in the morphological, physiological and biochemical responses when plants areexposed to drought stress; these changes may enhance the capability of plants to survive andgrow during drought periods.2. Difference in adaptation to drought stress between contrasting populations of P.cathayana: Compared with the Hanyuan population (wet climate), the Ledu population (dryclimate) showed higher root/shoot ratio and water use efficiency, exhibited higherantioxidative systems capability thus resulting in less oxidative damage, accumulated moreABA and free proline content under drought conditions. The results suggested that there weredifferent water-use strategies between the two populations. The Ledu population, whichcomes from dry climate region, with higher drought tolerance, may employ a conservativewater-use strategy, whereas the Hanyuan population, which comes from wet climate, withlower drought tolerance, may employ a prodigal water-use strategy. These variations indrought responses may be used as criteria for species selection and tree improvement.3. The effects of shade on the drought tolerance: The reduction in the availability of lightand water affected the morphological and physiological responses of the two P. cathayanapopulations. In addition, the light environment modified the growth responses of P.cathayana seedlings to varying water environments in different ways depending upon theintensity of the light levels considered. There is an apparent alleviation to drought effects bymoderate shade in P. cathayana seedlings, as indicated by the higher leaf RWC, and unchanged net photosynthesis and PNUE, as well as by the lower antioxditative enzymeactivity, MDA, ABA and δ13C levels, which implied moderate shade did not significantlylimited the carbon acquisition or inhibited the plant growth, but ameliorated the detrimentaleffects of drought. On the other hand, an apparent aggravation to drought effects by severeshade was also observed, as indicated by the pronounced decrease of plant growth and net photosynthesis, the lower total biomass, ABA level, δ13C, free proline content andantioxditative enzyme activity and higher MDA accumulation. By contrast, the twopopulations showed different responses to shade and drought. The Hanyuan population,which comes from a riparian basin having a relatively wet climate and less annual solarradiation, is more sensitive to drought but more tolerant to shade. The Ledu population, whichcomes from a mountainous plateau with less rainfall and with more annual solar radiation, ismore tolerant to drought but more sensitive to shade. The results demonstrated that theendurance of plants to stress is a result of long-term evolution and adaptation to theenvironment, as suggested by the different strategies employed by the P. cathayanapopulations originating from contrasting habitats when they were exposed to drought andshade.4. The effects of exogenous ABA application on the drought tolerance: For bothpopulations under drought conditions tested, exogenous ABA application significantlyimproved the root/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio, and decreased the specifical leaf area.On the physiological and biochemical traits, exogenous ABA application significantlydecreased stomatal conductance, transpiration rate and net photosythesis but increased theinstance water use efficiency and leaf RWC. On the other hand, exogenous ABA applicationsignificantly increased endogenous ABA, proline, solube sugar and AsA content, as well asSOD, APX and CAT activities, thus reduced the damage of reactive oxygen species. Moreover,the long period water use efficiency as indicated by δ13C was also improved by exogenousABA application. In additionally, there was different responsive between the two populationsto drought and exogenous ABA application. The Hanyuan population, which comes from wetclimate region, is more sensitive to drought, and the effect of exogenous ABA is moreobviously than that in the Ledu population, which comes from dry climate region and is moredrought-responsive. Therefore, we can use exogenous ABA application to improve theresistance of plants, especially for the drought- sensitive species or populations.


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随着全球气候变暖和温室效应加剧,干旱和荒漠化成为威胁人类生存和发展的主要 灾害,许多被子植物对干旱胁迫的生理、生态和生化响应已逐步得以报道,但很少有开 展干旱胁迫对雌雄异株植物的影响方面的研究。由于这类植物在长期进化过程中已经在 生长、性比、生殖格局、空间分布、资源配置和生物量分配等方面形成了明显的性别差 异,因此,干旱胁迫必将对其雌雄植株产生不同的生理生态影响。本研究以青杨为模式 植物,采用植物生态、生理及生物化学等研究方法,系统研究青杨雌雄植株在常温、增 温以及喷施外源脱落酸的条件下对干旱胁迫的响应,揭示其在生长形态、生物量分配、 光合作用、用水效率和生理生化等方面的性别间差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨雌雄植株对干旱胁迫的综合响应。 与较好水分条件相比,干旱胁迫显著降低了青杨雌雄植株的光合作用和生长发育, 影响了许多生理生化过程,并导致雌雄植株在生长发育、气体交换、用水效率、膜脂抗 氧化和抗氧化系统酶活性方面表现出显著的性别间差异。在较好水分条件下,雌雄植株 之间在株高、基径、生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、用水效率以及丙二醛、脱落酸和 游离脯氨酸等生化物质含量方面均无显著差异。但在干旱胁迫下,雄株在生长发育、气 体交换、水分利用效率、膜脂过氧化保护和抗氧化系统酶活性方面均显著高于雌株,表 现出比雌株更高的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、总生物量、总色素含量、类胡萝卜 素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、羧化效率、光系统II最大光化学效率、内在水分利用 效率、碳同位素组分、过氧化氢酶和过氧化物酶活性等,而在CO2补偿点、比叶面积、 叶绿素a/b、丙二醛、脱落酸和超氧化物歧化酶活性等指标上显著低于雌株。与雌株相比, 雄株表现出更高的干旱胁迫适应能力,而雌株的生长发育和生理生化过程更易遭受干旱 胁迫的影响。 2. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对增温处理的综合响应 与环境温度相比,增温在干旱胁迫前后均显著促进了雌雄植株的生长发育、气体交 换,降低水分利用效率,影响生化物质含量,并促使青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱胁迫下表 现出显著的差异。在较好水分条件下,增温导致雌株的株高、基径、叶面积、总叶片数、 总生物量和超氧化物歧化酶活性显著高于雄株,而用水效率、丙二醛、脱落酸和游离脯 氨酸、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和过氧化物酶活性低于雄株。在干旱胁迫下,增温将导致雄 株的株高、基径、叶面积、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、总色素含量、 相对含水量、过氧化氢酶和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等显著高于雌株,而光系统II 最大 光化学效率、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脱落酸、游离脯氨酸和超氧 化物歧化酶活性显著低于雌株。与雄株相比,水分较好条件下的增温有利于促进雌株的 生长发育,并在生理生态特征上优于雄株。而干旱胁迫下的增温则加剧了水分胁迫强度, 致使雌株的生长发育遭受比雄株更多的负面影响。 3. 干旱胁迫下的青杨雌雄植株对喷施外源脱落酸处理的综合响应 与对照相比,在干旱胁迫下喷施外源脱落酸可显著增加青杨雌雄植株的生长发育、 气体交换、降低水分利用效率,影响了生化物质含量,并导致青杨雌雄植株之间在干旱 胁迫下表现出显著的生理生态差异。在干旱胁迫下,喷施外源脱落酸致使雌株的株高、 叶面积、叶干重、细根干重、总生物量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、光系统II 最大光化学效率、非光化学淬灭系数、相对含水量、总光合色素、类胡萝卜素、脱落酸、 超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性的增加量显著高于雄株,而根重比、根冠比、细根/ 总根、比叶面积、内在水分利用效率、碳同位素组分、丙二醛、脯氨酸、过氧化氢酶和 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶活性等指标的减少量上显著低于雄株。与对照相比,干旱胁迫下的 喷施外源脱落酸则一定程度能减缓植株遭受胁迫的压力,促进植株生长和气体交换,减 少了植株体内的过剩自由基数量,并促使雌株的生长发育和光合能力显著提高,增强其 抗干旱胁迫能力。 With development of global warming and greenhouse effect, drought and desertification have been became main natural disasteres in resent years. Studies on ecophysiological responses of most angiosperm species to environmental stress have been reported, but little is known about dioecious plant responses to drought stress. Since significant differences on growth, survival, reproductive patterns, spatial distribution, as well as resource allocation between males and females of dioecious plant have been formed during evolutionary process, sexual different ecophysiological responses should be caused by drought stress. In this experiment, Populus cathayana Rehd. was used as model plant to study the sex-related responses to drought by using the ecological, physiological and biochemical methods under normal atmospheric temperature, elevated temperatures and exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) application treatment respectively, and to expose the sexual differences in growth, biomass allocation, photosynthesis, water use efficiency and some biochemical material contents in the males and females of dioecious plant. The results are follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses of males and females of P. cathayana to drought stress Compared with well-watered treatment, drought significantly decreased growth and photosynthesis of P. cathayana individuals, affected some physiological and biochemical processes, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences in growth, gas exchange, water use efficiency, lipid peroxidation protection and antioxidant defenses enzyme system. Under well-watered treatment, there were no significant sexual differences in height growth (HG), basal diameter (BD), dry matter accumulation (DMA), net photosynthesis rate (A), transpiration (E), water use efficiency (WUE), and malondialdehyde (MDA), abscisic acid (ABA) and praline (Pro). However, under drought stress, males were found to exhibit higher HG, BD, leaf area (LA), total leaf number (TLA), DMA, total chlorophyll contents (TC), carotenoids content (Caro), A, E, carboxylation efficiency (CE), the maximum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm), intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE ), carbon isotope composition (δ13C), catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POD) and lower CO2 compensation point (Γ), specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll a/b ratio (Chla/Chlb), MDA, ABA and superoxide dismutase (SOD) than females. The results suggest that males possess greater drought resistance than do females and females suffer more negative effect on growth and development, physiological and biochemical processes than males under drought stress. 2. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to elevated temperatures Compared with environmental temperature, elevated temperature treatment significant increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents of P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious differences under drought stress. Under good water condition, elevated temperature treatment caused females to show significant higher HG, BD, LA, TLN, DMA, SOD activity, and great lower WUE, MDA, ABA, Pro, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and POD than do males. On contrary, under drought condition, elevated temperature treatment induced males to exhibit higher HG, BD, LA, DMA, A, E, stomatal conductance (gs), relative water content (RWC), CAT, APX activity but lower Fv/Fm, WUE, δ13C, MDA, ABA, Pro, SOD activity than do females. The results suggest that females will benefit from elevating temperature under good water condition by possessing better ecophysiological processes than that of males, but will suffer from greater negative effects than do males when grown under drought stress with elevated temperature treatment. 3. A large set of parallel responses of drought-stressed males and females of P. cathayana to exogenous ABA application Compared with controls, exogenous ABA application under drought greatly increased growth and gas exchange, decreased water use efficiency, changed some biochemical material contents in P. cathayana individuals, and induced males and females to exhibit obvious sexual differences under drought. Under drought stress, exogenous ABA application induced females to exhibit more increases in HG, LA, leaf weight (LW), fine root weight (FRW), DMA, A, E, g, Fv/Fm, non-photochemical quenching coefficient (qN), RWC, TC, Caro, ABA, SOD, POD s activity than males, but to show lower decreases in root/weight ratio (RWR), root mass/foliage area ratio (RF), fine root/total root ratio (FT), SLA, WUE, δ13C, MDA, Pro, CAT, APX than males. The results suggest that exogenous ABA application under drought stress will eliminate negative damages caused by drought stress at a certain extent,promote the growth and gas exchange of plant and decrease the number of superfluous 1O2 in plant cells of males and females of P. cathayana. Furthermore, exogenous ABA application promoted more drought resistance in females than in males by increasing more growth and photosynthetic capacity in females under drought stress.


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土壤是人类赖以生存的自然环境和农业生产的重要资源,目前土壤受到干旱和盐胁迫的危害越来越严重。杨树具有适应性强、生长快和丰产等特性,本论文以青杨组杨树为模式植物,研究杨树对土壤干旱和盐胁迫的生态生理及蛋白质组学反应,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区营造人工林、防止沙漠化提供理论依据,也为恢复与重建盐污染地区退化生态系统提供科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1 青杨不同种对逐步干旱胁迫的响应差异 将来自喜马拉雅山东缘高海拔的康定杨和低海拔的青杨枝条扦插在温室中,用来检测它们对逐步干旱胁迫的响应。研究结果表明来自不同海拔的杨树对逐步干旱胁迫的适应性反应是不一样的。株高、叶片发育、叶片相对含水量、丙二醛、过氧化氢等指标的显著性变化在青杨中比在康定杨中来得早些,而且随着干旱胁迫程度的增加,这些参数的变化越来越明显,尤其是当青杨受到严重干旱胁迫的时候;而可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸、抗氧化酶活力变化在康定杨中来得早一些。与青杨相比,在干旱胁迫下,康定杨仍能保持较好的植株生长和叶片发育;康定杨也能在逐步干旱条件下积累更多的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸及抗氧化酶活力,但是在丙二醛和过氧化氢含量方面增加的更少些。而且,我们的研究结果表明高海拔的康定杨有更强的耐干旱能力,杨树对干旱胁迫的适应能力与干旱发生的速度、强度、持续时间及两种杨树的海拔有关。 2 干旱胁迫下青杨不同种的蛋白质组学分析 来自青杨和康定杨雌株的枝条扦插在温室中,用来研究它们对干旱胁迫的蛋白质组学反应。采用TCA-丙酮/酚提取法提取总蛋白,并进行双向电泳分析。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。在青杨中有58 个蛋白在干旱处理后发生显著变化,其中22 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。康定杨中有69 个蛋白的表达量发生了显著变化,其中有25 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。这些被鉴定的蛋白主要参与了光合作用、氧化还原平衡、信号传导、能量代谢、蛋白质合成等过程。尽管被鉴定的蛋白只占叶片总蛋白的很少一部分,但这些被鉴定的干旱响应蛋白可能对维持植株内部平衡方面有重要作用。 3 青杨的盐胁迫响应 青杨植株分别用 0、50 和100 mM NaCl 溶液进行处理。叶片相对含水量、叶绿素a、b 含量、CO2 同化速率和气孔导度的降低表明叶绿体受到了盐胁迫的影响。过氧化氢、丙二醛含量及电导率的升高表明细胞受到了伤害。可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量及抗氧化酶含量的上升增加了植株耐盐胁迫的能力。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。其中有38 个盐响应蛋白被成功鉴定,有16 个蛋白(点4、10、11、14、15、21、24、26、27、28、33、34、35、36、37 和38)出现在盐胁迫的植株中;3 个蛋白(点10、11 和35)只出现在重度盐胁迫处理中;而1 个蛋白(点1)只出现在对照处理中。2 个蛋白(点1 和2)表达量下降,其余蛋白点表达量都增加。被鉴定的蛋白一部分参与了生理生化反应,而另一部分则在信号传导、蛋白质合成等方面有重要作用。盐胁迫下的生理生化变化及蛋白质组学的联合研究有利于青杨对盐胁迫的适应性分析。 Soil is the indispensable environment for human survival and important resource for agriculture development. Nowadays soil is threatened by drought stress and salt stress. Poplars (Populus spp.) possess some characters such as strong acclimilation, fast growth and great production of biomass. In this study, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca spach were used as model plants to investigate the ecophysiological and proteomic responses to drought stress and salt stress. Our results can provide theoretical evidence for the afforestation and prevention of desertification in the arid and semi-arid areas, and also can supply scientific direction for the reconstruction and rehalibitation of ecosystems contaminated by salinity. The results are as follows: 1 Adaptive responses to progressive drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes Cuttings of Populus kangdingensis C. Wang et Tung and Populus cathayana Rehd., originating from high and low altitudes in the eastern Himalaya, respectively, were examined during one growing season in a greenhouse to determine the effects of progressive drought stress. The results manifested that the adaptive responses to progressive drought stress were different in these two species from different altitudes. Significant changes in height increment, leaf development, relative water content (RWC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) appeared earlier in P. cathayana than in P. kangdingensis, whereas changes in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes appeared earlier in P. kangdingensis. In addition, changes in these parameters became more and more significant when the drought stress progressed, especially under severe drought stress in P. cathayana. Compared with P. cathayana, P. kangdingensis was able to maintain a superior height increase and leaf development under drought stress. Also, P. kangdingensis possessed greater increments in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes, but lower increments in MDA and H2O2 than did P. cathayana when the cuttings were exposed to progressive drought stress. Our results suggest that P. kangdingensis originating from the high altitude has a better drought tolerance than does P. cathayana originating from the low altitude. Furthermore, this study manifested that acclimation to drought stress are related the rapidity, severity, duration of the drought event and the altitude of two contrasting species. 2 Proteomic responses to drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes The cuttings from a female clone of P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were used to determine proteomic response to drought stress, respectively. Total proteins of the leaves were extracted by a combination of TCA-acetone and phenol, and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel. 58 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. cathayana and 22 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. 69 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. kangdingensiss and 25 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. The identified proteins are involved in several processes, i.e., signal transduction, protein processing, redox homeostasis, CO2 fixation and energy metabolism. Although the proteins identified in this investigation represent only a very small part of the poplar leaf proteins, some of the novel drought-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in the establishment of homeostasis in response to drought stress in the woody plants. 3 Responses to salt stress in P. cathayana Cuttings from a female clone of P. cathayana were treated by Hoagland’s solution: 0, 50, 100 mM NaCl, respectively. Salinity significantly decreased the relative water content of leaves, the contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, CO2 assimilation rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) in both salt stress treatments,which suggested the chloroplast was affected by salt stress. The observed increases of H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents and electrolyte leakage suggested that salinity caused cellular damage, whereas the increases in compatible solutes and in the activities of antioxidant enzymes enhanced the salt tolerance. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel, and 38 salt-responsive proteins were successfully identified by peptide mass fingerprint (PMF). 16 spots (spot 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38) absent in the control sample were induced by the salt treatment, and three spots (spot 10,11 and 35) were present only in the severely salt-stressed treatment. The %vol of the differentially expressed proteins generally increased with progressing salt stress, except for the decreased %vol of two proteins (spot 1 and 2) under salt stress and the presence of spot 1 only in the control sample. Some of the novel salt-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in physiological, biochemical response to salt stress in P. cathayana, the other identified proteins play a role in numerous cellular functions, including signal transduction and protein processing. An integrated physiological, biochemical and proteomic approach was used here to systematically investigate salt acclimation in poplar.


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光是植物赖以生存的重要环境因子,但是植物在获得光的同时不可避免的会受到紫外辐射的伤害。尤其是近年来,人类向大气中排放的大量氮氧化合物和氟氯烃类化合物(CFC’s)引起臭氧分子的分解,导致到达地球表面的紫外辐射增加,特别是UV-B辐射增强。而另一方面,植物对UV-B辐射反应的敏感性在种间和品种间存在差异,主要受植物基因型,生态型和生活型的控制。本项目分别以粗枝云杉和青杨组杨树为模式植物,从形态和生理生化方面分别研究了来自不同水分背景下的粗枝云杉种群和来自不同UV-B背景下的青杨种群在增强UV-B下的反应及其反应差异,并探讨了干旱、喷施外源脱落酸(ABA)对它们抗UV-B能力的影响。研究成果可为生态系统的恢复与重建提供理论依据和科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. 粗枝云杉的两个种群,湿润种群(来自四川黑水)和干旱种群(来自甘肃迭部)在水分良好和干旱状况下表现出对增强UV-B的不同响应。同时,干旱对粗枝云杉抗UV-B能力的影响也得到研究:两种胁迫共同作用时,干旱表现出在一定程度上减弱了增强UV-B对粗枝云杉的生理特性的影响。 干旱胁迫显著降低了两个粗枝云杉种群的光合同化速率(A), 气孔导度(gs)和PSII的有效光量子产量(Y), 同时,提高了非光化学猝灭效率(qN)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)的活性。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群抗旱性更强,表现为干旱种群拥有更高的SOD和干旱进一步加剧了UV-B的胁迫效应。 本研究中,干旱胁迫单独作用时,显著降低了青杨两个种群的生物量积累和气体交换,具体包括A、gs、蒸腾速率(E)和光合氮利用效率(PNUE),提高了两个种群的瞬时水分利用效率(WUEi)、长期水分利用效率(WUET)、碳同位素组分(δ13C)和氮含量(N)。同时,UV吸收物质和ABA含量也得到积累。另一方面,增强UV-B对青杨两个种群各个指标的影响,同干旱所引起的效应有着相似的趋势。同低海拔种群相比,高海拔种群有着更强的抗旱和抗UV-B能力,具体表现在高海拔种群有着更多的生物量积累,更强的气体交换和水分利用效率及更高水平的ABA和UV吸收物质含量。相比干旱诱导的生物量积累和气体交换的降低,在干旱和增强UV-B两个胁迫同时作用于青杨时,这种降低表现的更为明显。显著的干旱和UV-B的交互作用还表现在WUEi, WUET, δ13C, 可溶性蛋白含量, UV吸收物质含量, ABA, 叶片和茎中的N含量以及C/N比中。 3. 经过一个生长季的试验观察,增强UV-B、外源ABA及两因子共同作用对青杨的生物量积累、气体交换、内源ABA和UV吸收物质含量、抗氧化系统以及碳、氮含量和碳/氮比均产生显著影响。本试验中,青杨的两个种群分别来自中国西南部的不同海拔地区,高海拔种群来自青海大通而低海拔种群来自四川九寨。外源ABA的胁迫为直接喷施ABA到青杨叶片,而增强UV-B胁迫是利用平方波系统分别保证青杨苗暴露于外界UV-B强度和两倍于外界UV-B强度下。 研究结果显示,增强UV-B显著的降低了两个青杨种群的株高、基茎、总叶面积和总生物量等生长指标,同时也导致其A、gs、E和叶片中碳含量的减少。而显著增加了SOD和过氧化物酶(GPx)活性水平,诱导了过氧化氢(H2O2)和MDA的显著增加,促进了UV吸收物质和不同器官中内源ABA含量的显著积累。另一方面,外源ABA引起了青杨光合同化速率的下降,SOD和GPx酶活性的增强,H2O2 和 MDA含量也表现出显著增加,同时,内源ABA含量得到显著累积。同低海拔种群相比,高海拔种群具有更加抗UV-B和外源ABA的特性。显著的UV-B和ABA的交互作用表现在A, E, SOD和GPx活性,以及叶片和根部的内源ABA等一系列指标中。在所有胁迫下,叶片中的碳和氮含量同其在茎和根中的含量显著相关,另外,叶片和茎中的氮含量同茎中的碳含量显著相关。 Sunlight is an indispensable environment factor for plants survival and development. Meanwhile, photosynthetic organisms need sunlight and are thus, inevitably, exposed to UV radiation. Especially for recent years, ultraviolet radiation, especially UV-B reaching the Earth’s surface increased because of depletion of ozone layer resulted from emission of NxO and CFC’s from human activities. On the other hand, the sensitivity of plants to UV-B radiation depends on the species, developmental stage and experimental conditions. In this experiment, two populations of Picea asperata Mast from different water background and two populations of Populus cathayana Rehder from different altitude background were selected as model plants to assess the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation. Morphological and physiological traits induced by enhanced UV-B in each plant species were observed and the different responses were discussed, furthermore the influences of drought and exogenous ABA on responses induced by enhanced UV-B were studied. The study could provide a strong theoretical evidence and scientific direction for the afforestation and rehabilitation of ecosystem. The results are as follows: 1. Different responses of two contrasting Picea asperata Mast. populations to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation under well-watered and drought conditions were investigated. And the effects of enhanced UV-B on tolerance of drought were also observed in our study that the UV-B exposure may have alleviated some of the damage induced by drought. Two contrasting populations, originating from a wet and dry climate region in China, respectively, were employed in our study. Drought significantly decreased CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and effective PSII quantum yield (Y), while it significantly increased non-photochemical quenching (qN) and the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in both populations. Compared with the wet climate population, the dry climate population was more acclimated to drought stress and showed much higher activities of SOD and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and much lower levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and electrolyte leakage. On the other hand, enhanced UV-B radiation also induced a significant decrease in the chlorophyll (Chl) content in both populations under well-watered conditions, and a significant increase in UV-absorbing compounds in the wet climate population. After one growing season of exposure to different UV-B levels and watering regimes, the increases in MDA and electrolyte leakage, as induced by drought, were less pronounced under the combination of UV-B and drought. In addition, an additive effect of drought and UV-B on A and gs was observed in the wet climate population, and on the activity of APX and qN in the dry climate population. 2. The significant effects of drought, enhanced UV-B radiation and their combination on Populus cathayana Rehd. growth and physiological traits were investigated in two populations, originating from high and low altitudes in south-west China. Our results showed that UV-B acts as an important signal allowing P. cathayana seedlings to respond to drought and that the combination of drought and UV-B may cause synergistically detrimental effects on plant growth in both populations. In both populations, drought significantly decreased biomass accumulation and gas exchange parameters, including A, gs, E and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE). However, instantaneous water use efficiency (WUEi), transpiration efficiency (WUET), carbon isotope composition (δ13C) and nitrogen (N) content, as well as the accumulation of soluble protein, UV-absorbing compounds and abscisic acid (ABA) were significantly increased by drought. On the other hand, cuttings from both populations, when kept under enhanced UV-B radiation conditions, showed very similar changes in all above-mentioned parameters, as induced by drought. Compared with the low altitude population, the high altitude population was more tolerant to drought and enhanced UV-B, as indicated by the higher level of biomass accumulation, gas exchange, water-use efficiency, ABA concentration and UV-absorbing compounds. After one growing season of exposure to different UV-B levels and watering regimes, the decrease in biomass accumulation and gas exchange, induced by drought, was more pronounced under the combination of UV-B and drought. Significant interactions between drought and UV-B were observed in WUEi, WUET, δ13C, soluble protein, UV-absorbing compounds, ABA and in the leaf and stem N, as well as in the leaf and stem C/N ratio. 3. During one growing season, significant effects induced by enhanced UV-B radiation, exogenous ABA and their combination on biomass accumulation, gas exchange, endogenous ABA and UV-absorbing compounds concentrations, antioxidant system as well as carbon (C) content, nitrogen (N) content and C/N ratio were investigated in two contrasting Populus cathayana populations, originating from high and low altitudes in south-west China. Exogenous ABA was sprayed to the leaves and enhanced UV-B treatment was using a square-wave system to make the seedlings under ambient (1×) or twice ambient (2×) doses of biologically effective UV-B radiation (UV-BBE). Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly decreased height, basal diameter, total leaf area, total biomass, A, gs, E and carbon (C) content in leaves, and significantly increased activities of SOD and guaiacol peroxidase (GPx), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malonaldehyde (MDA) content as well as the accumulation of UV-absorbing compounds and endogenous ABA concentrations among different organs in both populations. In contrast, exogenous ABA showed significant decrease in A and significant increases in activities of SOD and GPx, H2O2, MDA content and the endogenous ABA concentrations. Compared with the low altitude population, the high altitude population was more tolerant to enhanced UV-B and exogenous ABA. Significant interactions between UV-B and ABA were observed in A, E, activities of SOD and GPx, as well as in endogenous ABA in leaves and roots of both populations. Across all treatments, C and N content in leaves was strongly correlated with those were in stems and roots, respectively. Additionally, leaf and stem N content were significant correlated with stem C content.


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杨树具有分布广、适应性强,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是我国的特有种。本研究通过对不同水分梯度的干旱胁迫下青杨形态和生理生化的反应,不同pH值盐碱胁迫下不同海拔和不同气候地区的四个青杨种群在生理生态上的反应差异,以及在干旱和低温胁迫下青杨lea2, lea3组基因表达差异的研究,从形态、生理、生化和分子生物学水平系统地研究了青杨在不同逆境胁迫下的反应和青杨不同种群在盐碱胁迫下的反应差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨在干旱胁迫下的反应机制:中度和重度干旱胁迫下植株的生长受到明显抑制。表现在光合系统上青杨的净光合同化速率(A)下降,主要原因是气孔导度(gs),胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)下降。另外最大量子产量(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭效率(qP)降低反应了干旱胁迫下光合系统II(PSII)受到严重损伤, 而且非光化学猝灭效率(qN)上升,导致可利用化学能产量下降,叶绿体产生淀粉的量减少。qP降低qN上升导致产生的过量电子对光合系统的伤害造成活性氧以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量增加。超微解剖结构显示,干旱胁迫增强时,叶绿体内淀粉粒的数目减少,而且叶绿体、线粒体等细胞器中嗜锇颗粒的数目增加。为清除细胞内的活性氧,植物一般的反应是抗氧化系统酶活性增加,对青杨来讲超氧化物歧化酶(SOD), 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APx)活性的增加远大于过氧化物酶(POD),这显示了在青杨中SOD、APx酶在清除活性氧的作用上大于POD。另外同工酶研究结果显示这些酶活性的升高主要是由于各条同工酶带表达量的增加,而不是诱导新酶带的产生。另外,75% FC水分处理下有些指标非但没有下降,像A和有效光量子产量(Y)的值都略有增加,而且gs同时增加。另外,100% FC比75% FC细胞内淀粉粒的数目少一些,但有少量的嗜锇颗粒。这证明100% FC土壤水分也许并非最适合青杨生长。 2. 盐碱胁迫对不同海拔地区青杨种群的反应差异:青杨高海拔和低海拔种群的各种生理特性随着pH值上升都受到了很大的影响。两种群叶和根中Na+、K+ 含量, Na+/K+比率随着pH值的上升影响显著。在pH值高于10.4时高海拔种群叶和根中Na+/K+比率急剧下降但是低海拔种群中却一直维持在较高水平。两种群中MDA、脯氨酸(Proline)的含量,抗氧化系统酶的活性都受到了严重的影响,证明两个种群都属于盐碱胁迫敏感类型但是高海拔的种群对盐碱胁迫的耐性要高于低海拔。这主要是由于高海拔种群一般具有耐干旱、低温胁迫的能力,而植物的抗逆机制一般都有共通之处。 3. 盐碱胁迫对不同气候地区青杨种群的反应差异:盐碱胁迫下两种群的光合作用受到明显的抑制,具体表现在叶绿素的含量和A 显著下降。净光合速率的下降主要是由于叶片gs,Ci 值降低引起的。与湿润地区的种群相比盐碱胁迫增强时,干旱地区的种群叶绿素含量和光合能力的升高与K+离子含量增加有关。植物维持细胞质高K+/Na+值对植物的抗盐性有很重要的作用。为清除盐碱胁迫产生的活性氧,抗氧化系统酶活性增加。盐碱胁迫下干旱地区的种群在SOD、CAT 和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等酶的活性均显著上升,而湿润地区种群只有谷胱甘肽氧化酶(GST)的活性明显增加,说明干旱种群的抗氧化酶系统在较高盐碱胁迫下的保护作用要强于湿润种群。这主要是由于植物抗盐碱胁迫与抗干旱胁迫在一些方面的机制是一致的,抗旱种群一般也能抵抗一定程度的盐碱胁迫。 4. 青杨lea2、lea3 基因在干旱和低温胁迫下的表达差异:通过荧光定量PCR 分析,lea2、lea3 组基因在干旱和低温胁迫下在mRNA 水平的瞬时表达量明显升高,说明了两基因在青杨耐干旱和低温胁迫上都起显著的作用。而且两基因在干旱胁迫下,表达量的升高和降低的时间近乎同步,表明两基因在干旱胁迫下对植物应急保护机制的启动都发挥着重要的作用。低温胁迫下lea3 基因在mRNA 水平上表达量显著上升的时间要早于lea2,而且lea3 基因的持续作用时间明显长于lea2 组基因,说明了低温胁迫开始时lea3基因在植物应对逆境的作用上要大于lea2 基因。 Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important components of ecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd., which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources of poplars and is specialist to china. In this study, different altitudes and climates populations of P. cathayana were used as experiment materials to investigate the adaptability to drought and salt-alkali stresses. And the cultures of P. cathayana were used to analyze the lea2 and 3 group genes expression when exposed to drought and low temperature stresses. The results are as follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronounced growth inhibition. A decreased significantly and was mainly the result of gs and Ci down. Besides, Fv/Fm, qP decreased and that reflected the harmful effects to PSII of drought stress. In accordance with qN increasing, decreased useful energy production caused the starch numbers reduction in chloroplast. The qP up and qN down improved the levels of ROS and MDA. Starch numbers in chloroplast reduced and plastoglobuli numbers increased when soil water content decreased. To reduce ROS, the activities of SOD, APX, CAT and PPO were activated. The isozymes results show that the rising activities of the antioxidant enzymes resulted from certain isoform content increased, and not from the new band produced. Interestingly, morphological results show 100%FC maybe wasn’t the favorite water content for P. cathayana growth. 2. Effect of salt-alkali stress on morphological and physiological changes in two different altitudes populations of P. cathayana: We compared the physiological responses of two populations of Populus cathayana Rehder, originating from altitudes 2,840 m and 1,450 m. Our results demonstated that Na+ and K+ contents, and Na+/K+ ratios in leaves and roots are greatly affected by pH values. At pH 10.4, the Na+/K+ ratios in both leaves and roots sharply dropped in the higher altitude population but were always maintained at higher levels in the lower altitude population. The pH values causing maximum malondialdehyde (MDA) level, free proline content and antioxidant enzyme activities were significantly different in two populations. These results indicated that the higher altitude population exhibits greater tolerance to alkalinity stress than does the lower altitude population. 3. Morphological and physiological changes in two different climates populations of P. cathayana when exposed to salt-alkali stress. Salt-alkali stress caused pronounced inhibition of the growth and especially in photosystem. Pigments content and A decreased significantly and at the same time gs and Ci decreased too. Compared with wet climate population, the Chlorophyll content and A increased in drought climate population as pH value rising was related to the K+ content increasing. It is important to resist salt-alkali stress that the K+/Na+ ratio matained at high level in cytoplasm. To reduce ROS content, the SOD, CAT and GR activities rised significantly in drought population but only GST increased in wet population. The drought population showed higher salt-alkali tolerance than the wet population mainly resulted from the fact that drought tolerance was in accordance with salt-alkali tolerance to some extent. 4. The different expressional model of lea2 and lea3 gene when P. cathayana was exposed to drought and cold stress. RT-PCR results show both lea2 and lea3 suddenly expressed significantly in mRNA level under drought and cold stress. The expression level of two genes reached optimal level at the same time. But under cold stress, the earlier significantly rising expressional time and the longer maintained higher level time in lea3 than lea2 elucidated that lea3 may be more important than lea2 in resisting cold stress in short time in P. cathayana.