909 resultados para Popular imagination


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This paper aims at analysing the presence of gypsy characters in two neo-Victorian popular films, namely Joe Johnston’s The Wolfman (2010) and Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows (2011). The cultural construction of nineteenth-century gypsies, those “Others within Europe” (Boyarin 433) whose presence in Victorian fiction was peripheral, spectral and at times invisible (Nord 3-4), is simultaneously exploited and contested by these two neo-Victorian screen narratives to raise issues of otherness and invisibility on the screen. Setting off from the premise that screen texts, just like print texts, can also be participant in the neo-Victorian project of reimagining the underside of Victorian culture for contemporary audiences (Whelehan 273), this paper traces how the adaptation of Victorian gypsies for the screen, true to the palimpsestuous potential inherent to the process of adaptation (Hutcheon 6) and sharing the double drive between past and present which characterises the neo-Victorian genre (Arias and Pulham xiii; Shiller 539), hybridises our cultural memory of the Victorian Age on the screen while concurrently raises concerns over the persistent liminal status of gypsies in contemporary European culture. In particular, this paper illustrates how the tropes prototypically associated to gypsies (namely their nomadic lifestyle, mysticism, alienated existence or their perceived association to criminality) which can be traced back to Victorian culture are deployed on the neo-Victorian popular screen (with varyingly succesful outcomes) to comment on their (in)visibility in the European popular imagination.


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Includes bibliography


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O presente estudo visa a estabelecer uma análise comparativa entre dois romances da literatura brasileira do século XX, no que tange à abordagem realizada pelas obras do fenômeno histórico-social do cangaço. As obras escolhidas, Fogo Morto, de José Lins do Rego, e Os Desvalidos, de Francisco Dantas, representam dois momentos distintos da produção ficcional nordestina. A primeira está inserida na corrente ficcional das décadas de 30 e 40. Décimo romance do escritor paraibano, Fogo Morto representa o cangaço na perspectiva do personagem José Amaro, seleiro que se transforma em ajudante do cangaceiro Antônio Silvino. A segunda obra, publicada em 1993, representa uma retomada da ficção regionalista. O romance focaliza o cangaço sob o ponto de vista de Coriolano, personagem que, ao contrário de José Amaro, demonstra ódio implacável pelo cangaço, no romance representado por Lampião. A análise comparativa das obras foi precedida pelo estudo das raízes históricas do cangaço, bem como a caracterização do cangaceiro como ser carregado de dubiedade no imaginário popular nordestino. Com efeito, o cangaceiro ora é representado como herói, ora é encarado como bandido pelo sertanejo, sendo que essa visão contraditória é transportada para a ficção, aparecendo nos dois romances que são analisados neste trabalho. A abordagem histórica do cangaço é realizada a partir de estudos de autores como Rui Facó (1983), Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz (1977) e Luiz Bernardo Pericás (2010). Também foi imprescindível um breve estudo de Câmara Cascudo (2005), que auxilia a compreender a figura do cangaceiro enquanto herói popular regional. Finalmente, como suporte para o estudo comparativo entre Fogo Morto e Os Desvalidos foram utilizados trabalhos de autores como José Paulo Paes (1995) e Sônia Lúcia Ramalho de Farias (2006), que fornecem elementos importantes para o estabelecimento de relações entre obras de cunho regionalista, produzidas por escritores nordestinos.


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The thesis is first and foremost the examination of the notion and consequences of ‘state failure’ in international law. The disputes surrounding criteria for creation and recognition of states pertain to efforts to analyse legal and factual issues unravelling throughout the continuing existence of states, as best evidenced by the ‘state failure’ phenomenon. It is argued that although the ‘statehood’ of failed states remains uncontested, their sovereignty is increasingly considered to be dependent on the existence of effective governments. The second part of this thesis focuses on the examinations of the legal consequences of the continuing existence of failed states in the context of jus ad bellum. Since the creation of the United Nations the ability of states to resort to armed force without violating what might be considered as the single most important norm of international law, has been considerably limited. State failure and increasing importance of non-state actors has become a greatly topical issue within recent years in both scholarship and the popular imagination. There have been important legal developments within international law, which have provoked much academic, and in particular, legal commentary. On one level, the thesis contributes to this commentary. Despite the fact that the international community continues to perpetuate a notion of ‘statehood’ which allows the state-centric system of international law to exist, when dealing with practical and political realities of state failure, international law may no longer consider external sovereignty of states as an undeniable entitlement to statehood. Accordingly, the main research question of this thesis is whether the implicit and explicit invocation of the state failure provides sufficient legal basis for the intervention in self-defence against non-state actors in located in failed states. It has been argued that state failure has a profound impact, the extent of which is yet to be fully explored, on the modern landscape of peace and security.


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Tutkielman aihe on saatananpalvontadiskurssi 1990-luvun Suomessa, sen yhteydet folkloreen ja kollektiiviseen mielikuvamaailmaan (popular imagination), sekä sen rakentuminen ja leviäminen kansanomaisten asiantuntijoiden ja median avulla. Tutkielman ydinkysymykset ovat: mitä evankelikaaliseen aineistoon perustuva saatananpalvontadiskurssi sisältää, miten sitä on rakennettu ja levitetty ja miksi näin on tehty? Tutkimusaineistona ovat Pat Pullingin kirja Noidankehässä (1993), Marja-Liisa Huhdan Saatana kutsuu minua -videokasetti (1994), Riku Rinteen kirjat Syvyyden kuilusta (1994), Pimeys väistyy (1996), Varo Vihollinen! Jumalan pyörremyrsky on tulossa (1999), Keijo Ahorinnan kirja Saatananpalvonnan monet kasvot (1997), sekä lehtiartikkeleita 1990-luvulta. Tutkimuksessa käy ilmi, että evankelikaalisten toimijoiden luomia saatananpalvontatarinoita on levitetty, pidetty ajankohtaisena ja välitetty valtavirtamediaan itseoppineiden asiantuntijoiden toimesta. Kun valtavirtamedia on legitimoinut tarinat, ovat ne palautuneet evankelikaaliseen aineistoon todentuneina. Leviämistä ovat edesauttaneet evankelikaalisen aineiston ja median esittämien tarinoiden synnyttämät huhut, joiden johdosta saatananpalvontadiskurssi on alkanut elää kollektiivisessa mielikuvamaailmassa. Voidakseen levitä ja pysyä ajankohtaisina, tarinoiden tulee sisältää riittävän yksinkertaisia ja voimakkaita aineksia. Saatananpalvontadiskurssissa nämä vaatimukset toteutuvat erityisen selvästi. Saatananpalvoja on hahmona vahvasti kansanperinteen mukainen.


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The purpose of this research is to expose and complicate those discourses of childhood imagination as demonstrated in the diagnostic criteria for early onset schizophrenia by using an antipsychiatry perspective. This will be done by evaluating those discourses alongside those found in popular children’s literature, specifically, Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone, Bridge to Terabithia, and A Wrinkle in Time. Once uncovered, the underlying power discourses were then exposed. This research will then employ a minor reading as provided by Deleuze and Guattari’s (1987) approach to minor literature to demonstrate the ways in which the child can subvert those dominant discourses. The potential of literature is evaluated for its ability to provide alternative modes of experience and lines of flight for the child subjected to the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia.


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This article is about the politics of landscape ideas, and the relationship between landscape, identity and memory. It explores these themes through the history of the Victoria Falls, and the tourist resort that developed around the waterfall after 1900. Drawing on oral and archival sources, including popular natural history writing and tourist guides, it investigates African and European ideas about the waterfall, and the ways that these interacted and changed in the course of colonial appropriations of the Falls area. The tourist experience of the resort and the landscape ideas promoted through it were linked to Edwardian notions of Britishness and empire, ideas of whiteness and settler identities that transcended new colonial borders, and to the subject identities accommodated or excluded. Cultures of colonial authority did not develop by simply overriding local ideas, they involved fusions, exchanges and selective appropriations of them. The two main African groups I am concerned with here are the Leya, who lived in small groups around the Falls under a number of separate chiefs, and the powerful Lozi rulers, to whom they paid tribute in the nineteenth century. The article highlights colonial authorities' celebration of aspects of the Lozi aristocracy's relationship with the river, and their exclusion of the Leya people who had a longer and closer relationship with the waterfall. It also touches on the politics of recent attempts to reverse this exclusion, and the controversial rewriting of history this has involved.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2012