929 resultados para Popular imaginary
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC
Este trabalho é um estudo sobre o poeta Luís de Camões como personagem teatral em três obras: Frei Luís de Sousa, de Almeida Garrett; Que farei com este livro, de José Saramago e Tu, só tu, puro amor..., de Machado de Assis. Em Frei Luís de Sousa será abordado o Camões mítico, pois quando se passa a história, durante o período filipino, este já está morto, só é lembrado através de Telmo. É o símbolo da pátria. No capítulo Camões: uma personagem do imaginário popular, será apresentado o Camões como personagem de Literatura de Cordel, sendo feita uma breve comparação com outras personagens como João Grilo.Em Que farei com este livro? será estudado um Camões totalmente desiludido com a pátria na tentativa de publicar Os Lusíadas. Em Tu só, tu, puro amor..., será visto um Camões romântico sofrendo de amores por uma dama da corte.Em cada uma das obras, estudaremos os aspectos da abordagem do poeta português de acordo com o contexto de época de seus respectivos autores
A arte religiosa afro-brasileira resulta da miscigenação das culturas negra, ameríndia e européia através dos séculos. Diversas representações artísticas das divindades afro-brasileiras continuam a ser produzidas mesmo nos dias atuais com inúmeras imagens através de desenhos, objetos rituais, indumentária e esculturas, os quais são fontes de pesquisa artística e etnográfica. A mulher está presente na arte afro-brasileira de uma maneira muito peculiar, principalmente no contexto religioso. Iemanjá, uma divindade feminina, é a Mãe Ancestral e ocupa lugar de destaque no imaginário popular, a orixá do Mar e de todas as águas. É constantemente tema para diversas expressões artísticas e, naturalmente, sua representação e iconografia são intensas e ricas. É importante compreendermos como essa imagem foi sendo construída através do tempo, desde a diáspora africana - sua representação religiosa no Candomblé e na Umbanda, sua imagem associada ao mito das sereias, a influência das iconografia católica até a apropriação de sua imagem por diversos artistas brasileiros como Emanoel Araújo, Jorge dos Anjos, J. Borges, Carybé, Alex Flemming, Rodrigo Cardoso e Nelson Leirner
The legendary Don Juan character inhabits the popular imaginary with such a vibrancy of a myth, despite its slight recognition as such by the scientific literature. The purpose of this article is to verify if Don Juan’s play can be understood, scientifically, as a modern myth, as well as understand its mythical nature and its relation to the modern man. A structural and historical analysis of the two first plays on Don Juan has guided us: the one written by Tirso de Molina in 1630, and the one by Molière, written in 1665. The studies allow us to say that Don Juan is a typical modern myth, once it is constituted by narratives that expose a world looming under the signs of individualism, hedonism, arrogance and audacity forged under the appeals of sexual desire.
L’étiquette « homme-orchestre » est apposée à une grande variété de musiciens qui se distinguent en jouant seuls une performance qui est normalement interprétée par plusieurs personnes. La diversité qu’a pu prendre au cours du temps cette forme n’est pas prise en compte par la culture populaire qui propose une image relativement constante de cette figure tel que vue dans les films Mary Poppins (1964) de Walt Disney et One-man Band (2005) de Pixar. Il s’agit d’un seul performeur vêtu d’un costume coloré avec une grosse caisse sur le dos, des cymbales entre les jambes, une guitare ou un autre instrument à cordes dans les mains et un petit instrument à vent fixé assez près de sa bouche pour lui permettre d’alterner le chant et le jeu instrumental. Cette thèse propose une analyse de l’homme-orchestre qui va au-delà de sa simple production musicale en situant le phénomène comme un genre spectaculaire qui transmet un contenu symbolique à travers une relation tripartite entre performance divertissante, spectateur et image. Le contenu symbolique est lié aux idées caractéristiques du Siècle des lumières tels que la liberté, l’individu et une relation avec la technologie. Il est aussi incarné simultanément par les performeurs et par la représentation de l’homme-orchestre dans l’imaginaire collectif. En même temps, chaque performance sert à réaffirmer l’image de l’homme-orchestre, une image qui par répétitions est devenue un lieu commun de la culture, existant au-delà d’un seul performeur ou d’une seule performance. L’aspect visuel de l’homme-orchestre joue un rôle important dans ce processus par une utilisation inattendue du corps, une relation causale entre corps, technologie et production musicale ainsi que par l’utilisation de vêtements colorés et d’accessoires non musicaux tels des marionnettes, des feux d’artifice ou des animaux vivants. Ces éléments spectaculaires divertissent les spectateurs, ce qui se traduit, entre autres, par un gain financier pour le performeur. Le divertissement a une fonction phatique qui facilite la communication du contenu symbolique.
Discute as relações entre folclore e medicina popular na Amazônia, tendo como referencial de análise o conto "Filhos do boto", de Canuto Azevedo. Aponta que os contos folclóricos estão saturados de elementos da realidade cultural e podem ser utilizados como testemunhos históricos que expressam embates entre diferentes tradições. Os registros folclóricos são fruto do diálogo muitas vezes conflituoso entre folcloristas, cientistas sociais, médicos, pajés e seus seguidores, e sua análise deve ser acompanhada de reflexão sobre as condições de sua produção. Neste caso específico, trata-se de refletir, com base no imaginário de sedução e cura em torno do boto, sobre a possibilidade de ampliar o conhecimento sobre a medicina popular praticada na Amazônia, região de forte presença da pajelança cabocla.
La presente tesi si concentra sul romanzo popolare irlandese scritto da donne, nel periodo compreso tra il 1798 e il 1921. Quattro sono le autrici prese in considerazione: Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna, Sydney Owenson (meglio conosciuta come Lady Morgan), Edith Somerville e Katharine Tynan, le cui vite e opere coprono un periodo storico fondamentale per l’uscita dell’Irlanda dal dominio coloniale britannico e la formazione della nazione irlandese nel sud del paese. L’interesse principale è quello di analizzare il modo in cui nei loro testi prende forma la nazione, e in particolare attraverso quali immagini e riferimenti religiosi. Il senso è quello, dunque, di rileggere tali testi prestando maggiore attenzione alla religione, uno dei principali collanti tra autrici e pubblico: all’epoca in cui l’Irlanda stava acquisendo i confini che oggi ancora mantiene, esisteva un terreno d’incontro tra discorso politico e letterario, quello della nazione, e tale terreno veniva attraversato anche dal messaggio religioso. Il fine ultimo è quello di dimostrare che la letteratura popolare non è “seconda” ad altre quanto a valori che è in grado di trasmettere e a messaggi che è in grado di veicolare: trascurarla significa non capire i meccanismi attraverso i quali una società si sviluppa e si modifica.
Nervous Kitchens intervenes in the story of soul food by treating the kitchen as a central site of instability. These kitchens reveal and critique their importance to constructions of Black womanhood. Utilizing close readings of Black women’s culinary practices in popular televisual kitchens and archival analysis of USDA domestic reforms, the project locates sites that challenge how we oversimplify soul food as a Black cultural product. These oversimplifications come through what I term the soul food imaginary. This term underscores how the cuisine is tangible (i.e., how dishes are made) but also the ways that histories of enslavement, migration, and domesticity are disseminated through fictionalized representations of Black women in the kitchen offering comfort through food. The project explores how images of these kitchens adhere to and diverge from the imaginary's four conventions: (1) Soul food originates in enslavement where master’s scraps became mama’s meal time; (2) Soul food is not healthy food; (3) Soul food moves South to North uninterrupted during the Great Migration and is evidence of and fuel for struggle, survival, and transformation; and 4) Black women cook it the best, naturally, and alone in the kitchen.
How does ‘Newstainment’ actually work? : ethnographic research methods and contemporary popular news
Much debate has taken place recently over the potential for entertainment genres and unorthodox forms of news to provide legitimate – indeed democratized – in-roads into the public sphere. Amidst these discussions, however, little thought has been paid to the audiences for programs of this sort, and (even when viewers are considered) the research can too easily treat audiences in homogenous terms and therefore replicate the very dichotomies these television shows directly challenge. This paper is a critical reflection on an audience study into the Australian morning “newstainment” program Sunrise. After examining the show and exploring how it is ‘used’ as a news source, this paper will promote the use of ethnographic study to better conceptualize how citizens integrate and connect the increasingly fragmented and multifarious forms of postmodern political communication available in their everyday lives.
The central cultural experience of modernity has been change, both the ‘creative destruction’ of existing structures, and the growth, often exponential, of new knowledge. During the twentieth century, the central cultural platform for the collective experience of modernising societies changed too, from page and stage to the screen – from publishing, the press and radio to cinema, television and latterly computer screens. Despite the successive dominance of new media, none has lasted long at the top. The pattern for each was to give way to a successor platform in popularity, but to continue as part of an increasingly crowded media menu. Modern media are supplemented not supplanted by their successors.
“When cultural life is re-defined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby talk, when, in short, a people become an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk.” (Postman) The dire tones of Postman quoted in Janet Cramer’s Media, History, Society: A Cultural History of US Media introduce one view that she canvasses, in the debate of the moment, as to where popular culture is heading in the digital age. This is canvassed, less systematically, in Thinking Popular Culture: War Terrorism and Writing by Tara Brabazon, who for example refers to concerns about a “crisis of critical language” that is bothering professionals—journalists and academics or elsewhere—and deplores the advent of the Internet, as a “flattening of expertise in digital environments”.
I argue that a divergence between popular culture as “object” and “subject” of journalism emerged during the nineteenth century in Britain. It accounts not only for different practices of journalism, but also for differences in the study of journalism, as manifested in journalism studies and cultural studies respectively. The chapter offers an historical account to show that popular culture was the source of the first mass circulation journalism, via the pauper press, but that it was later incorporated into the mechanisms of modern government for a very different purpose, the theorist of which was Walter Bagehot. Journalism’s polarity was reversed – it turned from “subjective” to “objective.” The paper concludes with a discussion of YouTube and the resurgence of self-made representation, using the resources of popular culture, in current election campaigns. Are we witnessing a further reversal of polarity, where popular culture and self-representation once again becomes the “subject” of journalism?
This article explores the process by which consumers evoke and thematize the fantastic imaginary when playing a fantasy-based trading card game. Interviews with 15 informants, all players of Magic: The Gathering, serve as data. The result is a new framework that reveals how the fantastic imaginary is evoked and thematized. A typology of thematizing strategies employed by consumers is also presented. Implications are discussed in relation to consumer research, imagination theory, literary theory of the evoked fantastic imaginary, and the imaginary in play.