986 resultados para Polynomial-time algorithm


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The purpose of this paper is to describe a new decomposition construction for perfect secret sharing schemes with graph access structures. The previous decomposition construction proposed by Stinson is a recursive method that uses small secret sharing schemes as building blocks in the construction of larger schemes. When the Stinson method is applied to the graph access structures, the number of such “small” schemes is typically exponential in the number of the participants, resulting in an exponential algorithm. Our method has the same flavor as the Stinson decomposition construction; however, the linear programming problem involved in the construction is formulated in such a way that the number of “small” schemes is polynomial in the size of the participants, which in turn gives rise to a polynomial time construction. We also show that if we apply the Stinson construction to the “small” schemes arising from our new construction, both have the same information rate.


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The boxicity (cubicity) of a graph G, denoted by box(G) (respectively cub(G)), is the minimum integer k such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis parallel boxes (cubes) in ℝ k . The problem of computing boxicity (cubicity) is known to be inapproximable in polynomial time even for graph classes like bipartite, co-bipartite and split graphs, within an O(n 0.5 − ε ) factor for any ε > 0, unless NP = ZPP. We prove that if a graph G on n vertices has a clique on n − k vertices, then box(G) can be computed in time n22O(k2logk) . Using this fact, various FPT approximation algorithms for boxicity are derived. The parameter used is the vertex (or edge) edit distance of the input graph from certain graph families of bounded boxicity - like interval graphs and planar graphs. Using the same fact, we also derive an O(nloglogn√logn√) factor approximation algorithm for computing boxicity, which, to our knowledge, is the first o(n) factor approximation algorithm for the problem. We also present an FPT approximation algorithm for computing the cubicity of graphs, with vertex cover number as the parameter.


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Fix a prime p. Given a positive integer k, a vector of positive integers Delta = (Delta(1), Delta(2), ... , Delta(k)) and a function Gamma : F-p(k) -> F-p, we say that a function P : F-p(n) -> F-p is (k, Delta, Gamma)-structured if there exist polynomials P-1, P-2, ..., P-k : F-p(n) -> F-p with each deg(P-i) <= Delta(i) such that for all x is an element of F-p(n), P(x) = Gamma(P-1(x), P-2(x), ..., P-k(x)). For instance, an n-variate polynomial over the field Fp of total degree d factors nontrivially exactly when it is (2, (d - 1, d - 1), prod)- structured where prod(a, b) = a . b. We show that if p > d, then for any fixed k, Delta, Gamma, we can decide whether a given polynomial P(x(1), x(2), ..., x(n)) of degree d is (k, Delta, Gamma)-structured and if so, find a witnessing decomposition. The algorithm takes poly(n) time. Our approach is based on higher-order Fourier analysis.


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This paper presents an efficient algorithm for robust network reconstruction of Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems in the presence of noise, estimation errors and unmodelled nonlinearities. The method here builds on previous work [1] on robust reconstruction to provide a practical implementation with polynomial computational complexity. Following the same experimental protocol, the algorithm obtains a set of structurally-related candidate solutions spanning every level of sparsity. We prove the existence of a magnitude bound on the noise, which if satisfied, guarantees that one of these structures is the correct solution. A problem-specific model-selection procedure then selects a single solution from this set and provides a measure of confidence in that solution. Extensive simulations quantify the expected performance for different levels of noise and show that significantly more noise can be tolerated in comparison to the original method. © 2012 IEEE.


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The performance of a randomized version of the subgraph-exclusion algorithm (called Ramsey) for CLIQUE by Boppana and Halldorsson is studied on very large graphs. We compare the performance of this algorithm with the performance of two common heuristic algorithms, the greedy heuristic and a version of simulated annealing. These algorithms are tested on graphs with up to 10,000 vertices on a workstation and graphs as large as 70,000 vertices on a Connection Machine. Our implementations establish the ability to run clique approximation algorithms on very large graphs. We test our implementations on a variety of different graphs. Our conclusions indicate that on randomly generated graphs minor changes to the distribution can cause dramatic changes in the performance of the heuristic algorithms. The Ramsey algorithm, while not as good as the others for the most common distributions, seems more robust and provides a more even overall performance. In general, and especially on deterministically generated graphs, a combination of simulated annealing with either the Ramsey algorithm or the greedy heuristic seems to perform best. This combined algorithm works particularly well on large Keller and Hamming graphs and has a competitive overall performance on the DIMACS benchmark graphs.


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Credal networks relax the precise probability requirement of Bayesian networks, enabling a richer representation of uncertainty in the form of closed convex sets of probability measures. The increase in expressiveness comes at the expense of higher computational costs. In this paper, we present a new variable elimination algorithm for exactly computing posterior inferences in extensively specified credal networks, which is empirically shown to outperform a state-of-the-art algorithm. The algorithm is then turned into a provably good approximation scheme, that is, a procedure that for any input is guaranteed to return a solution not worse than the optimum by a given factor. Remarkably, we show that when the networks have bounded treewidth and bounded number of states per variable the approximation algorithm runs in time polynomial in the input size and in the inverse of the error factor, thus being the first known fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for inference in credal networks.


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In this paper, a polynomial time algorithm is presented for solving the Eden problem for graph cellular automata. The algorithm is based on our neighborhood elimination operation which removes local neighborhood configurations which cannot be used in a pre-image of a given configuration. This paper presents a detailed derivation of our algorithm from first principles, and a detailed complexity and accuracy analysis is also given. In the case of time complexity, it is shown that the average case time complexity of the algorithm is \Theta(n^2), and the best and worst cases are \Omega(n) and O(n^3) respectively. This represents a vast improvement in the upper bound over current methods, without compromising average case performance.


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Flexible objects such as a rope or snake move in a way such that their axial length remains almost constant. To simulate the motion of such an object, one strategy is to discretize the object into large number of small rigid links connected by joints. However, the resulting discretised system is highly redundant and the joint rotations for a desired Cartesian motion of any point on the object cannot be solved uniquely. In this paper, we revisit an algorithm, based on the classical tractrix curve, to resolve the redundancy in such hyper-redundant systems. For a desired motion of the `head' of a link, the `tail' is moved along a tractrix, and recursively all links of the discretised objects are moved along different tractrix curves. The algorithm is illustrated by simulations of a moving snake, tying of knots with a rope and a solution of the inverse kinematics of a planar hyper-redundant manipulator. The simulations show that the tractrix based algorithm leads to a more `natural' motion since the motion is distributed uniformly along the entire object with the displacements diminishing from the `head' to the `tail'.


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A polynomial time algorithm (pruned correspondence search, PCS) with good average case performance for solving a wide class of geometric maximal matching problems, including the problem of recognizing 3D objects from a single 2D image, is presented. Efficient verification algorithms, based on a linear representation of location constraints, are given for the case of affine transformations among vector spaces and for the case of rigid 2D and 3D transformations with scale. Some preliminary experiments suggest that PCS is a practical algorithm. Its similarity to existing correspondence based algorithms means that a number of existing techniques for speedup can be incorporated into PCS to improve its performance.


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The isomorphisms holding in all models of the simply typed lambda calculus with surjective and terminal objects are well studied - these models are exactly the Cartesian closed categories. Isomorphism of two simple types in such a model is decidable by reduction to a normal form and comparison under a finite number of permutations (Bruce, Di Cosmo, and Longo 1992). Unfortunately, these normal forms may be exponentially larger than the original types so this construction decides isomorphism in exponential time. We show how using space-sharing/hash-consing techniques and memoization can be used to decide isomorphism in practical polynomial time (low degree, small hidden constant). Other researchers have investigated simple type isomorphism in relation to, among other potential applications, type-based retrieval of software modules from libraries and automatic generation of bridge code for multi-language systems. Our result makes such potential applications practically feasible.


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We revisit the well-known problem of sorting under partial information: sort a finite set given the outcomes of comparisons between some pairs of elements. The input is a partially ordered set P, and solving the problem amounts to discovering an unknown linear extension of P, using pairwise comparisons. The information-theoretic lower bound on the number of comparisons needed in the worst case is log e(P), the binary logarithm of the number of linear extensions of P. In a breakthrough paper, Jeff Kahn and Jeong Han Kim (STOC 1992) showed that there exists a polynomial-time algorithm for the problem achieving this bound up to a constant factor. Their algorithm invokes the ellipsoid algorithm at each iteration for determining the next comparison, making it impractical. We develop efficient algorithms for sorting under partial information. Like Kahn and Kim, our approach relies on graph entropy. However, our algorithms differ in essential ways from theirs. Rather than resorting to convex programming for computing the entropy, we approximate the entropy, or make sure it is computed only once in a restricted class of graphs, permitting the use of a simpler algorithm. Specifically, we present: an O(n2) algorithm performing O(log n·log e(P)) comparisons; an O(n2.5) algorithm performing at most (1+ε) log e(P) + Oε(n) comparisons; an O(n2.5) algorithm performing O(log e(P)) comparisons. All our algorithms are simple to implement. © 2010 ACM.


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A near real-time flood detection algorithm giving a synoptic overview of the extent of flooding in both urban and rural areas, and capable of working during night-time and day-time even if cloud was present, could be a useful tool for operational flood relief management and flood forecasting. The paper describes an automatic algorithm using high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data that assumes that high resolution topographic height data are available for at least the urban areas of the scene, in order that a SAR simulator may be used to estimate areas of radar shadow and layover. The algorithm proved capable of detecting flooding in rural areas using TerraSAR-X with good accuracy, and in urban areas with reasonable accuracy.