992 resultados para Polymerization mechanism


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The present article gives an overview of the reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process. RAFT is one of the most versatile living radical polymerization systems and yields polymers of predictable chain length and narrow molecular weight distribution. RAFT relies on the rapid exchange of thiocarbonyl thio groups between growing polymeric chains. The key strengths of the RAFT process for polymer design are its high tolerance of monomer functionality and reaction conditions, the wide range of well-controlled polymeric architectures achievable, and its (in-principle) non-rate-retarding nature. This article introduces the mechanism of polymerization, the range of polymer molecular weights achievable, the range of monomers in which polymerization is controlled by RAFT, the various polymeric architectures that can be obtained, the type of end-group functionalities available to RAFT-made polymers, and the process of RAFT polymerization.


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Investigations into the kinetics and mechanism of dithiobenzoate-mediated Reversible Addition-Fragmentation Chain Transfer (RAFT) polymerizations, which exhibit nonideal kinetic behavior, such as induction periods and rate retardation, are comprehensively reviewed. The appreciable uncertainty in the rate coefficients associated with the RAFT equilibrium is discussed and methods for obtaining RAFT-specific rate coefficients are detailed. In addition, mechanistic studies are presented, which target the elucidation of the fundamental cause of rate retarding effects. The experimental and theoretical data existing in the literature are critically evaluated and apparent discrepancies between the results of different studies into the kinetics of RAFT polymerizations are discussed. Finally, recommendations for further work are given. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Polyethene, polyacrylates and polymethyl acrylates are versatile materials that find wide variety of applications in several areas. Therefore, polymerization of ethene, acrylates and methacrylates has achieved a lot attention during past years. Numbers of metal catalysts have been introduced in order to control the polymerization and to produce tailored polymer structures. Herein an overview on the possible polymerization pathways for ethene, acrylates and methacrylates is presented. In this thesis iron(II) and cobalt(II) complexes bearing tri- and tetradentate nitrogen ligands were synthesized and studied in the polymerization of tertbutyl acrylate (tBA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA). Complexes are activated with methylaluminoxane (MAO) before they form active combinations for polymerization reactions. The effect of reaction conditions, i.e. monomer concentration, reaction time, temperature, MAO to metal ratio, on activity and polymer properties were investigated. The described polymerization system enables mild reaction conditions, the possibility to tailor molar mass of the produced polymers and provides good control over the polymerization. Moreover, the polymerization of MMA in the presence of iron(II) complex with tetradentate nitrogen ligands under conditions of atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was studied. Several manganese(II) complexes were studied in the ethene polymerization with combinatorial methods and new active catalysts were found. These complexes were also studied in acrylate and methacrylate polymerizations after MAO activation and converted into the corresponding alkyl (methyl or benzyl) derivatives. Combinatorial methods were introduced to discover aluminum alkyl complexes for the polymerization of acrylates and methacrylates. Various combinations of aluminum alkyls and ligands, including phosphines, salicylaldimines and nitrogen donor ligands, were prepared in situ and utilized to initiate the polymerization of tBA. Phosphine ligands were found to be the most active and the polymerization MMA was studied with these active combinations. In addition, a plausible polymerization mechanism for MMA based on ESI-MS, 1H and 13C NMR is proposed.


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Polyethylene is the most widely used synthetic polymer in the world. Most polyethylene is made with Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Polyethylenes for special applications are made with metallocenes, which are nowadays heavily patented. It is laborious therefore, to develop new metallocenes. The aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of replacing the cyclopentadienyl ligands of metallocenes by aminopyridinato ligands without losing the good properties of the metallocenes, such as high activity and formation of linear polymer. The subject was approached by studying what kind of catalysts the metallocenes are and how they catalyze polyethylene. The polymerization behavior of metallocenes was examined by synthesizing a piperazino substituted indenyl zirconocene catalyst and comparing its polymerization data with that of the indenyl zirconocene catalyst. On the basis of their isolobality, it was thought that aminopyridinato ligands might replace cyclopentadienyl ligands. It was presumed that the polymerization mechanism and the active center in ethylene polymerization would be similar for aminopyridinato and metallocene catalysts. Titanium aminopyridinato complexes were prepared and their structures determined to clarify the relationship between structure of the catalyst precursor and polymerization results. The ethylene polymerization results for titanium 2-phenylaminopyridinato catalysts and titanocene catalysts were compared.


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Enzymes and biochemical mechanisms essential to survival are under extreme selective pressure and are highly conserved through evolutionary time. We applied this evolutionary concept to barnacle cement polymerization, a process critical to barnacle fitness that involves aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. The biochemical mechanisms of cement polymerization remain largely unknown. We hypothesized that this process is biochemically similar to blood clotting, a critical physiological response that is also based on aggregation and cross-linking of proteins. Like key elements of vertebrate and invertebrate blood clotting, barnacle cement polymerization was shown to involve proteolytic activation of enzymes and structural precursors, transglutaminase cross-linking and assembly of fibrous proteins. Proteolytic activation of structural proteins maximizes the potential for bonding interactions with other proteins and with the surface. Transglutaminase cross-linking reinforces cement integrity. Remarkably, epitopes and sequences homologous to bovine trypsin and human transglutaminase were identified in barnacle cement with tandem mass spectrometry and/or western blotting. Akin to blood clotting, the peptides generated during proteolytic activation functioned as signal molecules, linking a molecular level event (protein aggregation) to a behavioral response (barnacle larval settlement). Our results draw attention to a highly conserved protein polymerization mechanism and shed light on a long-standing biochemical puzzle. We suggest that barnacle cement polymerization is a specialized form of wound healing. The polymerization mechanism common between barnacle cement and blood may be a theme for many marine animal glues.


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In this paper, the relative photopolymerization efficiency for polymerization of a difunctional acrylate initiated by various N-substituted maleimides in the presence of amine and benzophenone are compared on the basis of a photo-differential scanning calorimetry (photo-DSC) study. The trends in the polymerization rates were obtained from the photopolymerization profiles and expressed in terms of a photoinitiation index, I-p. An N-substituent index, I-s, which indicates whether each N-substituent plays either a positive (when I-s > 1) or a negative (when I-s < 1) role in the initiation process relative to MI (unsubstituted maleimide), was determined. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.


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The kinetics of the polymerization of styrene iniated by 1-chloro-1-phenyltehane/tin (IV) chloride in the presence of tetrabutylammonium chloride have been studied. Dilatometry studies at 25 °C were conducted and the orders of reaction were established. Molecular weight studies were conducted for these experiments using size exclusion chromatography. These studies indicated that transfer/termination reactions were present. The observed kinetics may be explained by a polymerization mechanism involving a single propagating species which is present in low concentrations. Reactions at 0 °C and -15 °C have shown that a "living" polymerization could be obtained at low temperatures. A method was derived to study the kinetics of a "living" polymerization by following the increase in degree of polymerization with time. Polymerizations of styrene were conducted using 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene as a difunctional co-catalyst. These reactions produced polymers with broad or bimodal molecular weight distributions. These observations may be explained by the rate of initiation being slower than the rate of propagation or the presence of transfer/termination reactions. Reactions were conducted using a co-catalyst using a co-catalyst produced by the addition of 1,1-diphenylethane to 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene. Size exclusion chromatography studies showed that the polymers produced had a narrower molecular weight distribution than those produced by polymerizations initiated by 1,4-bis(bromomethyl)benzene alone. However the polydispersity was still observed to increase with reaction time. This may also be explained by slow initiation compared to the rate of propagation. Polymerizations initiated by both bifunctional initiators were examined using the method of studying reaction kinetics by following the change in number average degree of polymerization. The results indicated that a straight line relationship could also be obtained with a non-living polymerization.


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Understanding the polymerization mechanism of a precursor is indispensable to enhance the requisite material properties. In situ mass spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy is used in this study to understand the RF plasma polymerization of γ-terpinene. High-resolution mass spectra positive ion mass spectrometry data of the plasma phase demonstrates the presence of oligomeric species of the type [M+H]+ and [2M+H]+, where M represents a unit of the starting material. In addition, there is abundant fragmented species, with most dominant being [M+] (136 m/z), C10H13+ (133 m/z), C9H11+ (119 m/z), and C7H9+ (93 m/z). The results reported in this manuscript enables to comprehend the relationship between the degree of incorporation of oxygen and the rate of deposition with the input RF power.


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Hyperbranched poly(amido amine)s containing vinyl and hydroxyl groups were successfully synthesized via Michael addition polymerization of triacrylamide (TT) and 3-amino-1,2-propanediol (APD) with equal molar ratio in feed. H-1, C-13 and HSQC NMR techniques were used to clarify the structure of hyperbranched polymers and polymerization mechanism.


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Novel star-like hyperbranched polymers with amphiphilic arms were synthesized via three steps. Hyperbranched poly(amido amine)s containing secondary amine and hydroxyl groups were successfully synthesized via Michael addition polymerization of triacrylamide (TT) and 3-amino-1,2-propanediol (APD) with feed molar ratio of 1:2. H-1, C-13, and HSQC NMR techniques were used to clarify polymerization mechanism and the structures of the resultant hyperbranched polymers


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The electrochemical polymerization of 0.01 M aniline in 1 M H2SO4 aqueous solution on roughened Au surface modified with a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) of 4-aminothiophenol (4-ATP) has been investigated by in situ electrochemical surface-enhanced Raman scattering spectroscopy (SERS). The repeat units and possible structures of the electrodeposited polyaniline (PANI) film were proposed; i.e., aniline monomer is coupled in head-to-tail predominately at the C-4 of aniline and amine of 4-ATP, and the thin PANI film is orientated vertically to substrate surface. Simultaneous Raman spectra during potential scanning indicate clearly that the ultrathin PANI film (in initial growth of the film) consists of semiquinone radical cation (IP+), para-disubstituted benzene (IP and IP+) and quinine diimine (NP) while it is oxidized, and without quinine diimine and semiquinone radical cation while reduced. Meanwhile, the results confirm that 4-ATP monolayer shows a strong promotion on the electrodeposition of aniline monomer, and a possible polymerization mechanism was proposed.


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In the copolymerization of styrene-butadiene and styrene-isoprene, a novel rare earth catalyst system (CF3CO2)(3)Ln/R(3-n)AlH(n)/(CH3)(3)CCH2Br (Ln = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu; R = Me-, Et-, i-Bu-, and Oct-; n = 0 and 1) has been studied. The 1, 4 unit contents in the copolymers obtained are found to range from 64.4 to 99.6% with St contents of 5.2 to 59.9%, and intrinsic viscosities of 0.1 to 0.5 dl g(-1) measured by i.r., H-1 n.m.r. and C-13 n.m.r. spectra. From the calculated data of linked ratios, a change in the microstructure is induced by the styrene unit, probably adjacent to the butadiene or isoprene unit. An interesting result is that the ratios of styrene unit linked with 1, 2 or 3,4 units in the copolymers are far higher than in copolymers obtained with the nickel catalyst. The experimental results are discussed in terms of rare earth pi-allyl coordination and back-biting mechanism.


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Poly(o-methylaniline) (poly-o-toluidine, PTOL) was synthesized by chemical oxidation of o-toluidine with ammonium peroxydisulfate in an aqueous 1.0 mol L -1 HCl solution. The progress of polymerization was followed by measuring the open-circuit potential (OCP) of a Pt electrode immersed in the reaction medium with the polymerization time. The chemical synthesis of PTOL was carried out at different monomer:oxidant (M:O) molar ratios (4:1, 2:1, 1.5:1, 1:1, and 0.66:1), and the products obtained were characterized by infrared spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, and X-ray diffraction. The molecular weight and percentage of crystallinity of PTOL are higher for samples synthesized in an excess of the monomer, i.e. at higher M:O ratios. However, the yield of PTOL prepared at higher M:O ratios is considerably low, in particular at a 4:1 M:O ratio, which is the M:O ratio most commonly used in the literature to synthesize polyaniline and its derivatives.


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A theoretical approach is used here to explain experimental results obtained from the electrosynthesis of polypyrrole-2-carboxylic acid (PPY-2-COOH) films in nonaqueous medium. An analysis of the Fukui function (reactivity index) indicates that the monomer (pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid, PY-2-COOH), and dimers and trimers are oxidized in the C4 or C5 positions of the heterocyclic ring of the PY-2-COOH structure. After calculating the heat of formation using semiempirical Austin Model 1 post-Hartree-Fock parameterization for dimer species, both C4 and C5 positions adjacent to the aromatic rings of PPY-2-COOH were considered the most susceptible ones to oxidative coupling reactions. The ZINDO-S/CI semiempirical method was used to simulate the electronic transitions typically seen in the UV-VIS-NIR range in monomer and oligomers with different conjugation lengths. The use of an electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance provides sufficient information to propose a polymerization mechanism of PY-2-COOH based on molecular modeling and experimental results.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Methoden der Synthese von Zinn(IV)oxid Nanopartikeln, deren Stabilisierung durch unterschiedliche Surfactants und der Einbau der Nanomaterialien in PMMA beschrieben und die erhaltenen Materialien charakterisiert. Die Darstellung der Zinnoxid Nanopartikel wurde über drei verschiedene Synthesewege durchgeführt: a) Polymeric Precursor Methode, b) Solvothermal-Synthese und c) säurekatalysierte Fällungsreaktion. Im Rahmen von a) konnte neben der thermodynamisch stabilen Phase von Zinn(IV)oxid ebenfalls die metastabile orthorhombische Phase synthetisiert werden. Durch eine Analyse der Pyrolysebedingungen konnte der Kristallisationsmechanismus des Zinnoxids ausgehend vom Precursor bis zur tetragonalen Phase des Zinn(IV)oxid diskutiert werden. Die Synthesemethoden b) und c) boten sich zur Darstellung von oberflächenmodifizierten Zinnoxid Nanopartikeln an. Als Surfactant benutzte man unter anderem Alkylphosphonsäuren, da eine hydrophobe Oberfläche die Dispersion in MMA ermöglichte. Abschließend wurde eine radikalische in situ-Polymerisation von MMA in Gegenwart von oberflächenmodifizierten Partikeln durchgeführt. Der erhaltene Verbundwerkstoff zeichnete sich durch eine erhöhte thermische Stabilität aufgrund weniger Strukturdefekte des Polymers aus. Durch eine Untersuchung des Polymerisationsmechanismus konnte die Wirkung der oberflächenmodifizierten Nanopartikel auf die Polymerisation veranschaulicht werden. Aufgrund der nicht homogenen Verteilung der Nanopartikel im Verbundwerkstoff konnte jedoch keine Charakterisierung der optischen Eigenschaften durchgeführt werden.