797 resultados para Political imaginary


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The edification of the landscape in the scientific and social field, in speech as in the method, is taken in this study as a complex process, from which were developed relationships of dominance on the perception of space, which persist strongly consolidated, since the genesis of the conceptual practice till its actual praxis. Historically, the landscape studies took place slowly, immersed in many questions, in face of the multiplicity of meanings that the concept offers. In the psyche, the notion of landscape is present since a long time ago, as an unconscious human being practice, even before any ideological hypothesis formulation. However its materialization in the social conscious will come only from painting, and specially with the perspective, through the technicity of the view, at first wandering the infinity, now ordained in a frame‟. Since then, the landscape is perceived according to the order of the view, as the equivalent of nature and beauty, assuming at the same time, an important symbolic value, since it is linked to mnemonic and subjective processes that the being build with the territory. The domain on this space-cognitive experience, characteristic of the contemporary, consolidates in the social imaginary, building consensus on the landscape, whose aesthetic references make a cultural appeal, very pertinent to the actual capitalist dynamics of production the space worldwide, mainly of the spectacle and commodification of cities promoted by the city marketing. In Brazil, this consensual ideology of the landscape surpass the social imaginary and also dominates the political imaginary, whereas the main instrument for preserving the landscape, Decree-law 25, from November 30, 1937, and its limit to those of exceptional value or remarkable feature. The analysis of the processes for putting under governmental trust for inscription of goods by the landscape value, reveals the dominant, if not exclusive, adoption of selection criteria related to aesthetic aspects. Abstain, therefore, from what the nation considers patrimony , other landscapes that, besides not having, at first, remarkable aesthetic value, play a crucial role as an inheritance from ancestor relations between man and space and pre- existing condition for the same present and future relations. From this historical background, the research seeks to transfer into contemporaneity, the ideological analysis of the concept and its relation with the building of the landscape in the collective imaginary, in order to recognize, in current practices to landscape preservation, as much this genesis, rooted in aesthetics, remains strongly consolidated, feeding the current dynamics of consumption and commodification of the city. Therefore, as preliminary conclusion, one can state that the identification of landscapes of different value, especially aesthetic, maintains and intensify the treatment of the city as an object, a standard‟ commodity to be sold / traded on the world market, in detriment of its recognition as a dynamic process that, even though inserted in the global context, develops specificifities and peculiarities, inherent to the production of space, as Lefebvre preconizes, that is, to the production of life, social product , as characteristic, dissent generator


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Cette thèse se propose de réévaluer l’œuvre de Guy Debord en privilégiant la lecture de ses autoportraits littéraires et cinématographiques. Cette recherche favorise une réception de Debord mettant en lumière l’importance de l’écriture de soi dans l’ensemble de sa production. L’inscription de soi, chez Debord, passe en effet par la création d’une légende. L’introduction démontre comment la trajectoire singulière de Debord témoigne d’un brouillage entre les frontières traditionnelles séparant l’esthétique et le politique. Elle explore les moyens pris par Debord afin de redéfinir le statut de l’artiste et la fonction de l’écriture dans le cadre d’une transformation d’une vie quotidienne. Dans ce cadre, la production artistique se subordonne entièrement au caractère de Debord, une personnalité qui se manifeste d’abord à travers la création d’un Grand style qui lui est propre. En célébrant le primat du vécu sur l’œuvre, la manœuvre de Debord s’inscrit dans la tradition moderniste de l’art. Le chapitre II montre comment Debord souhaita participer à l’entreprise de politisation de l’esthétique qui définit l’action des avant-gardes historiques. On y explique notamment comment l’œuvre de Debord s’est construite à partir des ruines du surréalisme. Pour se distinguer de ses ancêtres, le mouvement situationniste rejeta cependant l’esthétique surréaliste du rêve au profit d’une nouvelle poétique de l’ivresse se basant sur la dérive et sur l’intensification du moi. La dernière section de ce chapitre se consacre à la question de la création d’un mythe moderne, volonté partagée par les deux groupes. La troisième partie de cette thèse traite spécifiquement de la construction mythologique de Debord. Ce chapitre situe le projet mémorialiste de Debord dans la tradition littéraire française de l’écriture du moi. Il explore ensuite l’économie des sources classiques de Debord, en soulignant l’importance chez lui d’une éthique aristocratique issue du Grand siècle, éthique qui met de l’avant la distinction individuelle. Enfin, l’importance de la mentalité baroque est abordée conjointement à la question primordiale de la stratégie et de la manipulation. Le quatrième chapitre aborde la question de l’identification. Quand Debord décide de parler de sa vie, il le fait toujours en employant des éléments qui lui sont extérieurs : des « détournements ». Son « mode d’emploi » des détournements est défini dans la perspective d’un dévoilement de soi. On explore par la suite la question de l’imaginaire politique de Debord, imaginaire qui convoque sans cesse des représentations issues du XIXe siècle (classes dangereuses, conspirateur, bohème). Ce dernier chapitre se termine sur un essai d’interprétation approfondissant l’utilisation répétée de certaines figures criminelles, notamment Lacenaire. On mettra de l’avant la fonction centrale qu’occupent le crime et la transgression dans la sensibilité de Debord.


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This paper has the imaginary names as a theme, from which we aim to analyze the imaginaries and invested interests that characterized the implementation and the legitimation of the First Republic in Rio Grande do Norte (1889 1930), making the process of registering names history in that place. For the construction of our object, we studied laws and provincial, state and municipal decrees; annual messages of governors; articles of the following newspapers O Povo, A República, Diário do Natal, O Seridoense, A Notícia and Jornal das Moças; the local cartography and historiography that talk about the study of names. The use of these resources, allied to the empiric method, was driven by a theoretic methodological contribution based on the history of the political imaginary, as discussed by Cornelius Castoriadis, René Rémond, Michel de Certeau and Maria Dick. For the understanding of the imaginaries that (de)limited the spaces of Rio Grande do Norte concerning its names during the First Republic, we bring moment back to the two last imperial decades moment of cleavage between Empire and Republic essential for the fomentation of the imaginary that embodied the organization of our study. From this period, we observe, through the names of some cities, how the northern space would be aligned to the imaginary dynamic of the new political system of the nation, and it had followed to a redirection process of the giving names action, according to the interests of the family organization Albuquerque Maranhão, revealed while determining the names of cities, towns, streets, schools, buildings, etc., in thankfulness to the memory of its members. In the sequence we verified how a new dynamic of giving names helped to understand the process of political transition from the Coast to the Sertão, and at the same time affirmed the power of the political and economical seridoense elite towards the government of the state in the two last decades of the First Republic


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La ricerca analizza il tema della relazione tra storia e narrazione nella letteratura degli ultimi quindici anni in tre contesti nazionali: Italia, Spagna e Portogalo. Per indagare un campo così vasto si sono identificate tre direttrici principali connesse tra loro, coincidenti con tre "crisi": la crisi del rapporto tra letteratura e mercato, la crisi del concetto di verità e la crisi dello stato nazione. Attraverso le riflessioni sul postmoderno (Lyotard, Jameson Hutcheon) e l’analisi di Bourdieu si indaga il rapporto tra mercato e autore letterario, facendo particolare riferimento ai percorsi letterari di Rafael Chirbes, Mia Couto e Wu Ming. Il tema della forma letteraria è invece letto atttraverso le analisi di Hutcheon e analizzando i testi di Helder Macedo (Pedro e Paula), Isaac Rosa (¡Otra maldita novela sobre la guerra civil!) e Tommaso De Lorenzis-Guido Favale (L’aspra stagione). La crisi del concetto di verità viene analizzata alla luce del dibattito sulla storiografia nella seconda metà del Novecento. In particolare si evidenzia la tensione tra Hayden White e Carlo Ginzuburg. Per evidenziare come le relazioni di potere influenzino la narrazione della storia si fa inoltre riferimento alle analisi di Michel Foucault, Michel de Certeau, Stephen Greenbaltt e Gayatri Spivak. Si analizzano quindi Anatomía de un instante, di Javier Cercas, Romanzo criminale, di Giancarlo de Cataldo e As três vidas, di João Tordo. Infine ci si riferisce alla crisi dello stato-nazione individuando una tensione tra le analisi di György Lukács e Franco Moretti, e allargando la riflessione agli studi sociologici di Immanuel Wallerstein e Saskia Sassen. Inoltre, attraverso i testi di Benedict Anderson, Homi B. Bhabha, José Saramao e Eduardo Lourenço si articola una riflessione sull’immaginario politico nazionale. I testi analizzati sono Victus, di Albert Sánchez Piñol, Pro Patria, di Ascanio Celestini e A voz da terra di Miguel Real.


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El trabajo aborda la relación democracia y ciudadanía desde la dimensión subjetiva de la política e indaga las representaciones mentales del imaginario político sobre participación y representación ciudadana a partir de los procesos electorales. El objetivo es rescatar las significaciones que sostienen o transforman la institucionalidad democrática. La crisis del 2001 en Argentina generó nuevas formas de participación y un redimensionamiento de la democracia. Los resultados del trabajo atribuyen la escasa calidad democrática a la dirigencia política aunque abren la posibilidad de un mayor compromiso, participación y autonomía ciudadana y recuperación de lo político, como inescindible de lo social.


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"Of this edition of Dethronements have been printed 750 numbered copies only for sale. Copy number 320."


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Drawing on postcolonial studies and the theorization on imperial gothic, this paper centres on three texts: The Hosts of the Lord (1900) by Flora Annie Steel; East of Suez (1901) by Alice Perrin, and The Way of an Eagle (1912)by Ethel Dell. These three texts highlight in different ways the discursive mediation of the Other and its destabilizing effects on the identity of the European-minded colonizer, thus foregrounding the multifarious nature of the British imaginative engagement with India. In this context, it is particularly relevant to examine the political and ideological implications of representing anywhere East of Suez as a locus of primitivism and chaos vis-à-vis the colonizer’s ambivalent reactions. Thus we seek to demonstrate the power of two distinct practices or modes of representation – namely, the power of a metaphorical discourse versus metonymic discourse- within the proces of constructing the East for a vast Western readership.


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El proyecto de investigación se dirige a sistematizar un abordaje postfundacionalista de las identidades políticas en vistas a la construcción de un marco teórico-metodológico para el análisis histórico-político. Se parte de la creciente relevancia en las ciencias sociales de la cuestión de la “identidad” para indagar la singularidad del marco teórico adoptado en su estudio. Así, el postfundacionalismo da cuenta de una teoría de las subjetividades políticas que parte de procesos de identificación que suponen una articulación singular entre relativa estructuralidad y agencia. El sujeto emerge en un contexto nunca plenamente suturado ni plenamente abierto, sino a través de un anudamiento de diversas dimensiones reales, simbólicas e imaginarias. Esta visión es altamente productiva para generar conclusiones relevantes en el campo de la ciencia política y del análisis histórico político comparado. This research project seeks to systematise from a postfundationalist view of political identities a theoretico-methodological framework for historico political analysis. The project starts from the increasing relevance of the quistion of 'identity' for contremporary social sciences. Poststructuralism provides an insight of processes of identification that supposes a singular articulation between relative structurality and agency. The subject emerges in a neither fully structured nor fully opened context but through a knotting process of different registers: real, symblic and imaginary. This vision, we believe, is highly productive to generate meaningful conclusions in the field of political science and comparative political analysis.


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While regulation theory literature has made important contributions to the much-debated domain of globalisation by focusing on various aspects of post-Fordism, it has not yet fully engaged with the implications that can be drawn from critical approaches in international political economy. Recent studies have explored the transnational bases of new patterns and agents of change beyond states, firms and institutions traditionally involved in regulatory practices. Hybrid is often used as a default attribute reflecting lack of clear understanding of the breadth of this new type of influence and the opacity of the means involved. Drawing on the insights of philology and mythology, the paper argues that the notion of hybrid is relevant in elucidating the ontological ambiguity between imaginary and real aspects of globalisation. Furthermore, it specifies the categories involved in the analysis of emerging forms of hybrid regulation. Recent scholarship on globalisation tends to focus on the private-public nexus of the subjects involved in new forms of institutional arrangements and authority. Here, subjects, objects and space are analysed as joint issues. By focusing particularly on transformations affecting the role of the state, forms of competition, and their rescaling on a transnational basis, the concept of global hybrid is seen as complementary to the emancipation of regulation approaches from early emphasis on national levels of compromises.


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Charles Taylor’s contribution to social imaginaries offers an interpretive framework for better understanding modernity as secularity. One of its main aspects is conceiving of human society in linear, homogenous time (secular time). Looking into the Arabic intellectual tradition, I will argue in my paper that Taylor’s framework can help us understand major social and intellectual transformations. The Ottoman and Arabic modernization process during the 19th century has often been understood by focusing on certain core concepts. One of these is tamaddun, usually translated as “civilization.” I will be mostly talking about the works of two “pioneers” of Arab modernity (which is traditionally referred to as an-nahḍa, the so-called Arab Renaissance): the Syrian Fransīs Marrāsh and the Egyptian Rifāʿa aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī. First I will focus on Marrāsh’s didactic novel “The Forest of Truth” (1865), as it offers a complex view of tamaddun, which has sometimes been construed as merely a social and political reform program. The category of "social imaginary,” however, is useful in grasping the wider semantic scope of this concept, which is reading it as a signifier for human history conceived of in secular time, as Taylor defines it. This conceptualization of human history functioning within the immanent frame can also be observed in the introduction to “The Extraction of Pure Gold in the Description of Paris” (1834), a systematic account of a travel experience in France that was written by the other “pioneer,” aṭ-Ṭahṭāwī. Finally, in translating tamaddun as “the modern social imaginary of civilization/culture,” the talk aims to consider this imaginary as a major factor in the emergence of the “secular age.” Furthermore, it suggests the importance of studying (quasi-) literary texts, such as historiographical, geographical, and self-narratives in the Arabic literary tradition, in order to further elaborate continuities and ruptures in social imaginaries.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of metaphors used by Hugo Chávez in his efforts to construct and legitimize his Bolivarian Revolution. It focuses on metaphors drawn from three of his most frequent target domains: the nation, his revolution, and the opposition. The author argues that behind an official discourse of inclusion, Chávez's choice of metaphors contributes to the construction of a polarizing discourse of exclusion in which his political opponents are represented as enemies of the nation. Chávez constructs this polarizing discourse of exclusion by combining metaphors that conceptualize: (a) the nation as a person who has been resurrected by his government, as a person ready to fight for his revolution, or as Chávez himself; (b) the revolution as war; and (c) members of the opposition as war combatants or criminals. At the same time, by making explicit references in his discourse about the revolution as the continuation of Simón Bolívar's wars of independence, Chávez contributes to represent opponents as enemies of the nation, given that in the Venezuelan collective imaginary Bolívar is the symbol of the nation's emancipation.