974 resultados para Political identities


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The devolution of political power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are widely read as a significant reconfiguration of the institutions and scales of economic governance. The process is furthest developed in Scotland while Wales and Northern Ireland, in their own distinct ways, provide intermediate cases. Devolution is least developed in England where regional political identities are generally weak and the historical legacy of regional institutions is limited.


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Historically political song has often been perceived negatively, as a disturbance of the peace, summed up by the legendary line from Goethe’s Faust: “Politisches Lied – ein garstiges Lied”. In the period in Germany of the Vormärz (from 1815 up to the revolution of March 1848), however, we see how this perception may be changing as it increasingly becomes a means of self-expression in public life. This was the era of restauration, in which broader sections of German society are striving for political emancipation from the princes and kings. A whole host of political themes emerge in the songs (Freiheitslieder) of that period in which a new oppositional political consciousness is reflected. The themes range from freedom of speech, freedom from censorship, and the need for democratic and national self-determination to critiques of injustice and hunger, and parodies of political convention and opportunism. Sources of reception give indications about the social and political milieus in which these songs circulated. Such sources include broadsheets, handwritten manuscripts, song collections, commemoration events, advertisements in political press, memoires, police reports and general literature of the time. In many cases we see how these songs reflect the emerging social and political identities of those who sing them. One also sees the use of well known melodies in the popular dissemination of these songs. An intertextual function of music often becomes apparent in the practice of contrefacture whereby melodies with particular semantic associations are used to either underline the message or parody the subject of the song.


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The devolution of political power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are widely read as a significant reconfiguration of the institutions and scales of economic governance. The process is furthest developed in Scotland while Wales and Northern Ireland, in their own distinct ways, provide intermediate cases. Devolution is least developed in England where regional political identities are generally weak and the historical legacy of regional institutions is limited. Within the overall context of devolution government policy has continued to emphasize partnership forms of. governance. Accordingly, the political representation of business interests has a particular salience in the new arrangements. This paper reports on findings from a study designed to examine the relationship between devolution and changes in the political representation of business interests in the territories and regions of the UK. It highlights a number of changes in the nature and extent of business representation. While some of these are significant the evidence suggests that they fail to mark a fundamental shift in the institutional foundation for sub-national business interest representation in the UK. Indeed the political geography of business representation remains dominated by an overarching centralism that is likely to provide a significant check on the further devolution of political power and democratic authority. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The devolution of political power in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are widely read as a significant reconfiguration of the institutions and scales of economic governance. The process is furthest developed in Scotland while Wales and Northern Ireland, in their own distinct ways, provide intermediate cases. Devolution is least developed in England where regional political identities are generally weak and the historical legacy of regional institutions is limited. Within the overall context of devolution government policy has continued to emphasize partnership forms of. governance. Accordingly, the political representation of business interests has a particular salience in the new arrangements. This paper reports on findings from a study designed to examine the relationship between devolution and changes in the political representation of business interests in the territories and regions of the UK. It highlights a number of changes in the nature and extent of business representation. While some of these are significant the evidence suggests that they fail to mark a fundamental shift in the institutional foundation for sub-national business interest representation in the UK. Indeed the political geography of business representation remains dominated by an overarching centralism that is likely to provide a significant check on the further devolution of political power and democratic authority. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The importance of constituent units for democratic federations, in general, and of the Swiss cantons for the Swiss Confederation, in particular, is beyond doubt. What is less clear, however, is how to solve conflicting views on the number and type of such units. The Swiss case offers two highly topical examples in this regard: the merger of the two ‘half-cantons’ Basel-City and Basel-Country, on the one hand, and the creation of a new canton encompassing canton Jura and the French-speaking area of canton Berne, on the other. In comparing different sub-national political identities at play in these two cases, the strength of ‘cantonalism’—understood as attachment to and identification with a canton—in Switzerland in the 21st century is shown. Second, different manifestations of cantonalism are compared: centre-periphery in Basel, linguistic vs. religious in Jura. Finally, the similar direct-democratic pathways chosen to solve both conflicting understandings of cantonalism testify to the Swiss commitment to peaceful, negotiated and popularly sanctioned settlements.


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Resumen: Las pautas que regulan la competencia por el acceso al poder son aspectos centrales para abordar el funcionamiento del sistema político democrático, las cuales se multiplican en un sistema federal o multinivel. Tras la apertura democrática el sistema político argentino redefinió su funcionamiento frente a la mayor autoridad de las provincias en materia de implementación de políticas públicas, recursos fiscales e independencia electoral respecto de la esfera nacional. La territorialización de la política (o desnacionalización) en parte explica los cambios sufridos por el bipartidismo nacional (PJ-UCR), el surgimiento de nuevos partidos políticos y la construcción de nuevas identidades políticas. Hasta el 2011, Río Negro fue de los pocos distritos con partido predominante diferente al partido predominante a nivel nacional, y el único que gobernó la Unión Cívica Radical de forma ininterrumpida desde 1983. El presente trabajo busca explorar el funcionamiento del sistema político rionegrino en el contexto de desnacionalización a partir de los siguientes interrogantes. ¿Cuán congruente o incongruente es el sistema de partido rionegrino al nacional? ¿Qué niveles registra la competencia partidaria en ambos sistemas? ¿Qué efectos tuvieron las reformas electorales sobre el funcionamiento del sistema de partidos subnacional en Río Negro? Dando respuesta a estas preguntas, este artículo busca aportar al estudio de la interaccion del sistema de partidos nacional y un sistema de partidos subnacional, en el marco de los sistemas políticos federales o multinivel


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O presente trabalho consiste no estudo e na analise de algumas materias do periodico 'O Brasil', nos anos de 1840 a 1843, a fim de estabelecer como que se deu a conformaçao da identidade politica dos regressistas, futuros conservadores, frente a de seus antagonistas politicos, os progressistas, futuros liberais. Essa identidade foi sendo definida através do embate politico estabelecida na imprensa do século XIX entre os principais representantes dos grupos politicos. A imprensa foi sendo utilizada não só para divulgar suas ideias e ideais, mas como um espaço possível de produçao de conhecimento e significados. Dessa feita, a fim de se perceber em que base a identidade politica partidária regressista / conservadora foi sendo conformada e divulgada, abordam-se dois temas: a antecipação da maioridade de D. Pedro II e a Revolta Liberal de 1842; acrescidos pela análise de um Dicionario Crítico da Língua Politica, que foi divulgado e problematizado nas páginas do 'O Brasil' em 1843. A discussão sobre a maioridade do jovem monarca e depois a sua concretização exigiu de ambos os grupos politicos em maior definição de seus projetos de ação e de seus posicionamentos, a ponto de suas identidades irem sendo delimitadas e rearanjadas. A análise dos conflitos armados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais, em 1842, possibilitou visualizar um desenho mais polarizado das identidades politicas partidarias que passaram a ser denominados de liberais e conservadores. O dicionário político publicado e problematizado nas páginas do 'O Brasil' retratou em palavras a dinâmica de conformação e re-significação dessas identidades politicas.


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What role does public civic space in Belfast city centre play in the negotiation of different political identities within the city? Focusing on key public events in this space the paper traces shifts in identity practices and focuses on negotiations over the uses of public space associated with Irish nationalism and British unionism. This, it is argued, gives a more sophisticated understanding of different types of ‘shared space’. The events probed are seen as precursors and possibly drivers of political change. It is concluded that the increased sharing of civic space has probably contributed to improved political relations within the city, though there remains the challenge of
understanding how public space might more effectively be used to influence
relationships between the city’s political identities in the longer term.


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Cette thèse traite de la supposée perte de culture politique et citoyenne que connaît le Chili de la période post-dictature. Bien qu’une telle perte soit généralement considérée comme une évidence, nous évaluons dans quelle mesure celle-ci est bien réelle en nous intéressant aux processus d’apprentissage du comportement civique de la plus jeune génération politique du pays qui a aujourd’hui atteint la vingtaine. Étant donné que les membres de cette génération étaient soit au stade de l’enfance, soit pas même nés au moment de la transition démocratique de 1990, ils ont habituellement pris connaissance des événements de répression étatique et de réconciliation démocratique par l’intermédiaire de leurs aînés. Ce phénomène est encore plus marqué dans les régions rurales du sud du pays où la majeure partie de ce que les jeunes générations savent du passé conflictuel de leur pays, incluant le colonialisme, le socialisme révolutionnaire et le fascisme, n’a pas été transmis par la communication verbale ou volontaire, mais indirectement via les habitudes et préférences culturelles qui ne manquent pas d’influencer les décisions politiques. À travers l’analyse des mécanismes de transmission inter-générationnelle de diverses perspectives d’un passé contesté, notre travail explore les processus par lesquels, à l’échelle micro, certains types de comportement politique sont diffusés au sein des familles et de petits réseaux communautaires. Ces derniers se situent souvent en tension avec les connaissances transmises dans les domaines publics, comme les écoles et certaines associations civiques. De telles tensions soulèvent d’importantes questions au sujet des inégalités de statut des membres de la communauté nationale, en particulier à une époque néolibérale où la réorganisation du fonctionnement des services sociaux et du contrôle des ressources naturelles a transformé les relations entre le monde rural pauvre et la société dominante provenant des centres urbains. Au sein de la jeune génération politique du Chili, dans quelle mesure ces perspectives situées concernant un passé pour le moins contesté, ainsi que leurs impacts sur la distribution actuelle du pouvoir dans le pays façonnent-ils des identités politiques en émergence ? Nous abordons cette question à l’aide d’une analyse ethnographique des moyens auxquels les jeunes recourent pour acquérir et exprimer des connaissances au sujet de l’histoire et de son influence latente dans la vie civique actuelle. Nos données proviennent de plus de deux années de terrain anthropologique réalisées dans trois localités du sud rural ayant été touchées par des interventions industrielles dans les rivières avoisinantes. L'une d'entre elles a été contaminée par une usine de pâte à papier tandis que les autres doivent composer avec des projets de barrage hydroélectrique qui détourneront plusieurs rivières. Ces activités industrielles composent la toile de fond pour non seulement évaluer les identités politiques, émergentes mais aussi pour identifier ce que l’apprentissage de comportement politique révèle à propos de la citoyenneté au Chili à l’heure actuelle.


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En esta monografía de grado se pretende hacer un análisis acerca de la constitución de una nueva identidad política en Venezuela a partir del discurso del presidente Hugo Chávez y con posterioridad al golpe de Estado de 2002. Para ello, se emplean los supuestos teóricos de Ernesto Laclau y Chantal Mouffe y la deconstrucción de las categorías discursivas del presidente venezolano, así como “la respuesta” popular en relación a la representación política en “doble vía”. Por medio de un estudio histórico sobre la conformación de Venezuela como un Estado democrático-liberal, es posible aprehender sobre su consenso (Pacto de Punto Fijo) y la manera en la que un discurso antagónico se erige como hegemónico y así, se establece una identidad política alternativa: “El pueblo bolivariano”. Se trata de un análisis cualitativo sobre la constitución de identidades políticas y la relación entre las mismas, se aleja completamente de una evaluación sobre los logros y/o fracasos del proceso político venezolano.


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Presentamos una investigación basada en los métodos de investigación visual, sobre la construcción de la identidad política de los manifestantes en el día del trabajo en Bogotá, Colombia, entre los años 2006 y 2010, desde una perspectiva del interaccionismo simbólico.


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La figura del Estado se constituye, de alguna manera, en aquella que resulta más aceptada, exitosa y hasta deseable por las distintas sociedades, en términos de organización política; esto de acuerdo con tres elementos fundamentales: satisfacción, protección y reconocimiento, los cuales, según su interacción permiten clasificar a los Estados de conformidad con sus identidades y tendencias políticas.El presente trabajo busca analizar y, a la luz de estos elementos, abrir la discusión sobre el papel de la seguridad en el debate sobre la reconfiguración del Estado en América Latina.-----The figure of the State somehow constitutes, in terms of political organizations, the most accepted, successful, and even desirable figure for the different societies. A situation centered on three key elements: satisfaction, protection, and recognition. The elements that, according to their interaction, allow the classification of the States based on their political identities and trends.This paper seeks to analyze and, in the light of these elements, open the discussion about the role of safety in the discussion on the State reconfiguration in Latin America.


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El artículo analiza las tensiones que enfrentaban a criollos y europeos en la Audiencia de Quito en el siglo XVIII, a través del caso de la muerte del cirujano Jean de Sénierges en la ciudad de Cuenca, durante la expedición geodésica a la región. El análisis de los relatos tejidos en torno al deceso del médico de la expedición muestra la progresiva consolidación de identidades políticas diferenciadas en la Colonia. Pone en evidencia, además, la importancia de analizar los motines urbanos como herramientas de acción colectiva, en las que se cristalizan estas identidades.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)