996 resultados para Political correctness


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This article reports on civil society in Australia between 1996 and 2007 related to former Prime Minister John Howard. The article discusses Howard's neo-conservative ideology and Liberal-National coalition, noting his views on political correctness. Howard's administration is also discussed in terms of immigration, multiculturalism, indigenous land rights, othering, and Islamaphobia. Information on the effect of Islamaphobia on Australian perceptions and the treatment of Muslims is also provided


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The Media Gaze effectively shatters the assumption that Canada, in all its political correctness, is a cultural mosaic free of discrimination and prejudice. While great strides have been made to reduce blatant racism and sexism in Canadian media, Fleras illustrates how discriminatory and oppressive discourses are still very present in news, television, and film.He brings to light the structural, institutional, and practice-oriented means by which the media is systemically biased toward privileging mainstream audiences while misrepresenting minority groups in the public eye...


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Discussion of censorship and media freedom in the context of The Interview. A few weeks before the murderous attack by Islamic extremists on the satirical journal Charlie Hebdo, the Hollywood dream factory had its own encounter with would-be censors. The Interview (Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen, 2014), as everyone with an interest in culture and current affairs cannot fail to be aware of by now, is a comedy in the “grossout” tradition exemplified by commercially successful movies such as Ted (Seth MacFarlane, 2012) and Bridesmaids (Paul Feig, 2011). Their humour is a combination of slapstick, physical comedy, and scatological jokes involving body fluids and the like— hence the “gross”. The best of them have been very funny, as well as bordering on the offensive (see Ted’s scene involving prostitutes, a foul-mouthed teddy bear and the entertainment value of someone taking a dump on the living room floor). They have often been controversial, as in the Farrelly brothers’ Me, Myself and Irene (2000), starring Jim Carrey as a schizophrenic police officer. At their most outrageous they have pushed the boundaries of political correctness to the limit.


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As desigualdades sociais e educacionais contribuem para a reprodução das classes no Brasil. A juventude se encontra no cerne dessa questão como um dos grupos mais atingidos por essa distribuição desigual. Partindo do princípio de que existem diferentes formas de se experimentar a juventude na contemporaneidade e que as classes sociais seriam um importante fator para se pensar as diferentes formas de transição para a vida adulta, este trabalho objetiva discutir a questão da juventude e dos jovens no contexto da desigualdade. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa com jovens alunos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), no município de Mesquita (RJ), acerca de suas características e modos de vida; buscando, entretanto, uma possibilidade de generalização desse caso particular do possível. Foram abordados os conceitos de condição e posição juvenil, a fim de se construir um mapa da desigualdade e posicionar esse jovem aluno. Os resultados indicam que há diferenças entre os coortes geracionais que compõe a juventude com relação a suas trajetórias escolares (jovem-adolescente de 15 a 17 anos, jovem-jovem de 18 a 24 anos e jovem-adulto, de 25 a 29 anos de idade). A hipótese é de que essa juventude apresenta indicadores distintos pelas imbricações que implicam as políticas educacionais em vigor, em suas determinadas épocas de entrada e permanência na escola regular. Dessa forma, pensar a juventude nesse contexto pode contribuir para entender melhor quem é o novo público que ocupa os bancos escolares da EJA nos últimos anos e, ainda, tentar interpretar o impacto das políticas de correção de fluxo no plano concreto: na vida desses jovens.


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Snatch (Guy Ritchie, 2000) is a comic-book gangster film that can be seen to represent the backlash against perceived notions of political correctness in what is effectively a public-schoolboy fantasy of working-class life in East London. However, the film also delineates the limits of this backlash in its depiction of minorities as either contained or excess. This is highlighted through the comic-book genre itself as well as the characterization. Thus this article explores the tension between the genre, representation and Jewish identity.


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This article canvasses the key Australian exclusionary rules and discretions to exclude evidence under both the common law and its statutory counterparts in the Uniform Evidence Legislation now in effect in the Commonwealth, Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania. In examining these exclusionary rules and discretions, an analysis is made as to whether evidence derived from primary evidence excluded under one or more of these rules should also be excluded under an American style 'fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine' - and why or why not. Finally, the article compares the current Australian approach to this doctrine with the present state of the American doctrine and the recognised exceptions thereto. The article concludes with recommendations for applying the doctrine in both countries, subject to suggested changes in the Jaw that take the realities of political correctness and human frailty into account.


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Studies on ethics in information organization have deeply contributed to the recognition of the social dimension of Information Science. The subject approach to information is linked to an ethical dimension because one of its major concerns is related to its reliability and usefulness in a specific discursive community or knowledge domain. In this direction, we propose, through an exploratory research design with qualitative and inductive characteristics, to identify the specific terminology that Brazilian indexing languages allow for terms relating to male homosexuality. We also analyzed the terms assigned to papers published in the Journal of Homosexuality, Sexualities and Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health between the years 2005 to 2009. From this analysis of terms and the Brazilian indexing languages, we see (1) the Brazilian context, (2) imprecision in the terminology, (3) indications of prejudices disseminated by political correctness, (4) biased representation of the subject matter, (5) and the presence of figures of speech.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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En la literatura y el cine góticos clásicos, el vampiro se concebía como un monstruo al que cabía eliminar. Sin embargo, en los últimos cuarenta años, novelas, películas y series revelan una voluntad de asimilarlo a la sociedad humana, un proceso conocido como domesticación o regeneración. Como metáfora de la diferencia sexual, racial, de género o de clase, tal asimilación representa, de acuerdo con los postulados de Foucault, una operación que lleva a cabo el poder para someterlas, integrándolas en el orden social y cultural establecido. La serie estadounidense True Blood (2008-2014) refleja a la perfección este proceso dual de regeneración que implica, a su vez, sometimiento. Relacionado con los supuestos de la corrección política, el nuevo monstruo ya no simboliza al «perverso» sino al «diferente» que se debe proteger y aceptar en el seno de la sociedad, pese al riesgo de cohesión social y amenaza para la familia que comporta.


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Discriminatory language became an important social issue in the west in the late twentieth century, when debates on political correctness and minority rights focused largely on the issue of respect in language. Japan is often criticized for having made only token attempts to address this issue. This paper investigates how one marginalized group—people with disabilities—has dealt with discriminatory and disrespectful language. The debate has been played out in four public spaces: the media, the law, literature, and the Internet. The paper discusses the kind of language, which has generated protest, the empowering strategies of direct action employed to combat its use, and the response of the media, the bureaucracy, and the literati. Government policy has not kept pace with social change in this area; where it exists at all, it is often contradictory and far from clear. I argue that while the laws were rewritten primarily as a result of external international trends, disability support groups achieved domestic media compliance by exploiting the keen desire of media organizations to avoid public embarrassment. In the absence of language policy formulated at the government level, the media effectively instituted a policy of self-censorship through strict guidelines on language use, thereby becoming its own best watchdog. Disability support groups have recently enlisted the Internet as an agent of further empowerment in the ongoing discussion of the issue.


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Ao que se percebe, paradigmas até então vigentes passam a ser considerados singulares e ditatoriais. Em contrapartida, estabelece-se uma nova acepção, cujo norte é o pensar politicamente correto. Entendendo a publicidade como um produto sociocultural, essa pesquisa inicialmente é bibliográfica visando à conceituação e análise de questões inerentes ao seu tema. Com este contexto devidamente apreendido, uma análise pragmática do discurso foi realizada em um corpus de anúncios publicitários veiculados entre 2009 e 2014, no meio televisivo brasileiro de formato aberto. Nossa investigação se concentrou nos modos com que os elementos postulados pelo pensamento politicamente correto vêm sendo incorporados ao gênero publicitário em construções de sentido. Pudemos observar uma tendência de repreensão de determinados grupos a conteúdos publicitários que tocam em temáticas muito específicas, com interpretações marcadas por um alto grau de subjetividade; e o que se busca muitas vezes, através de um empoderamento permitido por nosso contexto atual, é mesmo a supressão de determinadas temáticas dentro da comunicação publicitária. .


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What does it mean to be white and working class in modern Britain? The Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s studies of traditionally white estates in Bradford, London, Coventry and Birmingham are part of a growing body of research into ‘white identities’. This paper: • identifies common findings from JRF research into traditionally white estates, in the context of other similar work; • suggests how issues of white identity can be better understood and makes recommendations for policy and practice. Key points: • Profound economic and social change has increased isolation and fear in traditionally white estates. Residents often claim that things were better in the past. • ‘Estatism’ refers to specific social dynamics associated with council estates and prejudice towards residents based on where they live. This can result in lowered self-esteem and reluctance to participate in community campaigns. • People on traditionally white estates often feel they are not listened to by outside agencies. Consultations can raise hopes but ultimately reinforce disengagement. Initiatives to ensure equality have become associated with political correctness (‘PC’). • White working-class people feel they are bound by values of hard work, reciprocity and support. They are frustrated by the closure and lack of access to community facilities. The social class system simultaneously disadvantages the working class while giving advantage to other classes. • There is a strong desire for allocation of resources to be fair, with a widespread perception that minorities are given preference. Blaming incomers for decline is common, with the target of blame differing between sites. Participants did not want to be considered racist and felt that labelling ideas as racist prevents discussion. Similarly, the term ‘PC’ can also be used to shut down debate. • Recommendations include community-twinning, new ways of accessing local authorities, involvement from the private sector in disadvantaged areas and local panels to define and develop the ‘Big Society’. Initiatives aimed solely at white working-class people are unlikely to be successful.