8 resultados para Polietilè


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Proyecto de investigación realizado a partir de una estancia en la Universidad del País Vasco entre gener i març del 2007. Se han estudiado dos series de copoliméros amorfos de poli(etilen-co-1,4-ciclohexanodimetilentereftalato) (PECT) conteniendo 25 y 30% de unidades de 1,4-ciclohexanodimetanol (CHDM) y pequeñas cantidades del agente ramificante pentaeritritol (PER). El nivel de ramificación se ha estimado mediante el análisis de la desviación positiva de la ley de la viscosidad newtoniana. La ramificación también produce una mejora del la elasticidad del fundido la cual es desable para el principal proceso de transformación de estos copolíesteres amorfos derivados del PET: extrusión calandrado. Los ensayos de extrusión capilar realizados a 180 ºC producen cristalización inducida por el flujo en los PECTcon un contenido en CHDM del 25%. La cristalización aumenta con la cantidad de PER añadida, hecho que se explica como el efecto favorable de la ramificación para aumentar la velocidad elangonacional a la entrada del capilar. Los copoliésteres lineales y ramificados de PECT con un contenido de CHDM del 30% no cristalizaron.


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La formació de partícules de polietilè és la principal causa de osteòlisi i per tant de fracàs a l’artroplàstia total de genoll. El nostre objectiu és comparar, in vivo, el nombre de partícules que es formen amb un polietilè convencional amb un altament entrecreuat, esperant que el segon cas el nombre sigui més petit. Utilitzem una tècnica de aïllament de partícules en líquid sinovial ja descrita, que reproduïm a l’estudi preliminar. Presentem un protocol d’estudi prospectiu a doble cec, on s’estudiaran pacients amb artroplàstia de genoll d’un any d’evolució.


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The influence of incorporating 5-tert-butyl isophthalic units (tBI) in the polymer chain of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) on the crystallization behavior, crystal structure, and tensile and gas transport properties of this polyester was evaluated. Random poly(ethyleneterephthalate-co-5-tert-butyl isophthalate) copolyesters (PETtBI) containing between 5 and 40 mol% of tBI units were examined. Isothermal crystallization studies were performed on amorphous glassy films at 120 8C and on molten samples at 200 8C by means of differential scanning calorimetry. Furthermore, the non-isothermal crystallization behavior of the copolyesters was investigated. It was observed that both crystallinity and crystallization rate of the PETtBI copolyesters tend to decrease largely with the comonomeric content, except for the copolymer containing 5 mol% of tBI units, which crystallized faster than PET. Fiber X-ray diffraction patterns of the semicrystalline PETtBI copolyesters proved that they adopt the same triclinic crystal structure as PET with the comonomeric units being excluded from the crystalline phase. Although PETtBI copolyesters became brittle for higher contents in tBI, the tensile modulus and strength of PET were barely affected by copolymerization. The ncorporation of tBI units slightly increased the permeability of PET, but copolymers containing up to 20 mol% of the comonomeric units were still able to present barrier properties.


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En este estudio se analiza una instalación de fontanería ejecutada mediante el sistemaWirsbo-PEX, que consiste en utilizar tuberías de polietileno reticulado.La tipología de la obra estudiada es: dos edificios unidos por un cuerpo central, 1 plantasótano, planta baja (locales), 5 plantas piso, con un total de 122 viviendas.En primer lugar se describe la instalación, así como las características y funcionamientodel polietileno reticulado.Se ha realizado la prueba de estanqueidad y resistencia mecánica que determina la Norma“Normas básicas para las instalaciones interiores de suministro de agua” en lasinstalaciones.Se han analizado los resultados obtenidos, con el fin de poder determinar, en futurasobras, el número de pruebas a efectuar,para poder estimar su funcionamiento con un cierto margen de error preestablecido


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L’objectiu del projecte és la substitució d’un canal de terra (Rec del Molí de Pals) a un reg mitjançant tuberia de Polietilé estructurada. Es parteix d’un projecte original que es va pensar en tuberia de PRFV, que després va passar a Polietilé d’Alta densitat estructurat, i que s’havia de modificar completament, des dels materials a la traça, obres de fàbrica, pressupost, acabant per ser un PROJECTE MODIFICAT, totalment diferent al projecte original. La metodologia a seguir consistirà en que un cop fet l’estudi agronòmic, detallar la resta de característiques tècniques, materials i econòmiques amb la finalitat de que el PROJECTE MODIFICAT sigui eina suficient per a ser una completa guia per a poder desenvolupar les obres.


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The influence of storage time and temperature on Sb migration from PET bottles into mineral water was studied in short-term tests lasting up to 15 days and long-term studies lasting up to 220 days. Samples purchased were stored in three different coloured bottles: clear (CL), light blue (LB) and dark blue (DB). Sb migration was assayed by HG-AFS for total determination and HPLC-ICP-MS for speciation analysis. Migration studies showed that waters stored at 4 and 20 oC were not subject to Sb migration. At 40 oC there was a significant increase in Sb concentration, although the maximum limit established by the European Union (5.0 ug/L) was not exceeded, whereas at 60 oC samples were subject to considerable Sb migration after 30 days of storage. In this case, the maximum limit established by the European Union was exceeded and both Sb (V) and Sb (III) were detected.


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The main objective of this research was to study the feasibility of incorporating organosolv semi-chemical triticale fibers as the reinforcing element in recycled high density polyethylene (HDPE). In the first step, triticale fibers were characterized in terms of chemical composition and compared with other biomass species (wheat, rye, softwood, and hardwood). Then, organosolv semi-chemical triticale fibers were prepared by the ethanolamine process. These fibers were characterized in terms of its yield, kappa number, fiber length/diameter ratio, fines, and viscosity; the obtained results were compared with those of eucalypt kraft pulp. In the second step, the prepared fibers were examined as a reinforcing element for recycled HDPE composites. Coupled and non-coupled HDPE composites were prepared and tested for tensile properties. Results showed that with the addition of the coupling agent maleated polyethylene (MAPE), the tensile properties of composites were significantly improved, as compared to non-coupled samples and the plain matrix. Furthermore, the influence of MAPE on the interfacial shear strength (IFSS) was studied. The contributions of both fibers and matrix to the composite strength were also studied. This was possible by the use of a numerical iterative method based on the Bowyer-Bader and Kelly-Tyson equations